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Old 07-17-2003, 10:36 PM   #1
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Florida
Maniacal Misfitz HT Dynasty.... (Episode 2 - The Misfitz Strike Back)

Season 2 Begins!!!!

Howdy Misfitz fans/supporters!!! A new season is getting ready to start and it should be a good one!!! For the few of you who stuck with me for my first season, you know it was a crazy one. Not a single player remains on my team that i started with. Two training programs and 86 transfers later, The Misfitz team is finally set.

This season should be much different then last season. Im actually happy with my team and i see no need to change it anytime soon. The only change i see in the near future is a Arena upgrade to around 22-23k seats once i get about 200k in the bank. Im half way there now and hopfully i'll get some decent youth pulls to sell soon.

Time for My teams break down........
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!

Last edited by Havok : 07-17-2003 at 10:52 PM.
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Old 07-17-2003, 10:45 PM   #2
College Starter
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Location: Florida

Arena: Maniacal Misfitz Arena

Belongs to: Maniacal Misfitz
Country: USA
Region : Florida
Last improvement: 4/25/2003
Total capacity: 15150

Terraces: 10000
Basic seating: 4000
Seats under roof: 1000
Seats in VIP boxes: 150

Not bad for now, but i sell it out everygame, even in the rain so i need to upgrade it soon.


Cash funds: 120 353 US$ (106 327) US$
Sponsors: delirious
Supporter Club: 905 members
Supporters: delirious

This week

Crowd 1 669---------------------------Arena 9 175
Sponsors 42 450----------------------Wages 23 620
Financial 0------------------------------Interest 0
Temporary 72 150--------------------Temporary 41 500
-------------------------------------------Staff 36 000
-------------------------------------------Youth squad 20 000
Total revenue 116 269 Total expenses 130 295
Expected income/loss -14 026

Money is good right now. I lose about 25k every 2 weeks(if i have 1 home game and 1 away game) if i don't sell any youth pulls. That really isn't to bad. I'd like to break even but that won't happen until i upgrade my stadium some more.
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-17-2003, 10:50 PM   #3
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Florida
Da Club

Youth Squad: solid
Investment in the Youth squad: 20 000 US$ / week

Goaltending Coaches: 2
Assistant Coaches: 8
Sport Psychologists: 1
Spokepersons: 3
Economists: 0
Physiotherapists: 9
Doctors: 5

Im about 8 weeks into my solid youth squad so im expecting to hit Excellent by midseason. I've only ever sold 1 youth pull for a whopping 1k. But i did get a 19 year old passable defender and 18 year old solid winger with weak/poor secondary's. So it hasn't been a total waste. But no where near as good/lucky as teams like The Crawfish and other FOFC'ers pulling passable and solid
goalie's every week
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!

Last edited by Havok : 07-17-2003 at 10:51 PM.
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Old 07-18-2003, 09:13 PM   #4
College Starter
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Location: Florida
Divison Breakdown

Lets take a look at the teams that i'll be facing this year....

1.Final Fantasy (8320)

Country: USA
Region: Maryland
Arena: White Materia Arena
Language: English

This is the team that Last years divison champians "Green Mages" beat in they're Promotion match. This is they're 6th HT season. But i think the owner has given up on HT. Im not sure when the last time he logged in was. Its been at least a Month, since his last transaction was selling a player and that happen on 6/19. So hopefully they will be replaced in a couple weeks.

He has the best team in the divison right now, putting up a passable midfield and NSI's between 53-60. The bad news is i start of the season vs him at his place. So even if he does get replaced i'll probally still have to play him next week

2. Witches (72207)

Country: USA
Region: Pennsylvania
Arena: The Pentacle
Language: English

The Witches are the only other team in the divison constanly trying to improve his team. He joined FOFC for a couple weeks, but then he left and joined another federation. We still talk sometimes and i hope he does well this season.

The Witches have a serious shot at winning the divison if Final Fanatasy gets replaced. Right now his team is a little better then mine because i switched to PM training and i sold all my good midfielders. He curently trains Scoring and runs a 3-4-3. I know he has been having some money problems, so once my midfield training gets going i will probally be to much for him.

His scheldule is in his favor. He doesn't have to play Final Fantasy until week 5 so if they are gonna get replaced, it will be before he has to play them. (Lucky Bastard)

3. PoBOXTeam (72202)

Country: USA
Region: New York City
Arena: PoBOXTeam Arena

This team was decent last year and finished 4th. But the owner hasn't logged in for about 2 months and they are getting ready to be replaced.

4. Boston Bulldogs (72204)

Country: USA
Region: Boston
Arena: Boston Bulldogs Arena

This guy is pissing me off. he started out with the best team i've ever seen anyone start out with. He puts up a weak midfield and a NSI of 48-53 in a standard 4-4-2. He logs in like once every 5-6 weeks right before his team is gonna get replaced.

If your not gonna do shit to improve your team stop logging in!! let someone else have it.

5. CristinaFC3 (72206)

Country: USA
Region: Florida
Arena: CristinaFC3 Arena

This team had a good offense last year and a terrible defense. The owner wasn't very active. But in the last few day's he's been logging in and buying players. So hopefully he will improve his team and compete this year.

6. Kentucky Pharaos (226324)

Country: USA
Region: Kentucky
Arena: Kentucky Palace

A bot team that got auto-promoted from divison VI. It should change owners shortly.

7. Atlanta Huns (223560)

Country: USA
Region: Atlanta
Arena: Atlanta Bowl

another bot team.

Divison Thoughts

So thats my divison. Its toughness will mostly depend on whether or not Final Fantasy logs in or gets replaced. If they do we will have a tough 3-way battle for first. If they don't, it will probally be between me and The Witches.

If that happens i predict the Witches to win the divison by a very narrow margin. The way they're schedule is set-up, they can pic a game before they're tough games so that will help alot. If Johnny plays his cards right, he will probally win the divison.

But anything can happen with 3 - 4 new owners joining us soon. Should be interesting
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!

Last edited by Havok : 07-18-2003 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 07-18-2003, 11:33 PM   #5
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Tulsa
Other than being top-heavy, you seem to have a pretty nice series. Good luck, the Sidekicks will be looking forward to seeing you in Div. IV next season!
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Old 07-19-2003, 08:05 PM   #6
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Florida
Player Breakdowns

Time to take a look at the Misfitz Team this year. I have updated all the ages already.

The Coach

Justin Busby (12507365)
50 years, disastrous form, healthy
A passable coach who is fond of attacking
A pleasant guy who is balanced and upright.
Has inadequate experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

He'll work for now


Marcin Landowski
298 000 US$, 21 years, weak form
Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities

Stamina: weak Keeper: solid
Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous
Winger: disastrous Defending: disastrous
Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: weak

Marcin is my starting goalie. He's normally valued at around 366k in passable form which isn't bad for a solid goalie. But for some reason i can never keep a starting goalie in good form.

Stanford Weiss
115 000 US$, 21 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities

Stamina: weak Keeper: inadequate
Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous
Winger: disastrous Defending: disastrous
Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: wretched

Stanford is my back-up that i pulled from my youth squad.


Omar Nairn
105 000 US$, 21 years, inadequate form
Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities

Stamina: solid Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: weak Passing: weak
Winger: poor Defending: solid
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: inadequate

Omar is my starting CD and has about 5 weeks of defending training towards excellent. He puts up 3 stars a game in good form and is my best defender

Ismael Ferreira da Silva
68 000 US$, 20 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities [Powerful]

Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: poor
Winger: poor Defending: passable
Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: weak

Ismael is pretty much a solid defender. he has 8 weeks of training towards solid and puts up 3 stars a game at wingback playing defensive.

Emanuel Miller
93 000 US$, 20 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities

Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: wretched
Winger: inadequate Defending: passable
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: wretched

Emanuel is my best ever youth pull. I just pulled him about 2 weeks ago and he puts up 2 1/2 stars a game at wingback. If he was 2 year younger i would have trained him in PM

Rikard Larsson
44 000 US$, 18 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Head]

Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: wretched Passing: weak
Winger: wretched Defending: passable
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: wretched

Rikard was one of my trainee's and has about 4 weeks towards solid defending plus the head skill. He's a good back-up.

Dumitru Burghelea
25 000 US$, 18 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: poor Passing: wretched
Winger: poor Defending: passable
Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: inadequate

Dumitru is another one of my good back-ups. He usually is in solid or better form and he has about 5 weeks of defensive training towards solid

Johan Nilsson
59 000 US$, 18 years, inadequate form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: wretched Passing: weak
Winger: inadequate Defending: passable
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: poor

Johan was the first trainee i ever bought and he also took the longest to bump to passable. 9 weeks to be exact he's a low passable defender and is my last back-up


Andi Neiweiler
165 000 US$, 26 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities

Stamina: passable Keeper: wretched
Playmaking: weak Passing: passable
Winger: solid Defending: inadequate
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: weak

Andi is my star winger. I somehow grabed him for only 94k midway through last season. He's been in inadequate form ever since i bought him and puts up 2 1/2 stars. Im hoping now that he is in passable form i will get 3 stars out of him. Plus since im training PM now im hoping i can get his PM skill to inadequate by seasons end.

Benton Minter
46 000 US$, 19 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities

Stamina: solid Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: weak Passing: poor
Winger: solid Defending: poor
Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: weak

I pulled Benton from my youth squad right when my YS hit solid. He's a good 2 1/2 star winger in inadequate - solid form. He starts sometimes and plays back-up other times depending on his form.

Dolf de Bevere
68 000 US$, 20 years, solid form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities [Quick]

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: weak
Winger: passable Defending: weak
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: poor

I just bought Dolf like 3 weeks ago for 23k and he's played well so far. Getting 2 1/2 stars every game. I bought him mainly because of his inadequate PM. Hopfully i can get it to passable by the end of the season.


Abel Cano
144 000 US$, 25 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities

Stamina: inadequate Keeper: wretched
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: weak
Winger: weak Defending: inadequate
Scoring: solid Set Pieces: poor

Abel is my number 1 forward and he's always in passable form. He's a key member of the first team. He's actually injuried right now and will probally miss my first league game of the year

Aron Capotă
109 000 US$, 22 years, poor form
Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities [Head]

Stamina: weak Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: weak Passing: passable
Winger: weak Defending: inadequate
Scoring: passable Set Pieces: passable

Aron is a beast. His head skill gets him a ton of goals up front and his passable set pieces is nice also. But the problem with Aron is that he is usually in bad form and doesn't start very often

Istvan Strobl
37 000 US$, 28 years, inadequate form
Has weak experience and solid leadership abilities

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: weak Passing: poor
Winger: wretched Defending: weak
Scoring: passable Set Pieces: passable

Istvan was bought to be my clown. He's sympathetic/solid. I never expected him to start but now that experiance matters he might actually make my starting line-up if he's in good form.

Martin Devátý
39 000 US$, 22 years, inadequate form
Has wretched experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Powerful]

Stamina: passable Keeper: wretched
Playmaking: poor Passing: weak
Winger: weak Defending: poor
Scoring: passable Set Pieces: solid

Martin was bought to be my "rainy forward". His powerful skill is nice in the rain. He actually had a 3 star game in the rain in passable form!!! His solid set pieces is very nice also.


Jed Neumann
74 000 US$, 20 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities

Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: passable Passing: wretched
Winger: wretched Defending: passable
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: poor

Jed is probally my number 1 midfielder at the moment. He gets 2 1/2 stars in passable form and he's a good defensive middy. I plan on training him up to at least excellent before i sell him.

Josef Eder
134 000 US$, 20 years, inadequate form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities [Powerful]

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: passable Passing: passable
Winger: weak Defending: poor
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: wretched

I spent a nice chunk of change on Josef (140k) mainly because he is close to poping to solid. Im hoping i can get him to excellent PM by seasons end. Unfortunetly he is injuried right now and will probally miss my first league game.

Huey Miller
36 000 US$, 18 years, solid form
Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities [Head]

Stamina: inadequate Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: passable Passing: poor
Winger: wretched Defending: poor
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: weak

I just bought Huey off fellow FOFC'er BillyMadison last week. He has 4-5 weeks of PM training towards solid into him already. Im also hoping i can get him to Excellent PM by the end of the season.

Jakob Noer Mogensen
62 000 US$, 19 years, inadequate form
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Quick]

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: passable Passing: weak
Winger: poor Defending: inadequate
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: inadequate

I got Jakob for only 27k a few weeks ago. Im not sure how close to poping he is but he will make a good back-up

Roy Hoekstra
76 000 US$, 19 years, inadequate form
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Powerful]

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: passable Passing: weak
Winger: passable Defending: weak
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: poor

Roy will be a back-up/starter this year depending on form. He will also get the nod on "Rainy days" because of his powerful skill. I plan on making him a "winger towards the middle" one day.

Viktor Tolstoy
81 000 US$, 19 years, solid form
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Quick]

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: passable
Winger: poor Defending: inadequate
Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor

Victor is close to poping to passable PM i think. He's got a high assesed value and good secondary's. He will probally be solid PM by seasons end

Joaquim Neiva
50 000 US$, 18 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities [Unpredictable]

Stamina: solid Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: passable
Winger: weak Defending: disastrous
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: inadequate

I somehow got Joaquim for 15k a few weeks ago. I think he still has about 5-6 weeks before he pops but i might get him to solid PM this season. He will probally be on the team for a long,long time.

Thats it, as you can see i have 7 midfielder trainee's. One of the back-ups will have to play winger each week in friendly's. But thats ok with me... it shouldn't slow they're training down to much.

I think my midfield is my weakest spot right now. Before i decided to switch to PM training my midfield was very good. Getting inadequate at home and weak on the road. But i had to sell them to make room for the trainee's. But by the end of the season i should have a couple Excellent PM's and a few mid to high solid PM's as well. So next season i will have a kick ass midfield.

Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-20-2003, 11:19 AM   #7
College Starter
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Location: Florida
Youth Pull and Economic Update

Youth Pull

The First Youth Pull of the season is!!!!!! Another absolute piece of shit

Deke Thomas (14689122)
17 years, passable form, healthy

A sympathetic guy who is balanced and honest.
Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities.

Speciality: Powerful

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 4 000 US$
Wage: 500 US$/week
Owner: Maniacal Misfitz
Warnings: 0

Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: poor Passing: wretched
Winger: wretched Defending: wretched
Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: weak

Economic Update

151 327 US$ (89 144) US$
Sponsors: satisfied
Supporter Club: 905 members
Supporters: calm

This week

Crowd 0-----------------------Arena 9 175
Sponsors 35 700------------Wages 23 208
Financial 0---------------------Interest 0
Temporary 0-------------------Temporary 2 000
-----------------------------------Staff 43 500
-----------------------------------Youth squad 20 000

Total revenue 35 700 Total expenses 97 883
Expected income/loss -62 183

Money is still looking pretty good. I should get around 10-15k from my cup game on wednesday. My sponser money dropped off around 7k due to the reset hopfully that will change in a week or two.

