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Old 01-27-2003, 04:31 PM   #1
Abe Sargent
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EU2 Dynasty - Mataram from Infancy to Superpower

The following dynasty was begun and completed in December 2002. It received a lot of compliments. Normally, I write my dynasties in word format first, then cut and paste into FOF, so I can keep a permanent copy. However, I did not that with this EU2 dynasty. I am not going to bring over OOC comments or other people's posts.

Here then, is a story abvout a small island nation. And destiny.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:32 PM   #2
Abe Sargent
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While I await the second FOF4 patch before continuing my FOF4/TCY dynasty, I look around for something more to do. I bought EU2 and played around with it. I have completed two Grand Campaigns, first as Trebizond, a Black Sea power with a claim to the throne of Greece. In the second campaign I played Oldenburg, a small German province in the heart of the Holy Roman Empire.

Both were challenges. And yet, I kicked the game's ass rather easily.

So, I am looking for a challenge. I will be playing the 400 year Grand Campaign for probably the final time. I look around the world map for a suitable place to begin.

It is an established fact on the EU2 boards than Benin, in Africa, is actually a really nice place to start. I say phoey on Benin. And all of Africa. I tried a game with the Zulus, just to see how it played. After three years I quit. They start with such a limited map, and no body they know of has a better map, so you cannot do anything until you meet explorers from other countries way later in the game. That's no fun.

North America is so, known, to me. I don't like it.

In the previous two Grand Campaigns, my people settled and explored South America dry. I know it well.

Trebizond raped the Middle East, so I know it as well.

Asia - that's the good stuff.

But what in Asia? I don't want to be sitting next to a bunch of territory I can easily take. Too easy, I've played that game. So, I head into the Indies, where they are a few countries, and a lot of unclaimed territory.

My options here are Atjeh, Mataram, Brunei, and Makassar. Makassar is the only one-province country - the others all have two provinces. Atjeh is a bit too close to the shore for my tastes.

I choose Mataram, for reasons listed below.

For those who are unfamiliar with EU2, allow me to help a bit. The Grand Campaign starts in 1419 and ends in 1819. 400 years of play will take weeks. Or lots of long sessions. I played Oldenburg in about 10 days. Trebizond took two weeks.

EU2 is a political, economic, exploration and military game. You can play it on any level.

I will be playing Mataram. A small country on the Javan isles.

But it is not enough to simply play as one of the most handicapped countries in the game. I want more. So I will role-play this puppy out. It should prove quite...


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Old 01-27-2003, 04:33 PM   #3
Abe Sargent
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The Handicaps of Mataram

1). Mataram is Hindu. All of the other small island states are Islamic, as is Malacca, the closest mainland country. The other mainland states close to mine are Buddist. I am seperated from my Hindu brothers by a long sea voyage over to the Indian Peninsula. This will make it hard to control any conquered territory, as well as making it less productive.

2). Mataram is Hindu, part II. A Hindu country has a worse penalty to its technology development. Hindu is worse than Islam which is worse than Orthodox which is worse than Latin. As such, my tech growth should be quite stunted by the time the Europeans make it to my shores.

3). Mataram is Javan in culture. My two provinces are the only Javan provinces in the game. As such, taking other provinces will always result in a reduced production and tax value when controlling them (-30% for a province being from another culture. -30% for it being from another religion. That combines for a -60% with every province around me currently controlled by another power)

4). Capital is Bali, an island. My other province is Surabaja on the island of Java. If my capital were Surabaja, or any of the other Indonesian players, my capital would have an unconnected route to neutral, or unclaimed, territory. That would give me a nice boost in colonist growth. However, having an island capital means it can never have an unconnected path to unclaimed territory, and therefore, no colonist growth.

5). Mataram has no CB shields on other provinces. In EU2, you have to have a "Casus Belli" on another country in order to declare war on them, unless you want to lose a lot of reputation. You gain these CB temporarily for various diplomatic activities. You also have a permanent CB on any power who controls territory you have a historical claim to. You can also demand a CB territory in a war without conquering it. Without any CB provinces, Mataram cannot wage a war on any power without upsetting other countries, or it must wait until a natural CB arises.

6). Mataram begins with its two provinces having Cotton and Coffee. Those are certaianly two halfway decent exports. But, other countries in the area have Spices - SPice is one of the best exports in the game. Plus, I have no grain provinces, so the size of my military is limited. There is only one grian province I know of in the Indonesian area - a neutral territory adjacent to Atjeh. After that, it's central SE Asia in Laos, Lampang, and Sarakham. I will need that neutral gain territory sooner or later, despite its low economic value.

As such, I begin with poorer exports than those around me, and I don't even have any grain in easy reach.

7). The natives in these areas are numerous and pissed off. Neutral provinces have natives in them before they are settled. A player has the option of whacking the natives and settling the province, which will be more likely with the natives gone, or keeping the natives around and settling around them. If you settle around them, you will have the possibility of a native uprising, a reduced chance of colonization, but if you get a colony going, the natives will join the population of the colony.

Ideally, you want provinces with a high amount of natives that are very peaceful. Indonesia has the opposite. The province right beside mine on Java has 15,000 natives with a High aggresiveness. I can't recall ever seeing 15,000 natives in one territory before. To compare, my capital of Bali begins the game with 10,000 and Surabaja begins with 8,000 inhabitants.

As such, colonization will not be without its hazards.

8). Along with a slow tech development, I also do not begin with Trade Level 1. Instead I have to research it. TR1 allows me to use merchants to send to trade centers and yields trade income. Without merchants in the first few years, I will be unable to quickly gain an economic edge on my neighbors.

9). At 0% interest, in the beginning of the game, my infantry costs 12 ducats a thousand and 21 for cavalry. I can affect that with domestic policy sliders, but it's awfully expensive for military so early in the game. Inflation will only make it worse.

10). I begin with funky Domestic Policy sliders. I'm close to Aristocracy, but not as close as many others. I am in the middle in the Centralization/Decentraliztion slider - very unusual. I am just barely towards serfdom where most countries begin with hard core Serfdom. I am in the middle on Free Trade/Mercantilism, towards Offense Doctrine, heavily Naval, slighty towards Quality. I am also in the middle on Narrowminded/Innovative.

There are some serious adjustments that need to be made here. I need to be more Narrowminded, Free Trade, Offensive, and Quality. I will also need to offset the tech disadvantge of Narrowminded, so I will probably not move there for a while.

11). My maps of the area are decent, and the mainland is depper than I would have expected. But, I lace knowledge of a lot of the eastern islands, like Timor, Buru, Ceram, Tindore, the Phillipines, and so forth. I will need to explore as soon as a random event gets me an Explorer or Conquistador unit.

12). To my knowledge, Mataram has no events. Therefore, I have to rely on random events to give me my kingdom. As such, I cannot know when Conquistadors/Explorers will come, or if they even will. Likewise, I will get no leaders other than the generic ones.

13). I will never have access to the purchasing of European mercenaries. Sahme, for I really liked buying them later in the game when inflation was out of hand, or as an emergency purchase to shore up defenses.

Interesting disadvantages all around.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:34 PM   #4
Abe Sargent
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Vikramavardhana is the ruling monarch of my kingdom. Mataram does not strike fear into any of our enemies. Neither does Vikramavardhana, for that matter.

My father died yesterday of old age. The Javan weather can keep a man alive for a long time. With food from the sea and shore alike, we are a people wealthy in life and good living.

But we know what is coming. We only speak of it at night, over a fire, when our tongues are loosened by drink.

Mataram cannot long last this way.

The winds are changing. Our Islamic neighbors rattle their spears, the mainland is a monsoon of war, threatening to pull everybody in against their will.

How long will Mataram last this way?

My father understood that. It was no mistake when he was appointed Chief Advisor to the throne.

And now, I an Chief Advisor upon my father's death. My father opened our Monarch's eyes to the truth of our situation. It is my job to guide him through it.

I have decided upon Mataram's goals, both short term and long term. They are:

1). Quickly expand. Either by colonization or conquest. Or a mixture of the two.

2). Establish economic stability.

3). Eliminate the Islamic competition in the Indies.

4). Establish an outpost on the mainland. This will have to be done by conquest.

5). Control all of Indonesia.

6). Drive out and keep out any forces or establishments from other areas, including Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

7). Convert the Islamic territories to Hinduism.

8). Become an economic superpower.

Those are my goals for Mother Mataram. It is time to begin. We have much work to do before i can sleep.

The winds are changing.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:35 PM   #5
Abe Sargent
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My first act as Chief Advisor is to decrease our tolerance of the Christians. A few missionaries have reached our country, and we have heard of them. But I have no tolerance for the heathen "Christians." I increase tolerance of Hidus to its maximum. Our own religion shell be foremost in people's minds.

As much as it pains me, for the moment, we must be kind to Moslems. For now. We are too surrouded by them to be anything else. For now. I will decrease tolerance for Konfucians for now to assist, although China will not look kindly upon our policies. I also increase tolerance for Buddhists a bit - enough to get a little gratitude from the Buddhist countries.

The very second thing i do is examine our Domestic policies. We need to be more offensive in our military, as well as having more quality. I also want us to be more open to Free Trade, yet more Narrowminded towards development.

For now, I move us towards a more Offensive military philosophy. In 10 yers, I can revisit our policies and see what need to be done then.

In development, I move our resources towards Trade and Stability. We need to use Merchants more quickly than I originally like.

After changing our policies, I hed to bed. I have made enough people mad for this month. More will come next month.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:35 PM   #6
Abe Sargent
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Forgot to add, I am playing this on the very Hard level of difficulty (the hardest one) and the medium level of Aggressiveness. Too much Aggressiveness yields wacky results.

The following countries are being used a majors. These are my main competitors for points and so forth. China, Nippon, dai Viet, England, Castille, France, and the Ottoman Empire. If I achieve more victory points than these guys, that'll be saying something.

European countries and provinces might seem familiar to many FOFC readers. But, Southeast Asian and Indonesian areas are unfamiliar to me, as they probably are to you as well.

Following my exploits with the countries of Ayutthaya and Champa, while hearing about provinces like Sulawesi, Selatan, Bandjarmasin, and Palembang might get confusing.

You can download a map of Asia in EU2 at:

Chema Cagi's EU2 HomePage

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:36 PM   #7
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A month later I examine our reports.

We have 5 Galleys and 5 Transports in our Fleet. Hardly terrorizing.

We have 5000 Infantry and 100 calvary protecting our capital of Bali. Again, hardly impressive.

I could take out a loan and make Military now. Then try and hit Makassar. Makassar will probably be our first target. We would porbably have to go into debt so much that we'd evetually havbe to keep taking out loans until bankruptcy sets in. That would be very bad for a country like ours - and very hard to get out of. I prefer a wait and see approach, for now.

I reduce the maintenance costs of our fleet and army for now. We need all of the money we can.

We have 50 ducats to Mataram's name. That it not enough to do much, so I'll have save up for a couple of years.

Eventually, we'll learn how to have a Tax Collecter, and then I'll build one in Bali and Surabaja. We'll need money to hire a Tax Collector, so it's another goal to save for.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:36 PM   #8
Abe Sargent
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It's imperative that Mataram join a military alliance sooner or later. I will also want to entre into some marriages, as well as getting trade agreements with nearby countries. We have a lot to do for now, diplomatically.

We'll see what develops on the diplomatic front. For I have no intention of initiating anything for a while.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:36 PM   #9
Abe Sargent
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September 1, 1419 - I offer a Trade Agreement with Malacca, and they agree. Malacca has the nearest Center of Trade, so it's a good arrangement.

We have gained the stability lost when I moved us to a more Offensive philosophy. We should be fully stable in another month or so. China and Manchu are at war, and China's two Allys in Dai Viet and Myanmar both dishonored their allaince and refused to declare war with Manchu. An interesting development early.

We will need to play quiet neutral observer for a much longer.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:37 PM   #10
Abe Sargent
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September 16, 1419 - Another amazing development abraod. Dai Viet had a rebellion and overthrew the Chinese Oppressors. This cancelled their vasselization with China and they declared war on China.


All is quiet here in the Indies, however, with nobody making the first move.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:37 PM   #11
Abe Sargent
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January 1, 1420 - Champa, the only Hindu country in on our maps, refused to sign a Trade Agreement with us. I will wait for relations to improve, then offer a Royal Marriage to Chmpa. Dai Viet agreed to a Trade Agreement, however.

We are fully stabilized, and I have turned those resources towards improving our infrastructure. Not much developing on the Dai Viet/China front. We'll see what happens.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:38 PM   #12
Abe Sargent
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April 1, 1420 - We have our first Colonist. I hire a Minister of Colonization. There are essentially two area nearby that are easy to colonize, according to my minister.

Jakarta, on the isle of Java, hs Sugar as an export. It will cost us 51 of our 72 ducats to send a colonist there. There natives number around 1000 and have a very low hostility.

Flores, an isle to the east, will cost 47 ducats to send our colonists there. There are alo about 1000 native, with alow aggressiveness. Flores exports Spices.

Ultimately, one factor weighs in my decision. My Minister estimates teh sucess rate of coloniztion at Jakarta to be 77%, Flores at 56%. That's a big differnce to me, so I send our Colonists to Jakarta at a cost of 51 ducats. It will take five months to find out whether they are successful.

May 21, 1420 - China moved their capital to Beijing.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:38 PM   #13
Abe Sargent
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September 1, 1420 - Word comes back that our colonization of Jakarta is sucessful! It's a very suitable climate, and growth should happen immediately.

We have 100 colonists there right now. The growth rater there is an amazing 12%. My Minister of Colonization informs me that colonies need around 600 people before natives are convinced to join. In the meantime, there could always be an uprising. But, it's not likely with natives as peacful as the Jakartans.

I cannot find Beijing on our maps, so until we locate it, I cannot send any envoys to China.

