
NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

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Old 06-20-2008, 07:55 AM   #673
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

I too have returned at least one pick for 6 in every demo game I have played so far. This has me a tad concerned.
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:59 AM   #674
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by russell05
Actually it is I don't know if I will ever be able to say that again, but this demo can't even be in the same room with the retail version of the game. Now don't get me wrong the finished version still has its share of issues (pass rush, kick offs, excessive drop backs, etc...)

But its a very good game this demo is trash to me. In the demo the option is broken, the juke animations are stiff/laggy, the speed is off, the kick off %%$^%%$ is still in there, the yellow zones don't work (thats why the middle of the field is wide open all the time) etc...... You should be able to score 50 in the demo without even trying.

I will stop there now don't take this as a stamp of approval on the finished game everyone should still play it for themselves, but I wouldn't put a ton of weight in the demo if you don't like it.

Anti might not like the retail version either and its his decision to make just like yours. However I would give this demo a 3 and the game I played at community day a solid 8.6. When we get that patch I think the game will be a 9. I'm just saying for those of you who don't dig the demo there is hope.

Can we please put this no pass rush thing to rest? I've played at least 5 demo games and there is PLENTY of pass rush in every single game both on my end and the cpu's end. In addition to that the game videos i've seen on the internet have pass rush. I don't know why this continues to be mentioned???
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:10 AM   #675
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by FlyingFinn
Anyone else sick of the tackle animation where the ball carrier flys in the in air and lands on his back. Looks like he got hit in the gut with a cannon ball. They finally get rid of the Shot in the Back tackle but it looks like this one (which is just as bad IMO) seems to have replaced it.

On the plus side, it is the only bad tackle animation I have seen. (but I do see it an awful lot).
I hate that animation. Also, the one where 2 defenders seem to gang tackle the ballcarier, but for some reason they seem to jump into the tackle. It just looks weird. The speed of the tackle is odd too.
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:12 AM   #676
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by russell05
Aight I have to tell the truth here I'm glad you all like the demo for the most part that's great. On the flip side this demo is horrible compared to the game that I played at community day.

This build has to be old maybe its from the NYC event, but I know for a fact that this isn't the same game. I have scored over 60 points in every game on this demo. The big give away is the option its broken in the demo, in contrast the build we played at community day the option was spot on money.

There are about 5 or 6 other dead give aways in this demo as well but no need to scare the hell out of everybody.

If you like this demo you are going to love this real game. But for me this demo is not a representation of the game we played at community day at all.

That is impressive to me. I haven't had a huge issue with the demo. It is what it is. A chance to get used to the new controls and see what the game looks like. If the finished build is that much better than the demo....Wow! I might actually go hunting for the game this year. If only half-heartedly because of gas prices.


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Old 06-20-2008, 08:12 AM   #677
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Can we please put this no pass rush thing to rest? I've played at least 5 demo games and there is PLENTY of pass rush in every single game both on my end and the cpu's end. In addition to that the game videos i've seen on the internet have pass rush. I don't know why this continues to be mentioned???
I have two questions for ya.

1. Have you played the near final build of the game?

2. Have you played the near final build of the game against a human opponent?

I'm sure the answer to both of those questions is no so you don't know what you are talking about. The demo is from a build back in May its not the build all the community leaders played at Tiburon.

Everyone who played the builds at community came to the conclusion that the game lacked a decent pass rush against spread offensives. We tried everything from my personal exp. in the game against Rhombic where he had T.Tech and I had UGA. I could not get any pressure on his QB at all. I threw everything at that offense and nothing worked blitzing 4 didn't work, blitzing 5 didn't work, I even sent the house a couple of times 7 man blitz didn't matter.

We tested this for over 4 hours nothing worked the producers even said yeah its a problem. When you play the finished version of the game online against somebody using Florida, Missu, T.Tech, or WVU we can revisit this issue. As a matter of a fact I'll give you a little secret you want to complete over 90% of your passes in the demo? This is how you do it it doesn't matter if you are O.State or LSU. Call all shotgun pass plays when you snap the ball just start dropping back no need to sprint just hold back on the L stick and when you find a reciever open pass it to him. It will be money every time heck even if some defenders do break free they won't even be able to touch ya.
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:48 AM   #678
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

As many of you may not know, I have played APF A TON(Over 1000 games)...tpat where you at ... So before some of you get it twisted I am NOT A FANBOY, I play what's good, and if nothing is good, I play the better of the evils...

But, I must say, EA has stepped their game up BIG TIME with this demo. Just about everything I have hated about EA football games, they have SEEMED TO FIX IT IN THE DEMO! Remember now, this a demo and in no way am I saying the real game will be good but this demo is AMAZING.

