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Old 06-02-2003, 07:01 PM   #1
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Location: Raleigh, NC
Tobacco Road Wrestling - EWR Diary

After watching the wrestling industry take a huge hit in financial success and in quality over the past 3-5 years I feel like there is a need for a fresh new look in the world of wrestling. I have been a successful physician for a little over 10 years now but I have been becoming increasingly disillusioned with the bureaucratics of practicing medicine but I have built a modest nest egg that I think could finance my adventure into the wrestling industry. My theory is start simple at the backyard level here in Raleigh, NC in the heart of Tobacco Road and make people notice my organization. We will build a base of fans locally and then expand to one day compete with the big boys in wrestling.

I realize the hardships of starting a tiny little wrestling organization like the one I envision but I think with the 3 million dollars I am willing to risk and the help of some very talented friends we can make an impact in the industry sooner rather than later. I will continue to practice medicine but I will simply devote less and less time to that career as my new one becomes more and more involved (and hopefully more and more financially rewarding).

No wrestling organization can function without a staff and I am very lucky to have some extremely helpful friends who want to invest in my new venture. The first person I was able to bring on board was my college roommate Josh who will be my right hand man and work as my first Road Agent. The second to join me was one of mine and Josh’s good friends Shell who is a total wiz when it comes to Production. The next person I talked with was Ray, an old high school buddy of mine who easily had the skills to be a great wrestler but will instead function as our Referee. I was also able to convince a doctor buddy of mine to take care of my wrestlers bumps and bruises and his name is John. The last pieces of the puzzle were the tandem of Mark (Trainer) and Erin Bray a wrestler in Mark’s training camp called “The Proving Ground”. I will assume the role of Owner, Lead Writer, as well as the “impartial” commissioner of our new federation. My entire staff will be working only part-time for me since we will only be producing monthly shows for the foreseeable future and have agreed to each take home 12,000 dollars a year until the venture is able to support higher salaries.

After the first staff meeting we have decided that in order to reflect our roots as a historically tobacco farming community here in central NC we will call our new federation “Tobacco Road Wrestling”. We hope that this touch of local flavor will allow us to make quicker in rows with fans that may be on the fence about whether to attend our events. We also decide that the focus of our shows should be on wrestling talent with less emphasis placed on charisma than many of the top organizations in the industry. Our final decision is to hold our first event the final Sunday of June 2003 here in Raleigh, NC. We name the show “GENESIS” .

(as an brief aside – in order to make the competition more fierce between all of the feds I will be starting with an Amnesia scenario where all of the workers and staff are unemployed this should not give me any huge advantage since most of the people are unavailable to me as a backyard organization)

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Old 06-02-2003, 07:01 PM   #2
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Location: Raleigh, NC
TRW Press Release

We are a backyard promotion (Image = 10). We have currently devoted 3,000,000 dollars of Mr. Watson’s money in order to get the promotion off the ground.

Production = 15
Risk = 50
Merchandising = 0
Advertising = 1
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:01 PM   #3
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TRW Press Release
We have acquired an old tobacco warehouse in downtown Raleigh where we will be holding our events. More to come as we sign talent and move closer to “GENESIS”.
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:02 PM   #4
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TRW Press Release

We have signed the following sponsors:
Carolina Power & Light – 10,000/mo for 8 months
Knightdale Seafood and Barbecue – 10,000/mo for 6 months
H.P. Funeral Home – 10,000/mo for 8 months
J. Watson Builders – 10,000/mo for 16 months
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:02 PM   #5
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TRW Press Release

We would like the signings of the following talent-

Brock Singleton – A solid Technical wrestler with a no frills attitude. He simply gets the job done without needing any gimmick to make his presence felt.

Cassidy O’Reilly – A charismatic 23 year old lightweight. He is a prima donna if there ever was one but has the talent to demand to be called one of the best.

Chase Stevens – The 20 year old long time tag partner of Cassidy O’Reilly. He has a similar style and attitude but is less polished than his partner.