We sign a Trade Agreement with Ayutthaya, who are right above the Malaccans. Cambodia also agress to an Agreement.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:39 PM   #14
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January 1, 1421 - No Indonesian State has yet to ally herself with any other power. Are we waiting for someone to blink?

Trade Agreement with Champa is signed, but Atjeh refuses. I hate wasting my diplomats like that. Atjeh will suffer later for their indignation.

I order our fleet to go by Makassar and check their defenses.

February 3, 1421 - Our fleet sails into the Sea of Java and checks Makassar's defenses. They have 6000 men and 11 ships. Not assailable for a while. I decide to send the fleet to Jakarta, then on to Brunei to check their defenses.

May 5, 1421 - Our fleet arrives on the Coast of Brunei. They too have 6000 men in Brunei, but Sabah is unguarded. 11 ships rest in Brunei harbor. I send the fleet back to Jakarta, then over to Atjeh.

July 1, 1421 - We get some more colonists. SInce we have established a colonly in Jakara, it only costs 44 ducats this time. My Minister estimates an 82% sucess rate. We have 46 ducats in the treasury, so I send out the next wave of colonists.

August 1, 1421 - Vientiane, Taungu, and Pegu all agree to sign Trade Agreements with me.

September 2, 1421 - Our fleet arrives in the Straighs of Malacca. Atjeh has 2052 soldiers guarding their capital and 9948 in Riau. They have 4 ships in harbor and are building more. They are also promoting a Tax Collector in Atjeh.

Malacca has 2047 soldiers in their capital and Coenter of Trade province named, appropriately, Malacca. They have 9950 men in Perak, which is on the border with Ayutthaya. Only 52 men are in Johor.

Riau, interestingly enough, is not a port.

I order our fleet to return to Jakarta, then Bali.

September 5, 1421 - The second wave of colonization of Jakarta suceeds. It went faster the second time around because Jakarta was already settled.

I will continue to lay low.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:39 PM   #15
Abe Sargent
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October 2, 1421 - Dai Viet and China come to peace. China pays Dai Viet 85 ducats as part of the peace plan.

October 17, 1421 - Dai Viet founds the Empire of Dai Viet.

Dai Viet looks to have great ally potential.

January 2, 1422 - Our fleet reaches Bali - a year and a day after they set sail.

March 5, 1422 - Arakan and Assam agree to a Trade Agreement with us.

June, 22, 1422 - Myanmar agrees to a Trade Agreement with us as well.

September 11, 1422 - Atjeh refuses another offer of a Trade Agreement. We have more Colonists, but not enough ducats to send them. I decide to switch gears financially and start saving for when we can send out merchants and build Tax Collectors. I'll let the Colonists build for a while.

November 28, 1422 - A random diplomatic move happend to us with Makassar. Our relation improved significatly and we gained a diplomat. We have a Trade Agreement with every mainland power we can. I move to Brunei and Makassar and send out deplomats to them. Both sign the Agreements. Only Atjeh does not have a Agreement with us.

January 1, 1423 - Atjeh finally signs a Trade Agreement with Mother Mataram.

Now we are finished laying the groundwork for our Merchants. When we start sending them out, countries we know will not try to put them out of business. Now, we need that Trade Level 1 discovered.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:40 PM   #16
Abe Sargent
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January 26, 1423 - Myanmar annexes Pegu. That's one less country we know. My Science Advisor informs me that if we know less than 10 countries, our science and technology growth will suffer. We know and have agreements with 13 countries right now. Let's hope not too many of our neighbors start annexing each other.

June 1, 1423 - I offer a Royal Marriage to Champa - they agree. Our relations improve, plus we can now see what goes on in Champan lands.

Champa looks to have four ships in harbor, and 6000 men in the province of Da Lat. Their capital is south of Da Lat, in the Mekong Delta. Da Lat is adjacent to Dai Viet, so I figure they are stationed there for protection just in case.

With this Royal Marriage, we have begun entering the politics of the mainland.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:40 PM   #17
Abe Sargent
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June 5, 1423 - Brunei declares war on Champa. Cross sea warfare already?

July 24, 1423 - Champa ios building forces. I send the fleet to go to Brunei and check on their military progress.

August 26, 1423 - Brunei lands forces in Da Lat. The sides seem to be about equal - with each having around 6000 men.

September 9, 1423 - Champa loses the battle in Da Lat. Brunei has more than 4000 troops left - not enough to siege Da Lat.

October 29, 1423 - Our fleet arrives in the Coast of Brunei. They do not have any soldiers in their provinces, with 9 ships in harbor. Hmmm.

I order my fleet back to Bali. In the meantime I have a decision to make. Do I try and hit Brunei in the back? It's a really good opportunity, and I feel that I have to take advantage.

I order the conscription of 1000 calvary and 2000 infantry in Bali.

We go to war soon.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:40 PM   #18
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November 19, 1423, Brunei lands some more men in Da Lat and begins a siege. My Minister of war says they have 5814 men in Da Lat. Across the ocean. We continue to build.

December 3, 1423 - Champa decides to march 6000 men to Da Lat - keeping 5000 or so in reserve. Personally, I'd march them all in and try to wipe out the Brunei threat.

I up the maintanence on my fleet and army.

December 28, 1423 - Champan forces enter Da lat and begins warring with the Brunei forces there.

January 1, 1424 - With new tax income coming with the new year, I order Surabaja to build 2000 infantry.

January 30, 1424 - Champa defeats and destroys the Brunei forces in Da Lat.

February 3, 1424 - Our forces builing in Bali are complete, and I launch the Bali fleet to load up our forces.

Brunei may have been buiding armies in the meantime. I will sneak around the back of the island and land in Sabah. I will strike Brunei from behind. That way, it will take some time for the Brunei fleet to launch and come over. Hopefully we'll have enough time to land our forces in Sabah.

February 22, 1424 - 8100 Mataram soldiers board the Bali Fleet.

March 5, 1424 - 2000 infantry are fully conscripted in Surabaja.

April 1, 1424 - the Surabajan forces board the fleet in the Java Sea. We set sail for the Balabac Strait.

May 11, 1424 - We arrive in the Balabac Strait. I contact Champa. I offer Champa a military alliance - they agree and our relations improve.

I declare war against Brunei. We lose stability for lacking a Casus Belli, plus we also lose some favor diplomatically.

I send commands to unload our troops into Sabah.

On the home front, we need our stability back, so I shift our research from infrastructure to stability.

The war has begun.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:41 PM   #19
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The Brunei War of 1424-1427

Our goal in this war is to capture Sabah and negiotiate for it in a peace treaty. Gettins some gold would be nice as well. Hopefully we've caught Brunei with their respective pants down.

June 7, 1424 - Our forces land in Sabah. What I see is very interesting. There is no fleet in Brunei's harbor - nor no army on her land. I decide to march my entire army to Brunei from Sabah. We could keep a force behind in Sabah, but I know that the real battle will probably take place in Brunei, so I decide to move all of our forces there.

Our fleet is ordered back to Bali.

I wonder if the Brunei fleet set sail, and if they intend to battle us?

June 10, 1424 - The Brunei Fleets arrives in the Balabac Strait but we avoid each other on the waters and there is no battle.

June 25, 1424 - The siege of Brunei begins as our army arrives.

July 15, 1424 - Brunei builds 2000 men in Sabah. I believe they will try to build up an army to dislodge us from their lands.

August 12, 1424 - Our fleet returns to Bali. The Sabah foorces are moving. Are they boarding ships or coming to attack us in Brunei?

August 21, 1424 - The Brunei forces in Sabah have apparently boarded ships. I set the Bali fleet asail. We need to find them. I have no forces on Bali, Surabaja or Jakarta. I'd like to know where Brunei is going.

October 6, 1424 - Our fleet arrives in the Strait of Makassar, but no Brunei fleet is to be seen. I sail over to the Karimata Strait by Jakarta.

October 25, 1424 - Brunei captures the colony of Jakarta. I know where their fleet is now.

My question is whether they will try to keep the colony or send the soldiers elsewhere.

November 1, 1424 - We regain some of our stability lost by declaring war without a Casus Belli.

November 16, 1424 - Our fleet arrives in the Karimata Strait. The Brunei fleet is nowhere to be seen. Apparently they dropped off 2000 men in Jakarta and left.

December 2, 1424 - Brunei offers peace demanding 4 ducats. I laugh at them.

December 7, 1424 - While sending my fleet back to Bali, I ran into a Brunei fleet of 2 Galleys in the Java Sea. We engage in combat, and my fleet has the wind. Plus it's bigger. I hope to destroy or turn bac the Brunei fleet.

January 5, 1425 - Our naval engagement on the Java Sea is going very poorly for us. I send our fleet into the Surabaja Harbor.

January 18, 1425 - I invite Malacca to our alliance - they reject my proposal.

January 20, 1425 - I meet with my Miliary Advisor about the Brunei siege. He informs me that it is going very slowly. We have barely made headway. He suggests that we blockade Brunei with our fleet. That may help. Unfortunately, our fleet currently has its tail between its legs. After a whiel I might send it out.

March 2, 1425 - Brunei sends another peace proposal, this time demaning 20 ducats - our entire treasury. I decline with the head of their envoy decorating my garden and feeding scavengers.

Our Naval technology advanced. This should help our navies fight a bit better - which we will apparenty need.

I set our fleet sail for the Coast of Brunei.

The occupying soliders have left Jakarta. We can try to retake it, or just set sail and see what happens. I decide to allow Brunei to keep it for now.

I also order Surabaja to build 1000 men. I want them there in case I decide to pop over to Jakarta and retake my colony.

April 1, 1425 - Our stability is maximized. I agin move our intelligencia to infrastructure.

April 15, 1425 - Brunei lands their 2000 men in Surabaja. Not enough to come close to sieging it - they need 5000 for that purpose. Enoug to kill my 1000 men when they are tarined, however. I dispatc a Transport from my fleet to set sai for the Java Sea. I intend to send my soldiers to the ship when they arrive so that Brunei will not exterminiate them.

May 4, 1425 - Brunei sends yet another peace offer. This time I send them the hands and feet back.

May 7, 1425 - Our fleet arrives in Brunei. There is a fleet of 3 ships in their harbor. We wait.

May 11, 1425 - Our army in Surabaja arrives. They have a poor morale and are desperately outnumberd, but they will have to survive long enough for my transport to arrive.

May 16, 1425 - It didn't take long for Brunei to send our forces packing. They are fleeing into Bandung where angry natives wait.

May 27, 1425 - Our transport arrives in the Java Sea. 6 Brunei ships are here as well. I decide to land in Surabaja harbor with my transport.

June 10, 1425 - I send the fleet at Brunei back to Bali - they don't seem to be helping. Our army enters Bandung and the natives begin attacking. I order an immediate retreat, sending them into Jakarta.

June 24, 1425 - One of Mataram's greatest noble families has entered financial troubles. They demand our help. It will take 75 ducats to help them, and I do not want to take out a loan. As such, our stability drops by one.

July 2, 1425 - Our small army arrives in Jakarta and we have retaken our colony.

August 1, 1425 - Our Trade advances to level 1 and we can now send Merchants abroad. I immediately send a merchant to Malacca to open up some business. I can only afford to send one nright now. We make four a year, but since I cxan store a maximum of 6 merchants, I have 5 left after sending this one away.

August 14, 1425 - Our fleet arrives back in Surabaja. I immedaitely relaunch to see where Brunei has gone.

September 9, 1425 - Our fleet arrives in the Karamata Strait outside of Jakarta and runs into a Brunei transport. We engage in battle.

October 9, 1425, - One month later we sink the Brunei transport. We also steal their rutters. I check the map to see if we gained knowledge of anywhere. It looks like Brunei and us have the same maps already, because I don't see any additional areas revealed.

January 1, 1426 - We develop technology in land military. Our fleet was sent to the Coast of Brunei, and we are still not blockading it. With the new year, I send two merchants to Malacca to set up shop.

February 23, 1426 - Brunei is captured! I send our army back over to Sabah.

February 24, 1426 - Brunei offers peace for nothing. I let them know that I have other ideas for their country.

March 1, 1426 - Our infrastructure improves. I put all of our investigations into trade.

March 22, 1426 - While sailing home, I encounter another lone Brunei transport - this time in the Coast of Sarawok. I also run into a Chinese Explorer, Zheng He. That's bad news for us - Chinese colonists could be coming.

May 9, 1426 - We destroy the Brunei transport, but lost a Galley due to attrition.

June 24, 1426 - Brunei built 2000 calvary in Sabah. We enter into combat with them.

June 27, 1426 - Our fleet enters the Java Sea and spies another solitary transport. Battle ensues.

June 30, 1426 - We win a victory in Sabah and the Brunei forces are retreating into Brunei province.

August 13, 1426 - Brunei offers peace and demands all 6 of our ducats. I don't know what makes them think they can beat us, but it is quickly becoming less funny and more annoying.

August 21, 1426 - We destroy the transport.

February 15, 1427 - Brunei again sends off an offer of peace if only we give them all of the ducats in our treasury. I again laugh his messager off the palace walls and ontoa pointed stick.

February 20, 1427 - Our fleet arrives in the Coast of Brunei. Two Brunei Galleys are in our way. They have the wind, but I have more ships.

March 19, 1427 - Brunei sends another of those annoying peace offers for only a limited time.

April 8, 1427 - We win the naval engagement and destroy one of the Brunei galleys in the process.

April 22, 1427 - Another battle as the galley returns. They retreat a couple of days later.

May 4, 1427 - We capture Sabah! We have now captured the entier country of Brunei and have an impressive bargaining position.

I begin by demanding Sabah as tribute. I then also demand that Brunei become my vassal. Lastly, I demand 250 ducats to recoup my losses in the war.

Brunei rejects my kind offer. So I wait a month.

May 9, 1927 - Brunei sends a peace offer of Sabah and 91 ducats. I reject their offer. I want Sabah, ducats, and vassalization.

June 28, 1427 - I offer Brunei peace for Sabah, vassalization, and 150 ducats. They refuse.

