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Old 04-03-2003, 09:21 PM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Hereford Season 1 - 2002/03 - CM4

I present, the Hereford United Bulls

July 14th, 2002

Hereford have appointed Richard Dixon as manager.

The team is expected to fight bravely against relegation from the Conference this season.

The Hereford board cannot afford to let you have any transfer funds at the moment because of the club's poor financial state.

And so it begins. I have taken over a middle of the road Conference side in the English League. My task is to bring them over time to the glory of the Premeirship in England. Clearly though, the short term task is much more humble. I am to avoid relegation out of the Conference.

I do understand that the print to file option is gone. I'm running in a high resolution and will attempt to make use of screenshots, so we'll see how that works out initially for roster reviews and things of that nature. If anyone from the SI team reads these dynasties(hi Marc!) I humbly request that this "print" feature be added back into the game

Hereford finished in the lower middle of the Conference in recent years. I am very strapped for cash financially and getting out of the lower half of the conference looks like it will be a challenge.

A final note for those who followed my previous, rather rabid Bristol Rovers dynasty last year. Many, many things have changed since then. I no longer work from home, I sit in an office 8 hours a day where I can't play. I have a girlfriend, and I travel to North Carolina at least one weekend a month to visit my family b/c my dad is ill. Thus, I don't think i'm going to be pumping out 2+ seasons a week like I did back then But I am really excited about getting back into CM again so hopefully this will be going on for quite some time nonetheless.

As always, all suggestions are welcome, anything from personnel/management suggestions on how i can do better, to better ways to present information in this dynasty. I take constructive criticism well, and while I write these things to enhance my own enjoyment of the game, I want thsoe that choose to read to enjoy as well.

Up next, the staff and player analysis. I've got no transfer budget and I'm in debt, so I better get used to these guys.

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Old 04-03-2003, 09:22 PM   #2
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Other technical notes:

I use the US Dollar and Yearly salaries for currency displays. It's not authentic but it makes it much easier to get my hands around values.

I had the game recommend the leagues I run based on my system, I'm running 14 countries, and I changed the US and England both to run all of their leagues.
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Old 04-03-2003, 09:34 PM   #3
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Hereford Staff

Manager - Richard Dixon

It gave me ratings! Mostly 13s, I'm not good with youngsters and my determination is a 10, wonder if that's random or what? A rule book reading tonight is in order

Coach - Richard O'Kelly

O'Kelly is very good with youngsters(16) and has good determination and disclipline. His general coaching skills aren't great but aren't terrible, 10 w/ keepers, 11 w/ outfield players. I have no assistant manager and this guy's youth skills would make him an okay youth team coach. But I have a very small roster and no "white" players on my reserve squad that I have control over, so no changes now.

Physio - Lewis Corbett

18 physiotherapy, 9 determination everything else sucks but IIRC it doesn't matter.

Scout - Ron Jukes

16 judging potential, 13 judging ability, 17 disclipline. Good scout, too bad I have no transfer funds, and too bad he's my only scout.

It's a small staff. I have no assistant, I wonder if that should worry me. Thigns to ponder after I look over my roster, I'm sure I'll have many more important things to worry about.
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Old 04-03-2003, 10:13 PM   #4
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Matthew Baker - Age 22

Baker's numbers appear low. 9 handling, 10 reflexes, 10 aerial ability, 10 command of area, 11 communication(new skills cool!). Coach Kelly feels Baker is overrated and will never be a consistant performer. Baker makes 100K a year and is listed as indispensable. Perhaps he is good enough for teh Conference level.

Ken Griffiths - Age 19

10 handling, 11 reflexes, aerial and command skills are very low(6/5). Griffiths belongs on a reserve squad getting playing time to see if he can improve. Too bad I don't have that option right now. He's new to the team so coach Kelly has no opinion yet.


SW/D RC - Tony James - Age 23

A 19 Heading and 15 determination pleases me, his other technical skills are all in the 9 range, mental skills in the 6-10 range, and physical skills all in the 10-11 range. I imagine with a 19 heading I want this man in my central defense. Coach Kelly feels he's a solid first teamer.

SW/D C - Ian Wright - Age 30

Wright is the oldest member of the team. Also a heading of 19, 13 tackling is very nice, as are bravery and determination ratings. A 2 agility, 4 acceleration and 5 pace shows his age I guess, he definitely can't be a sweeper with those skills but he can sit in central defense I hope. coach Kelly feels his that Wright's "best years are ahead of him." James and Wright appear at first glance to be my defensive anchors.

D R - Matthew Clarke - Age 28

A very average player. Technical skills all between 6-10, nothing stands out as espicially good or bad anywhere along the line. He is agressive and determined. He's listed as a backup and Coach Kelly feels his best years are ahead of him and we must keep him on the roster. Clarke and James are the only two that can play right defense on the squad currently.

D L - Michael Rose - Age 19

Weak physical skills for someone so young. He's fast(9 accel/15 pace) but has little strength or stamina. His technical skills are nothing special either, 6-9 for all tech skills other than long shots, where he rates an 18. I am not impressed. He is only 19 so he may well improve.

D/DM LC - Robert Sawyers - Age 23

A flexible player that I can use in about 4 positions depending on my formation, I always like that. He looks better posed to play midfield with a 10 crossing and 10 long shots, he shows 9s and 8s in most other defensive minded categories and has some solid acceleration. I have a feeling he belongs on the pitch somewhere. His "description" says 'midfield anchorman' and he's listed as a backup right now.

D C - Richard Teesdale - Age 19

Very strong technically and very weak physically. But wait his technical strenghts are in long shots and finishing and throw-ins, great. 7-9 in defensive minded skills, he can't run and he's not so strong. Listed as a first team player but I don't buy it.

D C - Andy Tretton - Age 25

Good heading(14), other technical skills are in the 6-9 range, his mental skills are a bit lower than some of the tohers and he's not very agile at all, he is fast and strong though. Listed as indispensible.

If I'm going a 4 man back line(and I don't know yet I'll pick my best 11 players and dictate formation based on that when I'm done with this), It's looking like Sawyers/Wright/Tretton/James from left to right. I would definitely do a lot of experimenting but that's the opening day starters on defense.
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Old 04-03-2003, 10:45 PM   #5
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M RC - Jamie Pitman - Age 26

Pitman shows some okay skills, 9 crossing, 8 passing, 11 finishing, 10 long shots, 8 heading... he's not great but he's not bad. Physical skills are a bit low so if I've got a better athlete this guy may not cut it. He's listed as indispensible, he hasn't been around long enough for Coach Kelly to have an opinion. Lets see what else we've got.

M C - Robert Purdie - Age 19

Strong, good stamina, but his skills are just no good. 4-5 on marking, passing, crossing and dribbling. Listed as a backup.

M C - Danny Williams - Age 21

good stamina and speed, and okay midfield skills. 6 marking, but 10 passing, 7-9 in other onfield skills. 16 set pieces and 11 technique. Listed as indispensible

AM RC - Ben Smith - Age 23

16 passing, 9 crossing, 7 dribbling, 7-9 in all other technical skills. Physical skills are a bit weak. He is hurt and out for 3 months, so it'll be awhile before he is factored into the equation.