This Weeks Game

There is no league game this week. But there is a cup game and just like everyone else, i get to play a Divison VI bot team. Should be an easy PIC win.

Upnext, This weeks Cup Game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-20-2003, 12:08 PM   #8
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
Hey, my YP sucked this week.

Good luck next season, and good luck on the tough first week game!
I had something.
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Old 07-20-2003, 01:46 PM   #9
High School Varsity
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Chicago, IL
Hopefully you will have better youth pulls in the future. Good luck on the season.

New signature pending....
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Old 07-20-2003, 05:31 PM   #10
High School JV
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Indiana
If you didnt notice your pull was a semi clown. Not as great as a full clown, but if you dont already have one on your team and you didnt already fire this guy, he would be good to keep.

Go Bears!
#8 Grossman
#33 Tillman
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Old 07-20-2003, 08:50 PM   #11
College Starter
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Location: Florida
yeah i noticed that. But i already have one and he's better then that guy. I'm to lazy to list him and see if someone bits.
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-23-2003, 08:21 PM   #12
College Starter
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Location: Florida
Season 2 - USA Cup - Round 1

Rhode Island Gladiators - vs - Maniacal Misfitz

Finally season 2 starts. These 2 weeks have been killer!!!
Even thought its against a lowly bot team. Its still a important game nevertheless. After 2 weeks of stamina training my form isn't all that great so im not expecting a big NSI rating here. Plus i'll be Pic'ing and im missing my second best midfielder and my number 1 striker!!! So if i get a NSI of 50 or higher i'll be suprised.

I also found out more bad news today. Final Fantasy (the team that got regulated from divison IV) logged in today. So they won't be replaced by a bot team anytime soon this really pisses me off. Espically since i have to play them on sunday. They're team isn't that great except they're midfield. Which gets passable most the time and solid sometimes. I just can't compete with that yet and i won't be able to until late this season or early next season. So it looks like i'll start off this year with a loss. I'll probally just pic the game and get my TS up. We'll see.......


GK - Marcin Landowski

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva(Defensive)
Central Defender - Omar Nairn
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller (Defensive)

Right Winger - Dolf de Bevere (Offensive)
Inner Midfeilder 1 - Jed Neumann (Defensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Jakob Noer Mogensen
Left Winger - Andi Neiweiler (Offensive)

Forward 1 - Istvan Strobl
Forward 2 - Martin Devátý

Marcin my starting goalie is still in weak form. So expect a shitty game out of him. Neither one of my 2 starting forwards are playing. Apol (my number 1 forward) is hurt and Aron (my number 2 forward) is in poor form. so both my back-ups are playing and they are both only in inadequate form

Players To Watch

Andi Neiweiler - Im hoping now that he is in passable form im hoping he will get me 3 stars on the wing.

The Match

Due to an all-day shower, 4957 paying spectators got to see a match on a pitch-turned-bog at Rhode Island Field. Gladiators started off with a 4-4-2 lineup. The following players had been chosen: Martínez - Gubert, Lujan, Cotton, Bollea - Doyle, Allred, Dozier, Branham - Riomayor, Kearns.

Maniacal started off with a 3-5-2 lineup. Lineup: Landowski - Ferreira da Silv, Nairn, Miller - de Bevere, Neumann, Tolstoy, Noer Mogensen, Neiweiler - Devátý, Strobl.

Gladiatorss Edward Lujan got himself booked after a foul.

In the 7:th minute the visitors broke through on the right after some poor defending and Istvan Strobl put the ball away for 0 - 1.

Viktor Tolstoy received some harsh words from his coach after he acted foolishly, probably out of lack of experience, in the 14:th minute and almost caused an opponent to score.

The teams went for a half-time break at 0 - 1. Maniacal held the ball, with a clear 73 percent possession rate.

Maniacal´s Jed Neumann received a play slashing through the home side´s defense in the 54:th minute, chipping it past the keeper scoring 0 - 2. The home crowd was not pleased with that one.

Gladiators´s Mike Bollea left the field after 56 minutes because of a nasty blow to the shin. His replacement was Calvin Koenig.

Maniacal´s Istvan Strobl received a play slashing through the home side´s defense in the 59:th minute, chipping it past the keeper scoring 0 - 3. The home crowd was not pleased with that one.

Istvan Strobl came close to extending the visitors lead as he, completely unmarked in front of the goal, lifted a ball over Constancio Martínez, hitting the bar.

The referee showed Maniacals Omar Nairn the yellow card after a particularly nasty challenge.

Maniacal, bringing the final ball possession rate to 82 percent, dominated the battle.

The most dominating Gladiators player was without a doubt Soriano Riomayor. Edward Lujan on the other hand, had a terrible day. The most dominating Maniacal player was without a doubt Dolf de Bevere. However, Jakob Noer Mogensen made a disastrous appearance. The match ends 0 - 3.


Istvan Strobl - 2
Jed Neumann - 1

Player Ratings

GK - Marcin Landowski - **~

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva - **~
Central Defender - Omar Nairn - **~
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller - **~

Right Winger - Dolf de Bevere - **~
Inner Midfeilder 1 - Jed Neumann - **~
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy - **
Inner Midfielder 3 - Jakob Noer Mogensen - **
Left Winger - Andi Neiweiler - **~

Forward 1 - Istvan Strobl - **
Forward 2 - Martin Devátý - **

Stars - 25.5

Team Ratings

Rhode Island Gladiators
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: disastrous - (1)
Right Side Defence: poor - (3)
Central Defence: weak - (4)
Left Side Defence: weak - (4)
Right Side Attack: poor - (3)
Central Attack: weak - (4)
Left Side Attack: poor - (3)

NSI - 24

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: poor - (3)
Right Side Defence: solid - (7)
Central Defence: solid - (7)
Left Side Defence: solid - (7)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: solid - (7)

NSI - 50

Post Game Thoughts

I can't figure out how i only won 3-0. I killed them in every category and doubled they're NSI and only won 3-0. I guess the rain had somethign to do with it.

Anyway... you can tell my team is struggling. My bad form and missing 2 players really hurt my NSI rating. Its gonna be a tough first couple games this season until my form picks up and my injuried guys are healthy. Luckly noone got hurt this game.

The Good

Dolf de Bevere - is my only player in solid form and he got player of the game according to the Hattrick engine.

The Bad

Andi Neiweiler - in passable form he still didn't get 3 stars im kind of surprised on this one. maybe the rain played a factor or maybe his disatorous experiance. Either way he still only got 2 1/2 stars and that pisses me off.

Upnext, This weeks training update

Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!

Last edited by Havok : 08-09-2003 at 06:14 AM.
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Old 07-24-2003, 09:53 PM   #13
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Florida
Training Update

This week i trained General after 2 straight weeks of stamina my form is hurting some. But little did i know that only players who play get the training So it wasn't as big of a success as i was hoping for.


7 players increased in form (5 starters)
5 players decreased in form (2 starters)

My starters form is starting to come around. But i still have a few holes. My goalie went back up to inadequate form which will be a big help.

Team/Player Value's

Value per player (average): 85 591 US$ (+3721)
Total squad value: 1 883 000 US$ (same)
Average age: 20 (+1)
Current form (average): passable
Experience (average): disastrous
No of players (excluding the coach): 22 (-1)
Number of nationalities: 14

Im scared now......

This whole Experiance thing is scaring the hell out of me. The 2 teams left in my divison that almost never login and have practically the same team they started with, just got a whole lot better. I almost fell out of my seat when i saw they're NSI's from the cup game yesterday. Here take a look for yourself........

Boston Bulldogs
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: weak - (4)
Right Side Defence: formidable - (9)
Central Defence: brilliant - (11)
Left Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Right Side Attack: inadequate - (5)
Central Attack: weak - (4)
Left Side Attack: inadequate - (5)

NSI - 54

This is on the road and his offense is usally better then that. This just blows my mind. The experiance change has increased his NSI rating by about 5-6 points.

Heres the other one.....

Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Central Defence: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Defence: weak - (4)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: solid - (7)
Left Side Attack: passable - (6)

NSI - 49

A good offense and a good midfeild. I just can't believe how good these 2 guys starting teams are/were, Thats incrediable. To get a inadequate midfield, on the road with "basically" the team you started him is amazing.

Niether of these teams are pushovers and its pissing me off. I don't know how this season is gonna turn out, but its gonna be alot harder then last year im afraid Mainly because my whole team is young and i have no experianced players at all.

Upnext, this weeks Youth Pull and economic update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-24-2003, 10:54 PM   #14
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Ooof...I have a team in my series that seems to have gotten a huge boost from the experience, but that's really rough to have two of 'em.

You'll get through it through, a good training program is still the most important!
FOBL: Where anyone not in IAP

FOFL: I may be the commish, but it's still pretty good.
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Old 07-26-2003, 07:13 PM   #15
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Youth Pull and Economic Update

Youth pull sucked like always. he's been fired. I've had my team for around 17-18 weeks now and i've made 1,000 bucks off my youth squad. Lucky ME!!!!!!!!

Economic Update

96 844 US$ (35 757) US$
Sponsors: delirious
Supporter Club: 910 members
Supporters: satisfied

This week

Crowd 0------------------------Arena 9 175
Sponsors 39 750-------------Wages 26 162
Financial 0----------------------Interest 0
Temporary 0-------------------Temporary 2 000
-----------------------------------Staff 43 500
-----------------------------------Youth squad 20 000

Total revenue 39 750 Total expenses 100 837
Expected income/loss -61 087

Dear god im losing money fast. I had a 150k 2 weeks ago, now i have 35k and i've haven't bought a single player i gotta wait another week for a home game and im not even sure if i'll sell it out since its vs a bot team. I need to get a good youth pull one day.

This weeks game

This week im gonna lose. Its just that simple. Im missing 2 of my best players, im playing against a former divison IV team and its had his house. So basically im screwed. Im gonna PIC and take my loss and move on. Im hoping to get my TS to POE for my game vs The Witches in weeks 3. I'll pic this game, my next cup game, my league game after that since its vs a bot team and then the cup game after that. So i should at the least have delirous TS when i play him. Im not sure if i'll MOTS that game or not. We'll see.....

Upnext, This weeks League Game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-27-2003, 09:10 PM   #16
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Season 2 - League Game - Round 1

Final Fantasy - vs - Maniacal Misfitz

Season 2 starts today!!!!

Thats the good news.... the bad news is im playing against a much better team and im missing 2 of my best players. The only way for a win or a tie here today would be if they got a couple red cards. His team really isn't all that great considering he's starting his 5th season in HT. But his midfield is very nice. Getting solid at home and passable on the road.


Gk - Marcin Landowski

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva (defensive)
Central Defender - Omar Nairn
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller (defensive)

Right Winger - Dolf de Bevere (offensive)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann (defensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy (offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Huey Miller
Left Winger - Andi Neiweiler

Forward 1 - Martin Devátý
Forward 2 - Istvan Strobl

My forwards are my week spot today. My best forward Abel is injuried and my second best forward Aron is in crap form like always. This is a concern but i'll probally have Abel back for next weeks game. One day im hoping Aron will actually get above weak form so i can start him again. His "head" skill is oh so nice. Anyway, besides those 2 and my injuried midfielder everything else is normal for my starters.

Players to Watch

Dolf de Bevere - My number 2 winger just hit excellent form so im expecting a good game out of him.

Marcin Landowski - my goalie finally improved to inadequate form. Im hoping for 3 stars out of him today. But he'll probally only get 2 1/2.

The Match

36053 spectators had come to White Materia Arena this cloudy day. Fantasy had chosen a strategic 3-5-2 formation. They fielded: Martin - Jonasson, Joseph, Klintsjö - Vasquez, Toth, Pace, Gee, Iglesia - Singer, Littlefield.

Maniacal tactics involved an interesting 3-5-2 combination. Lineup: Landowski - Ferreira da Silv, Nairn, Miller - de Bevere, Neumann, Tolstoy, Miller, Neiweiler - Devátý, Strobl.

Emanuel Miller behaved like an inexperienced youth player in the 3rd minute as he gave the ball away to an opponent. Lucky for him though, there was no goal.

Eugene Singer gave his Fantasy the lead with 1 - 0, as he successfully challenged both the guests central defenders, then placed the ball unreachably at the goaltenders right post.

Rich Littlefield increased Fantasys lead to 2 - 0 by putting a header away on a hooked ball from the right.

After several obvious shirt pulling incidents, Fantasy´s Dalton Toth got himself booked.

Halftime score was 2 - 0. Fantasy held the ball, with a clear 70 percent possession rate.

An indirect free kick in the visitor´s penalty area in the 83rd minute could have resulted in another goal, but Marcin Landowski got a hand out and tipped the ball over the bar.

A speedy charge from the left side of the field put Fantasy lead up with 3 - 0. Darrell Pace finished that one off competently, firing from an acute angle.

Fantasy held the ball, with a clear 64 percent possession rate.

The most dominating Fantasy player was without a doubt Dalton Toth. Rich Littlefield on the other hand, had a terrible day. The most dominating Maniacal player was without a doubt Ismael Ferreira da Silva. Huey Miller on the other hand, had a terrible day. The match ends 3 - 0.



Player Ratings

Gk - Marcin Landowski - **~

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva - ***
Central Defender - Omar Nairn - ***
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller - **~

Right Winger - Dolf de Bevere - ***
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann ***
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy - **
Inner Midfielder 3 - Huey Miller - **
Left Winger - Andi Neiweiler - **~

Forward 1 - Martin Devátý - **
Forward 2 - Istvan Strobl - **

Stars - 27

Team Ratings

Final Fantasy
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: solid - (7)
Right Side Defence: formidable - (9)
Central Defence: excellent - (8)
Left Side Defence: solid - (7)
Right Side Attack: passable - (6)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: passable - (6)

NSI - 63

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: poor - (3)
Right Side Defence: solid - (7)
Central Defence: solid - (7)
Left Side Defence: solid - (7)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: solid - (7)

NSI - 50

Post Game Comments

3-0 loss as expected. Im not to mad, it could have been worse actually. Missing my 2 forwards is hurting my attack badly. If i had Abel and Aron both in passable form, my attack would be excellent/solid/excellent.