August 3, 1427 - Same offer, but for 100 ducats. Another refusal.

September 3, 1427 - This time I demand Sabah and 100 ducats again - they accept this time.

And thus the Brunei war ends with Mataram gaining Sabah, some money, and gaining a vassal.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:41 PM   #20
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A look at Sabah:

Sabah is an interesting province. It has 5204 people inhjabiting it. There is no revolt risk, despite the fact that we annexed it from another country.

Becuase it is pagan. It als has indonesian culture. We can convert it using missionaries and and when pagans convert reliagion, they also convert culture. As such, Sabah haz the potential to be the only other province in Indonesia that will have no penalties, aside from those I colonize myself, of course.

Sabah exports Spices, which will help us as it helps our economy. As of right now, Sabah makes 9 ducats in taxes per year. That should change when we convert it down the road.

Sabah adds no manpower to my country.

A look at Surabaja:

8257 people and exporting cotton for 15 ducats annually. Adds no manpower.

A look at Bali:

10570 people exporting Coffee for 17 ducats annually. Adds one manpower.

A look at Jakarta:

214 people exporting Sugar for no taxes (colony) but 9 ducats annualy go to the center of trade in Malacca to be divided among merchants there. That's poretty good for a small colony.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:42 PM   #21
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With my blood money, I make several decisions.

Firstly, I send all 6 of my stored merchants to Malacca.

Secondly, I send another colonist to Jakarta, with an 87% chance of sucess.

That leaves me with 37 ducats.

I decide to keep them for more merchants and colonizing.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:42 PM   #22
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I lower the maintainence on my military again.

Our colonist is sucessful. I send another after the new year when I get some money. It, too, is successful - bringing our Jakartan population to 413.

We have been making some money from Brunei, so we have enough for yet another colonization attempt with a 95% chance of success. It also suceeds. We'll have to wait for next year to get enough money to try again.

January 1, 1429 - 10 years after my rise to power, to the day, our monarch passed away. His cousin, Suhita, takes over. Suhita has always looked up to me, and besides, I have successfuly wrest power away from the nobles and princes. Everybody knows that I was the one to strike Brunei, I was the one to expands our country.

I have more power than the monarch could ever hope to have.

Suhita is good at diplomacy, fair at administration, and poor at managing a war. I may not go to war for a while.

I reexamine our domestic policies.

I decide to move us towards having a more quality military.

I also send that last colonist to Jakarta. Last, because if he is successful, we will go over 600 people and absorb the native population.

Our colonization is, in fact, successful. Jakarta is now a fully actualized little colony.

Jakarta has 1624 people living there. Their export of Sugar is the best colony at the Malaccan Center of Trade, yielding 28 ducats to them and 18 annually ducats to us.

We are now a four province country. Time to become an empire.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:42 PM   #23
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Brunei stupidly eliminated all natives from Kalimantan province. It's right below Sabah, and it only trades fish - not a big deal, really. Due to the decided lack of natives, its really easy to colonize. I'll send a colonist there next, then move on to other places while I have claimed Kalimantan.

September 14, 1429 - We received a diplomatic insult from Makassar. This is a windfall of luck. This insult grants us a temporary Casus Belli against them for a year. Screw Kalimantan, I order 1000 calvary to be built in Bali. I bring to Bali the fleets and army of Mataram.

December 14, 1429, I load up the Bali fleet and send them over to Makassar to check out the military situation. When the new year hits, I'll order the building of some infantry, but for now, I am sending the fleet with 7000+ soldiers to look. If I like what I see I may land troops immediately after declaring war.

I up the maintanence on naval and land troops to 100%.

January 22, 1430 - Makassar has 6000 men and 11 ships. I will have to launch an attack off the boat, which will be dangerous. As such, I decide to wait for the 2000 more troops I have building in Bali right now to be ready.

April 24, 1930 - My loaded fleet has arrived in the Strait of Makassar. I decide to declare war and attack. If I can win this battle, then I defeat Makassar, If I lose, I can still recuperate.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:43 PM   #24
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The Makassar War of 1430 - The Absorbtion of Makassar

April 24, 1430 - I declare war against Makassar. I call upon Champa to join me, but Champa dishonors our alliance, which gives me a temporary Casus Belli against
Champa. I order my troops to disembark and attack the Makassar.

May 16, 1430 - Our troops land in Makassar. I moive my fleet into the Sea of Java.

May 22, 1430 - We win the Battle of Makassar. The siege begins.

June 6, 1430 - Our fleet arrives in the Sea of Java where 9 Makassar ships are. We miss each other, however, and no battle occurs.

June 29, 1430 - Our fleet arrives in the Straits of Lombok by Bali and we attack the two galley fleet of Makassar.

July 26, 1430 - With the wind and a larger fleet, we sink one galley and force the other to retreat. I land our fleet briefly in Bali and then head back out to Makassar seas.

August 27, 1430 - Our fleet arrives in the Sea of Java where a Makassar fleet of one warship, 4 galleys, and 3 transports has the wind and attacks us. That is pretty bad odds for our four galleys, five trasports. I retreat back to the Straits of Lombok and hope my opponent seperated his fleet so we can pick them apart.

September 3, 1430 - Makassar sends their first peace envoy - and demands 3 ducats. Right, and I am the Sultan of Bengal.

September 25, 1430 - My fleet that retreated to the Straits of Lombok enters combat upon arrival with part of the Makassar fleet - the warship, two galleys, and three transports. This time, I have the wind. I stay and see how the fight goes.

November 1, 1430 - We defeat the Makassar fleet, although we do not sink any ships. We also stole the rutters of Makassar. Checking the map, Makassar has more info about China, and we have found Beijing for China, Nippon, and Korea. I immedietely contact all of them and try to set up Trade Agreements. They all agree.

December 1, 1430 - We follow the defeated fleet in the Sea of Java and fight them again. Even with the wind, this time we sink one of their galleys.

December 22, 1430 - We capture Makassar. We annex Makassar and take all of their fleets and the province of Makassar.

It was a quick war that ended poorly for us, ultimately. Makassar will probably be hard to convert and will probably launch a lot of rebellions.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:43 PM   #25
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Years of Quiet, Consolidation, and Building

I bring the entire fleet together at Bali to see what I have. My Naval Advisor gives me the following report:

1 Warship
7 Galleys
10 Transports

Maintenance - 0.6 ducats monthly

Supportbale Number of Ships: 29

I deicde to slash the maintenance of my Navy, but not my army. I also leave my army in Makassar for rebels.

Info about Makassar:

Sunni and Indonesian. Makassar has Nationalism which results in a minimum of 3% revolt risk each month. That will go down after time. It should be 0 revolt risk otherwise. 11853 people exporting Spices for 15 ducats annually and 16 sent to Malacca's Center of Trade. Makassar adds no manpower.

With the new year - 1431 - I get some ducats. I send that colonist to Kalimantan. My Minister of COlonization informs me we have a 64% chance of sucess.

April 6, 1431 - We have a new colony in Kalimantan as our colonist suceeded. It has a great rate of growth, but I'll not come here again for a while. I just wanted to claim the territory. Now, I'll look elsewhere for colonization.

September 8, 1431 - An Heir to the Crown is born! Suhita is so pleased.

February 1, 1432 - We finally have five merchants running around Malacca's Center of Trade. I will now be looking at CoTs futher away. Maybe Shanghai or Kansai or Ganges. Probably Shanghai.

April 19, 1433 - After over a year of quiet, we have our first revolt in Makassar. It is put down a few days later.

September 26, 1433 - Brunei sends us a Diplomatic Insult. This is an excellent excuse to go to war with Brunei, but I like them as a vassal right now. As my vassal, I get half of their income. I'd get slightly more than that after conquering them. Internationally I have a tarnished reputation. It would get worse if I took Brunei. So, for now, I'll hold off.

October 1, 1433 - I send out our n ext colonist. I am aiming fopr the island of Flores, east of Bali. With spice as an export, 1000 fairly peacefu natives, and a 56% chance of inital sucess, I'll send my money there.

December 5, 1433 - Our colonization attempt fails.

February 22, 1434 - I offer marriage to China and they accept. I also offer to Arakon, Ayutthaya, Malacca, and Nippon - they also accept.

July 1, 1434 - I try again to Colonize Flores.

July 8, 1434 - A huge war in SE Asia breaks out, with everybody against everybody.

Ayutthaya, Taungu versus China, Bengal, Vijaynagar, Arakan, Vientiane, Dai Viet and Cambodia

Champa versus Cambodia, Dai Viet, and Vientiane.

Literally every power, save Malacca, in SE Asia is at war.

And yet not a good time to invade. There are a couple of hard core alliances in there, and I don't want to ally myself with those they are fighting against, nor do I want to fight the people they are fighting, either. I can't race Dai Viet or China for land.

Another opportunity missed? Am I becoming more sedintary as I grow older?

Flores shall be my crowing accomplishment. I wil see it colonized, then retire my post in favor of another. It is time for my passing.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:44 PM   #26
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The Retirement of Atahari I

Sept 4, 1434 - Our second coloniztion attempt at Flores has suceeded. Future attempts will have at least a 74% chance of sucess according to my Minister of Colonization. Flores has a nice growth rate, so let's work on it.

October 22, 1434 - I found my protegee - the successor to my "rule." His name is Kasuri. He was taken with his parents to Jakarta where he has been raised the past several years. He has lived in the hard colony before it became more modern.

Kasuri is smart, birhgt, and young - only 12. I have brought him into my care and am paying his family money from my own pocket to train the boy as I choose. Kasuri shall be my sucessor.

He shall see my goals completed.

January 1, 1435 - Another colonist is sent to Flores.

March 1, 1435 - My Minister of Colonization informs me that our colony has been expanded.

April 12, 1435 - Some country named "Portugal" has sent a colonist to Sunda to set up shop as a trading post. This is not acceptable. They failed and died over there. I don't like the idea of strangers on the island of Java.

May 1, 1435 - Makassar's second rebellion, another easy one to put down.

January 1, 1436 - Another colonization attempt at Flores diembarks from Bali. This time a 79% chance is supposedly entailed.

March 1, 1436 - This month brings a couple of familiar sights. More colonization at Flores has occured, and another rebellion at Makassar has occured.

March 5, 1436 - Brunei canceled the Vassalization and declared war against us. Bad move.

March 9, 1436 - We defeat the Makassar rebels, then laucn a fleet to the Coast of Brunei. Another fleet is enroute to Makassar to pick up our army for an attack on Brunei proper.

May 13, 1436 - Our first battle in the Second Brunei War takes place on the Coast of Brunei as our fleet of a warship, 4 galleys and 5 transports runs itno a Brunei fleet of a warship, 2 galleys, and a transport. They have the wind. We'll see what happens.

May 14, 1436 - Our army lands in Kalimantan. I order them to Sabah.

June 10, 1436 - Our army reaches Sabah. I order them to Brunei where 3323 Brunei soldiers wait.

June 20, 1436 - We lose the Battle of the Brunei Coast, although we do manage to sink a galley.

June 28, 1436 - The struggle for Brunei begins as our army reaches Brunei and attacks.

July 9, 1436 - Our army defeats Brunei and begins the siege.

I purposefully avoid killing that fleet. I want that Warship when I annex Brunei.

January 8, 1437 - Another colonist is sent out to Flores.

February 1, 1437 - The Makassar take advantage of their opportunity and revolt.

Februaru 8, 1437 - We capture Brunei and then annex them. I march my army back to Kalimantan where they will board a fleet bound for Makassar.

I reduce my naval maintainance back own to 50%, and I now have an additional warship, galley, and transport.

March 1, 1437 - Due to Mataram's growth, and my role in that, Suhita, our Monarch, has seen fit to award me with the title of Viscount. I am now addressed as Lord.

March 8, 1437 - Flores expands again.

July 7, 1437 - Our army loses to the rebels in Makassar. I order more troops to be built in Bali.

December 5, 1437 - My Economic Advisor is able to turn in a record year. Inflation goes down 5% and we get 100 ducats. I use that gold to build 4000 infantry and send a colonist to Flores.

February 5, 1438 - Our Flores colony expanded again. I send out what could be our last colonization attempt to Flores.

April 1, 1438 - We defeat the rebels in Makassar.

April 6, 1438 - The Portugese have landed an army in Sunda and wiped out all of the natives. I need to colonize it now, but I don't have the money. Alas.

April 17, 1438 - Flores is sucessfully colonized one last time. Before I retire, I take a look at my last two additions.


11901 people reside in Brunei. Spices are its mzajor export, and Mataram gets 13 ducats annually while the CoT gets 16. Brunei is Sunni and Indonesian. It has a revolt risk of 3% due to Nationalism as well. Brunei does not add any manpower to my country.


1612 people work the spices in Flores. 11 ducats are added to my treasury annually, and 12 are produced at the Malacca CoT. Flores also does not add any manpower to my country.

Kasuri is 15 now, and ready to take over. He inherits my title, my post, and my ambition.

The wind is changing. These new Portugese. We've conqured Brunei and Makassar but now have to deal with rebels. Growing economic prosperity and colonization of local islands.

The wind is changing, and it is time that someone else tries to fly.


End Chapter One
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Old 01-27-2003, 04:44 PM   #27
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Chapter 2 - Kasuri's Tenure - A Time of Change

What Atahari I realized was that his way of doing things was about to no onger work. He was wise enough to see that in advance.

My mentor was no ordinary man.

Still, his disagreements over my methods were highly caustic. He know in his head that things were changing, but in his heart, he still couldn't let go.

Upon my ascension to the post, the title was changed to Regent. Everybody knew who was in power, and Suhita was content to be a figurehead. His diplomatic skills were quite valuable, even if his ability in battle was poor.

I echo the goals of my predecessor. His desires for Mataram were:

1). Quickly expand. Either by colonization or conquest. Or a mixture of the two.
2). Establish economic stability.
3). Eliminate the Islamic competition in the Indies.
4). Establish an outpost on the mainland. This will have to be done by conquest.
5). Control all of Indonesia.
6). Drive out and keep out any forces or establishments from other areas, including Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
7). Convert the Islamic territories to Hinduism.
8). Become an economic superpower.

