07-16-2008, 04:30 PM
Uber Blazer/Beaver Fan
OVR: 10
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 243
I am a fan of the series, but what I have enjoyed in the past two seasons immensly is online play. Between the lack of defensive AI, and the lack of a pass rush, my first two games online were downright awful experiences. I won both games (or would've won both, but gave one of them a friendly quit at the end because we were both so disgusted with the game, more on that later), so don't call me a sore loser, but there was just such an unrealistic feel to them.
There is no reason to run the ball. Running is harder this year, but more realistic IMO and a good system. But passing is so flipping easy there's never a reason to run the ball. One of the guys I played was a level 26 in last years game that I had played before. I ticked him off by running the exact same play 4 times in a row, always hitting a crossing route or a comeback route.
I gave him a friendly quit at the end of the game and we both commiserated on how terribly unrealistic it played.