I had a couple of surprises in this game. Jed Neumann got my first ever 3 star performance as a midfielder and Dolf de Bevere got my first first 3 star performance on wing. Jed getting 3 stars is a big surprise. He's only a passable PM in solid form. He's got passable defending and i play him defensive. My 2 solid PM's that i used to have, never got 3 stars in solid form. So im hoping he is close to poping to solid PM. And Dolf getting 3 stars is kind of a surprise also. He is in Excellent form, but he's only a passable winger with weak passing and inadequate PM.

The Good

Dolf de Bevere - 3 stars in excellent form. My first 3 stars performance by a winger.

Jed Neumann - 3 stars in solid form. My first ever 3 star performance by a midfielder.

The Bad

Both My forwards - they both only got 2 stars and only a passable central attack rating. But what should i expect from 2 back-up forwards.

Around The League

Witches - vs - PoBOXTeam 4 - 5

dam, POBOXteam is about to be replaced by another owner and they somehow beat The Witches. But i think the Witches pic'ed and played some back-ups because they have a tough cup game this week. Tough break for Johnny

Boston Bulldogs - vs - CristinaFC3 2 - 1

This game could have went either way. A very good defensve team (The Bulldogs) vs a good offensive team (CristinaFC3). The Bulldogs just barley pulled it out, probally due to the home field advantage.

Kentucky Pharaos - vs - Atlanta Huns 3 - 0

Battle of the bot teams!! The who cares game of the week in my divison. I play Kentucky next week and it should be a nice and easy PIC win.

League Standings

The league standings are down right now. I'll put it here when they are fixed.

Upnext, This weeks cup game

Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!

Last edited by Havok : 07-28-2003 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 07-28-2003, 06:29 PM   #17
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More Bad News

i guess it good and bad news. The Witches youth pull this week is none other then a 17 year old solid pm........

Darryl Johnson (14892823)
17 years, passable form, healthy

A sympathetic guy who is calm and dishonest.
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

Speciality: Unpredictable

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 72 000 US$
Wage: 840 US$/week
Owner: Witches
Warnings: 0

Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: solid Passing: poor
Winger: poor Defending: weak
Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: poor

Current bid is at 267k but im sure it will go higher. Im happy for johnny, but he's already bought a 30 year old middy with good experiance capable of getting 3 1/2 stars. So my chances of beating him are slowly deminishing. He's been pretty lucky in youth pulls in his HT career.

Now i guess the question is, will the Misfitz ever get lucky with a youth pull????
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-30-2003, 03:40 PM   #18
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Quick Update

The Witches midfielder sold for $1,000,000 dollars. He's been buying up midfielders and defenders like crazy (he trains forwards). So basically, my chance of beating him just got a whole lot smaller.

Amazing what 1 youth pull can do for a team.
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-30-2003, 03:48 PM   #19
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League Standings


1. Kentucky Pharaos-----1-------------------3 - 0--------------------3

2. Final Fantasy-----------1-------------------3 - 0--------------------3

3. PoBOXTeam------------1-------------------5 - 4--------------------3

4. Boston Bulldogs-------1-------------------2 - 1--------------------3

5. Witches-----------------1-------------------4 - 5--------------------0

6. CristinaFC3-------------1-------------------1 - 2-------------------0

7. Atlanta Huns-----------1-------------------0 - 3-------------------0

8. Maniacal Misfitz-------1--------------------0 - 3-------------------0

The BOT team is running away with the divison title!!!!!
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-30-2003, 09:01 PM   #20
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Season 2 - Cup Game - Round 2

Arizona Eagles - vs - Maniacal Misfitz

Cup game number 2 this season!!!! And it should be an easy one. Lucky for me i've drawn another bot team. I won't be so lucky next week probally. Im Pic'ing this game of course. So far i've PIC'ed all 3 games this season and it won't stop yet. I'll be pic'ing my league game on sunday also since it's vs a BOT team. I should reach "Paradise On Earth" TS after this game for the first time in club history..... yippe!!!


GK - Stanford Weiss

Right Wingback - Johan Nilsson (Offensive)
Central Defender - Rikard Larsson
Left Wingback - Dumitru Burghelea (Defensive)

Right Winger - Benton Minter (offensive)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jakob Noer Mogensen
Inner Midfielder 2 - Huey Miller (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Roy Hoekstra
Left Winger - Joaquim Neiva (Offensive)

Forward 1 - Aron Capotă
Forward 2 - Istvan Strobl

I've got all my back-ups in today for the first time in a long time. Alot of them arn't in the best of form, due to lack of playing and stamina training in the offseason. Im playing my right wingback offensive and my right winger offensive so i should generate most of my offense from the right. Nothing else really to add, this is a pretty straight forward game vs a Bot team. Nice and Easy

The Match

A scorching day at Arizona Emporium, where 7000 spectators were in place for today´s match. Arizona tactics involved an interesting 4-4-2 combination. Lineup: Rivas - Powell, Braswell, Williams, Mcmanus - Royal, Wei-Ming, Martinez, Agarwal - Castillo, Gillespie.

Maniacal started off with a 3-5-2 lineup. Lineup: Weiss - Nilsson, Larsson, Burghelea - Minter, Hoekstra, Miller, Noer Mogensen, Neiva - Capotă, Strobl.

After 5 minutes Maniacals Johan Nilsson made his way through the middle, putting the visitors up 0 - 1.

After several obvious shirt pulling incidents, Maniacal´s Rikard Larsson got himself booked.

After 9 minutes of game time Jakob Noer Mogensen received an excellent opportunity to add to the visitors lead, clipping a volley hooked in from the right, but Theodore Rivas was in the right place, tipping the ball to a corner.

In the 29:th minute the visitors put themselves ahead 0 - 2 as Jakob Noer Mogensen finished off an attack from the left with a spectacular scissors kick. After this Maniacal lowered the tempo in order to concentrate on their defensive efforts.

The game had been on for 31 minutes when Jakob Noer Mogensen broke through to the right, upping the score to the home crowd´s dismay. Maniacal´s were up 0 - 3.

Maniacal came close to extending their lead as Benton Minter delivered a long range shot from the right but the angle was to sharp, and the shot hit the side of the goal.

Halftime score was 0 - 3. The fortyfive minutes were dominated by Maniacal, with an impressive 65 percent possession of the ball.

Maniacal´s Huey Miller received a play slashing through the home side´s defense in the 62nd minute, chipping it past the keeper scoring 0 - 4. The home crowd was not pleased with that one.

Arizona´s Li Wei-Ming got the home crowd going when he finished off a left wing charge putting the away teams lead down to 1 - 4.

The referee showed Maniacals Istvan Strobl the yellow card after a particularly nasty challenge.

Due to a severely mistimed tackle,Theodore Rivas spent some on the grass writhing in agony before he could get up and continue the game.

Maniacal came close to extending their lead as Johan Nilsson delivered a long range shot from the right but the angle was to sharp, and the shot hit the side of the goal.

In the to 83rd minute a very unfortunate collision in the home teams penalty area led to Arizona´s Vernon Braswell being carried off the pitch and replaced by Lorenzo Goodman.

The fortyfive minutes were dominated by Maniacal, with an impressive 71 percent possession of the ball.

Arizona´s best player was Louis Royal. Theodore Rivas on the other hand, had a terrible day. Maniacal´s best player was Dumitru Burghelea. Roy Hoekstra was a disappointment, however. The match ends 1 - 4.


Jakob Noer Mogensen - 2
Johan Nilsson - 1
Huey Miller - 1

Player Ratings

GK - Stanford Weiss - **

Right Wingback - Johan Nilsson - **
Central Defender - Rikard Larsson - **~
Left Wingback - Dumitru Burghelea - **~

Right Winger - Benton Minter - **~
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jakob Noer Mogensen - **
Inner Midfielder 2 - Huey Miller - **
Inner Midfielder 3 - Roy Hoekstra - *~
Left Winger - Joaquim Neiva - **

Forward 1 - Aron Capotă - **
Forward 2 - Istvan Strobl - **

Stars - 23

Team Ratings

Arizona Eagles
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: wretched - (2)
Right Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Central Defence: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Defence: weak - (4)
Right Side Attack: weak - (4)
Central Attack: poor - (3)
Left Side Attack: poor - (3)

NSI - 30

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: poor - (3)
Right Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Central Defence: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Attack: inadequate - (5)

NSI - 41

Post Game Comments

Nice and easy.... thats the way i like it. Pretty much everything went according to plan. Expect the fact that i only scored 1 goal from the right side even though i had a solid VS a weak match-up. But who cares, i won and it could have been worse. I did miss 3 scoring chances. My guys did they're typical, "midfielders score most of the goals" thing again. I swear, i don't even know why i play any forwards. My midfielders and defenders score all my goals

Im a little surprised i got a "poor" midfield rating since my back-up middy's are in bad form, i pic'ed and i was on the road. But i guess thats the effect good TS has on a team.

The Good

Jakob Noer Mogensen - While only getting 2 stars because of bad form, he still scored 2 goals and the opposing goalie robbed him of another.

The Bad

Roy Hoekstra - his weak form and playing him in the extra middy spot, hurt his play big time and he only got 1 1/2 stars.

Upnext, This weeks Training Update

Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 07-31-2003, 11:33 PM   #21
Grizzled Veteran
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Originally posted by Havok
Amazing what 1 youth pull can do for a team.

True that. You and I are due for a 17 year old solid. Hopefully it will come this week. I could sure use a $1mil.
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Old 08-02-2003, 02:41 PM   #22
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Training Update

My first week of the season training Playmaking was a successful one to say the least. 2 players bumped to Solid PM.

Josef Eder
129 000 US$, 20 years, inadequate form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities [Powerful]

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: solid Passing: passable
Winger: weak Defending: poor
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: wretched

i bought Josef late last season for like 145k because i knew he was really, really close to poping to Solid PM. It looks like i was right. He will be a high Excellent PM by seasons end.

Huey Miller
35 000 US$, 18 years, inadequate form
Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities [Head]

Stamina: inadequate Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: solid Passing: poor
Winger: wretched Defending: poor
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: weak

I bought Huey for like 35k from FOFC'er favorite "BillyMadison" when he sold his team and started a new team. So after just 1 week of training he bumps to Solid PM. WOOT!


It just wouldn't be a Misfitz update without some bad news. And that bad news is....... i had my worst form week of all time this week.

1 player increased in form (1 starter)
8 players decreased in form (4 starters)

OUCH!!!! this hurts alot. I have a easy League game this week vs a bot team so i can pic and play my back-ups. But my cup game is gonna be a tough one vs a really really good divison V team. I needed good form and i didn't get it. At least i'll have POE Team Spirit when i play that cup game.

Player/Team Value

Value per player (average): 88 286 US$ (2,695)
Total squad value: 1 854 000 US$ (-29,000)
Average age: 20
Current form (average): inadequate (down from passable)
Experience (average): disastrous
No of players (excluding the coach): 21 (- 1)
Number of nationalities: 14

Upnext, This weeks youth pull and economic update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-02-2003, 03:15 PM   #23
The Afoci
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Your having some tough luck this season. I figured I would tell you I sold my most recent pull for around 260k or so and a 18 year old for 200k or so.
I had something.
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Old 08-03-2003, 02:11 PM   #24
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i hate you
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-03-2003, 02:33 PM   #25
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Youth Pull and Economic Update

Youth Pull

Sucked like always, assessed value of 4k. Fire already......

Economic Update

88 757 US$ (29 704) US$
Sponsors: delirious
Supporter Club: 918 members
Supporters: satisfied

This week

Crowd 0-----------------------------------Arena 9 175
Sponsors 42 300------------------------Wages 25 178
Financial 0---------------------------------Interest 0
Temporary 0------------------------------Temporary 2 000
----------------------------------------------Staff 45 000
----------------------------------------------Youth squad 20 000
Total revenue 42 300-------------------Total expenses 101 353
Expected income/loss -59 053

If i sell-out my home game on sunday and sellout my cup game i should make 65k this week. I think im gonna upgrade my stadium soon. It will put me in the hole some but it will pay for itself. Espically if i win my cup game this week. Which i'm hoping i will.

League Game This Week

This week i get to play a bot team at home. Should be a nice easy win so i will be PIC'ing and playing my back-ups so i can play my starters in my cup game. My back-ups form is really really bad at the moment but they still should have no problem whipping up on a bot team.

This Weeks Cup Game

I actually have a chance to advance to the forth round in the cup. Which would be really nice since i would get an extra PIC and an extra 50k. The Team i play is no pushover. They have one hell of a defense and a very good offense. But they run a straight 4-4-2 and only have 2 midfielders. So they're midfield rating is only wretched.

Blu and Yello
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: wretched - (2)
Right Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Central Defence: brilliant - (11)
Left Side Defence: formidable - (9)
Right Side Attack: excellent - (8)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: solid - (7)

NSI - 55

The good news is his right side defender is out and his back-up only puts up 1 star a game. So maybe i can get a goal or 2 from the side. Im seriously considering bringing a "ringer" forward just for this game then selling him when its over because my 2 starting forwards are in weak form

With POE TS and being at home i'll probally get a inadequate midfield rating. So hopefully with 3 levels above his midfield rating i should dominate possession my alot and win the game 1-0 or 2-0. Should be a good game....

Upnext, This weeks league game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!

Last edited by Havok : 08-03-2003 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 08-03-2003, 09:27 PM   #26
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Season 2 - League Game - Round 2

Maniacal Misfitz - vs - Kentucky Pharaos

The Misfitz B-team get to do some Bot Bashing today!! This is the last Bot team i get to play for awhile so i better make it count today!! This will also be my 4th straight PIC game. My TS is at delirious right now (just dropped from POE yesterday). But with today's PIC, it should still be at POE for my very important/very tough cup game on wednesday.


GK - Stanford Weiss

Right Wingback - Emanuel Miller (Offensive)
Central Defender - Rikard Larsson
Left Wingback - Dumitru Burghelea (Defensive)

Right Winger - Andi Neiweiler (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Joaquim Neiva (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Roy Hoekstra
Left Winger - Benton Minter (Offensive)

Forward 1 - Istvan Strobl
Forward 2 - Aron Capotă

I have a couple starters playing today. Andi Neiweiler is my best winger (stat wise) but since his form is only at inadequate and im only playing 1 true winger on wednesday (and 1 towards the middle). He gets the start today. Emanuel Miller is normally a starter but since i sold a back-up wingback, i now only have 5 defenders so 1 starter will have to play with the b-team each week.

Players to watch

Istvan Strobl - Istvan was bought to be my clown at the end of last season. But since the experiance increase(he has weak experiance) and now that he is in passable form. He might just earn starting spot if he can get 2 1/2 stars in passable form.

