
NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

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Old 07-18-2008, 10:03 AM   #17
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Re: NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

Originally Posted by Eddie1967
Wow such negativity. You should be used to 2k putting out very little info about their games but that hardly translates into their going to be extinct. I'm sure with VC behind this game it will be outstanding.
Sorry Eddie, but read this:


This will be the last year for 2K sports. Take-Two's stock barely moved an inch despite record-breaking GTAIV sales.
This company is leaking water and EA is doing everything in their legal boundaries to buy them up. And Take-Two can't do a freakin' thing about it.

VC is mailing this years versions in.

And like realmk said, it's too bad because competition is essential. I doubt NHL07 and NHL08 would have been as good as they were without 2K breathing down their necks.

I was expecting big things from VC and NHL2K9 as well. But after seeing this video and actually speaking to someone who was at E3 and saw 2K's presentation (which he described as embarrassing and pathetic) I don't have much hope.

And I don't want anyone to label me an EA sheep. I've been a big supporter of 2K sports and I don't know if you'll find a bigger slappy when NHL2K3 is concerned. But the downward spiral this series has taken of late doesn't leave me too optimistic.
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:14 AM   #18
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Re: NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

Originally Posted by Money99
Sorry Eddie, but read this:


This will be the last year for 2K sports. Take-Two's stock barely moved an inch despite record-breaking GTAIV sales.
This company is leaking water and EA is doing everything in their legal boundaries to buy them up. And Take-Two can't do a freakin' thing about it.

VC is mailing this years versions in.

And like realmk said, it's too bad because competition is essential. I doubt NHL07 and NHL08 would have been as good as they were without 2K breathing down their necks.

I was expecting big things from VC and NHL2K9 as well. But after seeing this video and actually speaking to someone who was at E3 and saw 2K's presentation (which he described as embarrassing and pathetic) I don't have much hope.

And I don't want anyone to label me an EA sheep. I've been a big supporter of 2K sports and I don't know if you'll find a bigger slappy when NHL2K3 is concerned. But the downward spiral this series has taken of late doesn't leave me too optimistic.
Same here Hank, I was really hoping VC would put a rabbit out of the hat and actually take the series to where it should be by now 4 years in on the 360. I do expect the 360 sku to at least look a little better than the Wii movie floating around the intratubes but if the gameplay remains the same from 2k8 I won't even bother to gamefly it.

Hell even NBA Live this year looks like its finally on a competing level with NBA2k. If Live doesn't have the herky jerky animations issue it's had the past couple of years and the Player DNA 365 thing doesn't end up being just a buzz word gimmick what does that leave 2k with? Topspin?
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Old 07-18-2008, 09:25 PM   #19
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Re: NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

Originally Posted by Money99
Sorry Eddie, but read this:


This will be the last year for 2K sports. Take-Two's stock barely moved an inch despite record-breaking GTAIV sales.
This company is leaking water and EA is doing everything in their legal boundaries to buy them up. And Take-Two can't do a freakin' thing about it.

VC is mailing this years versions in.

And like realmk said, it's too bad because competition is essential. I doubt NHL07 and NHL08 would have been as good as they were without 2K breathing down their necks.

I was expecting big things from VC and NHL2K9 as well. But after seeing this video and actually speaking to someone who was at E3 and saw 2K's presentation (which he described as embarrassing and pathetic) I don't have much hope.

And I don't want anyone to label me an EA sheep. I've been a big supporter of 2K sports and I don't know if you'll find a bigger slappy when NHL2K3 is concerned. But the downward spiral this series has taken of late doesn't leave me too optimistic.
I hear ya but to me it's pure speculation until something happens. I tend to think on the positive side of things.
Originally Posted by jim416
You are the 2k Police. :)
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Old 07-18-2008, 09:31 PM   #20
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Re: NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

Originally Posted by RealmK
Same here Hank, I was really hoping VC would put a rabbit out of the hat and actually take the series to where it should be by now 4 years in on the 360. I do expect the 360 sku to at least look a little better than the Wii movie floating around the intratubes but if the gameplay remains the same from 2k8 I won't even bother to gamefly it.

