
Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

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Old 06-16-2008, 11:49 PM   #17
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Why is it that some people always just assume that people who don't like a game as much as them "don't understand the sport"? You can only block up and down in PF, not side to side. There's nothing sim or pure about that. Supercharged signature punches from a charged adrenaline meter? There's nothing sim about that. As far as the playing the career mode, the animations are so bad that you can generally see which punches are coming from a mile away, which then enables you to simply and easily counter-punch your way to victory.....even on Champion difficulty. The AI is extremely predictable on every difficulty level as well. While the Step-in jab isn't as much of a money punch on Champion difficulty, you can still often catch your opponent near the ropes and land them in succession. I once counted 8 in a row on Champion difficulty......either that or the AI (on every level) will often counter being hit with the step-in jab with a signature punch from way out of range and all you have to do is time it to continue landing more step-in jabs. The regular jab is generally only effective in this game as a counter punch. My opinion, this is pretty far from a sim boxing experience. You can say what you will about the review scores from sites like IGN and Gamespot and claim the reviewers are "casual gamers that don't anything about boxing", which is an assumption based on wishful thinking more than anything, but when Operation Sports also gives it a subpar rating? At that point you gotta start facing reality. Something tells me that the guys who run this site are pretty into sports and sports games. And they ended up goving it the same exact review score I did on this board.

If you like the game then that's cool, but don't try to tell other people they don't understand boxing because they don't like it near as much. After all, the Sweet Science isn't exactly Rocket Science.
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:09 AM   #18
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by metallicatz
Why is it that some people always just assume that people who don't like a game as much as them "don't understand the sport"? You can only block up and down in PF, not side to side. There's nothing sim or pure about that. Supercharged signature punches from a charged adrenaline meter? There's nothing sim about that. As far as the playing the career mode, the animations are so bad that you can generally see which punches are coming from a mile away, which then enables you to simply and easily counter-punch your way to victory.....even on Champion difficulty. The AI is extremely predictable on every difficulty level as well. While the Step-in jab isn't as much of a money punch on Champion difficulty, you can still often catch your opponent near the ropes and land them in succession. I once counted 8 in a row on Champion difficulty......either that or the AI (on every level) will often counter being hit with the step-in jab with a signature punch from way out of range and all you have to do is time it to continue landing more step-in jabs. The regular jab is generally only effective in this game as a counter punch. My opinion, this is pretty far from a sim boxing experience. You can say what you will about the review scores from sites like IGN and Gamespot and claim the reviewers are "casual gamers that don't anything about boxing", which is an assumption based on wishful thinking more than anything, but when Operation Sports also gives it a subpar rating? At that point you gotta start facing reality. Something tells me that the guys who run this site are pretty into sports and sports games. And they ended up goving it the same exact review score I did on this board.

If you like the game then that's cool, but don't try to tell other people they don't understand boxing because they don't like it near as much. After all, the Sweet Science isn't exactly Rocket Science.

I agree with you, like I've said many times now the single player just doesn't present the ideal boxing simulation. It has also been noted that not everything about the gameplay is sim, no game will ever be 100% sim. Also, with all due respect to everyone at OS, I don't think their review is the be all end all for rating sports games. We all have our own preferences which is the basis for our opinions.
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:32 AM   #19
thelwig14's Arena
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by metallicatz
Why is it that some people always just assume that people who don't like a game as much as them "don't understand the sport"? You can only block up and down in PF, not side to side. There's nothing sim or pure about that. Supercharged signature punches from a charged adrenaline meter? There's nothing sim about that. As far as the playing the career mode, the animations are so bad that you can generally see which punches are coming from a mile away, which then enables you to simply and easily counter-punch your way to victory.....even on Champion difficulty. The AI is extremely predictable on every difficulty level as well. While the Step-in jab isn't as much of a money punch on Champion difficulty, you can still often catch your opponent near the ropes and land them in succession. I once counted 8 in a row on Champion difficulty......either that or the AI (on every level) will often counter being hit with the step-in jab with a signature punch from way out of range and all you have to do is time it to continue landing more step-in jabs. The regular jab is generally only effective in this game as a counter punch. My opinion, this is pretty far from a sim boxing experience. You can say what you will about the review scores from sites like IGN and Gamespot and claim the reviewers are "casual gamers that don't anything about boxing", which is an assumption based on wishful thinking more than anything, but when Operation Sports also gives it a subpar rating? At that point you gotta start facing reality. Something tells me that the guys who run this site are pretty into sports and sports games. And they ended up goving it the same exact review score I did on this board.

