
Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

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Old 04-03-2008, 03:07 PM   #25
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

nza said "And it's only happened recently partly because developers can get away with it probably because most console gamers don't play on PC to know how it should be - both genres are still vastly superior on a PC."


I don't like the mouse and keyboard - I like using a controller. I also like sitting/lying on a couch to play on an HD set not a desk (and even if you're connecting to a tv in your livingroom, you can't be in a relaxed position w/ keyboard and mouse.)
I've played on many a PC, and the FPS genre "should be" anything out there really. Gamming in general 'shouldn't be' any specific way

Also the other poster defended assumptions made about PC gamers, then went on to make huge assumption about all console players...you just can't do that.

IMO at this point in time I think FPS's are superior experiences on consoles. Crysis wasn't all that, there are better console shooters out (COD4)
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Old 04-03-2008, 04:49 PM   #26
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I've been gaming on a PC much longer than i have on consoles, i can see both sides here, as it is costly to upgrade video cards, memory, motherboards & processors on a regular basis to keep up with quickly evolving gaming engines for the PC, i.e. Crysis. I mostly game on my PS3 now, as stated in earlier posts, it's a constant for a few years until the next console is born.

But i digress from the original topic, as far as football gaming on the PC is concerned, i am quite ready to go back to Strat-O-Matic football for the PC,
i know it does not have the glitz or the graphics of a madden, but it's NFL football as much as madden is supposed to be.

Between Strat or Action Pro Football from DK Sports (not shilling for either), but for PC football games, these might be the only choices we have, less a modding community for latter versions of Madden on the PC.
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Old 04-03-2008, 07:33 PM   #27
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

This is truly disappointing. I don't buy the "we can't make money selling a PC version" crap. If Blizzard can turn a dwarves & orcs game into something which generates $150 million a MONTH, in addition to all the income from selling the boxed version of the game, then somebody could make an NFL FOOTBALL game profitable on the PC. EA is just being lazy. And it's a shame for NFL fans, because EA is the only company with an NFL license.
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Old 04-03-2008, 08:03 PM   #28
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Now If we can get them to not release a game for Xbox360,PS3, and Wii. Then we would be in great shape.
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Old 04-03-2008, 08:04 PM   #29
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by mva5580
But see, that's a big part of my point right there.

You, like so many other people, see PC Gaming as "work." Not me, and not the people who have been doing it forever. Installation and Configuration of settings for a game takes all of 10 minutes up front, total. And then if upgrade your hardware down the line, then yeah you can up the resolution/AA/whatever settings. But to see installation and configuration of settings as "work," that in itself is an example of what I'm saying. It's work to console only people because they're used to being told what to do and how to do it. But it's not really work at all to PC people.
I see doing all that as a waste of time and if there were any games that I felt were worth doing all that for then maybe I would change my mind but outside of Crysis, there's nothing on the PC that I'm remotely interested in. I never said that installation is work either, finding settings and whatever else you need to do if your system doesn't meet the max requirements is a waste of time.

And then when it comes to the installation and configuration of mods, add-ons, stuff like that, yes I understand that things like that can SOMETIMES be a little technical. But this is the perfect example of what I'm saying about effort. You can go online, and within 5-10 minutes read up on how to install whatever modification it is you're downloading. And then look at how much extra enjoyment the game will give you for something you just got for FREE.
What I said has nothing to do with me not understanding patches or whatever else people want to put on the PC and you guys really need to stop with that arrogance. You aren't better than anyone because you choose to play a game on the PC.