Roy Hoekstra - Roys form is totally in the crapper(poor). Plus im playing him as the extra inner middy so its possible that he will only get 1 star. Lets hope he gets 1 1/2.

The Match

12544 spectators had come to Maniacal Misfitz Arena this cloudy day. Maniacal started off with a 3-5-2 lineup. Lineup: Weiss - Miller, Larsson, Burghelea - Neiweiler, Hoekstra, Tolstoy, Neiva, Minter - Capotă, Strobl.

Kentucky started off with a 4-4-2 lineup. Lineup: Waddell - Mcmahan, Castellanos, Jordan, Torres - Brady, Hyman, Davis, Pitts - Easley, Miller.

The 11th minute saw the home team take a 1 - 0 lead after a leak in the visitors right side defense. Scorer for Maniacal was Viktor Tolstoy.

Maniacal's Aron Capotă scored 2 - 0 by shooting accurately and hard from a long distance, leaving the opponent goalie no other option than to pick up the ball from the net.

Maniacal put themselves up 3 - 0 when Istvan Strobl broke through on the right, leaving the entire defensive box behind him.

Mark Jordan of Kentucky received a yellow card in the 38:th minute for unsportsmanlike behaviour.

In the game's 38:th minute Maniacal´s Aron Capotă limped slightly after a late challenge, but he was able to continue.

The teams went for a half-time break at 3 - 0. The fortyfive minutes were dominated by Maniacal, with an impressive 73 percent possession of the ball.

Maniacal put themselves up 4 - 0 when Aron Capotă broke through on the right, leaving the entire defensive box behind him. By now Maniacal were drawing the troops back in order to defend their lead.

In 58:th minute of game time Kentucky´s Mark Jordan received his second yellow card and was sent off.

In the games 61st minute Kentucky replied, reducing the lead to 4 - 1. Paul Miller scored on a marvellous cross pass coming in from the left.

A bit later, a magnificent combination in the middle resulted in Maniacal´s Dumitru Burghelea putting the lead up to 5 - 1.

Maniacal, bringing the final ball possession rate to 80 percent, dominated the battle.

The most dominating Maniacal player was without a doubt Andi Neiweiler. Roy Hoekstra on the other hand, had a terrible day. Kentucky´s best player was Garrett Waddell. However, Mauricio Davis made a disastrous appearance.

The match ends 5 - 1


Aron Capotă - 2
Istvan Strobl - 1
Viktor Tolstoy - 1
Dumitru Burghelea - 1

Player Ratings

GK - Stanford Weiss - **

Right Wingback - Emanuel Miller - **
Central Defender - Rikard Larsson - **
Left Wingback - Dumitru Burghelea - **~

Right Winger - Andi Neiweiler - **~
Inner Midfielder 1 - Joaquim Neiva - **
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy - **
Inner Midfielder 3 - Roy Hoekstra - *~
Left Winger - Benton Minter **

Forward 1 - Istvan Strobl - **~
Forward 2 - Aron Capotă - **

Stars - 23

Team Ratings

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: weak - (4)
Right Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Central Defence: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Attack: excellent - (8)
Central Attack: solid - (7)
Left Side Attack: solid - (7)

NSI - 49

Kentucky Pharaos
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: wretched - (2)
Right Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Central Defence: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Defence: weak - (4)
Right Side Attack: inadequate - (5)
Central Attack: poor - (3)
Left Side Attack: poor - (3)

NSI - 31

Post Game Comments

Perfect game! Easy win and no serious injuries. Just what i was hoping for. Plus my forwards actually scored 3 of the 5 goals!! thats rare for me, my forwards never score My TS is now POE and my team confidence is Wonderful. Wednesday's game should be good. My starters aren't in the best of form, but i still should get a inadequate midfield at least. Maybe even passable since i won't be PIC'ing.

The Good

Right Side Attack - Playing my right wingback offensive lead to a nice "excellent" rating on my right side attack.

Istvan Strobl - Put up 2 1/2 stars in passable form and earned himself the starting forward job.

The Midfield - Getting a weak midfield rating with 2 inadequate middy's and a passable middy in poor form isn't bad at all. I love having great Team Spirit.

The Bad

Roy Hoekstra - his poor form lead to only 1 1/2 stars.

Around The League

CristinaFC3 - vs - Final Fantasy 2 - 5

Final Fantasy had no problem crushing Cristina FC3 as expected. The only team that has a shot at beating Final Fantasy anytime soon is The Witches at home. But that is a few weeks away.

Atlanta Huns - vs - Witches 0 - 5

The Witches got to beat up on the other bot team today with an easy 5-0 win. It looks they played mostly back-ups. I play the witches next week at they're house. If i win my cup game on wednesday i'll probally play them normal. If i lose my cup game i'll probally PIC them. Its gonna be a tough game, im not sure how im going to approach it yet.

PoBOXTeam - vs - Boston Bulldogs 0 - 5

I firgure The Bulldogs would win this game, but not by such a big margin. The Midfields were almost exactly the same. But the Bulldogs awsome defense held POBOXteam scoreless and somehow they're inadequate/weak/inadequate offense scored 5 goals.

League Standings


1. Final Fantasy-----------2-------------------8 - 2--------------------6

2. Boston Bulldogs-------2-------------------7 - 1--------------------6

3. Witches-----------------2-------------------9 - 5--------------------3

4. Maniacal Misfitz-------2--------------------5 - 4-------------------3

5. Kentucky Pharaos-----2-------------------4 - 5--------------------3

6. PoBOXTeam------------2-------------------5 - 9--------------------3

7. CristinaFC3-------------2-------------------3 - 7-------------------0

8. Atlanta Huns-----------2-------------------0 - 8-------------------0

Upnext, This weeks cup game

Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-04-2003, 02:35 AM   #27
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Arena Upgrade

i decided to upgrade my arena to 23,000 seats. It cost me 212k and im now 117k in the hole. But i should get 50k for my cup game on wednesday. plus i think/i hope im gonna win my cup game, so i'll have 1 more cup game at home to make a little more cash.

Unfortunetly i think i might have fucked up. Its says my arena will be done upgrading on 8/14 and that is the same day as my cup game. So im not sure if it means it will be done right when 8/14 hits or when the updates occur on 8/14

I guess we'll have to wait and see. I could have sworn my last arena upgrade only took 8 days to finish.
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-04-2003, 07:07 AM   #28
The Afoci
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It depends on the size of the upgrade. I just did one that said would take 9 days and it ended up taking 10. So maybe it can go the other way too, but both mine ended up taking longer than what it said.
I had something.
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Old 08-06-2003, 09:33 PM   #29
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Season 2 - Cup Game - Round 3

Maniacal Misfitz - vs - Blu and Yello

Today is a very big game for the Misfitz. I need this win so i can have another home cup game. Since i upgraded my stadium i need the extra money. Blu and Yello is very good offensive and defensive team with a bad midfield. So if i dominate possession like i should, i should win. But nothing is set in stone. I've seen quite a few teams win this year with a not so good midfield rating. But im confident in my guys, even though alot of them are in shitty form.


GK - Marcin Landowski

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva (Defensive)
Central Defender - Omar Nairn
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller (Defensive)

Right Winger - Jakob Noer Mogensen (Towards The Middle)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann (Defensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Josef Eder (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Huey Miller
Left Winger - Dolf de Bevere (Offensive)

Forward 1 - Abel Cano
Forward 2 - Istvan Strobl

As you can see im playing a winger towards the middle. I wanna do everything i can to win possession by alot! I don't wanna give his offense a chance to score on me. My Midfielders form isn't very great passable/inadequate/inadequate, plus the winger towards the middle is also in inadequate form. PLUS! my number 1 forward is in weak form and my number 1 defender is in inadequate form and my goalie is in inadequate form!!!!!!!AHHHH!!!!!

Ok.... enough complaining about form Blu and Yello's right wingback is hurt so i'll be attacking that side like a mofo with my best winger.

Players To Watch

Dolf de Bevere - while most of my team is in bad form, Dolf is in Excellent form and kicking ass. Expect a strong left side attack.

Abel Cano - his first game back from injury and he's in weak form. I seriouly doubt he'll get 2 1/2 stars like usual. This guy has always had passable form since i got him, so im hoping he bounces back quickly.

The Match

15150 spectators arrived at Maniacal Misfitz Arena, where weather conditions were pretty good for football. Maniacal tactics involved an interesting 3-5-2 combination. They fielded: Landowski - Ferreira da Silv, Nairn, Miller - Noer Mogensen, Neumann, Miller, Eder, de Bevere - Cano, Strobl.

Yello had chosen a strategic 4-4-2 formation. They fielded: Linsten - Biggs, Chun-Yap, Koch, Hĺkansson - Kernstock, Odenstedt, Quintanilla, Carré - Sjöell, Gallardo.

In the 2nd minute an unfortunate play by Marcin Landowski gave the visitors a chance at the lead, but Per Sjöell, finding himself alone with the keeper, was unable to take advantage of the situation.

In the 10:th minute cheers broke out as Jed Neumann found his way through the guests central defense line, clipping the 1 - 0 goal in for Maniacal.

After 26 minutes, Dolf de Bevere swiftly ran past Denis Biggs to put away the 2-0 goal.

Yellos Branko Kernstock got himself booked after a foul.

In the 28:th minute of the match the visitors central line of defence had to look on as Jakob Noer Mogensen dashed through, knocking home 3 - 0 for Maniacal.

The teams went for a half-time break at 3 - 0. Maniacal held the ball, with a clear 77 percent possession rate.

A bit later, a magnificent combination in the middle resulted in Maniacal´s Jakob Noer Mogensen putting the lead up to 4 - 0. By now Maniacal were drawing the troops back in order to defend their lead.

Dolf de Bevere´s speed was made justice as he darted past his marker and struck an opening pass to Abel Cano who scored the 5-0 goal.

Maniacal put their lead ahead another goal as Istvan Strobl struck home the 6 - 0 goal, after an attack from the left setting him up unmarked with the keeper.

In the 62nd minute Maniacal put themselves up 7 - 0. The visitors defenders lost the ball to Dolf de Bevere coming up from the left, who proceeded to cooly round the goaltender and knock the ball home.

In the game's 69:th minute Yello´s Per Sjöell limped slightly after a late challenge, but he was able to continue.

Maniacal put their lead ahead another goal as Jed Neumann struck home the 8 - 0 goal, after an attack from the left setting him up unmarked with the keeper.

The referee showed Yellos Stefan Hĺkansson the yellow card after a particularly nasty challenge.

Maniacal held the ball, with a clear 83 percent possession rate.

Most important Maniacal player was Ismael Ferreira da Silva. However, Jakob Noer Mogensen made a disastrous appearance. Most important Yello player was Man Koch. Denis Biggs was a disappointment, however. The match ends 8 - 0.


Jakob Noer Mogensen - 2
Jed Neumann - 2
Dolf de Bevere - 2
Abel Cano - 1
Istvan Strobl - 1

Player Ratings

GK - Marcin Landowski - **~

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva - ***
Central Defender - Omar Nairn - **~
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller - **~

Right Winger - Jakob Noer Mogensen - *~
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann - **~
Inner Midfielder 2 - Josef Eder - **~
Inner Midfielder 3 - Huey Miller - **
Left Winger - Dolf de Bevere - ***

Forward 1 - Abel Cano - **
Forward 2 - Istvan Strobl - **~

Stars - 24

Team Ratings

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: passable - (6)
Right Side Defence: solid - (7)
Central Defence: solid - (7)
Left Side Defence: solid - (7)
Right Side Attack: weak - (4)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: excellent - (8)

NSI - 57

Blu and Yello
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: wretched - (2)
Right Side Defence: solid - (7)
Central Defence: outstanding - (10)
Left Side Defence: outstanding - (10)
Right Side Attack: excellent - (8)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: solid - (7)

NSI - 53

Post Game Comments

Im extremely happy and extremely mad!!! I played one hell of a game. 57 NSI is my best ever and my teams form is in the crapper! But im mad because i didn't pic. I could have still easily won with a pic. I probally still would have gotten a passable midfield because the passable i got here was a VERY high passable. According to "my stats" this weeks passable midfield was 8% higher then my last passable midfield. So if my stamina was a little better i would have gotten a solid midfield this week.

I just overestimated this team. His defense and offense are good. But midfield is still king in HT and his midfield blows. anyway, my Winger Dolf had the game of his short career! 2 goals and an assist. His "quick" skill accounted for 1 of the goals and the assist. I killed him on that side of the field just like i thought i would. Everyone else played as expected. Of course out of my 8 goals only 2 were scored by forwards Typical Misfitz soccer.

The Good

Dolf de Bevere - played like a possessed beast! 2 goals and an assist. 5 of the 8 goals were from his side.

Ismael Ferreira da Silva - got another 3 stars at right wingback and held they're number 1 winger scoreless.

The Bad

none really

Next weeks cup game

I've drawn a decent divison IV team next week. This is his last cup game......

Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: weak - (4)
Right Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Central Defence: excellent - (8)
Left Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Right Side Attack: excellent - (8)
Central Attack: excellent - (8)
Left Side Attack: excellent - (8)

NSI - 60

another good all-around team with a not so great midfield. He gets a inadequate midfield at home and weak on the road. My starters could possibly beat this guy if things went my way. I could PIC my league game on sunday and get about the same ratings i got today vs him.

Im not gonna get to deep into it yet. I've got alot of thinking to do. Im not sure whats more important to me, league or cup. The problem i face is that my league game on sunday is a tough one against probally the best team in my divison right now at his house. So i'll probally lose anyway but i still could possibly win.

I could PIC him and play my back-ups and play my cup game normal and hope for the win. We'll see what tommarrow's training update brings us.

Upnext, This Weeks Training update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-07-2003, 01:00 AM   #30
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Yeah, Blu and Yellow's midfield wasn't all that great, was it.
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Old 08-07-2003, 09:58 PM   #31
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Training Update

No PM bumps this week


I was hoping for a really great form week since the last 4+ have been so bad. But i didn't get it.

3 players increased in form (2 starters)
2 players decreased in form (2 starters)

well, my best forward is now down to poor form and my second best forward is at weak form. So basically my offense is screwed right now. Plus, all 3 of my starting midfielders are now at inadequate form. So that isn't good either Im still pulling in decent NSI ratings with my bad form, but my guys could be playing so much better.

Theres always next week

Player/Team Vale

Value per player (average): 89 857 US$ (+1,571)
Total squad value: 1 887 000 US$ (+33,000)
Average age: 20
Current form (average): inadequate
Experience (average): disastrous
No of players (excluding the coach): 21
Number of nationalities: 14

Upnext, This weeks crappy youth pull and Economic update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!

