Traditionally, gameplay has been the cornerstone that great games have been built on. All of the games nominated for this year's Most Realistic Gameplay award fit that requirement by having gameplay that effectively mimics a real-life sport. While 100 percent realistic gameplay is not attainable on consoles for obvious reasons, our winner this year came about as close as you possibly can.
MLB '09: The Show is nominated for just about every award it can be nominated for this year and for good reason. The gameplay is not only incredibly realistic, the game also features an impressive amount of presentation aspects and a robust set of modes. While other games did receive some fleeting attention for this award, it really was MLB '09: The Show's to lose. So with all of that being said, congratulations to the Most Realistic Gameplay of 2009 Award Winner: MLB '09: The Show.
Most Realistic Gameplay: MLB '09: The Show
Christian McLeod: Tiger Woods 10 on the Wii wins for me by a landslide. The Wii MotionPlus add-on has allowed perfect one-to-one motion while golfing and has humbled even this skilled golf gamer. There is something magical and undeniably rewarding about a video game that picks up on all your real golfing weaknesses and forces you to correct them if you want to have any chance of playing in Tiger's group on the final day of a tournament (unless you are a busty cocktail waitress, then you get into the final group by default -- come on I had to). Tiger 10 on the Wii is more than a video game, it is a golf simulator at its finest.
Dustin Toms: MLB '09 easily wins this category. When I first popped this game into my PS3, started an exhibition game to play with the Mariners and to welcome back Griffey Jr., I never would have guessed that the game would have actually played like real baseball without any adjustments.
Jayson Young: I have not played Tiger Woods on the Wii, so I have got to give my vote to Forza Motorsport 3. It is the first racing game where I can legitimately say that every car I have driven provides a unique driving experience -- one that can be further tweaked via the game's detailed tuning system. If you love cars, it is hard not to be impressed by how many different types there are to test drive in Forza 3.
Jim Harris: I think either The Show or Forza 3 would be a worthy winner in this category. Both do fantastic jobs of re-creating the complexities of their respective sports. My vote went to The Show because I felt like Forza 3 forced all but the most hardcore racers to abandon at least some realism in favor of playability.
Reader's Choice
Winner: MLB '09: The Show
Voting Results: MLB '09: The Show (53%), NBA 2K10 (17%), NHL 10 (9%)
Reader Comments: This one was tough since I have only played NBA 2K and NHL, and I have a feeling FIFA or Forza are more realistic, but I voted for NBA 2K10. A lot of the fundamentals of basketball are there and there are many glitches/exploits like rocket dunks, etc. -- BlueNGold34
Forza if you have the wheel, turn all assists off and use manual transmission. It is just like driving a real car in that case. -- Dislimb
I think it is a tough call with the games listed. I would have liked to have seen Football Manager added as I think the gameplay in it is realistic (even though you are just managing). I went with NHL slightly beating out The Show. Both are great games with great gameplay, but there were a couple little annoying things with The Show while NHL is nearly perfect in my book. -- Bears5122