AM L - Paul Parry - Age 21

Parry's overall skills look good. 13 crossing, lots of 10s(dribbling, finishing, passing), 9 in heading, nothing below 7. Physical skills are pretty good, mental average.. Coach O'Kelly feels he's a solid first teamer. Possibly my best player.

Hm Pitman/Williams/Parry/Smith are playable I guess. Sawyers as a D/DM LC I still need to decide on too, I'm debating between a 4-4-2 or 5-3-2 right now.
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Old 04-03-2003, 10:50 PM   #6
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S C - John Grant - Age 20

8 finishing, 5-9 on most technical skills. He is determined and has ok flair(9), and he's fast and strong, 13-14 in most physical skills. Because of that I'm sure he's going to be on the pitch. He's new to the team so Coach O'Kelly has no opinion yet.

S C - Steve Guinan - Age 26

9 finishing, 11 technique, all other technical skills in the 8-9 range. His physical skills are also above average. He's also new to the team.

And that's it. There's the team. 16 players. No reserves I can look at, and I have no transfer budget. I'm thinking of an attacking 4-4-2 at this point. No games until tomorrow though so I have some time to think about it.
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Old 04-03-2003, 10:59 PM   #7
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Here's the starting lineup:

GK: Baker
DL: Sawyers
DC: Wright
DC: Tretton
DR: James
ML: Parry
MC: Williams
MC: Purdie
MR: Pitman
SC: Grant
SC: Guinan

I'm running the default 4-4-2 Attacking formation, with the left and right midfielders making forward runs.

I've set up easy tackling for the friendlies, and direct passing. zonal marking, I don't have good marking skills that I can see. I probably won't touch the other tactics yet until I get a look at the 2d match engine and can try to find things to tweak here and there.

My next step is to figure out the new training tasks, any comments you guys that already have the game want to make are appreciated. I saw some article on sigames about the training which I'll read tomorrow at work.

Tomorrow night, the pre-season and the opening of the regular season!
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Old 04-03-2003, 11:03 PM   #8
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Edmonton
Woohoo! Go Bulls! Hereford rocks!
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Old 04-04-2003, 12:34 AM   #9
College Prospect
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glad to have you back Radii, I miss the Rovers
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Old 04-04-2003, 07:21 AM   #10
College Starter
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i have gotten mixed results with training i have my players start the day with a cross country run, then sprints, then different things with our third session. I have found pace acceleration to be very important as the goals i have conceded for the most part are my wingbacks getting beat due to lack of speed, and the goals i have scored have been created with speed also having a target man to head home crosses from speedy wingers has been very successfull for me. When you defense clears having speed upfront can create a nice chance.
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Old 04-04-2003, 08:10 AM   #11
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thanks condors, I read the manual on training last night, and holy wow there are a lot of options, assuming the old "physical skills make the difference in the lower leagues" mantra still stands in CM4 it sounds like you are on the right track.
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Old 04-04-2003, 06:08 PM   #12
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Thanks for teh comments Klayman and robbgmaier

I'm setting everyone to the default "pre-season" training for now, excpet for the keepers who I've got on the default "goalkeeper" training.

I have created a custom training schedule called "physical" which mirrors what condors is talking about with a training regimen heavy on cross country/sprinting and then skill training in the afternoon.
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Old 04-04-2003, 06:23 PM   #13
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I go hunting for players and find virtually no one available for free transfer.

I send my one scout to scout England.

I do some staff searching and I find a 30 year old defender named "Marc Vaughan" who is listed at a 20 judging potential and a 20 judging talent. I offer him a scout position immediately =D

I'm about 20% over budget, I have a budget of $825,000/yr and am spending $1,037,207. Unfortunately I only have 16 players on my roster so I'm not sure how to deal with this.

I do have a fair number of players whose contracts end at the end of the year, so I figure I'll wait a month or two and see if I can't re-negotiate some salaries at a lower rate. Next up, it's finally Friendly time!
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Old 04-04-2003, 07:06 PM   #14
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Marc Vaughan rejects my contract offer for scout.

Friendly #1

It's July 15th, and Hereford is hosting Plymouth.

We're running our 4-4-2 attacking, and Plymouth runs a 5-3-2 attacking formation. I know nothing at all about Plymouth. They're in the second division though.

Plymouth goes up 1-0 in the 21st minute on a very nice cross and header, Danny Williams ties the match up for Hereford in the 45th minute on a free kick strike! I make all four subs I have available at the half, including my keeper. Plymouth dominates the second half, scoring once on a through ball leading to a 1 on 1 goal. The 3rd goal comes on a cross and header. The 4th goal on a rebound. The 5th goal comes on a long ball and a plymouth player totally outrunning the defense and that hurt

5-1 Plymouth.

After the match midfielder Robert Purdie is foudn to have a twisted knee and is out for 3 weeks. Striker Steve Guinan is out a week with a damaged heel. I've only got 13 healthy players now.

Friendly #2

July 20th, I'm hosting Rochdale from the 3rd Division. I have two grey guys that have been stuck on my roster since I've got so many injuries. Everyone's conditioning has improved greatly though so hopefully we're not going to have such problems anymore.

The first action occurs in the 10th minute, when our keeper has a clearout picked off and Rochdale gets off a solid shot from teh box, Baker makes a great save though.

We hold onto the ball in Rochdale's end in the 24th minute for awhile but can't manage a shot.

0-0 halftime. 187 people have braved the Dry 75 degree weather to attend today's game.

Nothing happens until we get a corner in the 68th minute. Pitman crosses it in and we get a header on it but its saved. Another corner to Parry, it's cleared behind, for a 3rd corner. Parry takes this one and the keeper saves it.

71st minute a free kick forward to Grant, Grant gets a great shot off but a spectacular save is made by the keeper.

The game ends quickly after that 0-0. We put together a dominating performance but couldn't score. Only a friendly though. No post match injuries to report, hooray!
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Old 04-04-2003, 07:59 PM   #15
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Friendly #4

We host Barnsley today. They're in Div 2.

Steve Guinan is back from his injury and back starting at forward.

The first action is a great save by baker in the 12th minute, never should have been a save though Barnsley crossed it into two of my defenders. A barnsley goal in the 38th minute occurs when my defense can't close down on a guy wide open in the box.

We try to counter right back, Grant gets off a shot from a very tough angle, its saved.

They're up 1-0 at the half and I sub in my four subs. 318 people came to see us play today.

A great fingertip save by backup keeper Griffiths in the 52nd minute keeps it 1-0. Another amazing save in the 58th, still 1-0. Barnsley keeps the pressure on and we're finally saved by an offsides.

I start to attack in the 71st minute. Nothing happens the rest of the way and we lose 1-0. We only managed 1 shot, backup keeper Griffiths earned an 8 and MoM honors.

