
Don King Presents: Prizefighter Demo Available

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Old 06-26-2008, 05:23 PM   #17
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Demo Available

great. Im gonna jump on this when i get home. been waiting to gamefly this but taking forever to return the last game i rented.
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Old 06-27-2008, 02:22 AM   #18
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Demo Available

This demo was so bad it actually made me a tiny bit angry. A game like this really diminishes the 2k brand. On the other hand, the Top Spin demo was top notch.
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Old 06-27-2008, 12:43 PM   #19
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Demo Available

Has anyone been able to beat the cpu player on the demo? I played a couple times, but I wasn't liking how my opponent got he second wind and became unstoppable, right after I knocked him down.
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Old 06-28-2008, 07:15 PM   #20
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Demo Available

this is not fn3, just box and learn the controls. if you dont know how to box, learn some strategies first. do not just punch and punch and punch. know when to punch and how to move to throw the most effective punch.
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Old 06-30-2008, 12:00 AM   #21
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Demo Available

I consider myself a huge boxing fan and I like the games that 2k puts out so I really really really really REALLY wanted to like this game, but after playing 3 fights of the demo this is game is a steaming pile of crap.

No way i'd spend $20 on it let alone the ridiculous price of 60. I think the developers spent so much time to make this so Unlike fight night that they forgot to make it a good game. The controls are ok, but I dont like having to hold 2 buttons to throw an uppercut. The should at least give us the option to use the right stick to throw punches.

The collision detection is the worst. Especially on punches that knock you down. Even after they show the replay of a knockdown the punch looks like it goes by you rather than hitting you so hard as to knock you down.

The graphics are ok but the gameplay is so terrible that it doesn't even matter.

I do like the "getting up" system after you get knocked down, you have to tap the a button rapidly until your boxers eyes are open all the way(when you are down the camera is in first person mode) then after your eyes are open you have to tap the Y button to get up, and if you wait too long to tap Y you have to tap A again to get the meter up high enough to where you can stand. That is way better than getting those darn circles to come together in Fight Night.

Fighting against both boxers the styles didn't seem different, I don't like the adrenaline thing at all. The special punches are bleh.

The progressive damage on a boxer is pretty good during the cutscenes but not so noticeable during the fight.

Again Generic handlers for the boxers, not so authentic to see some random guy in Calzaghes corner instead of Enzo.

All in all if 2k seriously plans to compete with EA at boxing they'd better just scrap PF and start over, maybe put some of their more talented programmers to work on it. I dont even see potential here.
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Old 06-30-2008, 04:53 PM   #22
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Demo Available

The CPU AI is extremely bad at all difficulty levels. Just learn to block. Once you watch the punches it becomes very easy to see because of the sluggish and awkward animations which punches the CPU is going to throw as far as if it's a high or low punch. Get the block and counter with a couple straights or jabs, and a hook. Just block and counter punch the AI properly and you can breeze through the career mode in all difficulties. It kind of reminds me of the old days when you had to memorize Mike Tyson's rountine before you could beat him in Punch Out. You don't have to memorize in PF, but once you learn to capitalize on AI programming flaws you can victimize this game. But then, the same could be said for Fight Night as well although the programming is nowhere near as bad in those games is it is in this one.

Also, use the step-in jab (RB) and once you learn to time it it's pretty much a money punch that you can land in long successions because you can reload and re-deliver before the CPU can recover enough to block it.

It's no accident or coincindence this game averages in the 5's across the board. It's also not an accident or coincidence that no demo came pre-launch. It's the same reason why 2K wouldn't allow the mods there to post game vids to counter the backlash generated from the Gamespot preview. This is just an extremely mediocre game.
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Old 07-10-2008, 12:52 PM   #23
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Demo Available

For people having trouble, the best strategy is to wait for the AI to drop his upper guard and use the step in jab (RB + X)to stun the AI, and keep throwing step out hooks (I think its RB + A) until your energy diminishes. You could easily score three knockdowns in one round by doing this. I find I can take out anyone with at any level.
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