I guess really it a lot of times it comes down to what you've been conditioned with. I grew up with consoles and PC's, not just one or the other. So I can throw a game in the 360 and be happy, but at the same time I can buy GTA: San Andreas for the PC, download all the mods, and make it 50x the game it could EVER be on consoles. Where as someone who grew up doing console-only stuff probably just doesn't have the patience to do those kinds of things, they want it now.
That's not why people don't want to play on the PC, people don't want to waste money on parts or on buying a new computer, people don't like the controls,

I don't know. Like I said, everyone should play what they want to play because in the end, like you said, this is a leisure activity and everyone should do what makes them happiest. But if a person truly has video gaming as a hobby, I just don't understand how they can discount the PC because of the near limitless amounts of possibilities it offers with what you can do to the games.
I can discount the PC because I hate RTS games and MMORPG's, if there were more games that I cared about then it would be different.
Originally Posted by Blzer
Let me assure you that I am a huge proponent of size, and it greatly matters. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

If I went any bigger, it would not have properly fit with my equipment, so I had to optimize. I'm okay with it, but I also know what I'm missing with those five inches. :)
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Old 04-03-2008, 09:30 PM   #30
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

I love the customization also. Look at MVP 05. At mvpmods.com, those guys came up with a MVP 94 mod. All the teams, rosters, uniforms, batter walk up music, overlays, stadiums are included in the mod. You can really lose yourself in time and feel transported back to 1994 to finish the season that was stopped due to the strike. There are other Total Classic mods there as well that do the same thing. Over at football-freaks.com, there is a 1986 mod with rosters and uniforms from 1986 NFL teams, as well as draft classes for 1987, 1988, 1989, etc. I've fallen in love with Pat Swilling, Rickey Jackson, Vaughn Johnson, Sam Mills, Bobby Hebert, Eric Martin, Morten Andersen, and the rest of the 1986 Saints all over again(maybe we'll finally beat those d@mn 49ers). These are things you just cannot do on consoles.
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Old 04-03-2008, 10:22 PM   #31
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by allBthere
nza said "And it's only happened recently partly because developers can get away with it probably because most console gamers don't play on PC to know how it should be - both genres are still vastly superior on a PC."


I don't like the mouse and keyboard - I like using a controller. I also like sitting/lying on a couch to play on an HD set not a desk (and even if you're connecting to a tv in your livingroom, you can't be in a relaxed position w/ keyboard and mouse.)
I've played on many a PC, and the FPS genre "should be" anything out there really. Gamming in general 'shouldn't be' any specific way

Also the other poster defended assumptions made about PC gamers, then went on to make huge assumption about all console players...you just can't do that.

IMO at this point in time I think FPS's are superior experiences on consoles. Crysis wasn't all that, there are better console shooters out (COD4)
Well, you not liking mouse control and sitting arrangments of a PC doesn't mean it isn't superior for those platforms, it just isn't superior enough to get your attention (btw, good chair = PLENTY comfortable). It's still faster, more precise, and the PC's strengths as a platform just lend themselves better to genres like RTS/FPS. I dunno, to me, if I'm playing a game lying down half asleep, I'm not really playing it at all. And I guarantee you when game developers make a PC/console FPS or any other action game without auto-aim, the console versions have bastardized AI so gamers have a chance to aim in time. That's pretty lame IMO.

BTW, COD4 is on the PC too. I actually like it better online for the 360 though *because* of the same reason it makes it inferior to the PC version - controls. Online, people are waaay too accurate and when you have 16 v 16 games on maps designed for consoles, it gets way too hectic. I like the slower pace of the 360 version (which can still be plenty hectic itself, particularly in Ground War).

With that said, I'm sure plenty of people prefer console controls for RTS/FPS etc in general, but the PC is still more powerful in almost every way. As mva5580 said, it basically comes back to effort. I don't consider gaming on the PC to be an effort at all, but I'm sure plenty do. I'm also pretty sure if you could magically eliminate all of the things that make PC gaming an effort for some people but retain its strengths, it would be the no brainer choice for the vast majority of gamers. I think that's what mva5580 is getting at - because those effort inducing issues are really not that hard to over come and it's a shame more people don't give it a try IMO. Basically, the compromises console introduces in comparison is outweighed by its ease-of-use and mainstream appeal, but they're ultimately still compromises.
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Old 04-04-2008, 01:19 AM   #32
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC


I'm not sure if "irony" is the correct word choice but work with me here.

Peter Moore is only helping those that rant and rave every single new Madden Football season that "Madden 200x" is the last version they will ever buy only to turn around and buy the latest version as soon as it hits shelves.

Now we won't even have to remember to boycott. muwahahahaha!!!
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