Doug Basham – A menacing heavyweight who was trained in OVW under some of WWE’s finest trainers. He simply takes no prisoners and is a no holds barred kind of competitor. He goes through other workers like a buzzsaw and never looks back.

Five Star Flash – A 20 year old lightweight who can best be described as lightning in a bottle. He is one of the fastest workers around and is sure to bring some excitement to the ring here in TRW.

Kid Xtacy – An extremely raw 18 year old lightweight. More of a brawler than most lightweights that has relied on his ability to make other talent look good in the ring to stay in this business so far. He has a lot of untapped potential.

Seth Knight – A well rounded heavyweight with a lot of charisma and talent who has been dubbed with a cheater gimmick in his previous work. He has the ability to make things happen without resorting to cheating to get the crowd involved. We will have to wait and see can prove us right and gain heat/overness without such cheap gimmicks.

Steve Royds – A monster brawler who can muscle up with the best of them. He is looking to prove he is more than a physical specimen and is excited about doing so in TRW.

**We will be considering whether to keep the talents current gimmicks when they join our promotion or whether to build new characters for them.
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:02 PM   #6
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TRW Press Release

TRW regrets to announce that Chase Stevens was arrested yesterday and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. We have suspended him for one month pending legal proceedings and him proving his innocence. Should he be arrested again there will be a much stiffer penalty levied against him.
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:03 PM   #7
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TRW GENESIS ’03 Preview

The commissioner Mr. Watson will be making a big announcement at the beginning of this months show. Speculation is that he will unveil TRW’s first title belt and reveal how the first champion will be decided.

With Chase Stevens being suspended and 6 matches currently scheduled for the card there is some speculation that we may see a surprise as the eighth wrestler to appear on the show in addition to the people we revealed in a previous press release.

Will the extensive promotion of our new federation be enough to garner a decent turn out for the first show? We are all very anxious to see the number of people that will attend.
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:03 PM   #8
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Five Star Flash Meets the Fans –

He steps out on the ramp and gives the fans some props that came early. He encourages them to tell their friends about the show and signs some autographs.

40% Rating

Welcome from the commissioner –

Mr. Watson comes out and welcomes the 13 people to the show and promises a great show for the fans. He then tells the fans that they will witness history tonight by seeing the groundwork laid for the crowning of the first TRW Champion. They will see the first two rounds of an 8 man tourney to decide the two men who will face off at the next show for the title. There will also be phones open for the next month to take suggestions for the name of our top title from the fans as well as potential designs. This is because here in TRW we want the fans to have ownership of our product and to feel like they are able to get what they pay for! He then states that due to Chase Stevens suspension there will be a mystery opponent to face Five Star Flash in his quarterfinal matchup!

60% Rating

Cassidy O’Reilly vs. Brock Singleton (Quarterfinals)
The match starts in Singletons favor with a slow methodical pace where his brawling and technical skills are allowed to shine. Brock is able to take down O’Reilly with a powerslam getting a 2 but Cassidy kicks out. Brock goes straight to attempt a finish with his most devastating move the SPICOLI DRIVER… But O’Reilly reverses it by punching his way out of the setup. Like lightning the momentum shifts to Cassidy’s favor with him pulling off move after move. O’Reilly pulls Singleton up from the mat after getting a 2 count and throws him to the ropes – Brock ricochets back to the middle of the ring where his chin is met by a HUGE SUPER KICK!!! He is out cold – 1-2-3!!! The crowd was not to sure what to think of these guys but as the action picked up they really got into the ring work.