If you like the game then that's cool, but don't try to tell other people they don't understand boxing because they don't like it near as much. After all, the Sweet Science isn't exactly Rocket Science.

IGN and Gamespot clearly don't understand boxing nor Nascar, the only difference is they admitted it in their nascar review. Unless 2k slept with your sister, you take opinions way too personal.
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Old 06-17-2008, 01:02 AM   #20
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by metallicatz
You can say what you will about the review scores from sites like IGN and Gamespot and claim the reviewers are "casual gamers that don't anything about boxing", which is an assumption based on wishful thinking more than anything, but when Operation Sports also gives it a subpar rating? At that point you gotta start facing reality.
What reality do I have to face? I guarantee you I have played the game a lot more than you and above mentioned reviewers. I doubt that you have put few minutes into the game online, so what's your purpose now-to endorse the reviewers? You say you're cool with other people liking this game-your words say otherwise.
Originally Posted by NEWYORICAN
Good review! and deserved score....I'm so looking forward to FN4...it can't get here any faster!
I'm still trying to figure out the giddiness for a game a year away.

Last edited by JayBee74; 06-17-2008 at 01:08 AM.
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Old 06-17-2008, 01:12 AM   #21
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by NINJAK2
I agree. This game has some issues with my main gripes being judging and collision detection (which you can argue are very important in a boxing sim). For some reason though I can't get enough of it as I really enjoy the pace of the fights, esp. multiplayer. I've played this way more than I did FN3. Good Review though. I'd give it a 7.5-8.0, even higher if those two issues were fixed.
I'm in your range, in big part to Xbox Live. I can't go higher because of the collision detection and I'd like a little more crispness with the combos. I totally disagree with the OS reviewer saying the negatives are button mashing and replay value. Try the game online (replay value) and try button mashing to win.
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Old 06-17-2008, 02:03 AM   #22
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Button mashing will get you knocked the heck out if your playing someone that knows what they are doing and knows when to throw what punch.
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Old 06-17-2008, 05:07 AM   #23
Johnny Canuck
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

It seems to me that button mashing means nothing more than "no TPC." If you really think about it, you "mash buttons" in every game.
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Old 06-17-2008, 06:21 AM   #24
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Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter Review

Originally Posted by LP
It seems to me that button mashing means nothing more than "no TPC." If you really think about it, you "mash buttons" in every game.
I used the buttons in FN because TPC is not as great as some think it is.. If I want to throw a hook i press b, not swing stick around.ooh wait he moved IMO Buttons>TPC.

To Metallicatz(or whatever it is..), how is not being able to block one side of your face a big deal.. If you paid close attention in PF they do block one side of their head when they are tired. and please if you don't like the game don't post in here.. like I hate Madden with a passion but I don't ever go in to the Madden Boards and tell the worlds how madden is crap and APF is god.

Anyway, I agree with the Judging, and Collision Detection but completely disagree with anyone who says the gameplay is horrible. No Its not perfect and could use some things like
  1. More Animations(mostly punches and reactions)
  2. Make the fighters reach ala Fight Night (if you notice FN judges distance in hooks, and uppercuts and if your a distance they will attempt to reach to connect..Good job ea on this)
  3. Different Stances (Ali's hands down, quick moving style, Philly Shell, Cross, Hands always up, ETC)
  4. More Equipment(Tasstles, names on trunks, nickname on trunks, more colors, more shoes, etc)
  5. A story career AND an open Career for any weight class.
  6. Slightly quicker feet
  7. Judging done right, not by amount of punches but other factors like ring control, power punches, controlling the pace.
  8. Improved AI(what game dont need this though)
  9. Come out next year
  10. Stay with the same Roster with a few more additions as the Roster for PF is much better then FN IMO
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