My English scout finds 3 players, Chad Harpur is on Milwall's reserve squad and looks solid, worth $35K. I enquire about him and might try to work out a trade if he's intrested. Mark Angel is starting for Boston Utd and probably isn't going to be interested, he's a solid AM R though. I enquire anyway.

Friendly #5

I'm hosting divisional team Bangor City. Surely this is just for morale boosting?

4th minute Williams feeds Grant along the right side of the pitch, Grant outruns everyone and puts a shot just over the bar.

12th minute Parry feeds Cook up the left side, Cook comes out of a crowd with the ball, feeds Grant and John Grant scores!

20th minute Parry gets past the defense and fires a hard shot, the keeper stops it but the only person anywhere near the ball is John Grant, he puts it home! I love this 2d match view for key plays.

We end up winning 2-0, there were some close calls on both sides but I'm writing waaay too much for still being in the preseason here A solid performance all the way around.

Millwall wants $18,000 for great looking keeper Chad Harpur. I of course can't use cash, I offer up my starting keeper Baker, he's my most expensive player and I think maybe I can cut my wage bill with Harpur. At least that's the goal.

Boston Utd wnats 45K for their man, he's the better soccer player but I can't afford that.

One last friendly then we're on to the season. This has taken forever to get into, I need to get back into the swing of this too and streamline this a bit, course, I always go for long posts during the season, but I try to rush the preseason reports a bit.
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Old 04-04-2003, 08:35 PM   #16
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August 1st, 2002

The Hereford directors are still sure that they made the right choice in appointing you as manager

I just got notified about the asian manager of the month. I have no idea why.

Millwall isn't interested in trading for Chad Harpur so that deal is off. I'm going to have to give it a go with what I've been dealt I guess.

12(yes, TWELVE) players have contracts ending in the next year. I've only got 16 players on my roster. Time to go offer extensions and try to cut costs. I make offers to all twelve players, many are asking for less than they currently make, this will hopefully help my wage restrictions a ton.

Friendly #5

We host Wrexham from the 3rd division

I tweak the defense a little.

Robert Sawyers is hurt in the 44th minute, I drop to a 5-3-2 formation with 5 flat defenders on the back line, I'm out of midfielders. The injury came on a harsh play by a Wrexham midfielder and we've got a man advantage the rest of the way.

58th minute we get a corner kick, and on the corner there's a penalty in the box! John Grant scores on the PK!

More action in the 72nd minute, a throw in from Clarke, Pitman feeds it forward to our "other" striker Steve Guinan who makes it 2-0!

That's the final and we get a win in a very solid all around performance.

Sawyers is only out for 3 days with his injury so no sweat there.


Striker Steve Guinan Does not believe I have the resources to meet his contract needs. He's right. He's put on the transfer list.

Jamie Pitman rejects my offer and I try to renegotiate with him.

Ben Smith wants 120K. He makes 45K right now and I can only offer 80... this is really going to be rough. I list him...

Ian Wright doesn't think I can meet his demands either. I offer him 75k(he makes 90 now) and a low release clause of 70k.

Paul Parry doesn't think I can meet his demands either. I can't really, but I like him so far for some reason and I throw on some incentives and I'll see what I can do.

I enquire about a rushden striker my scout found.

The rest of the players on the squad have re-signed. My wage bill has gone up 4K/yr to 1,041,476. The budget calls for $825,000 still.

I'm leaking money a bit, losing over $100,000 a month, I'm paying $180K interest a month which hurts badly.
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Old 04-04-2003, 08:44 PM   #17
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Pitman signs on for his extension, leaving Wright and Parry who continue to reject my offers. I use what appears to be a last resort, appearance bonuses to try to bump up the value, if that doesn't work I'm going to have to list them both and try to bring in some new guys somehow.

Oops I had 6 friendlies.

Friendly #6

Hereford hosts Stockport, a division 2 side.

They score in the 30th minute but were offsides. That was the only action at all in the first half.

Robert Purdie in his first game back from a 3 week injury, coems off injured in the 56th minute.

We get a great shot from Grant in the 71st minute, great save though. 2 corners are cleared behind, and then on the 3rd corner stockport clears it out.

Stockport scoers on a counterattack in the 77th minute and we lose 1-0.

Purdie is only going to miss 5 days with his injury. Now we're really ready to start the season
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Old 04-04-2003, 09:17 PM   #18
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Wright and Parry reject more contract offers. I'm going to take my chances on them and see if I can't maybe get some more money for them if I start winning or something.

Random Technical Note: Wow saving is fast. The monthly save is really quick. I'm saving every week to combat the inevitable power outages.

Hereford in Financial Crisis

Receivers have been brought in to deal with the financial problems at Hereford.

All transfer funding has been withdrawn and the receivers have indicated that they will consider any reasonable transfer offers which are made for the club's players.


Wow did I pick a hard team.

Dag & Red have been made 6-4 favorites to gain promotion from the English Conference.

Barnet 7-4
Doncaster 7-4
Yeovil 2-1
Morecambe 5-1
Farnborough 10-1
Hereford 50-1

This is going to be a loooong season.
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Old 04-04-2003, 09:31 PM   #19
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Opening Day Roster

Slightly different than my preseason roster:
GK: Baker
DL: Sawyers
DC: James
DC: Wright
DR: Clarke
ML: Parry
MC: Williams
MC: Purdie
MR: Pitman
FC: Grant
FC: Guinan

August 17th, 2002
Hereford at Halifax

All I know is that they have a lot more players than 16 on their roster.

It's dry an 64 out today at The Shay in Halifax.

Purdie picks up a yellow in the 23rd minute, the first action of the match. In the 40th minute Halifax scores on a 20 yard strike, but, WHEW, offsides.

Halftime is 0-0, 1620 fans showed up today.

Halifax is outplaying us big time, we haevn't managed a shot on goal yet, they've got 4 though. We're not passing well, not winning headers, and can't get a cross in.

46th minute Grant picks up a loose ball near midfield and takes it down and goes 1 on 1 with the keeper who makes a great save. Nothing happens on the corner kick.

Pitman picks up a yellow card in the 47th minute. The free kick from 25 yards out is saved by Baker. 49th minute another long shot from Halifax, Baker saves, and the shot on the rebound goes out of play.

52nd minute Parke for Halifax scores on a counter attack and we trail 1-0.

I make 2 subs in the 74th minute and turn up my offensive agression. 78th minute Clarke plays a ball forward for Grant. It's intercepted and they counter very well, one long pass forward, Halifax forward Ian Fitzpatrick outruns my defense and I trail 2-0.

L 0-2

That was domination. 10 shots to 2, they won 80% of the headers.

John Grant earns a 5 rating today, no 8s and just a couple of 7s. We got owned.
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Old 04-04-2003, 09:55 PM   #20
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August 20th, 2002
Kettering at Hereford

Kettering opened with a 0:2 loss to Margate. It's 46 degrees out on Edgar Street today.

On the opening kickoff, we intercept a pass, a pass forward to Grant, and his hard shot from the edge of the box is just saved!

Sawyers picks up a yellow card in the 7th minute.

23rd minute Parry to Grant, a shot is saved, and there was an offsides anyway.