0.5 Stars
47% Overall
21% Crowd
73% Match

Kid Xtacy vs. Seth Knight (Quarterfinals)
After some early stalling from Xtacy he is able to take control of the action with a lot of punching and stiff kicks (ALA – LowKi). Xtacy seems to be in control and goes to set up for a CHAPULA CRUNCH – but Seth is able to reverse it into a neckbreaker. Seth then looks around the ring with a purpose. He goes to his corner and kneels the ref is too busy checking to make sure Xtacy is ok after the neckbreaker while Seth reaches into his boot and retrieves his Brass Knucks… He puts them on and turns to continue the assault seeing Xtacy on the ground still obviously in pain and weakened in the far corner. Seth then returned to his corner seeming to have some sort of inner conflict looking at his hand loaded with the Knucks. He then shakes his head and takes them off dropping them outside the ring. He then turns to continue the match but is met by a surprising SPEAR from Kid Xtacy!!! Xtacy then sets Knight up for a nasty Xtacy Hammerlock but Knight is able to reverse it into and END GAME. Knight looks surprised by his own strength and cracks a smile and pins Xtacy to end the match 1-2-3. Knight exits the ring smiling seemingly surprised by the fact that he won without cheating?!?!?! Does this mean that we have seen the last of Knight’s cheating ways. (The crowd seemed to again like the in-ring action but was very confused by the entire sub-plot to the match obviously having had no prior knowledge of Seth Knight’s identity as a cheater.)

45% Overall
17% Crowd
74% Match

Steve Royds vs. Doug Basham (Quarterfinals)
This match was essentially a no contest after the men traded blows for the intial 2-3 minutes. Basham was obviously too much for Steve Royds to handle and it showed. Basham dominated Royds and ended it with a huge Swinging NeckBreaker to get the 1-2-3. After the match Basham made it clear that he was a force to be reckoned “adding injury to insult” by nailing Steve Royds with repeated chair shots to the head and back! What and EVIL SOB!

36% Overall
2% Crowd
70% Match

Five Star Flash vs. ?????????? (Quarterfinals)
Five Star Flash comes down to the ring to a pretty decent pop from the crowd and shows his appreciation to them by giving them some ringpost poses. He then turns to see who his mystery opponent will be. Surprisingly the lights dim and Doug Basham steps through the curtain??? He then lifts the mic and says, “When I heard we needed an extra body to compete here tonight I knew just the guy I needed to call. He and I go way back and have competed together for years as ‘The Revolution’. I am a man who will stop at nothing to win the TRW World Title and this is just the man I need here tonight to help me accomplish that goal. Meet my enforcer --- JOHNNY SPADE!!!” Spade quickly makes his way to the ring and the action begins. This match was one of the more exciting in-ring performances of the night with lots of speed and technical ability on display. A constant back and forth match with no man ever at a decided advantage over the other. The fight spilled out into the ringside area and Spade nailed Flash with the ringbell causing a DQ win to be awarded to Five Star Flash. Spade was furious with the referees (Ray) decision and he showed his displeasure by going after him with a chair chasing him up the entranceway eventually nailing him in the back before exiting! Between Basham and Spade we seem to have a situation here in TRW.

1.0 Stars
52% Overall
26% Crowd
78% Match

Cassidy O’Reilly vs. Seth Knight (Semifinals)
On the way to the ring Knight removes his brass knucks from his boots and gives them to a fan – seemingly not needing them for this match. This is another good in-ring performance by these two competitors but the crowd is simply not into the storylines at this point. Knight is able to win cleanly via a Driven DDT with know help from his trusty brass knucks. He seems to have gained some confidence from his earlier performance. He then turned to give Cassidy a hand for a hard fought match but Cassidy just spits on his hand and walks away. Wow what a brat! So can we be sure that Knight has given up his cheating ways??? Or is he just trying to fool us???

44% Overall
11% Crowd
77% Match

Doug Basham vs. Five Star Flash (Semifinals)
Our second semifinal match produced some more great in-ring action. Basham was able to get out to an early lead by taking Five Star Flash down to the mat and controlling the pace with submission moves and great technical pure wrestling techniques. Flash was able to turn the tide when he was able to duck Basham’s attempt at a huge clothesline. Flash then surprised Basham with his speedy style. Flash took Basham down with a dropkick and seemed ready to hit his finishing move but took a break to get the crowd into the match by posing on the far ringpost he was even able to coax the ref into posing as well. The crowd was very into the posing and no one noticed Johnny Spade come out of the crowd and toss Basham a baseball bat until it was too late. Basham NAILED Five Star WITH THE BAT splitting him open and tossed it back outside the ring to elude the referee’s “keen” vision. He then pinned Flash with a cocky pose of his own to get the 1-2-3. After the decision Spade and Basham continued to beat up Flash who was in no condition to defend himself. The crowd for the first time tonight was clearly into the action and were booing the vicious scene in front of them when none other than SETH KNIGHT ran down the ramp and slid into the ring and forced The Revolution to exit the ring with a little roughing up of his own.