Last edited by Havok : 08-07-2003 at 10:00 PM.
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Old 08-07-2003, 10:57 PM   #32
The Afoci
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Originally posted by Havok
Upnext, This weeks crappy youth pull and Economic update

I am guessing you will pull a 17 year old excellent passer/set peices with wretched everything else except stamina. That can be poor. And I bet you will still bitch even though you got a double excellent 17 year old! Some people will never be happy.
I had something.
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Old 08-08-2003, 12:20 AM   #33
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im ssssssoooooooo do for a good youth pull. I need to get one like DK. That winger is a beast.
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Old 08-10-2003, 02:52 PM   #34
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Youth Pull and Economic Update

Youth Pull

sucked like always....

Marvin Wilburn (15305153)
19 years, passable form, healthy
A sympathetic guy who is calm and dishonest.
Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities.

Speciality: Technical

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 22 000 US$
Wage: 600 US$/week
Owner: Maniacal Misfitz
Warnings: 0

Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: poor
Winger: wretched Defending: inadequate
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: poor

Another Semi-clown. But he's to old for someone to train. He might go for 1-2k on the market. But im to lazy to find out. So he's fired.

Economic Update

-74 286 US$ (-127 604) US$
Sponsors: delirious
Supporter Club: 942 members
Supporters: high on life

This week

Crowd 0--------------------------------------Arena 9 175
Sponsors 44 250---------------------------Wages 25 178
Financial 0------------------------------------Interest 3 714
Temporary 0---------------------------------Temporary 2 000
-------------------------------------------------Staff 37 500
-------------------------------------------------Youth squad 20 000
Total revenue 44 250 Total expenses 97 567
Expected income/loss -53 317

Not to bad. I'll pretty much break even this week after my cup game. If i win my cup game, i should clear up all my debt next week since i'll have a home league and cup game. Its gonna be a tough game on wednesday, but i might win.

This weeks League Game

This week i play probally the best team in my divison right now and only guy i actually talk to. To start this season me and him both knew our teams were pretty even. I think i had a slight edge (if form is equal) but 2 weeks ago he pulled a 17 year old solid PM that sold for 1,000,000 bucks.

Since then, he's upgraded his stadium and bought 2 solid middy's. One has very good experiance and is putting up 3 1/2 stars in solid form. The other was has decent experiance and is putting up 3 stars in passable form. Plus he bought a 3 1/2 stars wingback. So basically im screwed Here is his rating from his last home cup game.

Witches 3-4-3
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: passable - (6)
Right Side Defence: solid - (7)
Central Defence: passable - (6)
Left Side Defence: passable - (6)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: brilliant - (11)
Left Side Attack: outstanding - (10)

NSI - 65

That is with POE TS and playing normal (i think) at home. Our midfields are about equal, My defense is slightly better and his offense is way better. Plus he's at home today. So i don't have much of a shot at beating him.

The main thing that drives me crazy about johnny's team is that everyone of his guys has great form all the time. While my guys form is in the shitter, constintly. Im not sure if he trains general sometimes but his striker trainee's don't seem to be increaseing in value very much, if at all.

Cup Game

I've drawn a pretty good divison IV team this week. But it could have been much worse.

Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: weak - (4)
Right Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Central Defence: excellent - (8)
Left Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Right Side Attack: excellent - (8)
Central Attack: excellent - (8)
Left Side Attack: excellent - (8)

NSI - 60

Thats his ratings on the road. thats a high weak midfield. The only reason its weak is because his midfielders stamina isn't to great. If i play my starters i'd say i have a 50/50 shot at beating this guy. He's better all around then me, but my midfiled will be 2 levels higher then his. So i'd expect about a 58/42 possession differance in the first half and a 62/38 in the second half. That might just be enough to win.

He doesn't have a B-team and plays the same guys in league and cup games. So im praying one of his starters gets injured today.

What to do???

I've got 2 tough games this week and i can't win them both. My training program comes first above all else, so playing my starters in both games is out of the question. So which ever game i decide to play my back-ups in, i'll just PIC and take the loss.

I've got a tough decision to make. What would you do???

Upnext, This weeks League Game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-10-2003, 10:31 PM   #35
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Season 2 - League Game - Round 3

Witches - vs - Maniacal Misfitz

Today i play the best team in my divison..... The Witches on the road! If i played my starters and MOTS'ed i "might" win. But its just not worth killing my TS over it. So I've decided to play my back-ups and PIC. I really really wanna win my next Cup game and if i play my starters with POE TS i should pull it out without a MOTS. The Witches Offense is really good since he runs a 3-4-3. So they will probally score quite a few goals on me. Hopefully my back-ups can keep it close.


GK - Marcin Landowski

Right wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva (defensive)
Central Defender 1 - Omar Nairn
Central Defender 2 - Rikard Larsson

Right Winger - Benton Minter (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Joaquim Neiva (offensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy (offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Roy Hoekstra
Left Winger - Andi Neiweiler

Forward 1 - Aron Capotă
Forward 2 - Abel Cano

Im playing 2 starting defenders today and my starting goalie. Mainly to "try" to keep the score low. Actually, technically Aron and Abel are my starting forwards. But Aron has weak form and Abel has poor form so they won't be starting anytime soon.

The Match

10700 spectators had come to The Pentacle this cloudy day. Witches had chosen a strategic 3-4-3 formation. Lineup: Weiss - Larrańaga, Kihlstĺl, Baird - Tuver, Landbo, Möllerstrand, Yngvesson - Bondarevs, Olsson, Jones.

Maniacal had chosen a strategic 3-5-2 formation. The following players had been chosen: Landowski - Ferreira da Silv, Nairn, Larsson - Minter, Hoekstra, Tolstoy, Neiva, Neiweiler - Capotă, Cano.

One of many good passes from Niklas Yngvesson at the wing was recieved and skillfully taken care of by Dirk Jones, scoring for Witches to 1 - 0.

A speedy charge from the left side of the field put Witches lead up with 2 - 0. Dave Baird finished that one off competently, firing from an acute angle.

Maniacals Benton Minter got himself booked after a foul.

Maniacal showed some good morale and were, in the 33rd minute, able to reduce the score to 2 - 1 as Aron Capotă got past the home sides full backs straight in front of the goal.

The referee showed Witchess Dirk Jones the yellow card after a particularly nasty challenge.

Due to a severely mistimed tackle,Abel Cano spent some on the grass writhing in agony before he could get up and continue the game.

In the 38:th minute Witches put themselves up 3 - 1. The visitors defenders lost the ball to Niklas Yngvesson coming up from the left, who proceeded to cooly round the goaltender and knock the ball home.

The teams went for a half-time break at 3 - 1. The fortyfive minutes were dominated by Witches, with an impressive 65 percent possession of the ball.

A couple of quick and successful challenges, followed by a shot from just outside the penalty area after 55 minutes might have resulted in another goal for Witches. However, Marcin Landowski made a spectacular save.

Martin Olsson of Witches received a yellow card in the 58:th minute for unsportsmanlike behaviour.

Witches put themselves up 4 - 1 when Olle Landbo broke through on the right, leaving the entire defensive box behind him. The structure of the game started to change as Witches decided to pull back and meet their opponents in the defensive zone.

Things were going to get worse for the visitors. Dirk Jones squirmed himself through the central defense line in the 82nd minute, asserting the lead to 5 - 1.

A speedy charge from the left side of the field put Witches lead up with 6 - 1. Ulf Möllerstrand finished that one off competently, firing from an acute angle.

Joaquim Neiva of Maniacal received a yellow card in the 86:th minute for unsportsmanlike behaviour.

After 86 minutes, Dirk Jones swiftly ran past Omar Nairn to put away the 7-1 goal. At that, Dirk Jones was noted down for a hat trick.

Things were going to get worse for the visitors. Patrik Tuver squirmed himself through the central defense line in the 87:th minute, asserting the lead to 8 - 1.

Witches held the ball, with a clear 73 percent possession rate.

The most dominating Witches player was without a doubt Daniel Larrańaga. Lenny Weiss on the other hand, had a terrible day. The most dominating Maniacal player was without a doubt Ismael Ferreira da Silva. Roy Hoekstra on the other hand, had a terrible day. The match ends 8 - 1.


Aron Capotă - 1

Player Ratings

GK - Marcin Landowski - **~

Right wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva - ***
Central Defender 1 - Omar Nairn - **~
Central Defender 2 - Rikard Larsson - **

Right Winger - Benton Minter - **
Inner Midfielder 1 - Joaquim Neiva - **
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy - **
Inner Midfielder 3 - Roy Hoekstra - *~
Left Winger - Andi Neiweiler - **~

Forward 1 - Aron Capotă - **
Forward 2 - Abel Cano - *~

Stars - 23.5

Team Ratings

Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: passable - (6)
Right Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Central Defence: solid - (7)
Left Side Defence: passable - (6)
Right Side Attack: inadequate - (5)
Central Attack: brilliant - (12)
Left Side Attack: brilliant - (12)

NSI - 68

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: poor - (3)
Right Side Defence: solid - (7)
Central Defence: solid - (7)
Left Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Attack: passable - (6)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: passable - (6)

NSI - 46

Post Game Comments

Ouch..... that hurt alot. My back-ups held the game close for most of the game. Then they scored 5 goals on me in the last 15 mins. I should be more mad i guess, but im not. I don't think it should have been that bad of a blow-out considering the ratings, but still. What can ya expected. He played the game of his life. Thats his best NSI ever. Amazing what 1 youth pull and the new experiance boost can do for a team =)

They're is some good news in all this, The 31/2 star goalie for the team i play on wednesday got hurt and will miss the cup game!!! his back-up is a 1 star keeper! can you say.... Woot??!!??!!??

The Good

Not a dam thing

The Bad

Abel Cano - put up only 1 1/2 stars in poor form. But he did get slightly injuried during the game. God i hope his form starts going back up. That injury vs The Square Pegs killed his form.

Roy Hoekstra - Roy's poor form got him only 1 1/2 stars for the second week in a row.

Around The Divison

Boston Bulldogs - vs - Atlanta Huns 3 - 0

The Bulldogs did some bot bashing today. I have a big game vs them at home next sunday. They're defense is awsome and they're midfield is no pushover. It will be a tough game.

CristinaFC3 - vs - PoBOXTeam 8 - 0

Blowout here, i thought CristinaFC3 would win. But not by this much. They somehow got a passable midfield. God this new experiance boost is making all they average teams alot better.

Kentucky Pharaos - Final Fantasy 0 - 3

Bot Bashing today for Final Fantasy. Im surprised it was only 3-0.

League Standings


1. Final Fantasy---------3-------------------11 - 2-----------------9

2. Boston Bulldogs-----3-------------------10 - 1-----------------9

3. Witches---------------3--------------------17 - 6----------------6

4. CristinaFC3----------3---------------------11 - 7----------------3

5. Kentucky Pharaos--3---------------------4 - 8-----------------3

6. Maniacal Misfitz-----3---------------------6 - 12----------------3

7. PoBOXTeam---------3---------------------5 - 17----------------3

8. Atlanta Huns--------3---------------------0 - 11----------------0

Upnext, This weeks HUGE Cup game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-12-2003, 12:07 AM   #36
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Location: Florida

Since im selling my second best forward because his form always blows and im selling another one of my 18 year old former trainee's. Im currently shopping for another back-up/experianced defender and a good experianced forward.

I grabbed this guy for 27k

Vilhelm 'Ströle' Skogby (14923301)
30 years, inadequate form, healthy
A pleasant guy who is fiery and honest.
Has inadequate experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

Speciality: Unpredictable

Nationality: Island
Assessed value: 38 000 US$
Wage: 864 US$/week including 20% Bonus
Owner: Maniacal Misfitz
Warnings: 0

Stamina: poor Goaltending: wretched
Playmaking: wretched Passing: poor
Winger: weak Defending: passable
Scoring: passable Set Pieces: disastrous

he's got very nice experiance and should get 3 stars in passable or solid form as a defender. Plus i can play him at forward in a pinch.

Im still looking for another starting forward, Stay tuned.
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-14-2003, 12:03 AM   #37
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Season 2 - Cup Game - Round 4

Maniacal Misfitz - vs - NeedleFreaks

Big Big Big game here today. Biggest game of the season so far. I need this win for a number of reasons. The First reason is money. If i win today then my 7,850 seat arena expansion was paid for in full, by my cup run this year. The second reason is team spirit. If i win today i get 1 more PIC game next week which will help out alot. And last but not least is money!! I like/need mo money!

The NeedleFreaks have been around for awhile. But the main problem with them is that the owner doesn't care to much about his team. He plays the same players in his friendly's and his league games and doesn't have any trainee's. Im not sure what he is training exactly but i don't really care either. His team is all around better then mine. Except his midfield, mine is a little better then his, plus im at home, plus! i'm playing a winger towards the middle. So the key to todays game will be possession for me. Hopfully i can dominate the possession and not give his 2 really good forwards many chances to score.

I have a bit of luck going into this game. His normal 3 1/2 star goalie is injuried and the back-up only puts up 1 stars. So his defense will be much weaker then normal. Hopfully this, plus my midfield advantage will be the difference here.


GK - Marcin Landowski

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva (Defensive)
Central Defender - Omar Nairn
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller (Defensive)

Right Winger - Dolf de Bevere (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann (Defensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Josef Eder (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Jakob Noer Mogensen
Left Winger - Huey Miller (Towards The Middle)

Forward 1 - Istvan Strobl
Forward 2 - Martin Devátý

My starting defenders are in pretty good form, but since my goalie Marcin, is only in Inadequate form i probally won't see any "Excellent" defensise ratings. My winger Dolf, is still in Excellent form and im expecting another 3 stars out of him today. He's been on fire latley and i hope he stays that way

My midfielders form is below average, but with a winger towards the middle i should have a very high passable midfield rating again. So its not that big of a deal. Last but not least, Martin Devátý is getting the start at forward today. Martin hasn't played in awhile but since i sold a forward yesterday and i haven't found a replacment yet, he will get the nod. He's a passable/weak forward with solid set peices. He usually puts up 2 stars in passable form which normally isn't good enough to be a starter, but i don't have much of a choice right now.

Players To Watch

Dolf de Bevere - Since he was the MVP of my last cup game. Im hoping for another huge game here today.

Martin Devátý - His first start in awhile, im hoping since he has solid set peices. Maybe he can get me a free kick goal or

The Match

A scorching day at Maniacal Misfitz Arena, where 15150 spectators were in place for today´s match. Fans from both teams had been eagerly awaiting this Florida derby and were doing their best to outshout their opponents. Maniacal had chosen a strategic 3-5-2 formation. The following players had been chosen: Landowski - Ferreira da Silv, Nairn, Miller - de Bevere, Neumann, Noer Mogensen, Eder, Miller - Devátý, Strobl.

