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Old 06-07-2003, 02:58 PM   #1
High School Varsity
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113th Mech Inf. World War II Dynatsy - SPWAW

This dynasty is based on the game Steel Panthers World at War. A very good startegy game based on World War II. It is also free, but a huge download. You can find out more here.

I would just like to thank Matrix Games for making such an awsome and free game.

The 113th if mostly infantry with some tanks and half-trakcs. This make this group very fast with a lot of boom.

Inventory of the 113th -

3 Rifle Squad Platoons - M1 Garand
1 Inf. Recon Squad - M1903 Rifle
4 M2 60mm Mortar
1 M3 Lee Platoon - 75mm M2 Gun
2 M3 Halftrack Platoons - 30 cal. AAMG

Basic training is over and the 113th has been assembled and are awaiting orders. It looks like they will be heading to the jungles of Asia.
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Old 06-07-2003, 03:21 PM   #2
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113th Mission #1

December 16, 1941
10 AM
Location: Salamaua
Mission: Our first mission is an assaualt mission to clear out the enemy Japanese presence. To clear some room to establish a base on this island. The intial recon shows that this place is all jungle with a few hilly clearings. No roads or railroads tracks so it looks like we will be moving really slow. It is an overcast day and the tall trees blocks out what sun that does get through. It is very humid every soldier is sweating. The tank crews are being boiled inside of their tanks. I load some of the soldiers into the Half Tracks and the rest will have to walk. The tanks will stay behind with the infantry that it is on foot to avoid mines. Recon Patrols and Half Tracks will lead the way.

Mission Obejective: Destroy enemy units and push back as far as possible.
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Old 06-07-2003, 07:49 PM   #3
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Location: Foxboro,MA
Sweet! Will be following this dynasty closely, Superman. Just downloaded SP:WaW a few weeks ago myself and have had many gaming sessions into the wee hours since.

Once I get comfortable with the game, DK has agreed to a friendly little PbEM skirmish. Maybe you'd like to have a match also? Who knows, maybe we could get an interesting 3 player PbEM going.

Anyways, give'm hell!

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Old 06-08-2003, 08:54 AM   #4
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Battle Plan Mission #1

Thanks for the support Eilim. I will give them hell!

Battle Plan - The basic attack is a three prong attack that will sweep through the area. The codenames for the attack squads are as: Alpha (Left Wing), Beta (Middle), Charlie (Right Wing). Alpha will be lead by 2Lt. Edwards, he has two tanks and two HT. Along with some infantry units. Beta will be lead by 2Lt. Grasse, he is not as heavily armed as he only has one tank, a 30 cal. team, and two HT filled with infantry. Charlie will be lead by 1Lt. Waters, he has two tanks, a 30 cal. team, and two HT. The HQ commander is Col. Dobbs.

The battle plan has been set and we are ready for battle!
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Old 06-08-2003, 10:31 AM   #5
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First Contact!

Before the mission Col. Dobbs had tried to get air support for this mission, but the higher ups had more important things to do with their strike bombers.

After the first conatact Col. Dobbs really wished he had some air support.

Alpha had had the biggest fire fight so far. It all started when one of the half tracks pulled up and spotted a Japanese bunker through the jungle brush. The Japanese had not noticed as they did not fire at the HT. Cpt. Marks and his rifle squad got unloaded from the HT.

The first shots were fired and an intense fire fight ensued. The Japanese bunker suffered no casualties while Cpt. Marks squad lost 3 men. The recon squad of Alpha team were the nearest to the gun battle so they rushed to help the badly wounded Rifle Squad of Cpt. Marks. The recon squad soon discovers a whole system of Japanese bunkers. What was even worse was that the Japanses had spotted tham and started shooting!

The recon squad lost two men while trying to escape.

Beta had one of their HT destroyed by a mine. The Rifle Squad that was in the back was able to escape without casualties from the burning wreck. Upon escaping from the HT the rifle squad was shot at from tow different bunkers. They took two casualties. Help was on it way.