Parry picks up a yellow in the 36th minute.

Sawyers plays the ball into the box in the 40th minute from just inside midfield, the loose ball is picked up by Grant who rifles a shot into the net!! Grant's first ever Hereford goal and my first Conference goal.

We go into the half up 1-0. 1795 fans showed up today, a good turnout I think!

60th minut e Grant has the ball on the sideline, he crosses it in to Guinian but the header is way off target.

72nd minute I sub in 2 defenders and drop into a 5-3-2 to defend(and to get my tired midfielders out). Kettering brings in 3 subs and tries to attack in the 80th minute.

Sawyers with a corner in the 82nd minute, it's cleared out right back to Sawyers, a cross, Guinian with a wide open net and he heads it in!!! 2-0!

The whistle blows and we get a great win in our home opener!

W 2-0

Goals: Grant, Guinan
Assists: Sawyers 2
MoM: Danny Williams
8 Ratings: Williams, Sawyers, Parry, Guinian

Williams is a solid central midfielder, he earned MoM in multiple preseason games too, he seems to maintain good control in the midfield.

We've paid over $200,000 in interest this month. I see no way to turn a profit with this club right now... we need to win win win I guess and hope we've got a nice board.
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Old 04-04-2003, 10:08 PM   #21
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August 24th, 2002
Hereford at Yeovil

Yeovil has opened 1-0-1, they're one of the favorites to win the league. It's 59 degrees out today in Yeovil.

5th minute a GREAT play by Hereford, and I <3 2d match engine. A cross into the box from Parry, Grant picks it up and flicks it to the other side of the net where Guinan finishes it! 1-0 Hereford.

44th minute Yeovil ties it up and I didn't see how I was watching tV We're playing a much better match technically, crosses, passes, tackling and headers are all in our favor, but they got their one goal.

It's 1-1 at the half. 2785 people showed up today.

John grant picks up a ball we cleared out of the defense but he gets run down and is forced into a bad shot.

HORRIBLE defense in the 72nd minute, a free kick from beyond midfield into the box, their man Kim Grant picks it up and scores untouched.

85th minute they almost score on a cross, Baker with a great save and the rebound is put way off target by a Yeovil striker.

We change to a gung ho mentality with 5 minutes to go, it doesn't seem to change much. 93rd minute Yeovil picks up a ball off a goal kick and almost scores, only a great save by Baker keeps it 2-1.

That's how this one ends, a valiant efford on the road against one of the league favorites perhaps?

L 1-2

Goals: Guinan (2)
Assist: Grant (1)
8 rating: Baker
5 rating: Purdie
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Old 04-04-2003, 10:34 PM   #22
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August 31st, 2002
Gravesend at Hereford

Gravesend has yet to win a match, 0-0-3, 2 goals for 9 against in dead last. It's dry and 53 degrees on Edgar Street for our second home match.

No action until the 31st minute, a corner for Gravesend, a great save by Baker and we clear.

34th minute a free kick for Hereford, and a shot by Williams is saved.

36th minute Grant gets forward and fires a shot from the edge of the box, a great save by the keeper, "Grant should have done better"

0-0 at the half, 1661 fans showed up today.

2 shots each at the half, and it's a very evenly played match so far.

I make no halftime changes.

66th minute there's a loose ball in the midfield, it's picked up by Gravesend and fired forward, and Simon Parker fires a shot past Baker and we trail 1-0.

We sub in some fresh defenders in the 77th minute and go on the attack.

85th minute we initiate an attack from Baker at keeper, a nice move forward, pittman finds guinan, and his hard shot is saved.

91st minute sawyers with a corner, but the keeper is there. It's cleared out to Paul Parry, he lofts it back into the box, Guinan finds the ball and puts it past the keeper for a stoppage time equaliser!!


Goals: Guinan (3)
Assists: Parry (1)
8s: Clarke, Williams
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Old 04-04-2003, 10:42 PM   #23
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I've attached the Conference standings at the end of August. Lets see how that works out.

September News

The Hereford directors are hopeful of a long and successful era with you at the helm

September Fixtures:

9/10: at Woking (#18)
9/14: vs Southport (#7)
9/21: at Stevenage (#5)
9/28: vs Morecambe (#10)

Comments on the attachment presentation are welcome. Do I need to resize it? It's a jpg!
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Old 04-04-2003, 10:56 PM   #24
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September 10th, 2002
Hereford at Woking

It's dry and 64 out today.

10th minute Purdie fires a free kick that is barely saved by Woking's keeper.

39tth minute a long ball up the pitch by Woking, a shot is saved by Baker and we're able to clear it, that was really close.

46th minute Williams picks up a loose ball, feeds Grant who runs up the right side of the pitch all alone and gets into the box before any defender can close on him, his shot is in the corner of the net! Tough shot at a tough angle!

We're up 1-0 at the half. 1567 Showed up to see Woking today.

Tretton is in defense for a tired Ian Wright at the half.

Woking moves to a 4-3-3 aftern othing has happened through 62 minutes, and I bring is Richard Teesdale in defense for a tired Matthew Clarke.

64th minute Woking with a corner kick, and Baker parries it behind. Danny Williams clears the second corner, but it's played right back into the box and we put it behind. 3rd corner... this one is angled wrong and we get a goal kick out of it.

70th minute we get a throw in, the ball is deflected back to James, the man that took the throw in, he feeds it into the box from the side to Grant, and Grant beats the keeper!!!

Taht's the match!

W 2-0

Goals: Grant 2 (3)
Assists: Williams 1 (1), James 1 (1)
8s: James, Williams, Purdie, Grant
MoM: Grant

If we can keep up a .500 pace we're going to easily avoid relegation here.

UGH. After the match it was found that backup defender Andy Tretton has dislocated a shoulder and is out for 2 months.
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Old 04-04-2003, 11:08 PM   #25
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September 14th, 2002
Southport at Hereford

Coming off of a crucial road win, this is our best chance so far to get a big win and start a streak.

With Tretton hurt I'm down to two outfield subs + my second keeper, until Ben Smith comes back(AM RC), that should be in about 1 month.

Its dry and 50 degrees out today.

Grant picks up an early yellow card in the 7th minute and he'll have to be careful, I can't afford a suspension.

30th minute a long shot by Southport is over the post, but barely. 32nd minute Guinan puts a shot over the net on a cross.

It's scoreless at the half, as we draw a reord 2168 fans to the game today. This has been a slow ball control match so far, no crosses completed by either team, lots of successful tackles and the passing is good. Only 3 total shots combined so far.

Paul Parry comes off tired at the half, Sawyers moves up to the left midfield and Rose comes in to defend. No tactical changes are made.

No action at all through 80 minuets. I make my last available sub, and I turn up the pressure to an attacking mentality. I want to be agressive at home.

Nothing happens... No action at all in the entire second half. We managed 5 shots, they 1. We dominated the match but were just unable to get it forward and create solid chances.


8s: Clarke, James, Williams, Purdie, Guinan
MoM: James
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Old 04-04-2003, 11:22 PM   #26
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Location: Illinois
Thumbs up Good stuff!