1.5 Stars
56% Overall
36% Crowd
77% Match

A Faceoff Between Doug Basham and Seth Knight
Seth Knight then got on the stick and told Basham he best train his ass off for the next month because he is going to erase his legacy as a cheater and a quitter by defeating the biggest piece of shit in TRW to become the first TRW World Champion!!!

53% Rating

Show overall rating 49%. The show was attended by 13 people.
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:04 PM   #9
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Location: Raleigh, NC
TRW Monthly Recap

Our Public Image has risen from 10% to 16%. We lost about 90,000 dollars this month but we should be ok for a while as we are willing to eat some losses to gain more earning potential. At that rate we should be able to operate for another 30 months or so with our initial investment.

On a side note the world renowned talent named Ralphus (yeah right) has announced he will retire from pro wrestling at the end of next month. There are rumors that he is looking for one final match to end his career in an established federation rather than the indy scene where he currently is performing. That being said there seems to be no interest on our part to bring him into our next show for his retirement match despite some speculation on the internet about the matter.
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:04 PM   #10
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TRW Press Release

Our next event will be titled Birth of a Champion ‘03. It will feature the following matches…

Seth Knight vs. Doug Basham (TRW Championship Match)

Cassidy O’Reilly vs. Five Star Flash (#1 Contenders Match)

Johnny Spade vs. Kid Xtacy

Steve Royds vs. Brock Singleton

Word is also circulating that Chase Stevens will make his return to TRW after having served a 1 month suspension for legal problems. There is no indication about what role he will play at the next show.

Will the “Revolution” continue to reek havoc on TRW???

Have we seen the last of Seth Knight’s cheating ways after the display of confidence he showed last month?

Will Ralphus retire as a former TRW employee as speculation is indicating on the internet?
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:04 PM   #11
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TRW Press Release

TRW regrets to inform its 13 fans that our two biggest names and the top 2 contenders for the new TRW Championship have been signed to deals with other organizations.

Doug Basham has been signed by FLI a Canadian fed currently operating at the cult level.

Seth Knight has been signed by ACW (Assault Championship Wrestling) which is operating at the Regional Level. It is believed that they will soon have a TV show and that the possibility of Seth appearing on the small screen was too much for him to turn down.

We wish both of these men the best of luck with their future and regret that we were unable to build their characters more before they chose to move on.

Being at the backyard level it is extremely difficult to maintain a complete roster over a long period of time but we promise to continue to bring great wrestling action to our fans every month no matter what.

Stay tuned for more information on how the TRW Champion will be decided at Birth of a Champion...
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:05 PM   #12
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TRW Press Release

TRW is pleased to announce the name of our premiere title belt. The name was decided upon after fan voting for the last month. Here are the results...

------Name-------------Number of Votes-------% of Votes
TRW Universal Title-----------------1------------------------100%
Other Title Names-------------------0-------------------------0%

We would like to thank "all of the fans" who voted on this issue. Due to the overwhelming success of this fan voting we hope to repeat it with other decisions in the future.
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:05 PM   #13
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TRW Press Release

After the recent roster shake-up we have decided that the two men who are most deserving of the TRW Universal Title are the two men who made it to the semifinals of the title tourney that are still with us.

So the first TRW Universal Champion will be awarded to the winner of the following match at Birth of a Champion ‘03...

Cassidy O'Reilly vs. Five Star Flash
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:05 PM   #14
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TRW Press Release

TRW would like to announce the following signings...

Shemus - A solid technical big man with lots of charisma who hails from Ireland. He will be entering our federation as an IRA Member (Irish Republican Army) after having grown up on the streets of Northern Ireland and having been apart of the resistance movement there. He is a evil SOB with a terrorist mindset.