Hell even NBA Live this year looks like its finally on a competing level with NBA2k. If Live doesn't have the herky jerky animations issue it's had the past couple of years and the Player DNA 365 thing doesn't end up being just a buzz word gimmick what does that leave 2k with? Topspin?
Let's wait until the game comes out instead of assuming that it will be the same as the previous versions. You kill me realm, EA sat on their butts for 3 years after 2004 and did nothing but destroy their hockey series and now after one decent year(according to some of you) you act as if their game has been the best all along and 2k was the crappy game for the last 3 years. I get it, your an EA guy and that's cool, there isn't one 2k game that you like, but come on, NBA LIVE is on a competing level with NBA 2K? It may improve but it will not be on par with 2k9, because that is one series that is so far ahead of the competition.
Originally Posted by jim416
You are the 2k Police. :)
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:40 PM   #21
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Re: NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

NBA Live is not even in the same league as the 2k basketball series IMO.

I will admit I was underwhelmed with what I saw of NHL 2k9 from E3, but it all seemed to be centered on the Wii. I can only hope the 360/PS3 versions are totally different, as what they showed look bad and was anything from a new game from the ground up. Instead it looked like the same tired engine that reached its peak 3-4 years ago.

Time will tell. Hopefully they will be true to their word on the demo and that will be out soon.
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Old 07-19-2008, 03:50 AM   #22
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Re: NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

Originally Posted by Eddie1967
Let's wait until the game comes out instead of assuming that it will be the same as the previous versions. You kill me realm, EA sat on their butts for 3 years after 2004 and did nothing but destroy their hockey series and now after one decent year(according to some of you) you act as if their game has been the best all along and 2k was the crappy game for the last 3 years. I get it, your an EA guy and that's cool, there isn't one 2k game that you like, but come on, NBA LIVE is on a competing level with NBA 2K? It may improve but it will not be on par with 2k9, because that is one series that is so far ahead of the competition.
I'm as shocked as you are about the Live thing, but I've heard from a couple guys who were at E3 that Live actually has made some great strides this year. I've been a NBA2k guy for a while now having not played live since it was called Lakers vs Celtics on the Genesis. I even gave MLB2k8 a chance but the lackluster crowd atmosphere and slide show replays/online lag killed that right quick for me.

I'm not really an EA or a 2k guy, I just want the best game possible and for the last 3 years between NHL2k6-2k8 NHL 2k has not been the best game. Even NHL 07 with its lackluster defense was still more fun to play than the cinemotion fog breath infested same tired old 2k7. I'm sorry thats just how I feel. Its not just one year that 2k has sat back and done nothing, its the 4th year in a row on 360 and the 3rd on the PS3 and frankly after having the best hockey game last gen they've done not much aside from goaltenders in 2k8 to improve it on the current gen systems. The main problem with NHL 2k is it still feels like a last gen title from graphics and atmosphere to sound and innovation.

People harped on EA for not improving their titles for years, I was one of them, now that 2k is pretty much in that position and the shoe is on the other foot, alot of people seem to want to give them a free pass and I quite frankly don't understand why

When a producer talks about bringing the fun back and shows off a terrible looking Wii version that looks like and seems to pretty much play exactly like 2k8 without mentioning anything about AI, skating/deking animations etc. All while claiming this years game is "built from the ground up" For a game that supposidly ships Sept 1st and we're almost in August now the lack of info and now this Wii demo with the PS3/360 media nowhere in sight. One tends to get a little bit worried.
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Old 07-19-2008, 06:39 AM   #23
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Re: NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

Come on , donīt give credit when a turd has been polished. NBA2k has annihilated Live for years, the only reason that game even sold is because of stubborn EA fans. NBA live is so far behind itīs laughable people say they have catched up. But itīs the same BS every year. "live looks amazing this year... bla bla"...
If there is one series that is highly dominant in a genre, itīs NBA2k.

About hockey, NHL08 was my game of choice last year, even if I owned both. But mostly because it had positioning that felt realisitic (somewhat), and players didnīt check like maniacs as in 2k8. I really did prefer the controls over 2k8s, shooting sucked going down, but when you play online you can choose to only skate upwards so...

2k does a few things better , but if they donīt fix checking and focus more on positioning, along with more atmosphere I donīt see how they can be dominant again.

Last edited by tabulaRasa; 07-19-2008 at 06:44 AM.
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Old 07-19-2008, 11:21 AM   #24
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Re: NHL 2K9 First Look (Gamespot)

Just as I thought........ a little something leaks outta E3 and guys are gettin' all worked up about an inflexible, arcade-set, incomplete game most likely being played by a cheeser and jumping to a bunch of conclusions. VC has shown their ability to be professional and put out quality. Lame duck series or not, somehow I imagine this will (has) seep into the hockey development team as well. Jury is out until the game (NOT demo) is sitting in your tray and you can tweak the sliders to what's needed for sim play (sorry guys, but sim out of the box is a pipe dream). Can I get an 'amen'.
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