Many of these goals are long term. Again, I echo them, however, we are in a differnt place now. Goal number one was accomplished by Atahari. We have expanded tremendously under Atahari's 19 year "rule." Brunei, Sabah, Makassar, Jakarta and Flores are all full provinces that have come under Mataram rule. Add to that Kalimantan, a small colony, plus Bali and Surabaja which were the original Mataram. Yes, goal number one has been accomplished.

And we are financially stable. So goal number two is close to fruition. However, new problems have arisen. The Portugese have landed on Java, we have revolts in Makassar and possibly in Brunei as well.

We need a second army, at a bare minimum, to put down revolts in Brunei. And we need it now, not in a couple of years when we have the money.

The Portugese have slaughtered the natives of Sunda. We need to send a representative there now and claim it for Mataram - before it is too late. Not later, now.

As such, I will take a measure that Atahari would never have done except in the most grave circumstances - I am going to take a loan from the bank.

On other goals, for a mainland post I like Malacca or Champa. Champa is Hindu, thus allowed it to integrate into Brunei more easiy. Malacca is in an ideal economic situation, and I'd love to see it under Mataram rule. Those are my goals.

I echo Atahari's goals, but this is what I'd like to do in my lifetime:

1). Take Atjeh.
2). Establish that mainland post
3). Develop a capable military
4). Finish colonizing the islands of Java, Atjeh, Brunei, and Makassar, plus the island of Sumbawa.
5). Keep the Portugese threat minimal or non-existant.

And those are the goals I will personally work towards.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:45 PM   #28
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April 19, 1438 - I take out that loan I discussed. I immediately send a colonist to Sunda. I start building the Brunei army.

July 9, 1438 - We settle Sunda successfully. I have found the Portugese fleet and their explorer. I will follow them around.

January 6, 1439 - I peruse our Domestic Policies. I decide to move us closer to Free Trade.

April 26, 1439 = I noticed the Portugese are trying to set up a Trading Post in Sulawesi.

May 1, 1439 - Our first revolt in Brunei. We defeat them a week later.

August 7, 1439 - Portugal's attempts at a post in Sulawesi fail. The Minister of Colonization informs me that we only have a 30% chance of colonizing Sulawesi, plus the natives are extremely unfriendly. I can't move on to Sulawesi.

Looking elsewhere is what I must do. Where to colonize next?

After a little investigating, I like our chances at Salabanka and Sumbawa the most - 48% likely to take on the first hit. I send a colonist to Salabanka because they have 6000 natives as opposed to Sumbawa's 1000.

August 9, 1439 - Portugal tries again to put a post on Sulawesi

October 8, 1439 - Good news has arrived. Salabanka was successfully colonized today by our intrepid band of social outcasts. Salabanka and Sunda both have excellent growth rates.

February 17, 1440 - Another group of colonists leaves for Salabanka. A 64% chance is supposedly had.

March 14, 1440 - Sulawesi is colonized by the Portugese. We open up diplomatic relatoins with Portugal. I offer them a Trade Agreement and they accept.

April 17, 1440 - Salabanka is expanded by our colonists.

June 27, 1440 - We entered into a Royal Marriage with Cambodia.

February 8, 1441 - Another set of colonist embarks to Salabanka. 71% chance of success this time.

February 15, 1441 - I sent a fleet to check out Atjeh's defenses for a surprise attack. They have 2052 men in Atjeh proper plus 5 ships in the harbor. Riau province has 9948 men.

I do have a rather bad reputation, so I want to steer clear of declaring war without a Casus Belli or annexing lands.

Colonization will continue to be my way of expansion for the moment. It's too bad Atjeh is not in an alliance, becuase then I could want to join an alliance with an opposing force. Neither Malacca nor Champa are in alliances either. I just need to wait.

April 9, 1441 - Our continued colonization of Salabanka is successful once more. Three more and Salabanka will be a full fledged city with the inclusion of the 6000 natives.

Mataram is the world's leading producer of Spices.

July 8, 1441 - During our peace, I made my Naval Minister reform and reorganize the navy. It has paid off with a bonus in nava research.

October 10, 1441 - We entered a royal marriage with Assam.

February 1, 1442 - Another revolt in Brunei. I order some more colonists to Salabanka.

February 18, 1442 - We lose a battle versus rebals in Brunei.

April 4, 1442 - Salabanka expands. The Makassar regiment boards a waiting fleet and will be shiped to Brunei.

June 22, 1442 - We defeated the Brunei rebels.

February 1, 1443 - More colonists to Salabanka. With an 81% chance of sucess, it is looking pretty good.

April 1, 1443 - Salabanka is again expanded.

August 25, 1443 - My Economic Advisor was able to get some things taken care of yet again, with another banner year: -5% inflation, and a hundred extra ducats for the treasury. I use that money to buy Tax Collectors for Bali and Surabaja.

January 1, 1444 - Brunei revolts again.

February 1, 1444 - Another colonist sent to Salabanka. Will it be the last?

April 4, 1444 - Salabanka is fully colonized.


6616 people export spice to the outside world. 13 ducats annualy for Mataram and 14 for the CoT at Malacca. Salabanka does not add to the manpower of Mataram. Salabanka, despite being on the same island as Makassar and Sulawesi, is not a port province.

August 28, 1444 - My Tax Collectors in Bali and Surabaja are working now.

With that, I have continued Atahari's work. I have colonized Salabanka like he did with Flores and Jakarta. I have worked on our infrastructure and navy, just like he did.

And now, I bide my time, waiting for a chance to strike at an unsuspecting enemy. Atjeh, Malacca, Champa. Maybe even Ayutthaya or Cambodia. Who will be next?

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:45 PM   #29
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January 26, 1445 - I have reorganized my cabinet to create a more logical set of advisors. I now have:

Minister of Colonization

Minister of Religion - Newly formed by myself

Minister of War - Formerly Naval and Army advisors. Now, my general and admiral report to the Minister of War.

Economic Advisor - Deals with trade, exports, and infrastructure.

Chief Diplomat - New post to assist me in growing mainland entanglements.

I begin a conversation with my new Minister of Religion. I ask him how Hinduism has changed our culture. He informs me of the following:

1). Hinduism has made it harder to us to stabilize. He estimates it is 30% more costly and longer to stabilize than other countries.

2). Hinduism has a 10% penalty for improving technology. This is in addition to the penalties already suffered for being in the "Asian" techgroup.

3). We have a 5% production efficiency bonus. This affects our revenue from provinces.

4). We have a 5% tax revenue bonus.

5). Our forces receive a 50% morale bonus.

6). We receive no settlers, diplomat or missionaries from our state religion.

Of those, only the morale bonus is worthwhile. Certainly an uphill battle.


P.S. - The whole reorganization thing was just for this franchise report, and not in the game at all.
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Old 01-27-2003, 04:45 PM   #30
Abe Sargent
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February 1, 1445 - I decided to spend our annual income on soldiers this year, instead of colonizing. Both Makassar and Brunei have been shored up. Makassar is down to a 2% monthly revolt risk.

April 14, 1445 - After building those soldiers, my Minister of War tells me that we have:

Makassar: 6959 Infantry, 1992 Calvary
Brunei: 5385 Infanrty, 3452 Calvary
Sunda: 990 Infantry

A decent military for our provinces. I'd like to eventually have an army on Java, maybe in Sunda or Jakarta.

August 4, 1445 - We receive a Gift to the State from a merchant or nobleman. It's 100 ducats. I immediately consult my Minister of Colonization about the options that still remain in Indonesia. Here is his report:

Jambi: Below Atjeh, Grain, 4000 Natives, Medium Hostility, 40% likely to succeed

Palembang: South Atjeh Isle, Spice, 8000 Natives, Medium Host., 40%

Bandung: Java Isle, Cotton, 15000 High Host, 53%

Sarawak: West Brunei, Naval Supplies, 5000 Extremely High Hostility, 32%

Bandjarmasin: Southwest Brunei, Spice, 8000 High, 36%

Selatan: Southeast Brunei, Chinaware, 10000 Medium, 40%

Manado: North Makassar, Spice, 6000 High, 40%

Sumbawa: Isles east of Bali, Coffee, 1000 Medium, 48%

Plus we can continue to settle Sunda or Kalimantan.

After reviewing my options, I narrow it down to Sumbawa, Jambi, Palembang or Selatan. Each has just medium hostility, with at least a 40% chance of initial settling.

Of those, I like Selatan and Palembang for their products. Chinaware is one of the more rare and vauable exports out there. I also need Jambi's grain, although it will not be the most ecnomic area to colonize. Still, for this area, I have to hold Jambi sooner or later.

Grain helps us to have a larger military. We have to settle it, and I send a colonist there. This time, strategy takes precedence over economics.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:46 PM   #31
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December 17, 1445 - News came back that our colonization attempt to Jambi failed.

February 1, 1446 - Anoither colonist to Jambi is sent out.

May 1, 1446 - A Makassar revolt occurs. We destroy them 5 days later.

June 19, 1446 - Our Jambi colonization is successful. Jambi is not a port province - they settled inland. We will want to build up Jambi and then have a nice province, adjacent to Atjeh.

January 1, 1447 - A new Monarch, Keravijaya, has taken over. He was born shortly after Suhita took over the throne. Keravijaya understands his role and mine in the government. Keravijaya is good at diplomacy, but poor at both administration and war.

February 1, 1447 - I send another colonist to Jambi. My Minister tells me they have a 58% chance to take hold.

April 17, 1447 - Jambi expands with a sucessful colonization.

September 3, 1447 - I find out that several ordinaces passed recntly have gone unenforced. As such, we have moved towards a more decentralized policy.

November 24, 1447 - Malacca enters an aliance with China. Hopefully, they will get into a war sooner or later. Then, I can try to join the opposing side, and enter war with Malacca without violating a Casus Belli.

This may be the break I've been waiting for.

December 12, 1447 - In preparation for creatign an alliance somewhere on the mainland, I have entered into a Royal Marriage with Myanmar, Vientiane, and Dai Viet.

February 1, 1448 - More colonists set sail for Jambi.

February 21, 1448 - China must have recently learned how to construct level 2 Fortresses, they are building fortresses in seven provinces that I see right now.

April 17, 1448 - Jambi is expanded again.

June 5, 1448 - Our Royal marriage with Champa has expired. I do nopt renew it, in hopes that maybe we will end up absorbing Champa in war somewhere along the way.

January 10, 1449 - I reexamine our domestic policies again. I decide to increase the Quality of our troops, over their quantity.

February 1, 1449 - Another colonist disembarks. Jambi awaits.

April 17, 1449 - Jambi expands again.

November 28, 1449 - The nobles today demanded their old rights. I decided to accept their demands. To do otherwise would be to throw our country into an instable mess. We have become more decentralized as a result of my decision.

February 1, 1450 - Another colonist leaves for Jambi.

April 17, 1450 - The colony expands again.

January 1, 1451 - Rajasavardhana, one of our nobles, seizes the throne from Keravijaya in a blodless coup. He's not really better. He is only average diplomatically and administratively, and poor at war as well.

February 1, 1451 - Is our last colonist bound for Jambi? We have a 78% chance for this one.

April 17, 1449 - Jambi becomes a full-fledged province. The 4000 natives have provided a nice bonus.


4616 workers growing Grain. Jambi gives us 9 ducats annualy - none go to the Malaccan Center of Trade.

April 19, 1451 - Ayutthaya had an event for them. They went with reforms in Boromo Trailokanat's Reforms.

The creation of a province in Jambi leads us out of the next phase of colonization.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:46 PM   #32
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I do not expect to colonize much for a while. I am saving my ducats to pay off the loan we took out at the beginning of my term.

November 7, 1451 - Dai Viet is forming an alliance. They bring in Taungu and Cambodia into their alliance.

December 20, 1451 - The natives in Sulawesi destroyed the Portugese trading post there, and their attempts to colonize a new post failed.

August 24, 1452 - The perfect opportunity arise but Malacca di not take the bait! China declared war on Manchu. Nippon, allied with Manchu, declared war on China. But Malacca dishonored their alliance with Chian rather than declare war on Manchu and Nippon.

If Malacca had declared war, then I would have asked to join the Japan/Manchu alliance. If they had taken me, war with Malacca would have been entered. Now, it's just a minor, piddling war, and Malacca is no longer in an Alliance with China.

November 8, 1452 - Permanet recruiting areas have been establish in Flores by my Minister of War. As suc, Flores now adds one manpower to our country.

December 1, 1452 - Our stability increased back to maximum. It went down after I changed our domestic policies earlier.

January 1, 1453 - Another new monarch, Interregnum takes our power as the incompetance of Rajasavardhana reaches no end. Interregnum, however, is poor across the board, and I fear that Mataram will be hurt by his rule.

February 1, 1453 - I order a Tax Collector put in Brunei. We still have 200 ducats after that order.

March 27, 1453 - The Portugese have reestablished their post in Sulawesi.

May 1, 1453 - The national bank comes calling, and I agree to pay off our loan of 200 ducats. That leaves us with five in the treasury, and a monthly income of around 1.5 ducats.

January 1, 1454 - I order a tax collector built in Sabah.

November 22, 1454 - After the noblity demanded their old rights sucessfully so recently, I should have expected this.

The cities have comes demanding their old powers and authories back. I am forced to accept, knowing a denial would cause major instability throughjout the kingdom. We move further towards a decentralized state.

December 1, 1454 - Makassar rebellion again. We wmerge victorius a couple of weeks later. Makassar is down to a 1% monthly chance of revolt, Brunei is at 2%.

January 15, 1454 - I meet with our Minister of Colonization about another possible colonziation attempt somehwere. We agree that Sumbawa is probably the best place. It's close to home and has the best chance of success. Still, I decide to hold off on colonizing right now. I have more infrastructure development to do.

