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Old 12-27-2005, 02:09 AM   #1
College Prospect
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Austin, Texas
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only you will care about this thread, everyone else leave

you seem to think i spout off dumbass comments like someone would scratch an itch. you also said you don't like going back and searching for specific posts . . . so i did it for you. this goes back to 2001, and i only looked at posts dealing with some sort of football expertise, or predictions. a tour through the imettrentgreen hall of f(sh)ame, typos included:

on the heisman
Brees will be fine at the next level.

Heupel's arm is jsut too weak. His passes flost, and are rarely sprials, but he seems t obut used to it, because no one at the collegiate level is more accurate.

Wienke will be a bust. He is the worst hiesman winner ever. His receiver's won him that award. Every game I saw FSU play this year, his WRs were either too open to miss, or made a great play on an bad throw. That's it. Minnis should have been there, not him.

And Antwan Randle-El is the best player in the country.
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nothing too alarming there. moving on.

who is the best wr?
If he comes out, Robert Ferguson from Texas A&M. He's big, he's fast, and he can catch everything. He's a natural. Rumor has it he didnt go to class at all last semester, so he's gone. Somebody is going to take him in the thrid round or so, and somebody is going to get a hell of a player.

And I'm a Longhorn. Thats how good he is.

when healthy, he's been really good.

Leonard Davis is the tackle from Texas, and no, he's not the best player in the draft. He's big, he's amazingly strong, and he's got good feet, but for some reason, he just isn't a dominate blocker. He hasn't had a good OL coach in college (believe me we're pissed about it) so i bet he has a good career, but not right away.

Roy Williams is a GOD. Next Randy Moss.

look at that, not hypign a texas player. that roy williams comment was written when he was a freshman. if he had a culpepper, he'd be a moss. not so bad.

mcgahee is overrated
willis magahee = archie griffin. write it down

meaning, without a dominant ol, he won't do much. buffalo doesn't have one, and he isn't. he is starting, at least

here is where it gets good
not outstanding. tommie harris had a bad year last year. he was the 13th or 14th best player on that defense. he was beaten like a drum in many games (yet, due to voter ignorance, still got frist team DT, somehow)

the guys do their jobs, but not much more. lack of pressure is why they lost to osu and a&m. lack of an ol is why texas lost to them as well. im rambling

this is my first crack at harris, that i showed up. 13th or 14th was a bit harsh, but he was the 5th or 6th best dl that year. not surprising, 04 was their best pass rushing defense, and their best overall since 2000. not a cooincidence

draft predictions
"If we draft a Texas player, I pray it is Kory Redding. I think he is one of the most underrated players in the draft.

one, its cory, and two, he's been overrated since day 1. can't rush the passer, which is a pretty big deal fora DE

cory still can't pass the rusher. no big deal here, but once again, no texas bias

missing ingredients
once ou find either a) a good QB or b) a good pass rush, the rest of the big 12 might as well forfiet

thankfully jason white is still around

as i recall this is the year texas got fuckstomped. but i recognized ou as a superior, but flawed, footbal team

discussing the 03 rrs
so did nate hybl throwing 4 interceptions. ou's qb just has to play not horribly to beat texas. sad, but true

but anyway, he beat us with his mobility, something he no longer has. if he has to stand and pass, ou is screwed

texas got beat at all 22 positions in 03. white singlehandedly kept us in the 04 game, and lost a bunch of others everytime he saw pressure. i take no credit for this, as it was evident to anyone who saw him play against a tough pass rush

i like this thread, why does ou suck

i got a lot of fun responses to this one, which are new to me because i didnt stick around after it. looking back at it, after ou finished 7-4, narrowly escaping a&m and baylor, and getting outplayed at 21 positions against tulsa (thanks adrian!), they still suck. they'll be better next year if peterson stays healthy, but if some talent doesn't step up in the future, ou is in a pickle in 07 when he leaves. i don't fear them next year, even when vince leaves