Gage Octane - A brawler/technical combo wrestler who has the exciting 12-Guage finisher. He will playing a fun loving Redneck type character who is an NRA Member his real name will be revealed at a later date. Since he is an NRA member (National Rifle Association)he has renamed his second finisher the "2nd Amendment".

Both of these men will be great additions to our roster and debut by facing off in a match at Birth of a Champion -- IRA vs. NRA -- Should be interesting!!!
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:06 PM   #15
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Fans Enter to See the New JumboTron
As fans enter the building they are greeted by the new JumboTron playing hype videos for tonight’s action as well as recaps from last month Genesis show!

44% Rating

Mr. Watson Has An Announcement to Make
Mr. Watson comes out from behind the curtain and announces to the crowd that the match between Basham and Knight has been taken off of the card because of their departure to other federations. However the TRW Universal Title Match will still take place only between the two top contenders Five Star Flash and Cassidy O’Reilly. So we will still be seeing the “Birth of a Champion” tonight.

Mr. Watson also told the fans that they will be seeing some new faces in action tonight one of which is Chase Stevens who was suspended for Genesis. He will be facing Kid Xtacy in a #1 Contenders Match for the right to face the title holder at the next show.

“Oh and one last thing… Since Johnny Spade had the advantage of facing Five Star Flash as a mystery opponent last week I think it is only fair that I return the favor to Johnny by putting him in a match with his own mystery opponent tonight! Have fun Spade!!!”

64% Rating

Padraig O’Shea vs. “Slick” Earl Jones (IRA vs. NRA)
Padraig O’Shea was able to take control of the match by luring Jones into the crowd and nailing him with a chair shot. He then threw him back into the ring and pulled off an Irish Cloverleaf to get Jones to tap out.

42% Overall
12 %Crowd
73 %Match

Steve Royds vs. Brock Singleton
Steve Royds was over matched the entire time but won after using the ropes illegally as a part of a pinning Northerlights Suplex to get the 1-2-3 over Brock Singleton. After the match Brock chased Royds to the back enraged by the outcome of the match. These guys better improve their in-ring work or start getting the crowd into their characters or they may have to be let go.

41% Overall
15 %Crowd
68 %Match

????????? vs. Johnny “The Enforcer” Spade
Johnny Spade makes his way to the ring obviously pissed by the fact he doesn’t know who he will face. The crowd is booing him like crazy after the sinister actions he took last month along with Doug Basham. After taking a little more abuse from the fans he turns to find out who his mystery opponent will be... AC/DC’s Hell’s Bell’s begins to play and we hear a engine revving. Then a man riding a Harley Davidson appears through the entranceway. He is a huge bald headed man wearing full leathers – on the back of his jacket are the words “Don’t F^ck With Cueball”. The men both face of in the ring stalling and eying each other down - Spade is obviously unsure of how to attack this guy. They finally lockup and Cueball takes control of the match never looking back. After nearly 10 minutes of controlling the match Cueball sets up Spade for his finisher. Was Spade that overmatched by this guy, just off of his game because he nothing about his opponent, or is he simply not the force we thought he was when Doug Basham was at his side?

0.5 Stars
50% Overall
24 %Crowd
76 %Match

Chase Stevens vs. Kid Xtacy (#1 Contenders Match)
This match contained some great in-ring action. It was a see-saw battle back and forth between these guys until the end when Kid Xtacy surprised Stevens with a Chalupa Cruch out of nowhere to get the 1-2-3. After the decision Cassidy O’Reilly ran down to help Stevens rough up Kid Xtacy who was celebrating with the fans giving them high-fives. Cassidy then got on the mic and announced that he and Stevens go way back and that they will be the top dogs in TRW because quite simply they are the best in the business. He then tells the crowd that they will be known collectively as the “Hotshots” from now on!!! They celebrate their new partnership in the ring and then O’Reilly says, “Oh yeah I almost forgot… Bring down this loser that I am going to make into the “UNIVERSAL CHUMP” to become the “UNIVERSAL CHAMP”.