January 21, 1455 - I ordera Tax Collector built is Salabanka. Another ir ordered in Jakarta.

June 24, 1455 - China and Malacca renew their old alliance. Hopefully that is more good news.

July 5, 1455 - Content in their new alliance, China declares war on Tibet. Malacca again dishonors their allaince with China.

August 10, 1455 - Nippon cancelled their vassalization of Korea a couple of months ago in order to declare war. That has freed up Korea. We set up a Royal Marriage with Korea.

August 13, 1444 - While looking over the world, I realize that Nippon is having a rebellion on their island of Shikoku, as well as being particularly unstable right now. It woulkd be a good time to assault Nippon, if I were China, Manchu or Dai Viet, I think I might do so.

August 18, 1455 - 26192 Manchu soldiers begin their siege of Yalu - Korea's capital and only province. I fear Korea will not be around much longer.

August 30, 1455 - China entered an alliance with Vientiane and Ayutthaya. Maybe I can get into a war with Ayutthaya.

January 1, 1456 - Yet another noble has taken the throne - Hyang Purvavisesa. Hyang is average at diplomacy and administration, and poor in war.

March 1, 1456 - Portugal sends a colonist to Sulawesi. It will take around 13 months for the colonist to arrive.

March 3, 1456 - I have an open cabinet meeting with my advisors. Where should our money go? Colonizing another province, or Tax Collector for Jambi, or sending merchants to Shanghai. After some arguing, I decide that Shanghai is our best option.

We have enough money to send four merchants to Shanghai. That means two should take hold. A merchant to Shanghai costs 20 ducats each shot, so we have to hope that they will take root.

April 3, 1456 - Our merchants do, in fact, sent up. Two destroy Chinese competition, and the other two taske their place. With the Trade Agreements we have in place, I hope no one comes by and knocks out our merchants. Manchu is the wild card. I have yet to open relation with Manchu - we have not discovered their realm yet. As such, I cannot negiotate a Trade Agreement with them. I just hope that Manchu stays out of Shanghai.

June 1, 1456 - 4 pirate vessels are sighted in the Sea of Java.

October 1, 1456 - Another Brunei revolt.

December 1, 1456 - We get a great reputaion. Our relations with Atjeh and Portugal each go up significantly.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:47 PM   #33
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Continued Developments

January 1, 1457 - We agree to send out a colonist for now to Sumbawa. 48% chance according to out Minister of Colonization.

March 1, 1457 - Our colonization attempt fails.

March 27, 1457 - The Portugese land a Conquistador on Sulawesi. Name of Afonso V. I set my fleet sailing to find the Portugese fleet.

April 6, 1457 - The Portugese attempts at colonization fail. I cannot find that Conquistador anywhere. Did they lose? Since a Conquistador is the only land unit that can explore, it would behoove me to find them and figure out where they are exlooring. Do they have an Explorer naval unit that can discover new seas? Is Portugal expanding?

Lots of questions - little answers.

I decide to send another colonist to Sumbawa now, before Portugal finds it.

April 22, 1457 - The Pirates in the Sea of Java have been cleaned out. Portugal has been through here.

May 1, 1457 - Brunei revolts again. Put down in three days.

June 6, 1457 - Sumbawan colonization hopes are dashed again. Our colony is not taking root.

October 30, 1457 - While looking for Portugal, I run into two pirate ships in the Straits of Lombok.

November 1, 1457 - The government of Nippon has fallen. They will be in crumbles for a while.

November 12, 1457 - We lost the naval battle in Lombok. I send my ships back to sea. I'll park them at Sunda for now.

January 1, 1458 - A Makassar rebellion.

January 8, 1458 - Another expedition is dispatched to Sumbawa.

March 8, 1458 - Sumbawa is colonized.

January 22, 1459 - Another look into our domestic policies. I decide to again move towards quality soldiers.

Febryary 5, 1459 - I divert our research into stability production. I also send two more merchants to Shanghai. Lastly, I send another colonist to Sumbawa.

February 23, 1459 - Our Royal Marriages with China, Malacca, Ayutthaya, Arakan and Nippon expired. I restablish a new marriage with Nippon, Arakan, but China refuses my offer of a marriage.

April 6, 1459 - Sumbawa expands.

April 26, 1459 - One of our researchers created a Fine Arts Academy in Flores. I do not know how he did it, and I cannot replicate it, but I am amazed at it. This Academy will increase the growth in Flores, increase the revenue from Flores, and contribute free ducats to our stability. Amazing.

June 1, 1459 - Portugese atempts to re-establis ha trading post in Sulawesi have failed.

October 26, 1459 - War breaks out in SE Asia again as Myanmar is fighting Taungu, Dai Viet and Cambodia. Vientiane and China are figting Manchu and Nippon. And my opportunity arises. Ayutthaya and Malacca enjoin in war.

Mataram rising.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:47 PM   #34
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Preparation for War

My predecessor fought three wars, this will be my first I need to find out the state of Malacca's defenses. That requires a small fleet to swing by.

I order the 3 Galleys, 5 Transports in Sunda over to Malacca to see what is going on.

I will need a military army to fight. I decide to use the Makassar army. Malacca is a country of plains - that makes calvary ideal. I order to building of 1000 horsemen in Makassar.

My plan is to send over a fleet including the Makassar army, and pick up the Sunda infantry on the way. Then arrive in Malacca and enter an alliance with Ayutthaya. To prepare for this, I ask Ayutthaya for a Royal Marriage. They decline. Suspect that thy will agree before it is all said and done.

January 4, 1460 - My spy fleet arrives in the Striats of Malacca. There are no soldiers or fleets in Malacca or Johor. 12491 Malaccan soldiers are moving up the coast to where I can only assume is Ayutthaya. That is take-able, especially if Malacca and Ayutthaya destroy each other. I send my fleet northwards.

January 10, 1460 - An Ayutthayan fleet of 5 ships enters the Straits of Malacca. Attacking from behind would be a very smart move....

February 5, 1460 - My spy fleet arrives in the Mergui Archipelago off the shore of Phuket - the southernmost province of Ayutthaya. Ayutthaya and Malacca appear to be fighitng. Malacca outnumbers Ayutthaya and should win. I watch to see how many Malaccan soldiers die.

February 27, 1460 - Ayutthaya soldiers that survived the battle have fled Phuket. 11193 Malaccan men are laying siege. I order my fleet back to harbor.

May 1, 1460 - The peasants in Sabah are revolting. It turns out, when I have a stability less than perfect, there is a small 1% chance of rebellion in Sabah. I was unaware. I order the Brunei army into Sabah.

July 1, 1460 - Our stability increased to full.

July 23, 1460 - The Brunei army defeats the Sabah rebels and I order them to return.

August 22, 1460 - The entire Mataram fleet launches from Sunda. 10962 infanrty and 2201 calvary board the boats and will head off to Malacca.

October 24, 1460 - My fleets arrives to the Straits of Jahore - just off the coast of Johor province - controlled by Malacca. I decide to sail on the Straits of Malacca.

November 14, 1460 - I arrive in the Straits of Malacca and see three important things. Firstly, there is no Malaccan fleet around to challenge my boarding army. Secondly, there are 1000 men in Malacca and 3000 men in Perak - the other two Malaccan provinces. It looks like they are reinforcing the army in Ayutthaya.

I dedice I want an unchallenged disembarking. I will allow the small army in Malacca to arrive in Perak, then contact Ayutthaya about that alliance.

November 20, 1460 - The Malaccan army has moved to Perak. I contact Ayutthaya.

I find out that Ayutthaya is not the leader of the alliance, and only Ayutthaya is ay war with Malacca. That means, essentially, that I must declare war on Malacca myself.

Still, I try to set up a Royal Marriage. Having spies in Ayutthaya would be invaluable to me. They decline my proposal.

I only have one diplomat left, so I inform Malacca that we are at war.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:48 PM   #35
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The Mataram-Malacca War

I lost some stability by declaring war without a Casus Belli. inform my advisors to concentyrate efforts on getting that stability back.

I order our troops to land in Malacca province

Malacca immediately orders their troops in Perak back into Malacca.

December 10, 1460 - Battle is enjoined.

January 2, 1461 - Our armies defeat Malacca in their capital. We lay siege. I order 2000 calvary and 1000 infantry built in Jakarta to reinforce our armies in Malacca.

February 1, 1461 - A large Malaccan army is moving towards us.

February 8, 1461 - 606 wounded Malaccan soldiers enter Malacca and the battle begins.

February 15, 1461 - We defeat the 606 soldiers and completely annilihate them. A large army moves towards us.

February 16, 1461 - 396 wounded and tired soldiers enter Malacca and begin battle. This is an excellent move by Malacca, get our soldiers tired and weary of battle before the real one begins.

Febryary 18, 1461 - The full Malaccan army enters. 8713 infantry and 1189 calvary. We have more men, but they have the morale advantage.

February 25, 1461 - Our army is defeated, I order them to Johor. I will regroup there.

March 2, 1461 - After some deliberation, I decide to move the Brunei army to the Malaccan frent. I know that is a risky and ultimately bad move, but we need reinforcements. I dispatch a fleet to pick them up.

March 15, 1461 - Our army arrives in Johor and begins a siege. I send a diplomat to Ayutthaya and they agree to a Royal marriage. There are no Malaccan forces in Ayutthaya.

April 7, 1461 - Defying belief, Johor construct 1000 men, very green, and they defeat our army which is retreating back into Malacca. I will never understand military morale.

July 1, 1461 - The Brunei army and the Jakarta reinforcements unload into Johor. Johor is a small province, and our men will quickly die of attrition. I need to send the combined army into Malacca as soon as possible.

July 19, 1461 - I order the assembled Mataram armyies in Johor into Malacca.

August 7, 1461 - The battle between the best Mataram and Malacca can offer is taken up in Malacca. I summon my Minister of War

We have alomst 6000 calvary and 9000 infantry. Malacca has 11000 infantry but only 1200 calvary. Calvary could decide this battle.

August 13, 1461 - A quick battle is over. Mataram is victorius. We still have 5500 calvary, but we lost 3500 infantry. I do not knopw where the Malaccan army is off to.

September 2, 1461 - Our victory appears to have been one of morale. 9000 Malacca soldiers still stand, and more are being trained in Perak.

September 27, 1461 - I order a blockading fleet to Malacca.

December 4, 1461 - The Mallacans new recruits are trained and they begin marching towards Malacca province.

December 21, 1461 - The Mallacan general was smart enough to build calvary this time. We have about 1000 more calvary but 3000 less infantry.

January 1, 1462 - I order Jakarta build 1000 more calvary and 3000 more infantry to shore up our military.

January 7, 1462 - We defeat the Malaccan army. I order the fleet home to Sunda.

March 19, 1462 - Malacca is captured! Excellent. I will move the Jakartan reinforcements into Malacca then march on Perak.

April 1, 1462 - Our infrastructure and trade technologies both developed. We have learned how to build more Fine Arts Academies and we have learned how to build our own trading posts.

April 22, 1462 - A large segment of the Malaccan army arrives in Malacca province.

May 3, 1462 - We throughly trounce the Malaccan army of 7500, only 500 or so escape Malacca with their lives.

May 21, 1462 - 2000 green recruits from Malaccan try to fight us. We defeat them soundly.

June 1, 1462 - Our stability increased.

June 2, 1462 - Another small force of Malaccans - this time calvary, arrives to harass my dwindling army.

July 1, 1462 - Our Jakartan reinforcements have arrived in Malacca. It is time to march to Perak and end this Malaccan farce.

On the home front, I order a trading post setup in Selatan, and a colonist leaves.

August 10, 1462 - Our army enters Perak. Battle begins. Three days later we win and the siege of Perak begins. I leave behind a sieging force and take the rest back to Malacca province.

October 18, 1462 - The last Malaccan soldier has been killed. All that reamins is to capture Perak and Johor.

January 23, 1463 - An exceptional business year follows upon our capture of Malacca. We gain 100 ducats and lose -5% inflation.

April 13, 1463 - Perak falls to us. I also send a colonist to Sumbawa.

June 13, 1463 - Our colonization of Sumbawa failed. I send another colonist.

August 24, 1463 - Sumbawa expands.

October 1, 1463 - Our stability increased.

January 1, 1464 - I send more colonists to Sumbawa. I finish building a new army in Brunei of 6000 infantry and 2000 calvary.

March 1, 1464 - Sumbawa expands.

March 25, 1464 - Johor falls to my forces. I send a diplomat to Malacca.

Because Malacca has several provinces nad is not a pagan country, I cannot annex Malacca, despite my total ownership of the country. I demand the two other Malaccan provinces of Johor and Perak. I also deman Vassalization and 150 ducats.

They decline my offer.

April 1, 1464 - I am awarded the title of Count due to our success in the war with Malacca.

April 25, 1464 - I send another peace envoy. I lower our demands to 100 ducats, and they refuse.

June 8, 1464 - Another diplomat is sent to Malacca with the same demands - no dice.

July 9, 1464 - I try vassalization, the two provinces, and no ducats. I just want to see if the ducats are the hangup. They reject my offer. I decide to wait for a while befire i send the next offer.

October 22, 1464 - I demand 50 ducats, the two provinces and vassalization. Malacca accepts. I will leave the sieging armies in Johor and Perak in order to fight off any rebels.


South Malacca Penensula - 14471 people who fish, 13 ducats annualy for me but only 2 to the Malacca Center of Trade. Sunni and Malay. Does not add to my mapower. Johor is a port.


Also Sunni and Malay, Perak has 10220 people who fish as well. 12 annual ducats and 2 to the CoT in Malacca.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:48 PM   #36
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Years of Consolidation

January 1, 1465 - I have gained a very bad reputation by taking Malacca's provinces. I need to consolidate my holdings in Malaysia. The first thing I do is move to concentrate on my economy and settlements. I send another settler off to Sumbawa. We have an 81% chance of success.

