
Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

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Old 04-18-2008, 01:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by allBthere
IMO there are no other games on the market that are any good. That fact sheet looks like somthing I read last year. It didn't mention customization, which we know there is because of the 1up's helmets etc.

'nothing more than a tech demo' ...I don't understand these comments. If you want to make a tech demo, than you go ahead and make a tech demo and show it to dev studios. If you are making a playable football game that has taken over a year of hard work, with unique controls and camera's and uni customization - you are not making a tech demo.

If you have not been following the dev diaries and 'ask the dev team' segments, I could see potentially saying something like this based off of the fact sheet. But if you have been following everything, you'd see there is much more than what's listed on the fact sheet, and you'd have to justify why this game could be called a 'tech demo'

is gears of war an unreal engine 'tech demo' ?
I have been following things and I still don't see anything of substance with this game that would make you want to purchase it over the current games on the market. They have to do something unique and different and offer replayability to make it worth playing over the EA Titles and other third party games. Right now they aren't marketing anything but the technology, and if that's their hook, the game is going to fail miserably.

A lot of people are sounding like the people before Blitz: The League was released. That game was the next big thing at one time too, but the game didn't play well. I just think this game is going to be fun to look at for awhile, but after a day or so playing it, you are going to realize there isn't much else there. Like I said, if the game can do something different with the gameplay other than trying to be sim, it has a chance.
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Old 04-18-2008, 01:14 PM   #10
nxt's Arena
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It looks pretty... but that fact sheet is a joke. We've all seen the hype videos of the different tackles, etc. Now, let's see some full 11-on-11 gameplay videos. We want to see more substance, more depth. I'm open to a new football game; even a generic one... but without a deep franchise mode, I will have to pass. It'll definitely be a rental because I want to see what they were able to achieve with this engine, but I wouldn't buy it.
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Old 04-18-2008, 01:27 PM   #11
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by MMChrisS
I have been following things and I still don't see anything of substance with this game that would make you want to purchase it over the current games on the market. They have to do something unique and different and offer replayability to make it worth playing over the EA Titles and other third party games. Right now they aren't marketing anything but the technology, and if that's their hook, the game is going to fail miserably.

A lot of people are sounding like the people before Blitz: The League was released. That game was the next big thing at one time too, but the game didn't play well. I just think this game is going to be fun to look at for awhile, but after a day or so playing it, you are going to realize there isn't much else there. Like I said, if the game can do something different with the gameplay other than trying to be sim, it has a chance.
what's wrong with trying to be sim?

At this point I don't play the EA titles anymore other than giving their demo's a shot. This is because MOST of the things in their games interest me EXCEPT for playing an actual game of football, where I believe it fails miserably. Franchise and GM is great, but I just hate the actual gameplay.

What makes you think that it will be so bare bones? The fact sheet? Personally I would be suprised if there is no franchise, and it will kill the game if there isn't one, but I don't believe we can come to a conclusion that there IS or ISNt based on that puny little fact sheet.

I think they are doing something unique and different with the 'experience of being on the feild', the audio cues, and the controls.

One thing I read a while ago (that I doubt will be true) is that the file size was so small because nothing is pre-rendered that it could be a xbla download - imagine a 1200 mp backbreaker game,..where there is one stadium and a red team and a blue team and nothing else... I'd grab that

but, I don't believe that's the case based on developer polls on how player attributes should be handled among many other things.
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:03 PM   #12
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Ive gotta agree with MMChrisS, Ive seen nothing that makes me think this a real game as oppossed to a marketing campaign for EA to buy their Engine.
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:08 PM   #13
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Don't get me wrong guys, the game HAS potential. It's just that there has been zero great third party titles in the past several years. The odds aren't in Backbreaker's favor for it to be an even good game much less great. It has some unique qualities, but if the gameplay on the field tries to be sim and fails (which is the likely outcome) then the tech will only carry it so far. Since they are trying to focus on the tech, it would be better if they kept it simple and made it a bit more arcadey and focused on just making it as fun as possible and not worry about if certain aspects are entirely possible with real football.
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:09 PM   #14
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by MMChrisS
I have been following things and I still don't see anything of substance with this game that would make you want to purchase it over the current games on the market. They have to do something unique and different and offer replayability to make it worth playing over the EA Titles and other third party games. Right now they aren't marketing anything but the technology, and if that's their hook, the game is going to fail miserably.

A lot of people are sounding like the people before Blitz: The League was released. That game was the next big thing at one time too, but the game didn't play well. I just think this game is going to be fun to look at for awhile, but after a day or so playing it, you are going to realize there isn't much else there. Like I said, if the game can do something different with the gameplay other than trying to be sim, it has a chance.
Man this dude mmchris make it sound like ea football is great>I said it once all ready Madden & Live are both overhyped game living of there past much like Mike tyson was for his last few fights.....
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:14 PM   #15
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Don't get me wrong guys, the game HAS potential. It's just that there has been zero great third party titles in the past several years. The odds aren't in Backbreaker's favor for it to be an even good game much less great. It has some unique qualities, but if the gameplay on the field tries to be sim and fails (which is the likely outcome) then the tech will only carry it so far. Since they are trying to focus on the tech, it would be better if they kept it simple and made it a bit more arcadey and focused on just making it as fun as possible and not worry about if certain aspects are entirely possible with real football.
Lets get the facts right there has been zero good football games in the last 3yrs on Next-gen that includes EA, Midway,& 2K
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Old 04-18-2008, 03:15 PM   #16
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by kenneth33
Man this dude mmchris make it sound like ea football is great>I said it once all ready Madden & Live are both overhyped game living of there past much like Mike tyson was for his last few fights.....
Well said. EA's football titles/games are a complete mess.

Question, will BackBreaker feature online play?

Doesn't Take-2 own these guys?
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