Great read, Radii! I'll be following along.

As for the size of the standings jpg, I think its fine. A slightly smaller jpg would reduce the need to scroll, but that's no biggie in my book.

By the way, any clue as to what happened to Dag & Red? They were 6-4 favorites to win the whole shebang, yet they're currently sucking pondwater. Injury problems, perhaps?

Go Bulls!

Last edited by Fonzie : 04-04-2003 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 04-04-2003, 11:25 PM   #27
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September 21st, 2002
Hereford at Stevenage

Stevenage is up to 6th in the league, and playing them on the road looks like a big challenge. It's dry and 53 out today.

Stevenage is dominating the posession throughout the entire first half, but it's not til the 47th minute that we see any 2d action.

That action is an interception of a throw-in by a Stevenage player, he takes it all the way in from the midfield and scores.

We're down 1-0 at the half, 2008 people have come to the game today.

52nd minute PItman crosses to Williams whose shot is saved, we get a corner kick. Parry takes the corner but its saved easily.

54th minute another failed throwin by us leads to a chance for Stevenage but we are lucky that they put the shot over the bar.

66th minute another throw in is intercepted, again we hold them off though.

We make our final sub and go on the attack in the 75th minute.

Stevenage gets a couple of chances that we hold off well around the 90th minute. More Stevenage chances in the 93rd, Baker is having an amazing game to have it just 1-0. We don't get another chance to score.

L 0-1

They outshot us 12-1, total dominance.

8s: Baker

We're sitting in 15th place at the moment.
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Old 04-04-2003, 11:30 PM   #28
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Re: Good stuff!

Originally posted by Fonzie
Great read, Radii! I'll be following along.

As for the size of the standings jpg, I think its fine. A slightly smaller jpg would reduce the need to scroll, but that's no biggie in my book.

By the way, any clue as to what happened to Dag & Red? They were 6-4 favorites to win the whole shebang, yet they're currently sucking pondwater. Injury problems, perhaps?

Go Bulls!

Thanks I've got my computer in 16__x12__ resolution so that I can play in windowed mode so the screenshots are pretty large

Dag & Red hasn't lost in their last 3 matches and they're back up to 17th, I don't see any injuries at all right now. They only scored 1 goal in their first 4 matches.

Barnet had 7-4 odds and was picked 2nd by the oddsmakers. They're 7-0-0, with 23 goals for, 1 against so far.
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Old 04-05-2003, 08:30 AM   #29
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Arrr rain cancelled my plans this morning, time enough to get in a few games :~)

September 28th, 2002
Morecambe at Hereford

Morecambe is sitting in 7th currently. It's dry and 60 degrees out today at Edgar Street.

Off the opening kickoff, Morecombe gets a long shot that just goes over the bar.

In the 7th minute a loose ball is fired up the right side of the pitch, John Grant beats everyone to it, crosses into the box, and Guinan is there to head it off a defender and into the net!! We take a 1-0 lead.

30th minute we get some nice buildup in the midfield but can't get anything forward.

34th minute Parry takes a corner kick, and Guinan heads the corner into the net!!!! 2-0! Guinan gets a yellow card minutes later (36th) and Williams gets a yellow in the 37th... settle down guys.

We take a commanding 2-0 lead into the half, as we see that 1906 fans have shown up today. Each team has 4 shots on goal, but ours are all on target and we're being much more efficient and technicall proficient with the ball. Morecombe starts the second half in a more agressive 4-3-3 formation.

Somehow we allow a 3 on 2 break in the 70th minute that they run beautifully and gary thompson fires a shot past Baker to make it 2-1.

I sub in two fresh defenders and drop to a defensive mentality to try to hang on in the last 20 minutes.

79th minute we almost give up the tying goal as Baker appears to have fallen down but recovers before Morecombe's attacker can get to the ball. 80th minute Morecombe steals the ball in our end of the pitch but fires a shot just wide of the net from a tough angle.

It was close but we hold on for a big win!

W 2-1

Goals: Guinan 2 (5)
Assists: Parry (2), Grant (2)
8s: Baker, Wright, Jmes, Guinan, Rose(backup)
MoM: Guinan
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Old 04-05-2003, 08:45 AM   #30
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October News

The Hereford directors are hopeful of a long and successful era with you at the helm.

Here's October's schedule:

10/1: at Scarborough (#14)
10/5: vs Margate (#3)
10/19: vs Chester (#7)
10/22: at Farnborough (#6)

That's a rough schedule this month. We're sitting in 11th place ourselves at 3-2-3.

October 1st, 2002
#11 Hereford at #14 Scarborough

We're playing some top teams this month and if we could steal one on the road it'd be a big help. It's dry and 46 out today at the McCain Stadium in Scarborough.

35th minute Grant crosses into the box to Parry, but his shot is saved.

43rd Scarborough intercepts a free kick, pushes it up the right side of the pitch, a pass to the middle of the field just outside the box and Karl Rose is WIDE OPEN, he shoots before we can close down and Scarborough leads 1-0.

No changes for us at the half.

65th minute a free kick for scarborough near midfield, the pass is to the edge of the box, a shot goes off the post, the rebound to scarborough and Baker is out of position to do anything about the rebound, and we trail 2-0.

We make our subs and try to attack hard. We get nothing at all out of it and the game quickly ends.

L 0-2

8s: Wright
5s: Sawyers, Purdie, Grant, Guinan

We only manage two shots all match.
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Old 04-05-2003, 09:03 AM   #31
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Hereford full back Michael Rose has revealed his concerns about the club's current financial situation.

Yeah, There's nothing I can do. Sorry. The combined value of all my players wouldn't even pay 1 month's worth of interest.

Oh, we're listed as BANKRUPT. Yay. Maybe the club will be bought out and we'll get a cash infusion from new ownership?

October 5th, 2002
#3 Margate at #14 Hereford

It's dry and 69 at Edgar Street today. Can we beat a top side at home today?

8th minute Parry has the ball on the left side of the box, he crosses to John Grant who easily puts the ball past the keeper for the 1-0 lead!

Margate gets behind my defense for an easy goal in the 20th minute to tie it up at 1.

We've got a free kick in the 23rd minute, Purdie shoots on the kick, it's saved but the rebound falls to Guinan who gets it to John Grant for an easy goal!

31st minute Williams intercepts a pass deep in Margate's end of the pitch, a pass back to Guinan who shoots from 5 yards otuside the box and it's past the keeper! 3-1!

47th minute Pitman with a free kick from the right side, he sets up Purdie just outside the box, and I have no idea how Purdie got such a good shot off but he fires the shot off a Margate defender and past the keeper!!!

WOW what a half, it's 4-1 Hereford. We've got 5 shots all on target to their 4 shots, 1 on target. We control everything but the air, where Margate is winning most of the headers.

No changes at the half. A new record 2521 fans show up today.

50th minute Margate gets a solid goal off a free kick, but, there was an offsides! No goal!

Baker with a great save off a corner in the 56th minute, the rebound is cleared out by Williams.