meanwhile, mack is rolling, we're an easy 12-0, stacked everywhere, ou has taken nobody texas really wanted for 06 . . . same warning signs are there. of our 22 starters, ou offered probably 14 or 15 of them. of ou's, texas offered maybe 4? mack is the reason they are bad. the talent is in austin now. i stand by this thread

ou was ranked #1 for 03
deservedly so

only miami could make a case

hey look at that. i agree. hmm, no bias

the texas and ou 03 previews

my post ended up being pretty accurate. nate vasher fell to the 4th round because he bulked up and lost his quickness, and frankly had a lousy year. but he's thin again, and a pro bowler. awesome player. i see nothing dumbassed in there, and even took some shots at the texas coaches and players. no bias, again
my backing of brock berlin
he's from shreveport, isn't he?

anyway, he'll be better than ken dorsey. just watch. not that dorsey was any good, though

not proud of that. he miami ol wasn't as good as it was for dorsey, but berlin was decent at best. oh well, can't win them all, even if i was right about shreveport evangel players

colorado v ucla, 03

turns out a good ksu team did win the north, the one year in the last 4 i think colorado didn't win it. that cu 03 defense was terrible. but, ucla did end up sucking, so there is that. no dumbassery there, though i overrated cu, whose defense was terrible

so close . . .
um, there is not another good qb on the roster. grady is like 7'5, and won't be good (he's dumb, slow, and a huge target), thompson looks good . . . against UTEP up by 60, noah allen i like, but will never see the field, and jason white . . . well, he's good when he gets time. but then, so is every qb in the country

rawls is yet another evangel flame out (i predicted this two years ago, btw), who has more talent than common sense. if he was serious about football he'd be starting and he'd be good, and ou would be a lot better at this point

luckily for them, bomar will be a good one

what a good post . . . right up until the end. who knew bomar would be so horrible? oh well. everything else in there is spot on.

baylor upset cu
so to summarize, texas has good talent and bad coaching. thats why we lead the nation in offense after 4 games by beating up on three crap teams and losing the important one. thats why we almost give the ksu game away, and thats why we're about to go 1-4 aganst bob stoops

see that? texas will lose to ou. i said it. anyway, this was a long thread about cu (who i thought would be a lot better, but that defense . . . yikes). everything in there is reasonable, and i stand by it. its no fluke that they brought in hankowitz, a great coach, and suddenly have a great run defense. the pass defense is awful, but they only have one good player back there. good thread for me

when it turned to texas, thats what i had to say. it was right. a couple good coaches later, here we are

i would also like to point out that when called out on his statement by huckleberry, troyf produced nothing. there is another one of those coming. it happens a lot. finally, fred strong is a bust

mack brown stinks . . . or does he?

another thread you should read all the way through. i called texas getting rolled by ou in 2003.

he won't discipline players, he won't fire coaches, he has thin skin, and he just doesnt have any instinct at all. some players need to be yelled at, and he just hugs. he's a pussy. if he grows a pair and fires half his staff, texas would be un stoppable

that turned out to be true. im not just pulling stuff out of my ass here.

I don't give a damn if he's the greatest X's and O's coach in the history of the game. I don't care if he's the best recruiter in college football. He can't win win it counts. His teams consistently fail in big games. He's not a fine coach. He's a joke. He can change. . . I just don't see any signs that he will.

and that, from troyf, was not true. common theme, him being wrong. good thread.

official 2003 rrs thread

ok, where is my homerism in this thread?

impressive teams, early 03

ok, first off, wrong about fsu. oops. second, look who is #1, and look why. i was on the bandwagon early. this would aslo be the second time somebody backed down when challenged by huckleberry. graded out. ha fuckin ha

harris wins lombardi
strait wins thorpe

see, its not blind ou hate. i really didnt respect harris. but i acknowledged that strait deserved his award. i still don't think harris deserved his, however
correct again

this thread stands on its own. reese is gone, suddenly our defense is good. who would of thought?