The M3 Lee pulled up and started firing its cannons. 2Lt. Grasse's recon squad also did a great job in the fire fight by killing 6 Japanese.

Charlie still had not had any contact, but one of their HT were diasbled by a mine. Although their were no casualties.

Most of the damage came from Alpha were they lost a tank and a HT including all the infantry casualties.

Damage report -
9 men KIA
1 tank destroyed
2 HT destroyed
1 HT disabled

Col. Dobbs: What the hell is going on! Holy Hell! Jesus Christ I wish I had some goddamn air support.

Radio Man: 1Lt. Waters is awaiting orders as he has cleared his side.

Dobbs: Tell him to get his ass over to Beta squad to help their sorry asses out. And get me a mortar strike on those Japanese bunkers that Alpha squad has encountered.

Things are not looking good for the 113th.
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Old 06-08-2003, 03:49 PM   #6
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More firefights are breaking out all over the map. Mine fields continue to be a pain in Col. Dobbs ass.

Radioman: Col. Dobbs we are receiving reports that 2Lt. Grasse has been KIA.

Col. Dobbs: Damn! How far away is Charlie squad away from Beta's area.

Radioman: Not very far sir although are being slowed by mine fields. I am getting a report from Alpha squad. Cpt. Mark and 2Lt. Edwards are planning to flank the Japanese bunker system then surprise attack them. Sgt. Wood's tank is also supporing them on this plan.

Col. Dobbs: Finally a good idea from the front lines.

Radioman: It seems that Sgt. Lopez rifle squad is caught in a crossfire between two Japanese bunkers. He has already lost a few men.

Col. Dobbs: Tell Sgt. Peterson and Sgt. Browning to get their asses over their. DOUBLE TIME!!

Radioman: Yes Sir!

Col. Dobbs: Give me a status report.

Radioman: It seems that we have have 12 more KIA.

Col. Dobbs: Damn! We are gonna make them pay!

Things did not go so well for 2Lt. Grasse. As when he initailly attacked a bunker he was repelled and had to retreat. The problem was he retreated right into a mine field.
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Old 06-08-2003, 04:16 PM   #7
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More action from Salamaua!

Sgt. Daley and Sgt. Nicholson from Beta squad have teamed up. Sgt. Daley's 30 cal. MG team really came in handy as the Japanese are starting to retreat in this zone.

Also in Beta Sgt. Conroy has taken the place of 2Lt. Grasse's spot on the line. The have killed three while losing none! Sgt. Reynolds' tank is causing all kind of havoc and has really turned into a killing machine.

Some of Charlie has finally made it to Beta's area. Sgt. Olsen's HT dropped off 2Lt. Osborne's rifle squad.

In Alpha zone Sgt. Lopez's squad is fighting tough, but continues to be hit hard. Although Sgt. Browning's HT was able to give him support. Sgt. Browning's HT has its 30 cal. firing non stop. So at least Sgt/ Lopez will be attacked by one side.

Cpt. Mark's plan to flank the Japanese bunkers has worked great so far. The Japanese tried to retreat, but ran right into Cpt. Mark and 2Lt. Edwards. It was just target practice!
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Old 06-08-2003, 08:18 PM   #8
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Bloody firefights at Salamau

Alpha Squad continues to fight tough, but continue to take heavy losses. The Japanese soldiers seem to be pretty smart in Alpha zone. The reaming infantry has stacked up in one bunker. Right in the middle of all the smoke and fire. So our tanks can not get a clear shot.

We have surrounded the bunker, but everytime we try to move a rifle squad into position they get pounded and have to retreat. 2Lt. Edwards rifle squad tried to take the bunker several time, but was unsuccesful and took heavy losses.

Sgt. Lopez's rifle squad has managed to get out of the cross fire with the help of Sgt. Peterson, Sgt. Browning, and Sgt. Nelson.

Alpha zone is so smokey and firey that some units have managed to lose themselves in the devastation.