We make our 2 subs around the 65th minute and fall back to ultra defensive. It seems to work as the game ends very quickly after that.

W 4-1

Goals: Grant 2 (5), Guinan(6), Purdie (1)
Assists: Guinan(1), Williams(2), Parry(3), Pitman(1)
8s: Baker, Clarke, Wright, Williams, Purdie, Grant, Guinan
MoM: Danny Williams

After the match it is reported that Jamie Pitman is going to miss 3 days with bruised ribs.
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Old 04-05-2003, 11:30 PM   #32
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A national newspaper reports that Hereford forward John Grant yesterday met with the club chairman.

It is believed that Grant was seeking reassurances over the club's long term future.

Ugh. I'm going to get fired over this I bet. This appears hopeless.

Hereford will play Telford in the English FA Cup Fourth Round Qualifiying.

That game will be on 10/26.

October 19th, 2002
#7 Chester at #11 Hereford

Ben Smith is back from his injury, he's going to see his first game action for me today starting, he looks like a solid AM R. Pitman comes off the bench and this really enhances my depth, all my backups were defenders previously.

It's dry and 46 degrees on edgar street today.

11th minute we take a free kick, Grant goes one on one with a defender at the edge of the box and puts a shot over. 17th minute Grant gets by the defense and has a shot stopped by the keeper. We get a corner but put it into the side of the net, bad kick.

43rd minute Chester gets their first action, a cross is easiliy cleared by our defense though.

It's a scoreless halftime, we've got 4 shots to their 1. Purdie in for Smith at the half, he's tired, his first action in 3 months I can understand it.

2754 fans at the stadium today, we're getting better there but we can't make money in this division w/ 3 million debt.

71st minute Grant is fouled, Purdie takes a free kick from just outside the box and puts it in the net!!! Chester's player is sent off with a red card so we're up a man.

79th minute another free kick for purdie, this one is saved by their keeper though. we make our last two subs in the 80th minute to get some fresh legs in to try to hang on to our lead.

92nd minute Chester with a throwin, a good shot but it looks like the guy whiffed or something, the ball trickles to the keeper and he collects it easily.

That does it, game over!

W 1-0

We get our first winning streak of the season.

Goals: Purdie (2)
Assists: Grant (3)
8s: Wright, James, Williams, Purdie
MoM: Danny Williams

Looking good guys!! I'm going to be really disappointed if the financial woes that I have absolutely zero control over get me fired, if my hands aren't totally tied this team can go places.
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Old 04-05-2003, 11:54 PM   #33
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October 26th, 2002
FA Cup 4th Round
Hereford at Telford

Telford is sitting at 7th in the conference currently. this isn't a league game but we could use some cash or whatever we might get for cup wins.... Dry and 50 degrees at Telford today.

3 yellows are handed out in the first 30 minutes, that's it so far though(1 to us, 2 to telford)

Another yellow to telford in the 36th... and that's the half! Ben Smith still isn't in form and he comes out at the half.

Our first action of the entire match comes in the 68th minute when Telford gets a solid build up, Baker makes a good save, but telford scores on the ensuing corner kick on a header.

We'll try to attack for the last 20 minutes... it almost backfires immediately, Telford gets behind our D on a counter attack and gets a good shot off but Baker saves it.

78th minute Guinan gets behind the defense but his shot is stopped and we can't do anything with the corner.

85th minute, We get a free kick and get the ball to grant who somehow has slipped behind the entire defense!!! Grant Scores!!!!

A 2nd yellow in the 88th minute gives us a man advantage for the last 2 minutes.

A counter attack in the 92nd minute sees Pitman have a cross blocked out of play. Game over.


Goals: Grant (6)
Assists: Teesdale (1)
8s: Baker, James, Williams
MoM: Danny Williams

We were outplayed for most of the match and are really very happy to get the draw. This gives us a replay at home on November 6th.

Bad news as Ben Smith is hurt again and is going to miss another month. Taht's no good.
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Old 04-06-2003, 12:07 AM   #34
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October 30th, 2002
#8 Hereford at #12 Farnborough

I thought this was going to be a terribly rough month but we've handled it extermely well so far. It's a rather chilly 37 degrees at Farnborough today.

16th minute Charlery of Farnborough beats our defense and scores to put us down 1-0 early.

35th minute a total defenseive breakdown as 3 of our defenders go to cover the man with the ball leaving this Charlery guy wide open in front of the net, only a brilliant save by Baker keeps it a 1 goal game.

It goes 1-0 to the half, I'm switching to a more agressive 3-5-2 to fit the players I've got in the game right now, and really they're outshooting me 7-0 in the first half, I've got to try something.

56th minute another farnborough challenge, clarke makes a great tackle to force a corner, but they score on the corner... 2-0.

Purdie just got a yellow, that's his 5th, he's going to miss a match.

I'm going all out offensive, down 2 with 20 minutes left.

Farnboroguh gets a break, 2 attackers vs 3 of my defenders but somehow Charlery gets open and grats to him for a hat trick.

Guinan goes off hurt in the 90th minute. I have 2 strikers on my team, lets hope this isn't long term.

L 0-3

5s: Parry

Possibly our worst performance of the year. Still, we finish the month 2-0-2 against 4 top half sides, I can't complain.

Holy shit.

Post Match Report:

Jamie Pitman - Groin Strain - out 1 month
John Grant - Shoulder - 3 weeks
Steve Guinan - STUBBED TOE - 2 weeks

I have 16 men on my roster. 4 are hurt right now. My only two strikers are hurt.

ALSO, Robert Purdie will miss 1 match with his 5th yellow.
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Old 04-06-2003, 12:43 AM   #35
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November Update

The Hereford board are pleased with your performance as manager

No mention of finances! I'm happy!

November Schedule

11/2: vs Leigh RMI (#17)
11/6: vs Telford (FA Cup Replay)
11/20: at Barnet (#1)
11/23: vs Doncaster (#2)
11/30: at Burton Albion (#15)

The current standings are attached. I shrunk the size a bit, lets see how this looks.
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Old 04-06-2003, 12:51 AM   #36
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Yeah I don't think that attachment worked. I'll try a different re-size next month's update.

November 2nd, 2002
#17 Leigh RMI at #10 Hereford

With Tretton, Purdie, Pitman, Smith, Grant, and Guinan all out, leaving me with 11 players on my roster, I get a lot of random gray guys to start today. HOORAY.

30th minute a lot of players Ive never heard of set up a shot that gets saved... that's the only action of the half, 0-0! I make two subs at the half as Parry and James are both under 65% condition and that's all I got except for a backup keeper.

Leigh RMI must really suck though, I've got 4 shots to their 0 at the half.

No action through 65, this may be a mistake but I switch to attacking.

It had no effect. No action through the entire second half.


I need money, and more players. Points are points but put Guinan and Grant in there and I win.
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Old 04-06-2003, 01:07 AM   #37
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Oh happy day! Andy Tretton has resumed full training. Purdie is back from his 1 game suspension too, and we have 2 full weeks off after this, so I'll get some of my hurt guys back after this match.