NeedleFreaks started off with a 3-5-2 lineup. The following players had been chosen: Parnell - Coronado, Hannah, Mocerino - Forte, Hamilton, Noguerol, Sherwood, Rolfsson - Ivarsson, Frade.

In the 18:th minute the home side managed to get a 1 - 0 lead as Istvan Strobl flipped the ball after a cross pass from the right.

Steve Parnell was caught napping a bit later as Martin Devátý lifted a ball over him after a free kick, but the ball hit the bar, rebounding into the keepers arms.

A bit later, a magnificent combination in the middle resulted in Maniacal´s Martin Devátý putting the lead up to 2 - 0.

NeedleFreaks had to manage with a reduced squad from the 42nd minute on, as Michael Forte got sent off for a foul in a free situation.

The player down was Jed Neumann. The Maniacal bench looked worried a while but in the end he managed to get up.

Seemingly due to lack of experience, Omar Nairn needlessly tripped an opponent just outside the penalty area, but the free kick that followed didn't succeed. T

he teams went for a half-time break at 2 - 0. Maniacal held the ball, with a clear 62 percent possession rate.

NeedleFreaks showed some good morale and were, in the 52nd minute, able to reduce the score to 2 - 1 as Alve Rolfsson got past the home sides full backs straight in front of the goal.

Things were going to get worse for the visitors. Martin Devátý squirmed himself through the central defense line in the 54:th minute, asserting the lead to 3 - 1.

A great save by goaltender Steve Parnell in the 55:th minute kept the visitors in the game as Istvan Strobl struck from the left with a real cannonball.

After several obvious shirt pulling incidents, Maniacal´s Jed Neumann got himself booked.

68 minutes into the game Jed Neumann had to leave the pitch due to a knee injury. In came Joaquim Neiva.

The fortyfive minutes were dominated by Maniacal, with an impressive 64 percent possession of the ball.

The most dominating Maniacal player was without a doubt Ismael Ferreira da Silva. Huey Miller on the other hand, had a terrible day. NeedleFreaks´s best player was Gerald Frade. Steve Parnell was a disappointment, however. The match ends 3 - 1.


Martin Devátý - 2
Istvan Strobl - 1

Player Ratings

GK - Marcin Landowski - **~

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva - ***
Central Defender - Omar Nairn - **~
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller - **~

Right Winger - Dolf de Bevere - ***
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann - ** (Injuried)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Josef Eder - **~
Inner Midfielder 3 - Jakob Noer Mogensen - **~
Left Winger - Huey Miller - *~

Forward 1 - Istvan Strobl - **~
Forward 2 - Martin Devátý - **~

Stars - 27

Team Ratings

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: passable - (6)
Right Side Defence: solid - (7)
Central Defence: solid - (7)
Left Side Defence: solid - (7)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: weak - (4)

NSI - 56

Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: weak - (4)
Right Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Central Defence: passable - (6)
Left Side Defence: passable - (6)
Right Side Attack: passable - (6)
Central Attack: excellent - (8)
Left Side Attack: excellent - (8)

NSI - 51

Post Game Comments

YES!!!! we won baby!!! Huge.... Huge win. It took a little luck but we did it. Having they're 3 1/2 star goalie out really hurt they're defense. Normally its Excellent/Excellent/Excellent, Plus they had they're best winger get red carded in the first half which hurt they're right side attack out some. We did a good job dominating possession 62/64 and they only had 1 scoring chance the whole game, while we had 5 and scored on 3.

The big surprise here is Martin Devátý. He scored 2 goals and hit the post on a free kick. His experiance bumped to poor which lead to him getting 2 1/2 stars in passable form. I was considering selling him, but now he'll remain on the team. I was a little scared when i saw that Jed Neumann went down, but he's only "brusied but playing" so he should be ready to go by sunday.

The Good

Martin Devátý - scored 2 goals and raised his experiance to "poor". So now he is a 2 1/2 star forward in passable form.

The Defense - only allowing 1 goal against such a good offense.

Dolf de Bevere - Another 3 star game for the youngster. Lets hope his form stays at excellent after tommarrow's training update.

The Bad

Arena - Stupied me!!! My arena won't be fully upgraded until the updates tonight. So i missed out on an extra 25k or so. But since i won, its not such a big deal. I'll sell it out sunday and next wednesday probally.

Upnext, This weeks training update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-14-2003, 01:56 AM   #38
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Location: Florida

I picked up my fourth forward tonight.......

Bill Wright (11066211)
27 years, solid form, healthy
A pleasant guy who is temperamental and honest.
Has weak experience and poor leadership abilities.

Speciality: Unpredictable

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 58 000 US$
Wage: 860 US$/week
Owner: Ramblin' Wreck
Warnings: 0

Stamina: inadequate Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: wretched Passing: inadequate
Winger: poor Defending: poor
Scoring: passable Set Pieces: solid

Paid 25k

Bill just put up 3 stars earlier today. So in passable form he'll probally get 2 1/2 stars, Which ain't bad for 25k. Now all 4 of my forwards get 2 1/2 stars in passable form.
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-14-2003, 02:19 AM   #39
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Nice pickup, he's actually better than my starters as of late
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Old 08-14-2003, 10:01 PM   #40
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Location: Florida
Training Update

One player bumped in PM this week.....

Jakob Noer Mogensen (13087872)
19 years, solid form, healthy
A controversial person who is tranquil and honest.
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

Speciality: Quick

Nationality: Danmark
Assessed value: 89 000 US$
Wage: 1 020 US$/week including 20% Bonus
Owner: Maniacal Misfitz
Warnings: 0

Stamina: passable Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: solid Passing: weak
Winger: poor Defending: inadequate
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: inadequate

Jakob also bumped to Solid form which is really nice. I might get 3 stars out of him =)

Form Update

My form is starting to come around now. All in all it was a good form week except for my midfielders who broke even, 2 up 2 down. My starters are in weak/solid/passable form and my number 1 back-up is also in weak form. So im not sure what im gonna do on sunday yet.

I had HUGE surprise today!! My starting goalie hit PASSABLE FORM!!! For those of you that read this dynasty on a regular basis. You know that i can't get a starting goalie in passable form to save my life. Every goalie i've ever had drops in form the second i buy them But maybe that will come to an end now.

6 players increased in form (4 Starters)
3 Players Decreased in form (2 starters)

Team/Player Value

Value per player (average): 90 136 US$ (+279)
Total squad value: 1 983 000 US$ (96,000)
Average age: 21 (+1)
Current form (average): passable (up from inadequate)
Experience (average): wretched
No of players (excluding the coach): 22 (+1)
Number of nationalities: 15

These numbers are slightly skewed since i sold a player and bought 2 guys with lower value.

Upnext, This weeks youth pull and economic update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-16-2003, 07:08 PM   #41
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Youth Pull and Economic Update

Youth Pull

Bryan Fair (15476859)
17 years, passable form, healthy
A pleasant guy who is balanced and upright.
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

Speciality: Head

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 38 000 US$
Wage: 680 US$/week
Owner: Maniacal Misfitz
Warnings: 0

Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: weak
Winger: inadequate Defending: weak
Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: wretched

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! A GUY I CAN ACTUALLY SELL!!!! he won't make me much money, but at least he will pay for the promotion cost and listing cost.

Economic Update

-87 584 US$(-150 015) US$
Sponsors: high on life
Supporter Club: 961 members
Supporters: high on life

This week

Crowd 0------------------------------------Arena 14 720
Sponsors 45 450-------------------------Wages 25 282
Financial 0----------------------------------Interest 4 379
Temporary 0-------------------------------Temporary 3 000
-----------------------------------------------Staff 40 500
-----------------------------------------------Youth squad 20 000
Total revenue 45 450--------------------Total expenses 107 881
Expected income/loss -62 431

Money is fine right now. I have 1 home league game this week and a home cup game. So i should make close to 200k.

This Weeks Game

My league game is a tough one this week. I play The Boston Bulldogs at home. They are a very good defensive team that is in incrediable form. He has to be training general because half of his starters are in excellent form and the other half are in solid/passable form.

Boston Bulldogs
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Central Defence: outstanding - (10)
Left Side Defence: solid - (7)
Right Side Attack: passable - (6)
Central Attack: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Attack: inadequate - (5)

NSI - 56

His midfield will probally only be weak since he is away, but those still are some nice ratings. I should win possession by about 5-8% each half and my offensive is better then his. So im hoping for a win.

My Prediction - 3 - 1 Win

Upnext, This weeks league game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-17-2003, 09:47 PM   #42
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Location: Florida
Season 2 - League Game - Round 4

Maniacal Misfitz - vs - Boston Bulldogs

Important game here today. The Bulldogs currently sit in second place in the league and are 3-0. But they are yet to play any of the top 3 teams in the league (Final Fantasy, The Witches and me). But that doesn't mean they suck. They have one hell of a defense and a pretty decent offense and midfield. But im at home and my defense and offense are finally in decent form so i have the advantage. I expect a low scoring/boring game.

The Starters

Gk - Marcin Landowski

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva (Defensive)
Central Defender - Omar Nairn
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller (Defensive)

Right Winger - Andi Neiweiler (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jakob Noer Mogensen (Defensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Josef Eder (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Huey Miller
Left Winger - Dolf de Bevere (Offensive)

Forward 1 - Martin Devátý
Forward 2 - Bill Wright

I finally have pretty good form all around. All my staters have at least passable form expect Huey Miller and Jed Neumann. They both are in weak form which hurts because they both are good midfielders. I had to bench Jed today because of his form and he's still slightly injuried. So my stamina for my starting midfielders today is passable/passable/inadequate. That might be a problem if i have a close game going in the second half.

Got a new player playing today. Bill Wright is my new starting forward. He's a passable/inadequate forward with weak experiance. He gets 3 stars in solid form, but unfortunetly he dropped to passable form after the last update Also, My starting goalie finally hit passable form so im expecting some better defensive ratings this week aswell.

Players To Watch

Bill Wright - my new forward, im still hoping for a good game even though he dropped in form.

Marcin Landowski - finally in passable form, im hoping for a excellent defensive rating or 2 now.

Huey Miller - He has weak form, inadequate stamina and he's playing in the extra inner middy spot. So he will probally have a terrible game.

The Match

Due to an all-day shower, 14276 paying spectators got to see a match on a pitch-turned-bog at Maniacal Misfitz Arena. Maniacal had chosen a strategic 3-5-2 formation. The following players had been chosen: Landowski - Ferreira da Silv, Nairn, Miller - Neiweiler, Miller, Noer Mogensen, Eder, de Bevere - Devátý, Wright.

Bulldogs tactics involved an interesting 4-4-2 combination. Lineup: Davidson - Dickens, Cerda, Baron, Gentile - Franklin, Lange, Posey, de Vega - Miner, Qualls.

A foul after 3 minutes resulted in a free kick. Martin Devátý cannonballed it, giving the hometeam the lead 1 to 0.

Seemingly due to lack of experience, Omar Nairn needlessly tripped an opponent just outside the penalty area, but the free kick that followed didn't succeed.

Josef Eder increased Maniacals lead to 2 - 0 by putting a header away on a hooked ball from the right. The structure of the game started to change as Maniacal decided to pull back and meet their opponents in the defensive zone.

After several obvious shirt pulling incidents, Maniacal´s Huey Miller got himself booked.

Maniacal´s Dolf de Bevere had an excellent opportunity in the 40:th minute, shooting on a through ball, but he missed the goal by miles!

2 - 0 was the half-time score. Maniacal held the ball, with a clear 62 percent possession rate.

Francisco Javie de Vega had a couple of good opportunities to reply, but the home team´s goaltender Marcin Landowski just wouldn´t surrender.

After 67 minutes Omar Nairn put Maniacal ahead 3 - 0 as he rose to head in a hooked ball, the result of an effort from the right side.

Bulldogs held the ball, with a clear 51 percent possession rate.

Maniacal´s best player was Ismael Ferreira da Silva. Huey Miller on the other hand, had a terrible day. The most dominating Bulldogs player was without a doubt Billy Cerda. Vernon Dickens on the other hand, had a terrible day. The match ends 3 - 0.


Martin Devátý - 1
Josef Eder - 1
Omar Nairn - 1

Player Ratings

Gk - Marcin Landowski - ***

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva - ***
Central Defender - Omar Nairn - ***
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller - **~

Right Winger - Andi Neiweiler - ***
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jakob Noer Mogensen - **~
Inner Midfielder 2 - Josef Eder - **~
Inner Midfielder 3 - Huey Miller - *~
Left Winger - Dolf de Bevere - ***

Forward 1 - Martin Devátý - **~
Forward 2 - Bill Wright - ***

Stars - 29.5

Team Ratings

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Defence: solid - (7)
Central Defence: excellent - (8)
Left Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Right Side Attack: excellent - (8)
Central Attack: solid - (7)
Left Side Attack: excellent - (8)

NSI - 61

Boston Bulldogs
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: weak - (4)
Right Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Central Defence: outstanding - (10)
Left Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Right Side Attack: passable - (6)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: passable - (6)

NSI - 56

Post Game Comments

Well, we finally got a taste of what my boys can do in decent form. And i like it, i like it alot! Our best NSI ever (61) and our most stars ever (29.5). We killed them in possession in the first half, but our bad stamina caused us to drop 13% in the second half. But it didn't matter, they couldn't crack my defense
This was a big win for the club. If i can pull out a win next week, i'll have 4/5 easy weeks of picing so i can go into the tough part of my schedule to end the season with POE TS.

The Good

Bill Wright - I can't believe he still grabbed 3 stars in passable form. Im shocked to say the least. A 3 star forward in passable form for 27k???? can you say....WOOT!?!?

Andi Neiweiler - Andi got his first ever 3 star game. Last time he was in passable form he only got 2 1/2 stars. So maybe the little bit of PM training he is getting pushed him over the hump to 3 stars. Eitherway im happy!

Omar Nairn - Omar got his first ever 3 stars in passable form. He always gets it in solid form but he hasn't been in solid form all season. I guess he's in "high" passable form right now.

The Bad

Huey Miller - To be honest, I shouldn't have played Huey today. He is a Solid middy, but his inadequate stamina and weak form are hurting him alot. I should have played one of my back-ups. They would have at least gotten 2 stars.

Around The League

Final Fantasy - vs - PoBOXTeam 5 - 0

Nothing surprising about this game. Final Fantasy killed them as expected. I wish POBOXteam would get replaced already. They've been ownerless for 3 weeks now.