Beta and Charlie Squad continue to have success in Beta's zone. They have managed to get all the Japanese out of their bunkers and are now going toe to toe with them in the open jungle. Although we did lose a HT due to a Japanese attack.

The tanks are making Beta's zone easy to take over. Most of the damage is coming from Alpha zone. They despertly need help as they have around 5-10 KIA just in the last few turns.

Damage Report:
13-16 KIA
HT disabled
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Old 06-08-2003, 08:50 PM   #9
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The Final Fights at Salamaua

Alpha Squad continued to try to take out the last bunker and it cost a lot to take the bunker. In the ned Sgt. Peterson's rifle squad was able to get a foothold and distract them while Cpt. Mark's men came around back and started firing.

It started another bloody firefight. Cpt. Mark had to retreat, but their was so much smoke he went the wrong way right into the Japanese bunker. After the the tanks took over and pounded that bunker into oblivion.

Beta and Charlie had an easy time mopping up the rest of the Japanese. The mission was finally over. The Japanese held their ground well, but lost many lives in doing so.

US Losses
71 men
4 pieces of Armor

Japan Losses
151 men
1 piece of armor

Final Score: 1730 Loss
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Old 06-08-2003, 09:14 PM   #10
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The Luzon Delay - Mission #2

It had been only weeks after the bloody battle of Salamaua. It would be a change of scenery for the 113th. Col. Dobbs' boys were now in the wide open country. A few farms here and there The main thing was the roads that ran threw the area.

The main objective was to delay the initial Japanese attack while the main force readied themselves for the main battle. The area had been heavily bombed and there were many craters made from the humongous bombing campaign. Great places to hide. Lots of hills and craters great for ambushes.

While the men were not able to make a suitable defense they were able to lay a few mine fields. A little pay back for Salamaua.

Col. Dobbs was hoping this mission would go over better than the last one. This time he made sure his men would not act so brave, he would rather see them run rather than lose lives.
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Old 06-10-2003, 12:07 PM   #11
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Planning for Luzon

The Luzon Delay would be split in four zones. West, Middle West, Middle East, and East zones. Most of the roads will be heavily mined and so will the housing areas of the map.

The plan is to snipe off the Japanese and not let them get to close. We definatley do not want to get to close. Any squads that are injured or hurting will use the HT to get off the map as soon as possible.

All we want to do is play it safe for this mission. Col. Dobbs has heard rumors that the 113th will be moved to Africa to help with Operation Torch.

East Side - Team Leader 2Lt. Browning - HT
Sgt. Daley - 30 cal. MG team
Sgt. Conroy - Rifle Squad
Sgt. Hall - Tank
This side is patrolling a cemetary. They are not that heavily armed as they do not need that much fire power as they have the smallest zone to protect.

Middle East - Team Leader 2Lt. Edwards - Rifle Squad
Sgt. Lopez - Rifle Squad
Sgt. Peters - Rifle Squad
2Lt. Evans - Recon Squad
1Lt. Waters - Tank
Sgt. Farmer - 30 cal. MG Team
Private Howard - HT
A pretty big zone to defend. It is really hilly and full of craters. The only zone that does not have a road in it. A huge clearing between the hills and a river. Lots of good shooting space.

Middle West - Team Leader 2Lt. Osborne - Rifle Squad
Sgt. Nelson - Recon Squad
Sgt. Nicholson - Rifle Squad
2Lt. Owens - Rifle Squad
Sgt. Norman - 30 cal. MG Team
Sgt. Reynolds - Tank
Sgt. Olsen - HT
This zone is gaurding two roads and two bridges I am expecting that this zone will get hit hard. I have given them plenty of fire power to gaurd the bridges as long as possible.

West - Team Leader 2Lt. Taylor - Rifle Squad
Sgt. Ortega - Rifle Squad
Sgt. Greer - Rifle Squad
Sgt. Kantor - Recon Squad
Sgt. Kramer - Tank
Sgt. Miller - HT
This zone is gaurding a small town with a road running down the middle of the town. Its nearly all flatland in this area, but should allow for quick escape.