The first thing I noticed right off the bat, was the clunky, chugging, camera angle changes are gone, and the game seems to run at a smooth 60 FPS. Every EA football game on Next Gen consoles had this annoying little chug, where you couldnt move, or anything... it was a small blip, that was VERY, VERY ANNOYING. +1 for EA.

The next thing is, the graphics look much much much cleaner, everything from the player models, to the grass, to the crowds. The animations also seem to be a bit better, not quite 2k football good, but much better than the past. I love the new 1 arm tackles, where sometimes they work, but alot of time they don't... nice new addition. Gang Tackling also is implemented more into the gameplay, and you will see more gang tackles this year around, then you would find capricorns. +1 for EA

Homefield Advantage seems to be revamped and installed into the game better than ever. If you play away, and your quarterback is rattled... the buttons when you pull up the screen to see your routes... wont have a button, but a "Question Mark", to imply a state of confusion... very nice feature I think. You play also will show up scrambled on the field, when you try to check your plays. I also love how, the more a player does the more he gets "In the zone", he has a white circle under him when normal, blue when rattled, and orange/red when "In The Zone". Another nice thing is, the "Ice The Kicker" feature, when a big field goal is about to be attempted, if you call a timeout, the kicking meter will be covered with "ice" which makes it harder to see the kicking meter(still easy to kick, but a nice addition that can be built upon in later installments of NCAA).

Now, to the game killer for alot of 2k die hards... the gameplay... I must say, the gameplay this year from what I have played so far is MARVELOUS! I actually feel like I have control of my players on Defense. I can FINALLY CONTROL THE LB WITHOUT BEING SUCK BLOCKED EVERY PLAY! +5 FOR EA!!!!! When I pick a running play, I can actually follow my blockers, without getting stuck on the lineman, and bouncing backwards like a midget running into a fat 500lb woman! +1 again! O-Line shifts are back, and so are all of the pre snap adjustments on defense(Bump, Shade Inside, Shade Outside, Back up your coverage) and so on with the lineman and linebackers too. I have missed this being in prior EA games, all of this was implemented so well in Madden 06 on Current Gen systems.

This demo also had some bad spots, that could REALLY REALLY break the game once it's released and all the cheesers online get a hold of these things. The one thing that annoyed the hell out of me was the "Spectacular Catch" animation, I saw it WAY TOO MUCH, and the fact that normally when it happened I scored a TD off of it... major Wackness. Once again speed seems to be OVER RATED in NCAA, get in front of people with a fast guy, he is gone, I don't care if you have someone chasing him that's faster, he is not catching him.

OVERALL, EA has done a great deal of improving this dying franchise... and with strides like this, I can't wait to see how Madden is going to be now. Everyone that's not allergic to EA should atleast give this demo a try and see if you like it... because I LOVE it so far....

NCAA 09 Demo Score: 7.8/10
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:51 AM   #679
ChicagoChris's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by russell05
I have two questions for ya.

1. Have you played the near final build of the game?

2. Have you played the near final build of the game against a human opponent?

I'm sure the answer to both of those questions is no so you don't know what you are talking about. The demo is from a build back in May its not the build all the community leaders played at Tiburon.

Everyone who played the builds at community came to the conclusion that the game lacked a decent pass rush against spread offensives. We tried everything from my personal exp. in the game against Rhombic where he had T.Tech and I had UGA. I could not get any pressure on his QB at all. I threw everything at that offense and nothing worked blitzing 4 didn't work, blitzing 5 didn't work, I even sent the house a couple of times 7 man blitz didn't matter.

We tested this for over 4 hours nothing worked the producers even said yeah its a problem. When you play the finished version of the game online against somebody using Florida, Missu, T.Tech, or WVU we can revisit this issue. As a matter of a fact I'll give you a little secret you want to complete over 90% of your passes in the demo? This is how you do it it doesn't matter if you are O.State or LSU. Call all shotgun pass plays when you snap the ball just start dropping back no need to sprint just hold back on the L stick and when you find a reciever open pass it to him. It will be money every time heck even if some defenders do break free they won't even be able to touch ya.
russell i hope you are correct as the demo felt very tired and old to me. Everyone kept saying how the graphics were great but i am not seeing it. My conclusion is is that this a very watered down version on the finished product. I think that alot is left out or heavily compressed. Don't get me wrong as i did see some improvements (animations were nice!) but i think that this cannot be close to the real game.
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:53 AM   #680
therizing02's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Not sure if this has been mentioned (probably has) but a couple of annoying things:

*On the scoreboard bar there is nothing on there that states what yard line the ball is on.

*On 4th downs there is nothing in the offensive personnel box that states whether or not the punting or FG team is on the field.

Hopefully they have time to fix it.
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