March 1, 1465 - We sucessfully colonized Sumbawa again. One more ought to do it.

March 6, 1465 - Portugese attempts to restablish a Trading Post in Sulawesi have failed.

June 28, 1465 - Our Royal Marriage with Cambodia expired. They reject my proposal for renewal.

Champa is at war with Cambodia, Dai Viet and Taungu. It's a shame I can't take advantge of that, but I geared up already and now I am geared down.

August 7, 1465 - Since I can't attack Champa, I decide to offer another Royal marriage which they accept. Now I can watch the carnage as Dai Viet stomrs through Champa.

November 2, 1465 - Dai Viet captures the Champan capital in Mekong Delta province.

January 1, 1466 - Another leader comes. Bhre Pandan Solar. Will these nobles never end? Bhre is poor at everything - war, diplomacy, administration.

February 1, 1466 - Colonists set forth from Bali to Sumbawa.

February 3, 1466 - Champa accepts peace with Dai Viet. They had to give up Da Lat province, some ducats and military access.

April 1, 1466 - Sumbawa becomes a full fledgled province.


1624 people work the coffee fields on this set of islands. They yield 13 ducats annually to me and another 11 to the Malaccan Center of Trade. Sumbawa is a port, but provides no additional manpower.

April 4, 1466 - I send two merchants to Shanghai.

May 3, 1466 - I offered an alliance with Champa but they declined.

July 15, 1466 - Atjeh defeted and destroyed the Malaccan army in Malacca. They do not have enough soldiers to siege Malacca. For now.

September 9, 1466 - We have had an uncooperative philosohper running around Mataram stirring up trouble. Do I imprison him, or let him reamin free? If I imprison him, we will beomce more narrowminded. If I allow him to remain free our stability will take a big hit and we will become more innovative.

I want to be more Narrowminded anyways, so I imprision the thinker.

October 11, 1466 - Our Royal Marriage with Assam expired.

October 29, 1466 - Assam enters a Royal Marriage with us.

November 1, 1466 - Johor revolts. Four days later they are put down.

January 1, 1467 - I reconvene our Cabinet. Where should our efforts go now? Saving up and building walls in new colonies? Colonizing another area? Building another army and striking Atjeh or Champa? Expanding trade?

I decide to ignore military conquest. I am getting older. A new person will be good to conquer with. We are under a bad reputation. If we get too bad, then other nations will declare war on us as a matter of honor. That will pass over time, but for now, let's steer clear of war. If however, war should find us, I intend to take full advantage.

Without war, there is no need for walls or other defenses. That leaves trading and colonization.

I decide to turn our attention to Shanghai and maximizing our trade there. Then, we will look at colonizing further.

A pair of merchants are dispatched to Shanghai.

Feburary 1, 1467 - Our trade in Shanghai is maximized for now.

May 12, 1467 - Portugese settlement in Sulawesi failed.

July 3, 1467 - I turn our attention towards Selatan. With Chinaware, 10000 natives, and a 40% initial chance of colonization, Selatan may be the best province out there right now. I dispatch our first wave of settlers.

September 3, 1467 - Our colonization attempt at Selatan has proven successful!

January 1, 1468 - I dispatch another settlernow with a 58% chance of success.

March 1, 1468 - Selatan expands.

May 13, 1468 - Good Government Policies have resulted in bonuses to trade and infrastructure investments. Excellent.

August 2, 1468 - More colonists leave for Selatan.

August 29, 1468 - Portugal fails again. My Minister informs me that we have about a 30% chance of starting a trading post on Sulawesi. Portugal probably has similar chances.

October 2, 1468 - Selatan expands.

November 1, 1468 - Brunei no longer has any revolt risk, making int completely safe. I send a fleet over to pick up the Brunei fleet and drop them off in Jambi - adjacent to Atjeh.

January 10, 1469 - Cambodia became vassals of Dai Viet.

January 23, 1469 - I send more settlers to Selatan. It's also time to re-examine our domestic policies. I decide, easily, to move us completely towards Quality. By moving completely towards Quality all of our field marshals now have an additional point in their Fire Value - which affect the troops ability during the fire stage of combat.

March 23, 1469 - Selatan expands.

June 1, 1469 - Perak revolts.

June 21, 1469 - We win the battle and crush the rebellion in Perak.

July 14, 1469 - Another groups of colonists leaves for Selatan.

September 14, 1469 - Selatan expands again.

January 2, 1470 - Another colonist leaves for Selatan. I hope they finish it off.

January 9, 1470 - I've taken ill. The doctor says that I'll be fine, but I wonder...


End Chapter Two
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Old 01-27-2003, 04:49 PM   #37
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The Oversight of Atahari II

January 11, 1470 - Kasuri, that short-sighted fool, didn't even see fit to appoint a successor. Therefore, the office has fallen to me. As the only son of Atahari I and the originator of our office, I was the only one with enough ability to take on the role, for however long that may last.

I inscribe the following on a statue in Bali's square:

Atahari I: January 1, 1419 - April 17, 1438
Kasuri: April 17, 1438 - January 10, 1470
Atahari II: January 10 - ???

How long shall I last? Will I live up to the expansions and dreams of my forebears?

Mataram is a beautiful country, and I do not want her to be lost in history's sands.

My father retired when he was 45, holding the office for 19 years from the age of 26. Kasuri held the office for 32 years - dying at the age of 47. I am 33 years old, myself. How long will I last, then?

My ambitions are much simplar than my predecessors.

Grow, expand, explore. Continue colonizations, only get engaged in war is Malacca or Atjeh is the target, send out merchants. I also want to convert the heathens of Sabah before I die.

All of those goals prior - certainly important. But, for me, I prefer to see how things develop, and pounce on that.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:49 PM   #38
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Colonization and Renewal

March 4, 1470 - Selatan is colonized by the people Kasuri sent out. He would have been so pleased.


10608 people exporting Chinaware. Selatan is a port that does not add to our manpower. 14 ducats are added to us yearly, 16 are made in Malacca.

Selatan is considered by many in Mataram to be the jewel of the Indies. And now it is ours most fully and completely.

June 29, 1470 - Atjeh annexes Malacca.

October 20, 1470 - When we sacked Malacca we gained Malacca's maps of parts of India. I send out diplomats. We sign a Trade Agreement with Bengal, Delhi, and Hyderabad.

We also gained knowledge of a neutral province on India named Pondicherry. I contact my Minister of Colonization. Colonization of Pondicherry woud be expensive and begin with a 41& chance of initial success. 10000 natives with medium aggressiveness. It would also embroil us in the Indian Peninsula politics. But, it exports Spice and appears to be a very rich plum.

I don't know. For now, I decide to stick with the Indies.

January 1, 1471 - I have another meeting with my Minister of Colonization. Our options grow smaller. Two more provinces still ie on Brunei isle - Sarawak and Bandjarmasin. On Makassar Isle we still have Manado and Sulawesi. Bandung on Java Isle, Palembang on Atjeh Isle, and Pondicherry in India. We could also send colonists to Sunda and Kalimantan and build them up to full fledged colonies.

With more limited and risky options, I decide to hold off on colonizing for now. I want to save up for sending a Missionary to Sabah.

June 22, 1471 - Going over some minor points with my Economic Advisor I notice that Mataram is the worlds largest exporter of Coffee, as well as Spices. An interesting little fact that I share with the rest of our country to increase pride.

August 1, 1471 - Our stability increased back up from the previous policy change.

September 17, 1471 - In order to fully utilize our resources, I will send off colonists occasionally to Sunda when we are about to get full of colonists. I send off one now.

November 6, 1471 - We enter into a Trade Agreemtn with Orissa.

November 7, 1471 - Merchants of ours have been harassed by Ayutthaya. I have two options. Resolve the issue diplomatically and our relations will improve slightly. Esclate the complaint and relations will deteriorate. Additionally, we would gain a Casus Belli against Ayutthaya for 5 years. I decide to escalte the complaint and milk it for all it is worth.

November 17, 1471 - Our coloniztion attempt at Sunda was successful.

August 28, 1472 - Another colonist to Sunda is sent.

October 28, 1472 - Sunda expands.

December 13 - Our marriages with Dai Viet, Vientiane and Myanmar expire.

January 10, 1473 - Another colonist is sent to Sunda.

March 10, 1473 - Sunda expands.

January 1, 1474 - I send a Missionary to Sabah. 115 Months will pass before I will know whether or not it was successful.

May 30, 1474 - Our Army Reformation is going so well that investment is better than it should be.

Anyways, we have a serious cabinet meeting tomorrow. I shall need my rest tonight.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:50 PM   #39
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A Survey of Mataram

I use today's meeting to review Mataram.

We begin with Bali. Our capital is a group of islands directly off the eastern coast of Java. 14428 people call Bali home. Her primary export is coffee. Bali is in the Straits of Lombok

Directly east of Bali, also in the Straits of Lombok, are the islands of Sumbawa - a recenty colonized province. 1785 people work the coffee fields here in Sumbawa.

East of Sumbawa is the island of Flores. Flores is in the Straits of Lombok as well, plus it reaches into the Timor Sea. Flores has 2520 people growing spices. Flores houses our Fine Arts Academy, and it our fastest growing province.

West of Bali lies the isle of Java. On the easternmost tip of Java is the province of Surabaja. Our other original province, Surabaja has 11267 people working cotton fields.

The Eastern tip of Java is split into two provinces. The northern one, Jakarta, is our oldest colony. Jakarta has a port into the Karimata Strait. 2741 people work here growing sugar. Jakarta is our wealthiest province.

Below Jakarta is the province of Sunda. Currently being expanded by colonization, Sunda has 457 people in the spice trade. It has a port in the waters of Christmas Island.

West and north of Java is Atjeh island. Atjeh has the upper half of this island. The southern tip is neutral territory. Below the Atjeh province of Riau is Jambi. 5560 people grow grain in the quiet provice. Jambi is our poorest province, in terms of the value. However, Jambi's grain helps sustain our soldiers, and has great strategic value.

Just north of the isle of Atjeh is the Malaccan or Malaysian Peninsula. The southernmost tip is Johor. 15728 fishermen live here. Since Johor is not a colony of ours, they have a different culture and religion. In this case, they have a Malay culture, with a Sunni religion. They have recntly been taken from another power, and revolts here are common.

Above Johor is Malacca. Above Malacca is the province of Perak. Perak borders Ayutthaya to the north and the Atjeh province of Malacca to the south. 11113 people reside in Perak. Like their Johor brothers, they are also fishers, Malay, Sunni, and prone to revolts.

North of the capital of Bali is a large island. The former colony of Selatan lies in the southeastern most area of Brunei Island. 10907 people make Chinaware here. Her port opens into the Strait of Makassar.

North of Selatan lies the province of Kalimantan. A tiny colony, Kalimantan has 164 fishers. It is a relatively poor province with little possibility for economic growth. Her port also enters the Strait of Makassar.

North of Kalimantan, on the island's tip, is the province of Sabah. Currently undergoing conversion, Sabah was captured from Brunei years ago. 7054 people make spice here. Sabah is pagan and indonesian. A religious conversion should also change her culture. Her port enters the Coast of Brunei.

South and west of Sabah lies Brunei. Formerly the capital of Brunei, the province has 14943 people working in spices. It is a fairly wealthy province as far as those things go. Her port also enter the Coast of Brunei. Brunei is sunni and indonesian.

East of Brunei island and north of Sumbawa lies another large island. The southern most tip is the province of Makassar. Also formerly a capital of a country, Makassar is also sunni and indonesian. 15418 people harvest spices here. Her port enters the Sea of Java.

The Southeastern panhandle of the Makassar island hosts the province of Salabanka. Our tour ends here, in our last province. 8069 people also produce spices. Salabanka does not have a port.

My Minister of War prepares the following report:


We have:

2 Warships
8 Galleys
11 Transports

We have never built a single ship since Atahari I took over the administrative affairs of the kingdom. We have captured our enemies' fleets when we annexed their country.


17339 Infantry
7185 Calvary

All of our troops are currentrly stationed in Jambi, Johor and Perak. Johor and Perak currently experience intermittent rebellions, so the armies stationed there hold them off. Jambi's army is adjacent to Atjeh for defense, and to allow a quick strike in case of war.

My Economc Advisor's report:

We lead the world in the production of Spice and Coffee. We have 2% inflation. Good economic policies have kept our inflation under control. We have 6 merchants stores, ready to be sent to the Ganges Center of Trade. We are dominating the Malacca and Shanghai CoTs with 5 merchants a piece in them.

Minister of Colonization: Sunda is about 3 colonizations away from being a full fledged province. The provinces of Palembang, Bandung, Bandjarmasin, Sarawak, Manado, Sulawesi, and possibly Pondicherry still await. We have 5 colonists stored.

Colonization of Bandung will probably happen next. Due to the high hostility of the natives, we will want to colonize it as quickly as possible. This will require us to save up money and colonists.

Minister of Religion: Conversion of the Sabah heathens looks to be going well. We are very tolerant of Moslems, and relatively tolerant of Buddhists. We are intolerant of Konfucians and Christians.

Chief Diplomat: We have a Trade Agreement with every country of which we have knowledge. We also have several Royal Marriages throughout the mainland.

Atjeh is currently at peace, although our relations are very hostile.

We have a temporary Casus Belli against Ayutthaya ending November 1476. That leaves us with two years if we want to prepare for war with Ayutthaya. Unfortunately, Ayutthaya is in a large alliace with Dai Viet, Taungu, Cambodia and Vientiane.

Champa is in a military alliance with a lot of major players including China and Bengal.

I must think carefully before planning Mataram's next move.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:50 PM   #40
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The War of Malaccan Sucession

July 12, 1474 - Champa declares war on Atjeh. China and Bengal keep the alliance, although Arakan and Assam dishonor it. That leaves a very impressive opening for an attack on Atjeh. I decide to wait a month or two before joining the war.