There are other units that are with Col. Dobbs, but will only be used if someone really needs help. Other than the mine fields we have no support, that includes no air support
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Old 06-10-2003, 02:01 PM   #12
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First Shots Fired

In the Middle East Zone the soldiers there catch the first site of the Japanese. Shots are fired, but the Japanese are not really firing back. We still can not hit much. They are closing in fast.

In the Middle West Zone the 30 cal. mg are firing non-stop. Trying to slow the Japanese advance. The initial Japanese attack is still a way off.

The other two zones have seen no action yet. So far there are no casualties.
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Old 06-10-2003, 02:58 PM   #13
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Don't Mess With The 113th

This map is very different esepcially since we are in the Pacific theatre. Most Pacific battles are fought in thick jungles with not much visibiltiy. This map however is more of a European map, a wide open map with a few hills here and there. This makes tanks a hundred times more effective.

In the Middle East zone there have been some intense firefights. While the 113th has only sustained one casualty. The Japanese have lost at least 20-30 men in this zone alone. Overall they have lost around 60-70 men.

The East and West zones still have not received any contact yet. Col. Dobbs has decided to pull those men back.

So far this mission has been great. The Japanese are really having a hard time with the mines. They also are really having a tough time with our tanks. Although pulling back has been hard especially for the infantry as they get shot at for every step they take.
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Old 06-14-2003, 11:56 AM   #14
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Battle at the graveyard and a lucky shot

The East side saw its first action in this battle. A lone Japanese platoon was walking through the graveyard. We did not lose any men in the firefight that followed and either did the Japanese.

In the MiddleEast zone most of the men were trying to pull back. The retreat process was made easier by the presence of 1Lt. Waters tank. Water's tank was able to hold back most of the Japanese while the other men retreated down the humongous hill. Some Japanese were able to follow the men. One Japanese unit started shooting at Private Howard's HT and all of a sudden it blew up! I have never seen anything like that HT's are very hard to blow up with regular infantry weapons. Lucky, their were no one else in the HT. There were no survivors from the explosion.

Radioman: Sir, one of our half-tracks have been destroyed.

Col. Dobbs: How? The Japanese do not have tanks or heavy artillery.

Radioman: Sir it seems it was a lucky shot. The Japanese infantry were shooting at the half-track and the thing just blew up.

Col. Dobbs: Damn we are cursed! Were there any other units loaded in the HT and were there any survivors?

Radioman: No and No.

Col. Dobbs: How is the MiddleWest zone doing?

Radioman: Sir they have not had any casualties and they are protecting the bridge just fine.

Col. Dobbs: How about the West zone?

Radioman: They are still retreating as ordered.

Col. Dobbs: Tell the MiddleWest zone to get the hell out of their once the Japanese get to close to them. Remind them to play it safe out there. I don't want any wasted lives.
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Old 06-15-2003, 02:11 PM   #15
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Just curious if we will see this Dynasty continued... I have enjoyed it thus far...
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Old 06-15-2003, 05:08 PM   #16
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Old 06-16-2003, 11:13 AM   #17
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The neverending fight at Luzon

In the Middle East zone retreating has been really tough. The men there can't move in any direction without getting shot at. We can only hope the reinforcements come soon. We have battled hard in the middle East zone, but it looks like they might not be able to make it out.

The neverending lines of Japanese soldiers continue to rain down all over the map. 2Lt. Edwards lost one of his men in one of the shootouts. 1Lt. Waters' tank has been the only thing that has kept the Japanese from totally over running the middle east zone.

In the other three zones things continue to go smoothly. 2Lt. Taylor got in a little fight with a Japanese platoon on the grassy plains of the map. Taylor's platoon has not taken any casualties.

Overall is it looking very good for us. The Middle East continues to worry Col. Dobbs. Its gonna be hard to get those guys out of there.
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