Atlanta Huns - vs - CristinaFC3 0 - 4

CristinaFC3 did some bot bashing today. I get to play them next week at they're house. They are capable of putting up a passable midfield at home and a excellent/solid/solid attack. SO it won't be an easy game at all. I'll talk more about it in a few days

Kentucky Phar - vs - Witches 0 - 8

The Witches also got to do some bot bashing today. But next week they have a tough game vs Final Fantasy. But since they are at home they should win. With the way they are going, they should win the divison and promote this season. The money from that Million dollar youth pull made them the best team in the divison.

League Standings


1. Final Fantasy--------4-------------------16 - 2-----------------12

2. Witches---------------4-------------------25 - 6------------------9

3. Boston Bulldogs-----4-------------------10 - 4------------------9

4. CristinaFC3-----------4-------------------15 - 7------------------6

5. Maniacal Misfitz------4-------------------9 - 12------------------6

6. Kentucky Pharaos---4-------------------4 - 16------------------3

7. PoBOXTeam-----------4------------------5 - 22-------------------3

8. Atlanta Huns----------4------------------0 - 15-------------------0

Upnext, This weeks cup game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-20-2003, 09:22 PM   #43
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Florida
Season 2 - Cup Game - Round 5

Maniacal Misfitz - vs - California Sea Lions

Today's game will likely be a painful thing to watch. I take on a VERY tough divison II team. The Sea Lions run a 3-4-3 and put up a "Magnifacent" central attack rating in they're cup games. So even if i played my starters and MOTS'ed i'd still get crushed. So i'll be Pic'ing and playing my back-ups. My cup run comes to an end here today unless he gets 3 guys red carded or something crazy like that.


GK - Stanford Weiss

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva (Defensive)
Central Defender - Vilhelm 'Ströle' Skogby
Left Wingback - Rikard Larsson (Defensive)

Right Winger - Benton Minter (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann (Defensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Joaquim Neiva (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Roy Hoekstra
Left Winger - Viktor Tolstoy (Towards The Middle)

Forward 1 - Istvan Strobl
Forward 2 - Abel Cano

Vilhelm will be playing in his first game as a Misfit today. I bought him last wednesday (I think) and he is kinda like a utility man. He can put up 2 1/2 stars at defense and forward in passable form. Abel Cano made a huge 2 level form jump last thursday to get to inadequate form, but i wasn't sure how many stars he'd get so i didn't play him in my league game.

Players to Watch

Vilhelm 'Ströle' Skogby - his first game with the team. He's in inadequate form right now but since he has inadequate experiance i still think he'll get 2 1/2 stars playing defense

Roy Hoekstra - Roy's still in poor form and its starting to piss me off. He's been in poor form for 3 weeks now and isn't showing any signs of improving. He'll probally get another disappointing 1 1/2 stars today

Abel Cano - after his huge form jump last week, todays game will decide whether or not he plays on sunday if he still has inadequate form. He should still get 2 1/2 stars but ya never know.

The Match

23000 spectators arrived at Maniacal Misfitz Arena, where weather conditions were pretty good for football. Maniacal tactics involved an interesting 3-5-2 combination. Lineup: Weiss - Ferreira da Silv, Skogby, Larsson - Minter, Hoekstra, Neumann, Neiva, Tolstoy - Cano, Strobl.

California had chosen a strategic 3-4-3 formation. The following players had been chosen: Crowder - Key , Brossel, Harvey - Levine, Zalewski, Haggart, Ulbćk - Schwarz, Whaley, Zorkin.

Maniacal broke through to the left in the 5:th minute, Abel Cano firing at an acute angle giving the home side a 1 - 0 lead.

Roy Hoekstra was the first to reach the corner kick, but his header was saved by the keeper. However, Maniacal´s Abel Cano managed to get hold of the rebound and scored the 2-0 goal.

California managed to reduce a bit later to 2 - 1 as Bruce Schwarz finished off a well played combination from the left, carving through the defensive box.

30 minutes into the game California´s Erling Ulbćk found a gap in the home sides central defense scoring with a long shot, making it 2 - 2.

A mistake by the home sides central defence in the 30:th minute allowed Guy Whaley to score 2 - 3 for California.

The teams went for a half-time break at 2 - 3. California held the ball, with a clear 64 percent possession rate.

In the 60:th minute California put themselves up 2 - 4 after an attack from the right, caused by a defensive blunder. Scorer was Guy Whaley.

California increased the lead to 2 - 5 as Erling Ulbćk scored from the penalty spot, putting the ball in near the top left corner.

In the 74:th minute Maniacals Roy Hoekstra received a yellow card for going into a challenge studs first.

The visitors Bruce Schwarz took advantage of an error due to a misunderstanding between the home side´s goalie and full backs in the 77:th minute. 2 - 6 for California. By now California were drawing the troops back in order to defend their lead.

After 84 minutes, Hagai Zorkin managed to intercept a pass intended for the opposing keeper and flip it in, making the score 2 - 7.

California held the ball, with a clear 65 percent possession rate.

Most important Maniacal player was Ismael Ferreira da Silva. Roy Hoekstra on the other hand, had a terrible day.
California´s best player was Shawn Levine. Guy Whaley on the other hand, had a terrible day. The match ends 2 - 7.


Abel Cano - 2

Player Ratings

GK - Stanford Weiss - **

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva - ***
Central Defender - Vilhelm 'Ströle' Skogby - **~
Left Wingback - Rikard Larsson - **

Right Winger - Benton Minter - **~
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann - **
Inner Midfielder 2 - Joaquim Neiva - **~
Inner Midfielder 3 - Roy Hoekstra - *~
Left Winger - Viktor Tolstoy - *~

Forward 1 - Istvan Strobl - **~
Forward 2 - Abel Cano - **~

Stars - 24.5

Team Ratings

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: weak - (4)
Right Side Defence: passable - (6)
Central Defence: passable - (6)
Left Side Defence: passable - (6)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: solid - (7)
Left Side Attack: weak - (4)

NSI - 48

California Sea Lions
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: solid - (7)
Right Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Central Defence: formidable - (9)
Left Side Defence: formidable - (9)
Right Side Attack: passable - (6)
Central Attack: magnificent - (12)
Left Side Attack: solid - (7)

NSI - 71

Post Game Comments

Nice butt whipping there as expected. At least i scored 2 goals so my supporters are still "High On Life". If i would have gotten shutout at home. They probally would have dropped to irrated or calm. I also sold out my new upgraded arena for the first time!!! So i made a nice 80k off that game. This cup run more or less paid for the arena upgrade and this last pic got me back to POE TS

No real surprises performance wise except for Joaquim Neiva. he got his first ever 2 1/2 star game. He's a inadequate PM/passable passing with solid stamina and solid form. Im hoping he bumps to passable PM tommarrow. That way i know i'll get him to solid pm before the season is over. Vilhelm played well and got 2 1/2 stars in inadequate form. He'll make a very nice back-up utility man.

The Good

Joaquim Neiva - He got his first ever 2 1/2 star game. It looks like he is very close to popping to passable PM.

Abel Cano - got 2 goals and got 2 1/2 stars in inadequate form. But im still not sure if he'll start on sunday if his form and Martin's form stays the same. Martin's solid set pieces is so nice to have in the game, We'll see what happens tommarrow.

Jed Neumann - only got 2 stars because he is in weak form and is "bruised but playing". But he did jump to wretched experiance after the game. Wierd how a guy who has played in like 7-8 total games in his life bumps to wretched experiance. But i have guys that have played in 20+ games for me who are still at disastrous experiance.

The Bad

Roy Hoekstra - once again, Roy only got 1 1/2 stars. His shitty form is pissing me off. he'd better shape up soon or he'll be shipped out once he hits solid PM.

Upnext, This weeks training update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!

Last edited by Havok : 08-20-2003 at 09:28 PM.
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Old 08-21-2003, 09:31 PM   #44
College Starter
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Location: Florida
Training Update

1 pop in playmaking this week. I was hoping for more because i still have a couple guys who haven't popped yet since i bought them.

Viktor Tolstoy
79 000 US$, 19 years, inadequate form
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Quick]

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: passable Passing: passable
Winger: poor Defending: inadequate
Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor

I bought Viktor at the end of last season for 42k mainly because of his great secondary's. He should hit Solid PM by the end of the season barring any injuries. I now only have 1 more midfielder with only inadequate PM and i think he'll pop next week.

Form Update

A pretty good form update this week. Most of the form updates were my forwards. My 2 starting forwards went up to solid form and my 2 back-ups dropped a level. My Young winger who has been in excellent form for 3 weeks now finally dropped back down to solid. This doesn't bother me to much because 3 weeks at excellent form is great. But besides them nothing crazy happened.

6 players increased in form (3 Starters)
4 players decreased in form (1 Starter)

Im basically in the best form i've been in since midway through last season. Here's the breakdown.....

0 Players in excellent form

6 Players in Solid Form (All 6 are starters)

6 Players in Passable form (4 Starters)

6 Players are in Inadequate form (0 starters)

3 Players are in Weak Form (1 Starter)

0 Players are in Poor form

0 Players are in Wretched form

I can't remember the last time i had only 1 starters below passable form

Player/Team Value

Value per player (average): 96 762 US$ (+6,626)
Total squad value: 2 032 000 US$ (+49,000)
Average age: 21
Current form (average): passable
Experience (average): wretched
No of players (excluding the coach): 21 (-1)
Number of nationalities: 14

I finally hit the $2,000,000 team value plateau!!! and i should hit the $100,000 per player average value in a week or 2

Upnext, This weeks youth pull and economic update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-23-2003, 07:03 PM   #45
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Location: Florida
Youth Pull and Economic Update

Youth Pull

if this guy was 2 years younger i'd be happier....

Ed Castaneda (15679345)
19 years, passable form, healthy
A pleasant guy who is fiery and honest.
Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities.

Speciality: Technical

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 59 000 US$
Wage: 820 US$/week
Owner: Maniacal Misfitz
Warnings: 0

Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: passable
Winger: inadequate Defending: poor
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: weak

not a bad winger trainee i guess or middy trainee for a young team. He might sell for 5-10k if im really lucky. Im still waiting for my good youth pull

Economic Update

Cash funds: 47 192 US$ (-9 067) US$
Sponsors: high on life
Supporter Club: 985 members
Supporters: high on life

This week

Crowd 0------------------------------Arena 14 720
Sponsors 46 500-------------------Wages 24 538
Financial 0----------------------------Interest 0
Temporary 0-------------------------Temporary 3 000
-----------------------------------------Staff 40 500
-----------------------------------------Youth squad 20 000

Total revenue 46 500 Total expenses 102 758

Expected income/loss -56 258

Money isn't to bad, at least im basically out of debt now. If i win on sunday i should break the 1000 supporter mark on wednesday... WOOT!

This Weeks Game

My last semi-tough game for awhile. This week i take on CristinaFC3. They have a semi-active owner who logs on like once a week and buys a player here and there. But no real training program to speak of.

Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Defence: passable - (6)
Central Defence: passable - (6)
Left Side Defence: weak - (4)
Right Side Attack: passable - (6)
Central Attack: Solid - (7)
Left Side Attack: Solid - (7)

NSI - 51

As you can see this team is no pushover. They are actually capable of putting up a passable midfield at home. But i don't think they will this week. They're main weakness is they're left Side defense. Its usually weak or inadequate, i plan on attacking it with my best winger and hope to generate most of my goals from that side.

Even though im on the road, i should still win this game. Our midfields should be about even, but since im actually back in good form. I should have the advantage everywhere else.

My Prediction 5-2 win

Upnext, This weeks league game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-24-2003, 09:28 PM   #46
College Starter
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Location: Florida
Season 2 - League Game - Round 5

CristinaFC3 - vs - Maniacal Misfitz

My last semi-tough game for awhile. After todays game i should be able to pic my next 4 to 6 games depending on form for the last 2. I've played the top 4 teams in my divison (besides me) in the first 5 weeks this season. So after today i get a much deserved break.

CristinaFC3 is a decent all around team. They're attack is pretty good and they're midfield isn't bad either. They're main weakness is they're defense. Its only a passable/passable/weak. So i should be able to exploit it some today. There is another big game in my divison today. The second Place Witches take on the First place Final Fantasy. It Should be a real good game.


GK - Marcin Landowski

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva (Defensive)
Central Defender - Omar Nairn
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller (Defensive)

Right Winger - Andi Neiweiler (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann (Defensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Josef Eder (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Jakob Noer Mogensen
Left Winger - Dolf de Bevere (Offensive)

Forward 1 - Bill Wright
Forward 2 - Martin Devátý

Im in my best form in a long long time!! Everyone on the field has either passable or solid form expect 1 guy. Jed Neuman is in weak form and the only reason im playing him is because of his excellent stamina. My Midfielders stamina is still kinda low and Jed is the only one with excellent stamina. So i need him in the game. Both my forwards and both my wingers are in Solid form so im expecting my best offensive game ever.

Player To Watch

Dolf de Bevere - he finally droped to solid form on thursday so im not sure if he'll get 3 stars or not.

Martin Devátý - just bumped to solid form so im hoping to get 3 stars out of him. But i doubt he'll get it.

The Match

Fairly good weather for football had drawn a crowd of 22240 to CristinaFC3 Arena. People from all of Florida had joined up for the derby. CristinaFC3 tactics involved an interesting 3-5-2 combination. Lineup: Pupi - Läfbrant, Dalström, Merrill - Garland, Samuel, Robert, Polanco, Persson - Perales, Stokes.

Maniacal started off with a 3-5-2 lineup. Lineup: Landowski - Ferreira da Silv, Nairn, Miller - Neiweiler, Neumann, Noer Mogensen, Eder, de Bevere - Devátý, Wright.

A mistake by the home sides central defence in the 12th minute allowed Emanuel Miller to score 0 - 1 for Maniacal.

Bill Wright of Maniacal received a yellow card in the 18:th minute for unsportsmanlike behaviour.

Maniacal´s Martin Devátý made it through the home teams defence in the 29:th minute, and had only to place the ball in an unguarded goal when the home side´s defender sprang up from the left, clearing the ball on the line.

Bengt Persson was doing a great job at his wing, sending in brilliant passes to his team mates in the middle.

Bill Wright increased the visitors lead by putting a volley shot away on a pass from the right. 0 - 2. By now Maniacal were drawing the troops back in order to defend their lead.

Halftime score was 0 - 2. The fortyfive minutes were dominated by Maniacal, with an impressive 54 percent possession of the ball.

Some fine manouvering on the left lead to an 51st minute Maniacal goal, making it 0 - 3. Dolf de Bevere was noted down as the scorer.