September 12, 1474 - The Atjeh fleet, such as it is, had loaded up some soldiers. Hopefully they are getting shipped off. I order 2000 calvary built in Jambi.

September 13, 1474 - We are full of colonists. I send one off to start a Trading Post in Pondicherry.

December 13, 1474 - Our trading post failed to establish.

February 5, 1475 - I contact the alliance that Atjeh is at war with. The leader of the alliance is Bengal. They really dislike me and refuse my alliance proposal.
With only a couple of diplomats left, and another coming, I decide to work it. I turn up my taxes for a few months to get some ducats in the treasury.

March 5, 1475 - I offer Bengal a Personal Gift of 77 ducats.

April 5, 1475 - I offer Bengal another Personal Gift of 77 ducats.

July 1, 1475 - After getting another diplomat, I offer to join the alliance. Bengal accepts. We are now at war with Atjeh and Myanmar. I order our fleet into the Straits of Malacca, and I order the Johor and Perak armies into Malacca.

August 4, 1475 - Battle in Malacca is joined. 7500 Atjeh troops stand between us and Malacca.

August 13, 1475 - We lost about 2000 men but defeated Atjeh and the siege for Malacca begins.

September 3, 1475 - Atjeh sends a peace envoy - they deamnd 27 ducats. I laugh. However, I do send out a Trading Post colonist to Pondicherry again. The first fialed and we are stocked up on colonists.

September 20, 1475 - The remnants of the army we just defeated try to dislodge us from Malacca.

September 23, 1475 - We completely destroy the remnants of the Atjeh army on the mainland. I send half of my Malaccan army to the boats. Bound for Atjeh province itself.

October 24, 1475 - I send my 6000 soldiers to Atjeh province.

October 28, 1475 - I send my 12000 Jambi soldiers into Riau to meet the Atjeh army of 15000.

November 16, 1475 - Our army in Riau begin combat. 15800 Atjeh infantry versus 5800 Mataram infanry and 6000 calvary.

November 23, 1475 - Castille annexed Portugal and we discover them. I offer a Trade Agreement but they decline.

November 28, 1475 - Our combined forces army defeats the Atjeh infantry. We lost around 3000 men.

December 1, 1475 - I am promoted to Marquis by the Monarch. We also discover Bangalore.

December 4, 1475 - We establish a trading post in Pondicherry.

December 22, 1475 - Our troops disembark into Ajeh where the 10000 Atjeh soliders, recently routed, stand. Battle begins in earnest.

January 8, 1476 - Our troops defeat the Atjeh in their capital. We lost 1500 men. January 9, 1476 - Atjeh sends another envoy. Heh.

January 26, 1476 - The 8943 Atjeh infantry are back in Riau. February 1, 1476 - We defeat Atjeh again. Myanmar offers a white peace, which I decide to accept.

February 28, 1476 - Another battle won as the Atjeh army keeps bouncing back and forth between my armies in Ajeh and Riau.

April 1, 1476 - We capture Malacca.

April 3, 1476 - Atjeh's infantry is again defeated.

April 5, 1476 - Atjeh armies are conscripted in Ajeh province. We fight them again

April 6, 1476 - A naval Battle ensues in the Straits of Malacca as the Atjeh navy of 5 warships and 5 transports arrives.

April 15, 1476 - We defeat the green Atjeh infantry in Ajeh.

April 21, 1476 - Atjeh infantry capture Jambi. Jambi had no walls so it was an easy capture for them.

May 13, 1476 - Sinking one of their warships, we force the Atjeh fleet away. I order my army from the mainland into the boats, then onto Ajeh to beige the province.

May 16, 1476 - Atjeh offers us 49 ducats for peace. I decline with a chuckle. I am going for Malacca and Riau, on my way to annexing Atjeh later. I will be the only power in the Indies.

July 3, 1476 - Our army unloads and the siege of Ajeh begins.

October 28, 1476 - The army in Jambi decides to head back towards Riau and we mix it up.

November 8, 1476 - We defeat Atjeh again.

December 26, 1476 - I join a naval battle versus Atjeh by the Chinese already in progress.

January 22, 1477 - Castille and Aragon are joined in wedding and Castille becomes Spain.

February 1, 1477 - Johor takes advanatge of a tasty opportuntiy and revolts.

March 1, 1477 - We take Riau. I order my army back into Jambi.

March 13, 1477 - Jambi's battle begins.

March 30, 1477 - We lose the battle with 5000 calvary remaining. Atjeh had only 250 infantry remaining - it was an excellent loss for us.

April 25, 1477 - Our army arrives back in Jambi. We crush the remaining Atjeh army. I send the Jambi army into boats for transport to Perak to pick up some infantry, then into Johor.

April 30, 1477 - We capture Ajeh. I send a diplomat to Atjeh. I demand Malacca, Riau, and 200 ducats. They accept, but they only had 10 ducats to give us.

We still have a bad reputation, so it's time for a little consolidation.


End Chapter Three
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Old 01-27-2003, 04:51 PM   #41
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Sanjay's Early Years

Atahari I: January 1, 1419 - April 17, 1438
Kasuri: April 17, 1438 - January 10, 1470
Atahari II: January 10, 1470 - May 3, 1477
Sanjay: May 3, 1477 - ???

May 3, 1477 - While taking a tour of Johor during the rebellion, a splinter group of rebels attacked Atahari II's cart and escort. The quiockly overwhelmed the undermanned guards and killed everybody, including Atahari II.

As such, I have taken over his post. I was his second in command, although I was not tarined for the position. I will have to ease into it gingerly.

I check the journals of my predecessors and discover their goals. They were:

1). Quickly expand. Either by colonization or conquest. Or a mixture of the two.
2). Establish economic stability.
3). Eliminate the Islamic competition in the Indies.
4). Establish an outpost on the mainland. This will have to be done by conquest.
5). Control all of Indonesia.
6). Drive out and keep out any forces or establishments from other areas, including Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
7). Convert the Islamic territories to Hinduism.
8). Become an economic superpower.

Plus Kasuri's sub-goals of:

1). Take Atjeh.
2). Establish that mainland post
3). Develop a capable military
4). Finish colonizing the islands of Java, Atjeh, Brunei, and Makassar, plus the island of Sumbawa.
5). Keep the Portugese threat minimal or non-existant

Glaning over our goals, I notice that several are now complete. Atahari I's goals 1, 2 and 4 have been accomplished. Goal 3 is almost actualized, and after a quick annexation of Atjeh in the future sometime, will be complete.

Kasuri's goals 2 and 5 are also complete. After all, Portugal is no more, so their threat is eliminated.

Looking at what is next, here are my personal goals:

1). Set up a complete merchant camp in Ganges.
2). Annex Atjeh
3). Finish colonizing Indonesia
4). Convert the pagans if the current Missionary to Sabah fails.
5). Build our infrastructure up.

Simple goals, but I am a simple man.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:51 PM   #42
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The First Mataram Golden Age

June 1, 1477 - Malacca revolts.

June 12, 1477 - I begin the blitz colonizing of Bandung. Hopefully, by this time next year, Bandung will be almost or completely colonized.

July 23, 1477 - New Land is Claimed in Sabah. 2000 extra people move in, manpower and tax value of the province both increase. Excellent.

August 12, 1477 - Bandung has its first colonization successful. More colonists will embark from now until we finish or the natives destroy it.

August 30, 1477 - Our Perak army enters Malacca to put down the rebellion.

September 4, 1477 - The Malaccan rebellion is eliminated and I order the army into Johor.

September 22, 1477 - The army arrives in Johor.

September 30, 1477 - The Johor rebellion is also ended. I move the army back into Malacca for holding.

October 16, 1477 - Bandung expansion fails. More colonists are sent.

December 23, 1477 - Bandung expansion agains fails. 58% chance according to my Minister. More colonists are sent.

January 1, 1478 - We have a new monarch, Raden Patah Senapati. He took over after out Monarh abdicated in his old age. Raden is good at diplomacy, excellent at war, and adequte administratively. I can only hope that Raden will stick around for a while.

February 28, 1478 - Bandung expands. More colonists sent.

April 30, 1478 - With a 63% chance of sucess, another expansion fails. This could doom the entire colony. I send more colonists and hope for the best.

May 5, 1478 - Bandung expands. More colonists are sent.

July 6, 1478 - Bandung expands again. Another colonist is on their way.

September 10, 1478 - Bandung expands again. Now, we will have to wait until the new yearr for more money and more colinsts. We'll just have to hope that the natives do not grow restless and destroy the colony.

December 1, 1478 - Riau revolts

December 21, 1478 - We lose a battle versus the rebels in Riau.

December 23, 1478 - Bengal declares war on Orissa. Vijaynagar and Jodhpur join forces with Orissa. Vijaynagar is adjacent to Pondicherry's Trading Post. Tibet, China, and Champa each dishonor our alliance. I feel comfortable doing likewise.

Bengal and Arakan each have a CB on us. Our stability dropped by one.

January 1, 1479 - Colonists are dispatched to Bandung with all haste. Soldiers are order built in Malacca and Jambi.

Janaury 5, 1479 - A great noble family seeks financial assistance again. I deny aid and we lose stability.

March 1, 1479 - Bandung is successfully colonized. The Island of Java is now completely under our control.

April 24, 1479 - A regrouped army destroys the Riau rebellion.

December 23, 1479 - A reformation of the Army leds to better army investments. Our military research increases.

January 2, 1480 - I order the building of a Tax Collector in Selatan.

February 1, 1480 - Our stability increases.

May 21, 1480 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Vijaynagar, a fellow Hindu country.

July 22, 1480 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Orissa, another of our Hindu brothers.

September 29, 1480 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with Tibet and Vijaynagar.

January 1, 1481 - I order a Tax Collector placed in Bandung and Flores.

March 1, 1481 - Our stability maxed out. Now I will look at our domestic policies. I decide to move us closer to Free Trade. Our stability goes back down.

April 1, 1481 - Another Riau revolt, this time we put them down in a week. I order more soldiers though.

April 19, 1481 - Reformation of the Navy leads to increased Naval investments.

August 21, 1481 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Myanmar.

September 8, 1481 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Vientiane.

November 1, 1481 - Rebels take Riau. We fight off their forces and lay sige to the city.

April 1, 1482 - Our stability maximizes.

June 10, 1482 - I send six merchants to the Ganges Center of Trade.

July 10, 1482 - Three of our merchants destory others' trade, and the other three move into their vacant spots. There is room for two more Mataram Merchants here, but we'll need to wrest away some more merchants.

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Old 01-27-2003, 04:52 PM   #43
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My advisors and I had a meeting today to discuss the Mataram boundaries. I have included a copy of the map for the official journal.

Mataram is in the dark turquoise. Note that Champs is also a darkish green. Champa is in the Mekong Delta, on the southern tip of SE Asia. It's not me, but it's only one province.


P.S. - One of my computers sees the image just fine. The other can't seem to bring it up. If you are having problems, then may I suggest cutting and pasting the following URL:
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Old 01-27-2003, 04:52 PM   #44
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I have a heavily edited gif file in addtion to the previous jpg. I want to see if that makes a difference. Here is the URL:

And here is hopefully the image:

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Old 01-27-2003, 08:49 PM   #45
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Old 01-27-2003, 10:32 PM   #46
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The Golden Age Continues

The continued need for stress on improving our ionfrastructure becomes apparent to me as I survey our realm.

August 10, 1482 - I send off a colonist to start a trading post in Palembang.

October 10, 1482 - Our trading post failed to take. We capture Riau from the rebels and drive them away. I fear they will be back.

January 1, 1482 - I send off two more merchants to Ganges.

February 1, 1482 - I send a colonist to Sunda. I have decided to finish off Sunda before creating more colonies.

April 2, 1482 - Sunda expands and now has 606 people. I send off another colonist. With 700 people, Sunda will be a fully functional city.

June 3, 1482 - Despite a 95% chance of success, our Sunda-bound settlers fail to set up shop. How terribly sad.

July 16, 1482 - We have a Scandal at the Court! Our relations with Vijaynagar decrease and we will have to focus on inward politics for the next few months, lowering our diplomatic skill with other powers during this time.

August 7, 1482 - Our Inquisition at Sabah has been successful! Sabah has converted from their pagan beliefs to Hindu. Additionally, the people of Sabah have thrown out their old ways and embraced our Java Culture. This will make Sabah a very valuable province.

January 1, 1484 - I send off that last shipment of colonists to Sunda for a while. I also ship off what is hopefully to be the last pair of merchants to Ganges.

January 20, 1484 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Bengal.

February 1, 1484 - Mataram Merchants wrest away more trade in Ganes and we have finished created trade there.

February 25, 1484 - Our Royal Marriages with Nippon and Arakan expire. The Arakan Marriage is renewed.

March 1, 1484 - Sunda expands.

May 29, 1484 - Dai Viet annexes Cambodia politically.

June 3, 1484 - Champa refuses our request to create an alliance.

June 29, 1484 - Heretics lead a rebellion in Brunei. I dispatch a fleet to take the Riau army to Brunei to put down this rebellion.

July 1, 1484 - Perak uses the Brunei opportunity to revolt as well. I order the standing army in Malcca into Perak.

July 28, 1484 - The Perak rebels were defeated and scattered. I move our army back into Malacca province.

October 22, 1484 - Our Riau army lands in Brunei and the battle with the heretics begins.

October 26, 1484 - The heretics are defeated and I reboard the fleet with the men. We set sail for Riau and continuing to guard against the Atjeh threat.

December 8, 1484 - I decide to send another group of colonists to Sunda. They never had the benefits of native support after colonization, so they are still quite small and could use the help.

February 9, 1485 - Sunda expands.

March 6, 1485 - I order Tax Collectors promoted in Sumbawa and Jambi.

November 1, 1485 - I am promoted by my lord to Duke for my performance in service to Mataram.

February 1, 1486 - A revolt in Malacca strikes.

February 10, 1486 - We defeat the rebels in Malacca.