November 6th, 2002
FA Cup Qualifying Replay
Telford at Hereford

I'd really like to get some cup advancement here. It's dry and 69 at Edgar street.

Telford starts with the ball, Sawyers steals it away for us, and Parry feeds aRandomStriker01 for the goal! (his name is tony harrison) For a 2nd minute goal!

3rd minute Telford's Barlow gets past my defense but Baker makes a great stop on a solid shot!

35th minute Williams gets the ball forward, and a_RandomStriker01 feeds a_RandomStriker02 for a goal!!! We're up 2-0!

37th minute Connoly(random striker #2) just misses a shot. We're doing so much better than I expected here.

45th minute a throwin for Sawyer leads to 2 great chances but Telford's defense is there to stop it.

2-0 halftime lead. 4270 fans in the stadium today!

48th minute Parry feeds random striker 01(Harrison) and we go up 3-0! This is just amazing.

I bring in Tretton to try to get him some match practice coming off his injury recovery, in the 65th minute when our lead seems insurmountable.

Game Over!

W 3-0

Goals: Harrison 2, Connoly 1 (both random fillers for injuries since my squad is so tiny)
Assists: Harrison, Parry (4), Sawyers (3)
8s: Clarke, Sawyers, Wright, James, Pary, Williams, Purdie, Connoly, Harrison !!
MoM: Matthew Clarke (DR)

Hereford have been awarded $30,000 for winning against Telford in the English FA Cup

HOORAY, we're only 3.779 million in debt now! We also advance to the first round of the FA Cup. We get to play a conference foe, Margate, unfortunately its at their place, and unfortunately it's November 16th, cutting 4 days off our rest time coming back from our injury problems.
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Old 04-06-2003, 01:28 AM   #38
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Hereford midfielder Robert Purdie has revealed his concerns about the club's current financial situation

I'm worried that these guys becoming unhappy b/c of my financial problems is going to affect my play on the pitch.

November 16th, 2002
FA Cup 1st Round
Hereford at Margate

Margate is in 3rd and we're on the road against them. We upset them bigtime, 4-1 at home about a month ago.

Guinan is back from his injury and we've lost both our fake striker callups, but Grant isn't back yet, we're running a 5-4-1 today since I'm heavy on defense.

Great news, DR Clarke is hurt in the 23rd minute!

The first action of the match occurs in the 42nd minute when Guinan puts a shot just over the bar, he was covered really well.

0-0 at the half. I'd love a draw and a match replay to try to win this at home when more of my injured guys are back.

We get our wish. No 2d action the entire 2nd half. We outshot them 3-1.


8s: Sawyers, James, Purdie
MoM: Tony James (DC)

Clarke is only going to miss 5 days with his injury. Unfortunately, we play division leading Barnet in 4 days.
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Old 04-06-2003, 03:54 AM   #39
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My scout just found 3 players in scandanavia that he feels will be decent signings, but he has assigned them no ratings at all... what's up with that?

November 20th, 2002
#12 Hereford at #1 Barnet

Barnet has just been dominant, 1 loss so far this season and a dominant place at the top of the table.

Grant is back from injury too and I'm in the best shape I've been in in awhile. Clarke is out at DR, and Pitman/Smith on the right midfield.

6th minute Barnet almost scores, Baker with a great save, then James a great clearance off a corner. We're in the clear from their first attack.

41st minute a 20 yard strike gives Barnet a 1 goal lead.

I try to attack in the 60th minute, I don't think I have much of a chance with these guys unless I get agressive and lucky.

And that backfires, barnet goal in the 64th.

Well we collaps after that.

L 0-3

I really didn't expect much different from Barnet. They're dominating the entire league.
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Old 04-07-2003, 07:08 PM   #40
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November 23rd, 2002
#3 Doncaster at #12 Hereford

We've been great at home so far, 4-3-0 in fact, we haven't lost yet at home, can we keep it going against a top side? It's dry and 37 degrees at Edgar Street today.

In the 9th minute Doncaster flies up the left side of the pitch, an easy cross and header and we're down 1-0, that was fast, and looks like Doncaster had no trouble breaking through.

14th minute We get the ball into the box, and Danny Williams shoots it just over the bar!

19th minute Williams with a long ball from midfield to John Grant, who puts it into the net! But he was offsides, and yeah, I could tell from the 2d view, he was way offsides.

Some midfield buildup from doncaster in the 42nd minute, a long pass forward, a shot, Baker with a fingertip save! The ball comes to rest what appears like inches in front of our net and Baker falls on it. WHEW.

We go into the half down 1-0. We had some chances in that half, we can still get this one. 2486 fans here today. Danny Williams is subbed out at the half, he's quite tired(hopefully not hurt). No tactical changes for now though.

Horrible defense in the 62nd minute, a Doncaster goal kick, our defender got confused, or caught, or something... Doncaster's attacker came out of it with the ball at midfield, with no one between himself and the keeper, he takes it into the box and scores, 2-0 deficit.

We come out to attack all out the rest of the way... by the 80th minute no action and it is likely too late.

Baker makes a save on a hard Doncaster shot in the 83rd minute...

yep, it's all over. 91st minute Doncaster gets a solid counter attack and scores again. They almost score in the 93rd... sheesh.

L 0-3

8s: Baker, Williams
5s: Teesdale
MoM: Danny Williams

Our first home loss, a painful one.

Next up our cup replay match.
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Old 04-07-2003, 07:28 PM   #41
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November 27th, 2002
FA Cup 1st Round Replay
Margate at Hereford

Another home match, lets go Bulls! We beat these guys 4-1 at home earlier in the year, and drew 0-0 at their place to force this replay.

It's dry and 37 out today, and I'm running a 5-3-2 because of injuries to both my right midfielders.

Danny Williams takes a free kick from just to the right of the box in the 31st minute, his shot is saved and cleared, we get the rebound, Williams gets another shot that is saved.

34th minute, John Grant with a corner kick, Guinan is there and puts it in the net!! Good to see us score after those last two matches, 1-0!

It's 1-0 at the half, and we've drawn what easily is a record 5808 fans today.

Parry is subbed out at the half and we keep going. No actino through 70, go go Bulls!

The second half ends with us totally dominating posession and holding Margate scoreless! We dominate today, 7 shots to 0!

W 1-0

Goals: Guinan (7)
Assists: Grant (4)
8s: Williams, Purdie
MoM: Danny Williams

We are awarded $30,000 for our win.

Our second round opponent is Cardiff, they're 3rd in Division 2 and may be on their way to the first division next year. We have to play them on the road.
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Old 04-07-2003, 07:46 PM   #42
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November 30th, 2002
#15 Hereford at #10 Burton Albion

For the first time ever, our entire roster is healthy! Ben Smith gets a start at right midfield and we have 5 subs ready to go today!

We take our 1-0-6 road record into Eton Park on a very warm November Day, 69 degrees today.

That was a dull and boring half. 0-0, they have 1 shot to our none. I'd love a draw on the road, I'm not changing any tactics. I do make 2 subs to get some fresh legs on the pitch.

