
Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

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Old 04-02-2008, 10:18 PM   #9
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

PC gaming isn't dieing, it's evolving. Nothing can touch WOW, Sims etc sales, not even Madden 360. PC gaming is still 50% of why EA are the biggest and probably 55% by the time Spore is released. BTW, there are MANY more PC's actively used in the world than consoles, of course they're not all 3D game ready.

PC gaming has *always* been a genre specific platform - but then consoles have been too. RTS and FPS on a console? Not until recently. And it's only happened recently partly because developers can get away with it probably because most console gamers don't play on PC to know how it should be - both genres are still vastly superior on a PC.

Hardware costs are pretty iffy as a point as you have plenty of extra costs with consoles - games cost more, maybe you buy that bigger TV, maybe you buy those 5.1 speakers, maybe you get this and that accessories. All in all you're talking a few $100 either way every couple of years IMO - not a huge deal for a lot of people. Most people have hobbies, PC gaming is a hobby more so than console. This is why PC gaming is seen as a more mature platform - the costs involve attrach more people with jobs and an income where as consoles can more easily be gifts for kids.

I like to compare PC and console gaming to photography. For most people, a simple Sony point-and-shoot camera will do fine. Hell, some point-and-shoot cameras are damn good in quality now days. But the enthusiast and power user will always settle for a SLR camera (or DSLR now days). The interchangeable lenses, the improved image quality, the ability to fire off 10 shots in a second, the community elements, etc are second to none. A DSLR will cost a lot more (much more than PC relative to console), but it's worth it for some people, and the same can be said for PC gaming. It will never "die", and it isn't "dieing" - it's just adjusting. MMORPG is what FPS used to be for the PC.
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Old 04-02-2008, 10:20 PM   #10
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by Cusefan
Exactly, take Cyrsis for example, a awesome game but if you want to run the game on max setting your looking at a 2500-3000 dollar machine, easy. I gotta pretty good computer for playing the games that i like for PC(Company of Heros and Civilization 4). But im not even sure my computer could run Crysis. One day when Kickass hardware is cheap ill buy it and play the games i am missing out on now...
That's the idea, though. Like Far Cry before it, Crysis wasn't designed to break sales records on launch day. Hardware has to catch up to it, and it will. They just released it when they did for the people who do maintain top end PC's.
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Old 04-02-2008, 10:40 PM   #11
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Units sold - Top 10 for 2007 (NPD numbers)


1. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade – (Vivendi) – 2.25 million
2. World of Warcraft– (Vivendi) – 914K
3. The Sims 2 – (Electronic Arts) – 534K
4. The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack – (Electronic Arts) – 433K
5. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare – (Activision) – 383K
6. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars – (Electronic Arts) – 350K
7. MS Age of Empires III – (Microsoft) – 313K
8. Sim City 4 - (Electronic Arts) – 294K
9. MS Flight Simulator X - (Microsoft) - 280K
10.The Sims 2: Bon Voyage Expansion Pack – (Electronic Arts) – 272K


360 HALO 3 4.82 million
WII PLAY W/ REMOTE 4.12 million

360 CALL OF DUTY 4: MODERN WARFARE 3.04 million




PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 1.90 million

PS2 GUITAR HERO 2 1.89 million

360 ASSASSIN'S CREED 1.87 million

WII MARIO PARTY 8 1.82 million

I don't really blame EA.
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Old 04-02-2008, 10:53 PM   #12
umd's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by Cusefan
Yea there going to Alienate their HUGE Fan base
I meant alienating overall not just PC. Look at the comments by Moore about dumbing down the control on consoles so more casual players can pick it up. Needless to say that little nugget hasn't gone over so well here at OS.

