
Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

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Old 04-03-2008, 09:27 AM   #17
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by jmood88
I really don't know how you can look at how the internet is and say that PC gamers are "more mature" unless somehow all the immature people on the internet just throw their computers aside when it comes to games and only play on consoles.
Mature....as in age wise. Sorry, probably should have made that more clear. PC gaming has more ongoing costs that is only for gaming, where as consoles share a lot of their costs with TV/movie viewing etc. Like a big screen TV - one could easily set you back more than a top end PC but then it enhances everything you do on a TV. On the other hand, a 8900GTX won't enhance your experience browsing the net and writing up school reports. So with this in mind, whilst I think the ongoing costs of both PC and console gaming is actually a lot closer than some think, PC gaming's more regular costs, perhaps less "family friendly" features, and favourtism towards advanced computer knowledge (build your own pc, overclocking, performance tweaking = cost savings), means it is better suited for older "mature" gamers who have an income and consider it a hobby. So no, I didn't mean actual maturity level - PC gamers make up much of the 'l33t' speak, lolcat, "all your base are belong to us" etc crowds - definitely not "mature" by any means

And when I meant kids, I mean kids old enough to play most console games. Regarding your link, yes PC's still capture the young kid market with a lot of well priced suitable learning games and online game websites using flash etc that don't cost anything. There's no doubting though the "old enough to get COD4 for Christmas" market is dominated by consoles over PC, for reasons I list above.
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Old 04-03-2008, 11:09 AM   #18
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

I've gotten so tired of arguing PC vs. Console (and I have both,) but what the hell. It all comes down to one word:


We're in such a now-now-now society, that the great, great majority of people out there now are just too lazy to be PC gamers. They don't want to read software requirements, install, configure, make adjustments to configurations, download patches, download and install mods, upgrade their machines, etc. They want to put in the game and play. And that's it. I show my Console-Only friends what I can do with games on the PC, and they're amazed. Flat amazed. But will they go out and buy a gaming PC? Nope, because they just aren't willing to go through those things that are previously mentioned. But, they'll buy Madden 09 every year on the 360 because it's easy.

I don't know how anyone can LOGICALLY compare Consoles and PC's and think that Consoles are the superior platform. And don't even talk to me about price because price is NOT a factor when you're talking about what is "better" between different things. Look at what has been done to MVP Baseball. The Grand Theft Auto series. The Sims. And it goes on and on. These games are superior on the PC, PERIOD. Because of what you are capable of doing outside of what the developers have given you.

Hell, take Madden for example. What did everyone complain about last year? The fumbles, INT's, "rocket-pack" LB's, and a few other things. You think that stuff can't be fixed on the PC version by the community? Because it can be. With the editor's that are made, and everything else, PC gamers sometimes will take the crap that is given to them and turn it into a quality experience. Where as console gamers are more or less stuck with what they've got, barring any actual effort from the company to fix it themselves.

Look. I enjoy consoles, and I play them often. But as a 27 year old who truly understands what the PC is capable of and has been able to do for so long, it disappoints me that A ) These long time companies have forgotten their true roots and are abandoning the original gaming platform, and B ) Consumers have chosen what's easy rather than what's right. I'll play consoles and have an ok time with it, but PC Gaming for me, will always be the superior platform. Too bad it's just not utilized.
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Old 04-03-2008, 11:19 AM   #19
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

QFT mva.Well put and I totally agree.

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Old 04-03-2008, 11:45 AM   #20
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by mva5580
I've gotten so tired of arguing PC vs. Console (and I have both,) but what the hell. It all comes down to one word:


We're in such a now-now-now society, that the great, great majority of people out there now are just too lazy to be PC gamers. They don't want to read software requirements, install, configure, make adjustments to configurations, download patches, download and install mods, upgrade their machines, etc. They want to put in the game and play. And that's it. I show my Console-Only friends what I can do with games on the PC, and they're amazed. Flat amazed. But will they go out and buy a gaming PC? Nope, because they just aren't willing to go through those things that are previously mentioned.

Look. I enjoy consoles, and I play them often. But as a 27 year old who truly understands what the PC is capable of and has been able to do for so long, it disappoints me that A ) These long time companies have forgotten their true roots and are abandoning the original gaming platform, and B ) Consumers have chosen what's easy rather than what's right. I'll play consoles and have an ok time with it, but PC Gaming for me, will always be the superior platform. Too bad it's just not utilized.
Gaming is supposed to be a leisure activity I don't understand how you can criticize people for not wanting to work before they have fun, especially with the ridiculous amount of time you need to put into doing all of that crap. I don't get the "what's right" comment either, there is nothing right or wrong about playing on a console vs. a PC. The PC isn't getting any really good games anyway, at least not the kind of games most console people like. Not everyone likes to play MMORPG's or RTS games.
Originally Posted by Blzer
Let me assure you that I am a huge proponent of size, and it greatly matters. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

If I went any bigger, it would not have properly fit with my equipment, so I had to optimize. I'm okay with it, but I also know what I'm missing with those five inches. :)
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Old 04-03-2008, 11:56 AM   #21
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Yeah, pretty much sums up my feelings too - good post mva5580. I don't really know why PC gaming does it for me. I have a 360 but it feels empty. I'll get stuck in an online game of COD4 like anyone (actually prefer it than PC online, far too hectic on PC if that makes sense), but nothing but PC feels "right" to me. I guess I like being able to tweak anti-aliasing settings and run timedemo's to see how my system holds up. Sometimes I even like the challenges PC gaming can bring, like finding the right settings for my system - it's almost like a ritual.