After 59 minutes Ned Stokes could have reduced had it not been for an excellent block by the visitors keeper Marcin Landowski.

After several obvious shirt pulling incidents, CristinaFC3´s Ned Stokes got himself booked.

Johannes B. Dalström received some harsh words from his coach after he acted foolishly, probably out of lack of experience, in the 74:th minute and almost caused an opponent to score.

Maniacal nearly produced a goal as Bill Wright set up Andi Neiweiler for a strike from a seemingly unpossible angle. The receiver wasn´t as clear-headed though, and put the shot wide.

After 79 minutes Ned Robert could have reduced had it not been for an excellent block by the visitors keeper Marcin Landowski.

CristinaFC3s David Polanco got himself booked after a foul.

CristinaFC3 held the ball, with a clear 54 percent possession rate.

CristinaFC3´s best player was Ned Robert. However, Johannes B. Dalström made a disastrous appearance. Most important Maniacal player was Andi Neiweiler. Jed Neumann on the other hand, had a terrible day. The match ends 0 - 3.


Emanuel Miller - 1
Bill Wright - 1
Dolf de Bevere - 1

Player Ratings

GK - Marcin Landowski - ***

Right Wingback - Ismael Ferreira da Silva - ***
Central Defender - Omar Nairn - **~
Left Wingback - Emanuel Miller - **~

Right Winger - Andi Neiweiler - ***
Inner Midfielder 1 - Jed Neumann - **
Inner Midfielder 2 - Josef Eder - ***
Inner Midfielder 3 - Jakob Noer Mogensen - **~
Left Winger - Dolf de Bevere - ***

Forward 1 - Bill Wright - ***
Forward 2 - Martin Devátý - **~

Stars - 30

Team Ratings

Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Defence: passable - (6)
Central Defence: passable - (6)
Left Side Defence: weak - (4)
Right Side Attack: passable - (6)
Central Attack: solid - (7)
Left Side Attack: solid - (7)

NSI - 51

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: passable - (6)
Right Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Central Defence: excellent - (8)
Left Side Defence: excellent - (8)
Right Side Attack: excellent - (8)
Central Attack: solid - (7)
Left Side Attack: excellent - (8)

NSI - 65

Post Game Comments

Dam! Best NSI ever and most stars ever!!! My best game ever!!! The Misfitz have joined the 30 stars club Im surprised i got a passable midfield on the road without MOTS'ing. But i did! Which means i might still get a passable midfield at home next week while PIC'ing. Pretty much everyone played great, i have no complaints. I did miss 2 scoring chances which kinda pisses me off, but my goalie also saved 2 scoring chances for them so its an even trade off in my book.

Josef Eder got his first ever 3 stars game and is only the second Misfitz Inner middy to get 3 stars. He's in Solid form and about 1/3 of the way towards Excellent PM. Dolf de Bevere still got 3 stars in solid form. He must be close to being a solid winger. It just doesn't seem right that a passable winger with inadequate PM, and weak passing is getting 3 stars in solid form. But i'll take it

The Good

Dolf de Bevere - Still got 3 stars in solid form.

Josef Eder - got his first ever 3 star game!

The whole team - got my most ever stars with 30!!! and best NSI rating ever with 65!!!

The Bad

no bad here baby!!

Around The League

Witches - vs - Final Fantasy 5 - 2

The other big game in my series today and the Witches pulled it out. Final Fantasy had the lead 2-1 at half time. But they have terrible stamina and the Witches stormed back and scored 4 unanswered goals in the second half. The Witches are now in first place.

Boston Bulldogs - vs - Kentucky Pharaos 4 - 0

The Bulldogs got to do some bot bashing today. Nice easy win for them.

PoBOXTeam - vs - Atlanta Huns 2 - 0

PoBOXTeam also got to do some bot bashing today. But they somehow only managed to win 2-0 at home vs a bot team. Kind of Pathetic really. I get to play PoBOXTeam at home next week. Should be a nice easy PIC win for me.

League Standings


1. Witches--------------5--------------------30 - 8-------------12

2. Final Fantasy--------5-------------------18 - 7--------------12

3. Boston Bulldogs-----5-------------------14 - 4-------------12

4. Maniacal Misfitz------5-------------------12 - 12-------------9

5. CristinaFC3-----------5-------------------15 - 10-------------6

6. PoBOXTeam-----------5-------------------7 - 22--------------6

7. Kentucky Pharaos---5--------------------4 - 20-------------3

8. Atlanta Huns---------5--------------------0 - 17--------------0

The 3-way tie for first place isn't quite what it seems. The Bulldogs will probally lose they're next 4 games. They've had an easy schedule up until this point.

Upnext, This weeks friendly game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-26-2003, 02:16 PM   #47
College Starter
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Location: Florida

I haven't really looked at Hatstats to much this season. So today i decided to see where my team and my divison stands with the rest of divison V. I was kinda shocked to see divison V.253 ranked 33rd strongest. The reason this is suck a shock is because i have 2 bots teams and 1 ownerless team.

Every divison higher then me on the list has already had they're bot teams replaced. We average an NSI of 49.4. But without our 2 bots teams we average 55.8. That would put us number 3 on the list. Kinda scary since 3 of those 6 teams hardly ever log in. If they'd put a litte effort into they're team we'd be number 1 on that list.

Also, The Misfitz made the best ratings for round 5 Our 65 NSI tied us for 56th place in all of divison V baby!
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-27-2003, 09:39 PM   #48
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Location: Florida
Season 1 - Friendly Game - Round 6

Maniacal Misfitz - vs - Lurking FC

well, back to playing friendly's Im gonna miss the money and the experiance from my cup games. But getting to round 5 as a divison V team isn't bad. Better then most in V.

Anyway, today we play an Intl. friendly vs Lurking FC. I don't know who these guys are but they love playing against FOFC team. Im they're 3rd one in 3 weeks. But now that i think about it, why wouldn't he wanna play against FOFC teams.... we rock
They come from Thailand and im hoping that they will bring in a nice crowd. They aren't a very good team and my back-ups should have no problem pounding them.


GK - Stanford Weiss

Right Wingback - Emanuel Miller
Central Defender - Vilhelm 'Ströle' Skogby
Left Wingback - Rikard Larsson

Right Winger - Benton Minter (Offensive)
Inner Midfeilder 1 - Joaquim Neiva (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy (Offensive)
Inner Midfielder 3 - Huey Miller
Left Winger - Roy Hoekstra (Towards The Middle)

Forward 1 - Abel Cano
Forward 2 - Istvan Strobl

Right now my starters are in the best form i've ever had them in. But my back-ups are slacking. Pretty much everyone is in inadequate or weak form. Only 3 guys on the field have passable or above form. But these are my back-ups so who cares right??well, i care! FOFC cup starts next week and i need my back-ups to win a few Hopfully some of them will bounce back tommarrow.

Nothing much else to really add about this game, should be a nice and easy friendly.

Players To Watch

Joaquim Neiva - Joaquim got his first ever 2 1/2 star game last week. I hope he does it again today. He's gotta be close to popping to passable PM. Inadequate PM's in passable form usually don't get 2 1/2 stars.

The Match

2700 spectators arrived at Maniacal Misfitz Arena, where weather conditions were pretty good for football. Maniacal started off with a 3-5-2 lineup. The following players had been chosen: Weiss - Miller, Skogby, Larsson - Minter, Tolstoy, Miller, Neiva, Hoekstra - Cano, Strobl.

Lurking had chosen a strategic 4-5-1 formation. Lineup: Havas - Jaruphan, Yong-Kwan, Pu Yai Bahn, Abhasra - Mcnamara, Kukrit, Chong-Kien, Yodbangtoey, Boon-mee - Fernandes Ramos.

Maniacals Benton Minter gave, after 25 minutes, the home team a 1 - 0 lead after an attack coming in from the right.

In the 30:th minute of the match the visitors central line of defence had to look on as Abel Cano dashed through, knocking home 2 - 0 for Maniacal.

The teams went for a half-time break at 2 - 0. Maniacal held the ball, with a clear 67 percent possession rate.

In the 68:th minute of the match the visitors central line of defence had to look on as Viktor Tolstoy dashed through, knocking home 3 - 0 for Maniacal.

Things were going to get worse for the visitors. Abel Cano squirmed himself through the central defense line in the 82nd minute, asserting the lead to 4 - 0. The structure of the game started to change as Maniacal decided to pull back and meet their opponents in the defensive zone.

After several obvious shirt pulling incidents, Maniacal´s Huey Miller got himself booked.

After 88 minutes Istvan Strobl put Maniacal ahead 5 - 0 as he rose to head in a hooked ball, the result of an effort from the right side.

Maniacal put their lead ahead another goal as Huey Miller struck home the 6 - 0 goal, after an attack from the left setting him up unmarked with the keeper.

Maniacal, bringing the final ball possession rate to 72 percent, dominated the battle.

The most dominating Maniacal player was without a doubt Emanuel Miller. However, Roy Hoekstra made a disastrous appearance.
Most important Lurking player was Iiro Havas. Krita Pu Yai Bahn was a disappointment, however.

The match ends 6 - 0.


Abel Cano - 2
Benton Minter - 1
Viktor Tolstoy - 1
Huey Miller - 1
Istvan Strobl - 1

Player Ratings

GK - Stanford Weiss - **

Right Wingback - Emanuel Miller - **~
Central Defender - Vilhelm 'Ströle' Skogby - **
Left Wingback - Rikard Larsson - **

Right Winger - Benton Minter - **~
Inner Midfeilder 1 - Joaquim Neiva - **~
Inner Midfielder 2 - Viktor Tolstoy - **
Inner Midfielder 3 - Huey Miller - **
Left Winger - Roy Hoekstra - *~

Forward 1 - Abel Cano - **
Forward 2 - Istvan Strobl - **

Stars - 23

Team Ratings

Maniacal Misfitz
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Central Defence: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Defence: passable - (6)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: solid - (7)
Left Side Attack: weak - (4)

NSI - 49

Lurking FC
Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: poor - (3)
Right Side Defence: passable - (6)
Central Defence: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Attack: weak - (4)
Central Attack: poor - (3)
Left Side Attack: weak - (4)

NSI - 36

Post Game Comments

Easy win as expected. The first 4 events were my goals and 6 out of 7 of the events were my goals. Can't beat that All the ratings were as expected except for my midfield. I can't believe i got a inadequate midfield with my back-ups i did have a winger towards the middle and im at home. But still, that ain't bad.

I also drew my largest crowd ever for a friendly. 2700 Misfitz fans came to see the exotic Thailand'ers and made me a nice 7k.

The Good

Joaquim Neiva - got another 2 1/2 stars. I hope he bumps to passable PM tommarrow.

Abel Cano - only got 2 stars in weak form but scored 2 goals. He scores in every dam game he plays in. Reguardless of form

The Bad

Vilhelm 'Ströle' Skogby - My utility man only got 2 stars at CD today. Which is kinda wierd since last week he got 2 1/2 in the same form.

Roy Hoekstra - another 1 1/2 star game for Roy. At least his form bumped to weak last thursday.

Upnext, This weeks training update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-28-2003, 09:39 PM   #49
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Location: Florida
Training and Form Update


Looks like i was right about Joaquim. he bumped to passable PM today. I "Should" get him to Solid by the end of the season.

Joaquim Neiva
64 000 US$, 18 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities [Unpredictable]

Stamina: solid Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: passable Passing: passable
Winger: weak Defending: disastrous
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: inadequate

I grabbed Joaquim for 15k at the end of last season. Now all 7 of my midfielders are at least Passable in PM. 3 Solids and 4 passables. But 2 more should be poping to Soild any week now.

Next week i'll be training Stamina, most of my midfielders have passable stamina and i'd like to get them to at least Solid.


Well, Form has just been great for me lately and it continues this week. Not alot of movment, but the big surprise is My goalie Marcin is in........ SOLID FORM!!!!!! This is a great day in Misfitz history. Never have i ever had a starting goalie is solid form and i've rarely had a starting goalie in passable form. So this is a big shock. I doubt i'll get 3 1/2 stars out of him but my defense should get a nice Excellent/Excellent/Excellent again.

4 Players increased in Form (1 Starter)
1 Player decreased in form (0 Starters)

My great form run will probally come to an end over the next couple weeks because i'll be training Stamina next week.

Player/Team Value

Value per player (average): 101 524 US$ (+4,762)
Total squad value: 2 132 000 US$ (100,000)
Average age: 21
Current form (average): passable
Experience (average): wretched
No of players (excluding the coach): 21
Number of nationalities: 14

Another milestone for the Misfitz..... our average player value passed the $100,000 mark.

Upnext, This weeks youth pull and economic update
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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Old 08-30-2003, 07:05 PM   #50
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Location: Florida
Youth Pull and Economic Update

Youth Pull

big fat piece of shit like always..

Will Booth (15907093)
18 years, passable form, healthy
A controversial person who is balanced and honest.
Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities.

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 7 000 US$
Wage: 520 US$/week
Owner: Maniacal Misfitz
Warnings: 0

Stamina: wretched Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: wretched Passing: inadequate
Winger: poor Defending: poor
Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: inadequate

15 weeks at solid Youth Squad now. I hope it bumps next week to Excellent.

Economic Update

31 495 US$ (-22 714) US$
Sponsors: high on life
Supporter Club: 1009 members
Supporters: high on life

This week

Crowd 0-------------------------------Arena 14 720
Sponsors 47 550--------------------Wages 24 538
Financial 0-----------------------------Interest 0
Temporary 0--------------------------Temporary 2 000
------------------------------------------Staff 40 500
------------------------------------------Youth squad 20 000
Total revenue 47 550---------------Total expenses 101 758

Expected income/loss -54 208

Still looking good in the economic department. I have a home game tommarrow and the weather looks good. So i should make some decent money this week.

This Weeks game

Today i play the first team i ever played in hattrick.... PoBOXTeam and it will be the last time i ever play them also. They will be replaced by a new team anyday now. Its actually slightly possible that they will be replaced before tommarrows game. Im in divison V.253 and they are currently replacing teams at divison V.250.

Anyway, this should be nice and easy PIC game for me. They have decent midfield and a decent attack. But are no match for me, espically at home.

Player rating and Team formation
Midfield: weak - (4)
Right Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Central Defence: inadequate - (5)
Left Side Defence: inadequate - (5)
Right Side Attack: solid - (7)
Central Attack: passable - (6)
Left Side Attack: passable - (6)

NSI - 46

My Prediction 5 - 1 win

Upnext, This weeks league game
Maniacal Misfitz - We're better than you and we know it!
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