
Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

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Old 06-17-2008, 09:38 AM   #25
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by JayBee74

I'm still trying to figure out the giddiness for a game a year away.
Didn't you already return Prizefighter? . Its the hopes of an open career mode on Next Gen. I played through PF career mode and really enjoyed it, the only problem is that now its over, now what? I guess I go online. Buty I would have loved to play through a career with a few more weight classes.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 06-17-2008, 11:06 AM   #26
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by fistofrage
Didn't you already return Prizefighter? . Its the hopes of an open career mode on Next Gen. I played through PF career mode and really enjoyed it, the only problem is that now its over, now what? I guess I go online. Buty I would have loved to play through a career with a few more weight classes.
Nah, I was blitzed that night, thought I should have won a couple of fights that I got draws, and then made that stupid post. I usually refrain for posting in that state, but not that time.
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Old 06-17-2008, 11:30 AM   #27
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

This is one of the best boxing game I ever played. I think the game play is really deep and it is more sim than any other boxing game outside of Boxers Road on the PSP. There is room for improvement but I am amazed at the low scores this game is receiving.

I can honestly say this is the best boxing sim on next gen systems.

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Old 06-17-2008, 11:32 AM   #28
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Nah, I was blitzed that night, thought I should have won a couple of fights that I got draws, and then made that stupid post. I usually refrain for posting in that state, but not that time.
It happens to all of us JayBee. The love/hate relationship that this game has is kind of crazy. There are times where I enjoy it and then there are times I sit back and certain things that I have mentioned drive me up a wall. I am in no way about the graphics, and the graphics here are fine. But the more I have been playing, the collision detection is driving me nuts considering when you play older boxing titles from 3-4 years ago and punches land so realistically, but here they don't look like they land properly. It wants me to pull out any remaining hair that I have on my head. The inconsistent AI as you progress through career. I could be walloping on a dude for 3 rounds straight, and all of a sudden they become Superman, even after rematches.

This not only goes with boxing titles, but this generation of gaming for sports has been just blah all around. Sports games don't have the proper representation of their career/franchise modes or they do and something else is broken. Look at SDvR08, the career mode is an abomination and it kills me that after so many releases in that franchise, how could they mess things up. Look at Fight Night 3, not a bad boxing title, but the career mode to me is just blah. They should have copied to the tee what they had with FN2 and said that they will do something even better with FN4. But then look at the lapse between FN3 and FN4, we are talking 3 years.

I have been playing more PS2 games on the PS3 the last month or so and have been getting some rather nice enjoyment.

I guess I can stop ranting/complaining about some of the gaming being an abomination this generation.
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Old 06-17-2008, 11:33 AM   #29
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by fistofrage
Didn't you already return Prizefighter? . Its the hopes of an open career mode on Next Gen. I played through PF career mode and really enjoyed it, the only problem is that now its over, now what? I guess I go online. Buty I would have loved to play through a career with a few more weight classes.

Yeah, I wished they let us play other divisions and I haven't finish the stroy mode.
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Old 06-17-2008, 11:41 AM   #30
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by candymanGT
It happens to all of us JayBee. The love/hate relationship that this game has is kind of crazy. There are times where I enjoy it and then there are times I sit back and certain things that I have mentioned drive me up a wall. I am in no way about the graphics, and the graphics here are fine. But the more I have been playing, the collision detection is driving me nuts considering when you play older boxing titles from 3-4 years ago and punches land so realistically, but here they don't look like they land properly. It wants me to pull out any remaining hair that I have on my head. The inconsistent AI as you progress through career. I could be walloping on a dude for 3 rounds straight, and all of a sudden they become Superman, even after rematches.

This not only goes with boxing titles, but this generation of gaming for sports has been just blah all around. Sports games don't have the proper representation of their career/franchise modes or they do and something else is broken. Look at SDvR08, the career mode is an abomination and it kills me that after so many releases in that franchise, how could they mess things up. Look at Fight Night 3, not a bad boxing title, but the career mode to me is just blah. They should have copied to the tee what they had with FN2 and said that they will do something even better with FN4. But then look at the lapse between FN3 and FN4, we are talking 3 years.

I have been playing more PS2 games on the PS3 the last month or so and have been getting some rather nice enjoyment.

I guess I can stop ranting/complaining about some of the gaming being an abomination this generation.

Preach on brother......Its sad that we still don't have a boxing game on the 360/PS3 that has rankings.....RANKINGS!?! Boxing is all about climbing the rankings, choosing your fights along the the way. My gosh, its sad, but games on the Sega Genesis had a better career mode than FNR3 and PF. PF's story was decent, but a short stroy mode makes a game a rnetal IMO. I will probably go online, but there are alot of fools on Xbox Live so I tend to enjoy single player better and PF has very little replay value in SP.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 06-18-2008, 09:29 PM   #31
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

8th Round:

I've been downed twice....STILL SHOCKED.
I decided to relax and just go out fighting. We approach each other.

I start out with jabs to keep this guy off me. I then proceed to side step cross to his face whenever I see him leave it open. I take some hard shots and dance around the ring to get my head back right. The next thing I know I threw my guard down and hit him with some jabs and uppercut combos. I just watched his movements and ducked and dodged his punches never even trying to block. I was hitting him whenver I wanted to and then out of no where I was doing training routines on this guy. I believe it was a blackout cause all he was doing was getting hit and missing..........I did not even know I could do half of the things I was doing. When it was over I felt my(IRL) adrenaline had kicked in and the guy I was boxing was finished with 2 signature shots back to back. I WISHED HE GOT BACK UP!!
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