It's just a shame no new Madden will be included in that. Nevermind, I'll continue to play 08 PC and continue to work on my editor and other stuff. I even thought maybe one day I could work towards writing an entire offseason utility that takes a franchise file and basically eliminates the need to do any offseason stage inside Madden at all - you could have a new CPU roster management AI engine, a new progression engine which could lead to adding attributes like 'potential', etc etc. Whilst that idea is a little ambitious itself (not even sure I could come close to doing it), you get the idea - Madden and PC will live on.
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Old 04-03-2008, 12:00 PM   #22
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC


I feel your sentiments very closely, couldn't have expressed it better myself. For myself I feel betrayed. Although it is "a business decision". I have been a Madden pc supporter since day one. Like many pc Madden gamers, I have spent countless hours (in the past in my case) customizing the pc game, this is/was my draw to pc games - customization.

I was actually planning on re-opening Custom Madden Depot (custom madden artwork). But a big part of me feels betrayed and now I just feel like...screw you EA!

Sorry had to vent!

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Old 04-03-2008, 01:02 PM   #23
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by jmood88
Gaming is supposed to be a leisure activity I don't understand how you can criticize people for not wanting to work before they have fun, especially with the ridiculous amount of time you need to put into doing all of that crap. I don't get the "what's right" comment either, there is nothing right or wrong about playing on a console vs. a PC. The PC isn't getting any really good games anyway, at least not the kind of games most console people like. Not everyone likes to play MMORPG's or RTS games.
But see, that's a big part of my point right there.

You, like so many other people, see PC Gaming as "work." Not me, and not the people who have been doing it forever. Installation and Configuration of settings for a game takes all of 10 minutes up front, total. And then if upgrade your hardware down the line, then yeah you can up the resolution/AA/whatever settings. But to see installation and configuration of settings as "work," that in itself is an example of what I'm saying. It's work to console only people because they're used to being told what to do and how to do it. But it's not really work at all to PC people.

And then when it comes to the installation and configuration of mods, add-ons, stuff like that, yes I understand that things like that can SOMETIMES be a little technical. But this is the perfect example of what I'm saying about effort. You can go online, and within 5-10 minutes read up on how to install whatever modification it is you're downloading. And then look at how much extra enjoyment the game will give you for something you just got for FREE. Everyone goes crazy about the prices for DLC on Xbox Live, but look at what you're paying for. The convenience of just clicking on it, and having it all be installed on its own without you having to go through the "effort" of doing something like that manually. why do you think PC gamers think all the DLC stuff is ridiculous? Because we've been downloading stuff like that for a decade-plus now, for FREE. And by the way the stuff we download is at worst equal to, and many times far superior to what these companies put on Xbox Live.

I guess really it a lot of times it comes down to what you've been conditioned with. I grew up with consoles and PC's, not just one or the other. So I can throw a game in the 360 and be happy, but at the same time I can buy GTA: San Andreas for the PC, download all the mods, and make it 50x the game it could EVER be on consoles. Where as someone who grew up doing console-only stuff probably just doesn't have the patience to do those kinds of things, they want it now.

I don't know. Like I said, everyone should play what they want to play because in the end, like you said, this is a leisure activity and everyone should do what makes them happiest. But if a person truly has video gaming as a hobby, I just don't understand how they can discount the PC because of the near limitless amounts of possibilities it offers with what you can do to the games.

And hell I'd surely be willing to wager that a lot of these companies are going away from the PC because of the fact that it's so customizable. They've found the platform where they can control the consumer, put out whatever content they want, at whatever pace they want, and tell people what it's going to cost. A recent release by our good friend EA Sports is a perfect example, the NCAA March Madness Bracket and Alternate Uniforms pack on Xbox Live. Something that could never, EVER happen on PC because the community would obviously do those things for free, and better than EA. That is of course, if the game was released on PC. These companies have found their cash cows, and we're all being milked for all it's worth. Think about that the next time you go on Xbox Live and see all the things we're being squeezed for that are things to easily get for free on the PC.
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Old 04-03-2008, 02:35 PM   #24
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Man, I used to play Live and Madden on the PC. It was great being able to download new jerseys, player faces and models and patches to fix the games. But it got to the point where I gotta get a new video card, more ram and more **** all the time to keep up with every game. **** that im not made of money ill just by the 360 version of Madden every year...
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