The first action is a 75th minute attack by Burton Albion, a nice through ball forward, a cross and Baker has to make a great save to keep it tied.

86th minute the same, an even better save by Baker to concede a corner... we clear the corner though. 90th minute, a burton albion corner, we clear but not very far, and Gary Crosby for Burton Albion puts it into the net from just outside the box and we trail 1-0.

As we get desparate to try to equalise, they score again immediately.

L 0-2

8s: James
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Old 04-07-2003, 07:54 PM   #43
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December News

The Hereford Board are pleased with your performance as manager.

December Schedule

12/3: vs Forest Green(#6)
12/7: at Cardiff (FA Cup Rd 2)
12/14: at Telford (#7)
12/21: vs Nuneaton Borough (#22)
12/26: at Northwich Vics (#14)

We sit in 16th, 5-3-8, 13 goals for, 21 against.

I've attached the standings, full size. It got real blurry with smaller sizes.
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Old 04-07-2003, 08:07 PM   #44
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Attached here are the stats as of december for the team, sorted by Average Rating.

About halfway through the first season where I'm starting to get into a groove here, is a good time to ask what you guys would like to see, more attachments, less, suggestions on getting smaller files without them getting so blurry you can't read them?

Because of the utterly dire financial situation of the team, all I'm doing is playing games at this point. I have my scout out but he's not coming up with much. There's just not much to do until we get out of bankruptcy and I get fired, or our debts get cleared somehow. That explains the lack of player movement, etc.
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Old 04-07-2003, 08:33 PM   #45
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December 3rd, 2002
#6 Forest Green at #16 Hereford

A home match that we must win to stay well clear of relegation, I don't want to be anywhere near that 20th spot. It's dry and 37 degrees on Edgar Street today.

5th minute some midfield buildup, a looong pass from Sawyers into the box, from before midfield. Guinan gets up with his head and puts it past a defender, and past the keeper, and into the net!!! 1-0 Bulls.

25th minute, Danny Williams takes a free kick and scores it from 25 yards out!!! 2-0!!

26th minute a goal kick from Baker, buildup in the midfield, Grant gets forward and has a good shot saved, more buildup, we start over, getting it back to Baker, up to Parry, to Grant, cleared again, and it's finally safe for Forest Green... no real good chances there really.

39th minute a long bending shot from Danny Williams goes over the bar.

2-0 at the half. 1547 fans at the stadium today, a bit low but we're lower on the table now too...

We make our first subs in the 63rd minute, getting fresh legs on in the midfield.

72nd minute a free kick from Pitman is crossed to the middle of the pitch just outside the box, Rose with a hard shot, it's off the post! And cleared. We keep posession, a cross by Grant is cleared out and we try again. Pitman up the right side, closed down on, we reverse it to Purdie on the left side, and finally Forest Green clears out...

83rd minute a cross by Purdie is cleared out, the ball falls to Ben Smith, who strikes it from 30 yards out, into the corner of the net!!! His first ever goal, he's supposed to be very talented if he'll stay healthy.

Pure dominance. 8 shots to none. 90% of our tackles successful, 76% of our passes, 60% headers, they didn't top 50% on any, even passes...

W 3-0

Goals: Williams (1), Guinan (8), Smith (1)
Assists: Sawyers (4), Guinan (2)
8s: Clarke, Sawyers, Wright, James, Parry, Williams, Purdie, Guinan, Grant, Smith(backup)
MoM: Tony James (DC)

My best performance of the year numbers wise.
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Old 04-07-2003, 08:46 PM   #46
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
December 7th, 2002
FA Cup 2nd Round
Hereford at Cardiff

Cardiff is now winning Division 2. Good luck fellas. We use the closing down tactic in our own half to try to stay on their attackers better, and go with a defensive mentality. Lets get a draw and a home game!

It's 1-0 Cardiff 33 seconds in. We kicked off! Heh.

We immediately go back to the 2d engine on our next kickoff. They should have scored again, but put an easy shot wide.

A corner in the 15th minute, and it's 2-0.

Off to the 2d engine right on the kickoff again. Cardiff puts a shot over the bar. These guys are about 500 times faster than we are.

3-0 on a PK in the 24th minute. We fouled in the box on a cross.

26th minute they almost score from about 40 yards out. I'm serious.

They ease up after that, thank god.

L 0-3

5s: Guinan

Apparently we are not yet ready for Division 2 soccer.
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Old 04-07-2003, 09:06 PM   #47
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
December 14th, 2002
#15 Hereford at #7 Telford

Lets get that first road win guys! It's dry and 37 out today at New Bucks Head, Telford's Home.

We get a throw in in the 4th minute, a horrid turnover, a quick counter, and an easy 2 on 1 break for a Telford goal. @#$%#$%

37th minute a tackle deep in our own end gives Telford a break, Baker makes a great stop though, on the corner, we clear it behind, 2nd corner... a tough angled shot off the corner and Baker with the save.

We get more agressive going into the second half.

62nd minute Parry with a good move to set up Guinan in front of the box, he puts it low and hard past the keeper!!

Off the restart a great, great move by Telford on a cross, but thank god, offsides to nullify a goal.

68th minute Telford has a 2 on 2 break, they go wide down the left side, the cross is blocked, but falls to a trailer who puts it home past Baker. 2-1 Telford.

73rd minute I sub in fresh midfielders.

Guinan comes off hurt in stoppage time, and we can't threaten again.

The match was rather even stats wise, 7 shots to 6, but we couldn't put jack on target... only 1 shot on target, our goal.

L 1-2

Goals: Guinan (9)
Assists: Williams (3)
MoM: Tony James

Steve Guinan is out for 2 weeks One of the worst players to lose. He'll miss 2 matches, one at home vs the last place team, so maybe it won't hurt too bad.
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Old 04-07-2003, 09:15 PM   #48
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Ok I don't know if I just ran into a bug or not. I find a guy available on a free transfer. What I get, without ANY prompting:

1 Mail:

The team has accepted the offer of $0 for Tam Thien Tran.

2nd mail:

Offer contract to Tam Thien Tran.

Herefordhave offered a contract (I did nothing)

3rd Mail:

Tran has accepted my offer and is enthusiastic about playing for me.

4th mail:

The $0 deal taking Tran to Hereford can be completed.

The transfer couldn't be confirmed Hereford do not have sufficient funds to complete the transfer.

5th mail:

Deal falls trhough, I do not have the money for the transfer fee.

Ok, if I'm not allowed to bring on anymore payroll, that's fine. But it's not being reported to me properly at all

Is this a known problem? All of those mails came in automatically.
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Old 04-07-2003, 09:16 PM   #49
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Hereford midfielder Robert Purdie has revelaed his concerns about the club's current financial situation.

Go score some goals and draw more fans and shut up, thanks!
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Old 04-07-2003, 09:18 PM   #50
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
I know it's childish, but I can't resist.

Scout watches Aase


Scout Ron Jukes thinks 26 year old Petter Aase would be a good signing.

Back to finish up a few more games during the 2nd half in a bit!
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