0.5 Stars
50% Overall
25 %Crowd
76 %Match

O’Reilly’s Post-Match Promo -- 43% Rating

Cassidy O’Reilly vs. Five Star Flash (TRW Universal Title – Ladder Match)
Five Star Flash made his way to the ring to the largest pop in TRW to date after O’Reilly’s remarks. He wasted no time – sliding into the ring and taking it straight to the prima-donna extraordinaire. This match contained some great spots involving the ladder including a Frog Splash from Flash to take control late in the bout. Cassidy fought back and attempted a super-kick that was ducked by F-S-F and met with a reversal into a reverse DDT (ala the Scorpion Death Drop). Flash then went up top seeming to go for the belt hanging high above the ring. When he reached the top the fans were going nuts so he paused to pose and enjoy the praise. He then looked down to see Cassidy moving a little trying to recoup from the DDT. He looked back at the crowd and made a rolling motion with his hands signaling the 450 SLASH and then pointed down at O’Reilly only to hear the 20 people in attendance go bananas. Then he followed through on his promise to the fans setting up for a top of the ladder 450 SPLASH. The ladder wiggled a little with him almost losing his balance but he was able to steady himself and take-off into the air spinning. It seemed like an eternity and the crowd held their collective breath as he soared through the air – risking an obvious victory for the pleasure of the fans. Everyone was focused on Flash in mid-air not the man who was now in control of the match Cassidy O’Reilly. All O’Reilly had to do was roll out of the spot he was in and he would be TRW Universal Champion. For a split second both men’s careers as well as the fate of TRW hung in the balance. Finally the question of who was going to be the first TRW Universal Champion was answered when Cassidy O’Reilly remained motionless on the canvas and Five Star Flash came down with a ton of momentum – COMPLETING THE 450 SPLASH!!! Holy Shit it was amazing!!! Flash then slowly made his way to the top of the ladder for the final time taking the belt down to become the 1st TRW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!!! Flash Celebrates on the top of the ladder and the fans are pumped to see him win. Flash makes his way down the ladder with the belt only to be met by Cassidy O’Reilly is furious with the outcome shoving the ladder down and outside the ring. He then takes the mic saying “This is such a joke. I cannot believe this joker has been crowned the champ! It is obvious I am the greatest thing to ever happen to TRW and that I should be the rightful owner of that belt! In fact I think they should have simply named me champion before any of this tournament and ladder match crap anyway. This was a fluke and I hope you are enjoying this right now Flash because you will never enjoy a win against me ever again!” O’Reilly then threw the mic down and stormed up the ramp and out the entranceway.

1.5 Stars
58% Overall
37 %Crowd
79 %Match

Five Star Celebrates His Victory!
After O’Reilly left the ring Five Star continued to celebrate with the fans. Meeting and greeting all of them despite the fact he was exhausted from the match.

51% Rating

The show was attended by 20 People. The crowd seemed to like the Title Match but was otherwise not impressed by the rest of the storylines… We will have to see if it is only a matter of building them or whether they are simply not into what we are doing. It sucked we could not have the big match we built between Basham and Knight at least carry over from the previous show and then have them leave.
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:06 PM   #16
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TRW Press Release

We would like to announce that we will be decreasing our ticket prices to a shocking price of $0… That is right… For the foreseeable future you will be able to get into one of our events for FREE!!! This decision was based on the fact that gate receipts were such a small percentage of our revenue (less than 1%) and we need to get fans to our events in order to get word of mouth out about our product.

This is certainly a gamble and it will be interesting to see if this will garner more interest at the gate in terms of attendance! Stay tuned for more…
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:06 PM   #17
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TRW Press Release

Here is what we have in store for our fans at the upcoming show Heat Wave ’03…

Universal Title Match – Five Star Flash vs. Kid Xtacy

#1 Contenders Match – Cueball vs. Johnny “The Enforcer” Spade

and much, much, more!!!
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:07 PM   #18
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Heat Wave ‘03

Fans Arrive
The JumboTron is showing highlights from Birth of a Champion highlighting Five Star Flash’s Ladder match win to be crowned the 1st TRW Universal Champ.