Madden being dead on PC just means the modders will step up and run with the game like MVP. It's not like EA improves any (consoles or PC) of their titles by much each year.
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Old 04-02-2008, 11:16 PM   #13
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Units sold - Top 10 for 2007 (NPD numbers)


1. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade – (Vivendi) – 2.25 million
2. World of Warcraft– (Vivendi) – 914K
3. The Sims 2 – (Electronic Arts) – 534K
4. The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack – (Electronic Arts) – 433K
5. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare – (Activision) – 383K
6. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars – (Electronic Arts) – 350K
7. MS Age of Empires III – (Microsoft) – 313K
8. Sim City 4 - (Electronic Arts) – 294K
9. MS Flight Simulator X - (Microsoft) - 280K
10.The Sims 2: Bon Voyage Expansion Pack – (Electronic Arts) – 272K


360 HALO 3 4.82 million
WII PLAY W/ REMOTE 4.12 million

360 CALL OF DUTY 4: MODERN WARFARE 3.04 million




PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 1.90 million

PS2 GUITAR HERO 2 1.89 million

360 ASSASSIN'S CREED 1.87 million

WII MARIO PARTY 8 1.82 million

I don't really blame EA.
First of all, I *never* for the life of me understood why sales charts stack PC in one category, and EVERY console in another. It isn't fair at all, PS2 and Xbox is as different as PC and Xbox - hell, an Xbox is closer to a PC technically speaking. If anything, consoles are more competitors with each other than PC since plenty of people will have a game PC and console - why on earth they bunch them together is a mystery to me.

Secondly, go look at total sales. The Sims for PC has sold over 50 million copies collectively. The Sims 2, over 100m including expansion packs. Keep in mind, a lot of PC game sales also happen online now, either streamed or via online stores - neither of which typically count in sales charts. For example, Assassin's Creed PC will be available via Steam. There are over 15 million user accounts on Steam alone, and there are quite a few other digital delivery systems out there - Direct2Drive, EA has one, a few large European strategy game makers have one. Like usual, PC is just ahead of the curve. One day digital delivery will dominate consoles too.

Last edited by Nza; 04-02-2008 at 11:34 PM.
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Old 04-02-2008, 11:59 PM   #14
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

IMO, this is simply the first step by Moore in order to move towards his desired "casual" fan base. As shown in this example, he does not care about his loyal consumers who have been there for years, but rather cares about the potential costumers who have yet to buy Madden.

I just think this was a way to eliminate the most "un-casual" if you will of the platforms.
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Old 04-03-2008, 01:34 AM   #15
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

Originally Posted by Nza

Hardware costs are pretty iffy as a point as you have plenty of extra costs with consoles - games cost more, maybe you buy that bigger TV, maybe you buy those 5.1 speakers, maybe you get this and that accessories. All in all you're talking a few $100 either way every couple of years IMO - not a huge deal for a lot of people. Most people have hobbies, PC gaming is a hobby more so than console. This is why PC gaming is seen as a more mature platform - the costs involve attrach more people with jobs and an income where as consoles can more easily be gifts for kids.

I like to compare PC and console gaming to photography. For most people, a simple Sony point-and-shoot camera will do fine. Hell, some point-and-shoot cameras are damn good in quality now days. But the enthusiast and power user will always settle for a SLR camera (or DSLR now days). The interchangeable lenses, the improved image quality, the ability to fire off 10 shots in a second, the community elements, etc are second to none. A DSLR will cost a lot more (much more than PC relative to console), but it's worth it for some people, and the same can be said for PC gaming. It will never "die", and it isn't "dieing" - it's just adjusting. MMORPG is what FPS used to be for the PC.
I really don't know how you can look at how the internet is and say that PC gamers are "more mature" unless somehow all the immature people on the internet just throw their computers aside when it comes to games and only play on consoles.
Originally Posted by Blzer
Let me assure you that I am a huge proponent of size, and it greatly matters. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

If I went any bigger, it would not have properly fit with my equipment, so I had to optimize. I'm okay with it, but I also know what I'm missing with those five inches. :)
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Old 04-03-2008, 03:57 AM   #16
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Re: Madden NFL 09 Not Releasing For The PC

I'm shocked they aren't releasing 09 on PC. What very serious business challenges is he referring to? Madden pc has been an afterthought for awhile adding not much more than roster updates to the game. How much can that cost? I believe they just don't want to update the graphics engine into the next gen. Ironically this would increase sales.

Whats next Evil A**holes? Gonna but the makers of WoW or the entire human race?
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