February 11, 1486 - Atjeh enters an alliacne with China. I have to wonder if China would be able to stop us from annexing Atjeh if we were at war, however.

March 15, 1486 - I send out a colonist to Palembang to feel the area out. If they take, great. If not, I will not worry overly much.

March 16, 1486 - Our Royal marriage with Ayutthaya expired. I do not renew it because we could attack Ayuttaya at any time and move into her provinces from Perak.

May 27, 1486 - We successfully colonize Palembang! Excellent.

August 24, 1486 - Anotehr Great Noble Family REquests Aid. I have to deny Aid which lowers our stability. I put our resources in stability.

December 13, 1486 - Champa invites us to join an alliance with them. I accept.

January 7, 1487 - Another set of colonists is sent to Palembang with dispatch.

March 7, 1487 - Palembang expands. Another set of colonists are set out.

May 7, 1487 - Palembang expands.

August 26, 1487 - Another heretical revolt takes place, this time in perak. I send in the Malaccan army again.

September 18, 1487 - Perak's revolt is put down.

December 1, 1487 - Our stability increases. More colonists are sent to Palembang.

January 1, 1488 - A revolt in Johor. The Malaccan army is sent in. I order 2000 infantry built in Malacca for whenever the next wave hits.

January 25, 1488 - Johor's rebellion is destroyed.

February 1, 1488 - Palembang expands again. More colonists are sent away.

April 2, 1488 - Palembang expands.

August 2, 1488 - Noble Families of Mataram Feud. I can side with one family and there will be a revolt in Surabaja. I can let them fight it out and take a big hit to our stability. Or, I can try to settle the issue, which will cost 100 ducats as I fill the pockets of the warring families. I decide to sidew with one familiy. I load up the Riau army into a fleet again and ship them to Surabaja.

November 2, 1488 - Colonists are dispatched to Palembang.

January 2, 1489 - Palembang expands and the 8000 natives join our colony. Atjeh island is completely settled now.

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Old 01-27-2003, 10:34 PM   #47
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The Second Half of the Golden Years of Mataram

January 3, 1489 - Our army arrives in Surabaja.

Janaury 18, 1489 - We win and put down the revolt in Surabaja.

March 23, 1489 - We enter into a Royal marriage with Tibet.

April 5, 1489 - I send Letter to Champa. It cost 8 ducatsand increases our relations slightly.

July 3, 1489 - I send another letter to Champa. Our relations are just about maxed now.

July 21, 1489 - There is Unhappiness Among the Artisans. I can execute the troublemakers, which will probably hurt our infrastructre investment, or abolish a tax which will cost 100 ducats and move us towards a state with more free subjects. I decide to execute the troublemakers and make an example of them all.

December 30, 1489 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Dai Viet.

February 5, 1490 - After saving up some ducats, I decide to launch a quick string of colonizations in Manado. It is the easist remaining province in the Indies to colonize that I know of, with a 40% chance. However, it's natives are highly aggressive, so we want to be there as little as possible. I send off the first colonists, except I will send them off to start a Trading Post. We have a 50% chacne of starting a Post, and it will help us in subsequent colonization attempts to have a post there.

April 6, 1490 - Our Trading Post is built in Manado. That will increase subsequent colonization attempts by about 5% according to my Minister of Colonization. Off some colonists go to start a new city there.

June 6, 1490 - The first attempts to establish a foothold in Manado are true. I order more settlers to follow.

August 6, 1490 - Manado expands. Our Royal Marriage with Champa expires. I send off more colonists.

September 1, 1490 - Champa and Mataram enter into a Royal Marriage.

October 22, 1490 - Our colonization attempt in Manado fails.

October 24, 1490 - It is as I feared. The natives, angered by our attepts to colonize their land, have massacred the small colony there. I order more colonists in. While the natives are distracted, they might easily establish a foothjold under their nose.

November 1, 1490 - Our Naval Technology increase. Our ships will now fight a little bit better.

December 30, 1490 - We establish a new colony in Manado.

January 1, 1491 - More colonists are sent to Manado.

March 3, 1491 - Manado expands. More colonists are sent out. We have exhausted our colonist supply and now must slow down.

April 10, 1491 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Assam.

May 11, 1491 - Manado expands.

June 13, 1491 - I examine our domestic policies. I decide to move us towards Narrow Minded. It will hurt our technology development, but we are so slow anyways, that it just makes an already slow process a little slower. However, we will get more missionaries and settlers each year and a decreased risk for rebellion due to war weariness for later. We even get a lowered cost for improving stability, which is where our focus goes for the next while.

July 1, 1491 - I send a new colonist to Manado.

September 1, 1491 - Manado expands.

December 1, 1491 - New colonists are shipped to Manado.

February 7, 1492 - Manado expands.

June 1, 1492 - If this set of colonists that I send away can take, then Manado will be ours fully and the natives will embrace our culture.

August 1, 1492 - Our stability increases.

August 2, 1492 - Manado is expanded and becomes a full province.

August 5, 1492 - I order a Tax Collesctor promoted in Manado.

January 1, 1493 - I order Tax Collectors promoted in Sunda, Palembang and Perak.

Janaury 5, 1493 - I decide to offer Champa vassalization. If they say yes, then we receive 50% of Champa's revenues and we gain a Casus Belli against anybody who attacks Champa. If they decline, our relations will be hurt a bit. I think it's worth the risk.

Champa declines our offer.

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Old 01-27-2003, 10:34 PM   #48
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The Golden Age Continues

May 19, 1493 - There are only three places left in the known Indies that I can settle and colonize.

Sarawak - south of Brunei on Borneo Island. Sarawak trades the low value Naval Supplies, has extremely hostile natives and only a 32% chance of colonization.

Bandjarmasin - South of Sarawak and west of Selatan, 36% chance of initial settlement and exports spices but 8000 highly aggressive natives.

Sulawesi - North of Makassar and Salabanka, south of Manado. Sulawesi has only a 32% chance of success. Trading in Coffee and with 6000 natives with an extremely high anger management problem.

We can also settle:

Pondicherry - East cost of India, trades Spices, currently a Trading Post there, 46% chance of initial settlement, 10000 mediumly upset natives.

Pondicherry appears to be the best value. But, I am not sure that I:

A). Want to be tangled in the Indian affairs that closely; and

B). Want to leave behind provinces in Indonesia that could be settled by Europeans when they come back.

Of the Indonesian provinces, Bandjarmasin appears to be the best. I decide to send a test colonist there as soon as I can ready one - just to see if they take.

September 4, 1493 - Nobles Demand Recovery of Their Former Rights. Annoying nobility. I can accept their rightful claimsand we move towards a more aristocratic government. If I ignore their demands then our entire country could have an elevated revolt risk for two years. If I execute the traitors our stability would take a big hit, but we would move towards a plutocracy.

After careful thought, I decide that since being more aristocratic helps dipmlmatically, we should accept their claims.

September 11, 1493 - I send a letter to Champa.

December 1, 1493 - Our land technology increases. We can now build a level 2 fortress, which will require, not 5000 men to siege it, but 10000.

January 1, 1494 - I send that colonist to Bandjarmasin. If that first colonist will only take, then colonizing the area won't be that difficult.

March 1, 1494 - Our colonization attempt fails.

March 6, 1494 - Good News! A get a report tha the natives of Bandjarmasin are marching around trying to find our dead colonists. I send out another set of colonists and hope they can sneak past the distracted natives.

March 27, 1494 - I send another letter to Champa.

May 1, 1494 - Riau revolts.

May 6, 1494 - We sucessfully settle Bandjarmasin! Excellent! I immedaitely order more colonists to follow. They have a 54% chance of success.

May 9, 1494 - We turn away the rebels in Riau.

I notice that Perak and Johor are no longer experienceing nationalism. As such, there is no chance for revolt there any longer.

July 6, 1494 - Bandjarmasin expands.

Jul 13, 1494 - Portugal is freed from Spain via revolution. They lose a war and are forced into becoming Spain's vassal. A Portugese trader has been dispatched to Sulawesi again.

December 28, 1494 - Portugal establishes a Trading Post in Sulawesi. We open relation with Portugal and I send a diplomat to them. We sign a Trade Agreement with them.

January 1, 1495 - Another colonist is sent to Bandjarmasin.

March 1, 1495 - Riau revolts and Bandjarmasin expands. More colonists are sent.

March 12, 1495 - We drive off the Riau rebels.

March 29, 1495 - Our Monarch goes Insane! Mataram's best doctors belive that it will last for around a year, during which time the country will suffer from his bad diplomacy, administration and military skills.

May 2, 1495 - Bandjarmasin expands.

October 26, 1495 - Atjeh's alliance with China ended.

November 9, 1495 - Arakan entered the Alliance we have with Champa.

January 2, 1496 - I order another group of colonists to set sail for Bandjarmasin. I also send a letter to Champa.

February 6, 1496 - We receive an anonymous donation to the state of 200 ducats. I decide to order walls built in Palembang and Jambi with the money.

March 3, 1496 - Our colonization to Bandjarmasin fails, but this time, the natives do not attack.

March 20, 1496 - More colonists leave Bali bound for Bandjarmasin.

May 20, 1496 - Bandjarmasin expands. One more success, and Bandjarmasin will be a full fledged province.

October 29, 1496 - I have asked for and received military access through Champa. Should a war ever occur, we can now use Champa as a base of operations.

December 10, 1496 - Our alliance expires. I send a diplomat to Champa to create a new alliance, but they decline.

January 1, 1497 - We pop off another few colonists to Bandjarmasin.

January 11, 1497 - Champa entered an alliance with China and Korea.

March 1, 1497 - Bandjarmasin becomes the next province of Mataram expansion. I order a Tax Collector promoted in Bandjarmasin immediately.

March 10, 1497 - Private citizens consructed a fortress in Jakarta. I thank them with a big celebration. Jakarta is our most valuable province economically after Malacca, although not our most strategically important one.

May 22, 1497 - Sarawak is not a valuable colony, and her natives are too hostile. Colonization there is not an option. With the Portugese taking Sulawesi for themselves, that leaves Sarawak as the only area left in the Indies that we know of still neutral. I order the fleet into the Straits of Malacca. I will board my entire army, then ship them to Sarawak and destroy the native population. Colonization should be much easier then.

September 2, 1497 - Our troops arrive in Sarawak and battle with the natives begins.

September 4, 1497 - We slaughter the natives. I order the fleet back to the boats and colonists to Sarawak province.

November 4, 1497 - We colonize Sarawak. Now we have control of every currently possible province in the Indies.

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Old 01-27-2003, 10:35 PM   #49
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The End of the First Mataram Golden Age

January 1, 1498 - We still have two viable colonies in the Indies to finish.

Kalimantan - Settled long ago but still with only 217 colonists, needs more people. Trades low value fish.

Sarawak - Just settled colony with Naval Supplies as its major export. Only has 100 people.

I order two colonists - one to each place.

March 1, 1498 - Both of those colonies expanded.

March 28, 1498 - The Nobles are Demanding that we Grant Export Licenses to them. If I accept then we lose 50 ducats. If I decline then we lose some stability. I chose the docauts since I have them in the treasury this time. Licences are granted.

January 8, 1499 - A quiet year passes. I send two more colonists to our two colonies on Borneo that still need them. Each has over a 90% chance of success.

March 9, 1499 - Both colonies expand.

April 21, 1499 - We have a Scandal at the Court. Our relations with Ayutthaya, such as they were, plummet. We have a bad diplomatic rating over the next few months as well.

April 30, 1499 - I order a wall built in Salabanka.

January 1, 1500 - I send off two colonists again to our two provinces on Borneo that need them.

March 1, 1500 - Our colonies expand.

March 27, 1500 - We have another Uncooperative Philosopher. I imprison this one as well, moving us towards being more Narrowminded.

June 25, 1500 - I send a colonist to Kalimantan.

August 25, 1500 - Kalimantan expands.

November 4, 1500 - I send another colonist to Kalimantan.

January 4, 1500 - Kalimantan expands and is now a small city with 732 people.

March 10, 1501 - Portugal sends an Insult! We gain a temporary Casus Belli against them for a year.

April 3, 1501 - Colonists are sent away to Sarawak.

I order forces built in Makassar, Manado and Salabanka. We will destroy the Portugese Trading Post and claim Sulawesi for our own.

June 1, 1501 - Malaccan revolts.

June 3, 1501 - Sarawak expands.

June 13, 1501 - The Malaccan rebellion is decimated.

December 15, 1501 - I look at our domestic policies. I decide to move us to a more offensive doctrine.

January 1, 1502 - I declare war on Portugal.

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Old 01-27-2003, 10:35 PM   #50
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
War Quickly

January 1, 1502 - I declare war on Portugal then order the various armies on the island into Sulawesi. I want to burn down the Portugese Trading Post and kill the natives, then move in my own colonists.

January 13, 1502 - My calvary arrives first and the natives attack upon their entry. I order the Post burnt down.

January 19, 1502 - Our infantry arrives.

February 8, 1502 - We lose the first battle with the natives and our army flees to Manado. I dispatch colonists while the natives chase my army down. I also order reinforcements built in Manado and Salabanka.

February 18, 1502 - Plague! hits Bali. They lose 2000 people.

April 9, 1502 - Our colonists to Sulawesi take hold.

July 5, 1502 - I order the mixed arms units in Manado into Sulawesi.

July 14, 1502 - I order the calvary from Salabanka into Sulawesi.

July 23, 1502 - Our combined forces unit arrives in Salabanak and battle begins.

July 27, 1502 - With the battle going already in our direction, our 2000 calvary from Salabanka arrive.

August 8, 1502 - Natives are defeated. 2600 are still in the province. My 3600 surviving calvary chase them down.

August 28, 1502 - We hunt down and kill off 2100 more natives. My remaining 1850 calvary unt down the rest.

September 1, 1502 - Sulawesi is cleared of all natives.

November 2, 1502 - More colonists leaves Bali for Sulawesi.

November 30, 1502 - Portugal offers a white peace. I accept.

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