i like this one
ou will still win this year. but it will be close. coach tomey and coach robinson are making a huge difference

yep. really close in 04. if eric hall wasn't playing, this game may have ended 0-0. turnovers and a terrible olb lost it for texas, and jason white nearly lost it for ou. the two coaches i mentioned made a huge, enormous, program changing impact. they deserve rose bowl rings, too. and once again, i picked ou to win

odds malcom kelly ends up at texas - 3:4
odds he ends up at ou - 1:100
odds he ends up at lsu - 1:4


thats through fall of 04. i still stand by every word

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Old 12-27-2005, 02:16 AM   #2
College Prospect
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Location: Austin, Texas

then there is that . . . blech. neither one of them playus for us now. f them

if he fires greg davis, its a freakin bargain. if greg stays 10 extra years, too, then its a bigger waste of money than alexander was.

i can only hope that the defensive turnaround under greg robinson (reason number 5,234,523 fans and sportswriters are fucking morons as a whole, this guy was a godsend) has opened macks eyes that not every coordinator change is bad, like he used to think. we went from a fringe top 50 defense last year (performance wise, i have no idea what the actual numbers are) to top 10 if not top 3 or 4 right now

everything is here that needs to be here for a run at the title, except a competent OC. we don't need mike martz, a mike mularky will do. but unfortunately its a make or break decision about mack's best friend. next year ou loses a ton and ut doesn't, so now is the time to make that move

yep yep. good post.

Last edited by IMetTrentGreen : 12-27-2005 at 02:20 AM.
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Old 12-27-2005, 02:28 AM   #3
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cory still can't pass the rusher. no big deal here, but once again, no texas bias

I thought you were supposed to stay in front of the rusher?

Well, I must give you props for researching all of that. You obviously invested a lot of work into that, and that is to be commended.
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Old 12-27-2005, 12:00 PM   #4
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Wow, you clearly put a lot of time and effort into that, much more so than I would have cared to do.

While I will certainly give you a few points for recognizing some predictions you have made that turned out to be flat wrong, my comment about you not owning up to them stems from exactly the point you made in this thread.

You spout these comments and then disappear, never returning to recognize how wrong you were. By your willingness to create this thread, I will assume that's not because of cowardice but just because you either forget or get too busy. That makes complete and total sense to me, so therefore I'll amend my earlier impression of you. Nevertheless, it does lead into the other thing you do far too often.

Your comments about Texas and OU, or any other team for that matter, tend to only be blanket generalizations, without much thought and unnecessarily antagonistic. What happens as a result of that is people don't give your opinion any weight, at least I don't.

You may not care about that at all, and that's perfectly fine with me. I think that you have quite a bit of knowledge about college football, but your presentation is often lacking and that tends to rub people the wrong way. This thread even contains an example of that. Despite essentially admitting you're wrong on a couple of things, you close by saying "I stand by every word." Huh?

You think OU is a horrible team, that Bomar is a horrible quarterback and that the Sooners will be dead in the water in a couple of years. I wholeheartedly disagree. I think this season has done more to prove my side of the argument than to prove yours, and the Holiday Bowl will also tell us something about that.

Only time will tell, of course. Your unwillingness to accept that someone else might look at the same situation as you and see a completely different result, yet still have a bit of knowledge in their own right, is what I have a problem with.

I'm glad that you can recognize that you're not always right (although sometimes you are). I hope that in our future disagreements, it won't take several years and a recap thread to get there.
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Last edited by Cuckoo : 12-27-2005 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 12-27-2005, 02:37 PM   #5
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without much thought and unnecessarily antagonistic

false. i put thought into all of it. i just post my conclusions. as you can see by this thread, im not afraid ofa little research . . . unlike some of you

anyway i dont think ou will be hjorrible forever. buti do think they will be what texas has been the last 4-5 years, a 9-10 win team that can't beat their main rival
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Old 12-27-2005, 02:56 PM   #6
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the two coaches i mentioned made a huge, enormous, program changing impact. they deserve rose bowl rings, too. and once again, i picked ou to win
They got Rose Bowl rings you big doofus. You know, for last year.
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Last edited by Huckleberry : 12-27-2005 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 12-28-2005, 02:04 PM   #7
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f you, i know that. you got my point you anal bastard
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