50% Rating

Mr. Watson Welcomes the Crowd
Mr. Watson makes his regular appearance at the beginning of the show to let the fans not what is in store for them tonight. He starts by announcing a new signing “Andre Baker” who is a 42 year old veteran. He states that he will face Steve Royds tonight in the ring in a “Winner Keeps His Job” match. He recaps how disappointing Steve Royds has been thus far in TRW action and that Baker has been brought in specifically to put Royds out of the federation.

Mr. Watson then announces that he enjoyed seeing Johnny Spade get pummeled last week so much that he has signed a return match between he and Cueball tonight as a #1 Contender’ Match. He is also happy to announce that we did not lose a single talent to another organization this month and that all of the fan’s favorites will be in action tonight. This includes their beloved Five Star Flash who will defend his newly claimed Universal Title against the #1 Contender Kid Xtacy!

54% Rating

Steve Royds vs. Andre Baker (Winner Keeps His Job Match)
Surprisingly Steve Royds comes out like a man on a mission. He takes control of the match from the opening bell and never looks back once! He finishes Andre Baker off with an Anabolic Cutter and sends him packing. Wow Andre Baker only lasted one match in TRW. That threat against his job must have been just the motivation Steve Royds needed to get fired up and perform. Steve Royds threw in a few extra blows after the count to rub it in a little and then made his way back out the entranceway to a chorus of boos!

36% Overall
9 %Crowd
72 %Match

Backstage Mayhem
The JumboTron shows Brock Singleton and Earl Jones walking through the hallways backstage when they turn the corner coming face to face with The Hotshots (Cassidy O’Reilly and Chase Stevens). They exchange some choice words when out of nowhere Padraig O’Shea attacks Brock and Jones from behind while the Hotshots attack from the front. Mr. Watson along with the crew backstage pull the men apart and he tells them if they wanna fight so bad to go settle it in the ring!

48% Rating

Hotshots and Padraig O’Shea vs. Brock Singleton and “Slick” Earl Jones (3 on 2 Handicap Match)
This match starts with little control. All five men are going at one another in a fierce battle. Finally the ref gets some order and a back and forth tag battle ensues. Brock and Slick hold their own the entire match until Chase Stevens distracts the ref while Padraig O’Shea leveled both his competitors with chairshots and then pinning Jones for the 1-2-3…

45% Overall
26 %Crowd
75 %Match

Johnny “The Enforcer” Spade vs. Cueball (#1 Contender – Return Match from Birth of a Champion)
Cueball enters first unlike last week to a pretty good pop from the crowd. Then Spade makes his way to the ring a bit more focused looking than last week. Spade starts the match with a good game plan by distancing himself from Cueball and making speedy moves in order to gain an advantage. This allows Spade to take control of the match and stay there. After battling outside the ring for a bit Spade attempts to finish Cueball with a chairshot but it backfires as Cueball ducks the chair and hits a DDT connecting Spades head with the chair on the ground. Cueball then rolled Spade back into the ring and pinned him 1….2….3!!!!!!! Cueball looked out matched the entire match but Spade’s greedy and cheating nature got the best of him. Looks like Cueball will go on to face the winner of the next match at Heat Wave for the title!

0.5 Stars
46% Overall
28 %Crowd
77 %Match

Kid Xtacy vs. Five Star Flash (TRW Universal Title Match)
The crowd is into this match from the beginning as Xtacy and Flash are back and forth putting on a great display of high flying, fast paced action. No one man ever is in control of the match. Five Star Flash attempts to cover Xtacy after connecting on a dropkick when suddenly we hear AC/DC’s Shoot to Thrill coming from the sound system and to the ring come running THE HOTSHOTS!!! They attack both Xtacy and Flash leaving them both devastated in the ring and the ref calls for the bell making this a no contest due to interference. O’Reilly and Stevens celebrate their accomplishment and roll out of the ring to exit. They are making their way up the ramp to a lot of heat from the crowd --- BUT WAIT… Flash has the mic!!!

43% Overall
19 %Crowd
77 %Match

Flash Calls The Hotshots Back to the Ring
Five Star Flash takes the mic and says, “Whoa Whoa Whoa… Where do you two think you are going?” and we see The Hotshots turn around – stunned that the man is back on his feet. Flash helps Kid Xtacy to his feet and continues by saying, “You surprised that I am up I see. Well you should know by now that I can take a licking and keep on ticking! You see I don’t go around assuming that I am the best like you two do. I bust my ass out here and prove that I am the best every night I walk through the curtain and everyday I step into the gym. You guys make me and these fans sick! You think your fancy ring attire and your “pretty hair” is what makes you great but you are wrong. What makes you great is making these fans love you and kicking ass in the process. So if you think you are the greatest thing since sliced bread why don’t you come back down here and prove it to someone for once!!!” And with that The Hotshots look at each other, shrug, and take off down the aisle sliding into the ring!!! The crowd goes nuts…

53% Rating

Five Star Flash and Kid Xtacy vs. The Hotshots (Impromtu Tag Match)
The action is fierce with Five Star Flash taking control of Stevens early in the match – obviously feeding off of the crowds adoration for him. Finally Stevens is able change the momentum and hit a lionsault after being thrown into the ropes. Both men are huffing and puffing but are able to make it to their respective corners in order to get the tags. Kid Xtacy is still hurting from his earlier match and subsequent beating and is unable to get much offense going against O’Reilly. After being in total control of Xtacy for some 5-10 minutes O’Reilly makes the mental mistake of throwing Xtacy near his own corner and he is able to tag Flash into the bout! Flash takes his lingering frustrations out on O’Reilly with a flurry of offense and sets up to hit a 450 SPLASH only to have Chase Stevens yank the ropes from under him leaving him holding his nuts in agony! Kid Xtacy tries to get in the ring to even the score but is help back by the referee. While the ref is distracted Stevens enters the ring and nails a SPINNING RANA and drapes O’Reilly over Flash. The ref turns around to find both men in a heap and hesitantly counts 1……..2……..3…….. and calls for the bell declaring The Hotshots the winners! Stevens pulls O’Reilly out of the ring and helps him up the ramp and out of the arena. All four men are battered beyond belief… What an Amazing Match!!!

1.0 Stars
55% Overall
43 %Crowd
82 %Match

The show got an Overall Rating of 48%. We had 19 people in attendance 1 less than last month. That could be due to the falling popularity of wrestling as a whole but we certainly hope we can attract more fans in the near future to our events – especially since we are letting them in free of charge!
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Old 06-02-2003, 07:08 PM   #19
College Prospect
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Raleigh, NC
Ok guys this is the repost of my diary over at EWBIII... Hope you like it... I will be continuing it soon but am just a little too busy tonight to write the next show?!?!?!
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Old 06-03-2003, 01:31 AM   #20
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Good work. I'll have to check out the latest version of the game.
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Old 06-03-2003, 05:50 AM   #21
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2001
Looks good, looking forward to your future adventures!
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Old 06-03-2003, 06:48 AM   #22
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fairfax, VA
Very enjoyable! I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next. I might have to pick up the latest version of the game and play around with it now.
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Old 06-03-2003, 09:47 AM   #23
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Manchester, CT
Well done! Look forward to the next installment.

Cincinnati basketball writer P. Daugherty, "Connor Barwin playing several minutes against Syracuse is like kids with slingshots taking down Caesar's legions."
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Old 06-04-2003, 02:13 AM   #24
Pro Starter
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Willow Glen, CA
Very good Wasn't ever really able to get into this myself, but I do enjoy the write ups I have read from other people. Keep up the good work.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 06-06-2003, 01:22 AM   #25
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Philly
Glad to see an enjoyable EWR rightup. Played the game for awhile and got tired of the bugs. That was several months ago, hope they have cleared up since then. I might have to download it myself and give it a try.

Keep up the dynasty!
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