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Madden NFL 10 Patch #2 Roundtable

With our staff finally getting to get valuable hands-on experience with Madden after it's second patch, it's time for them to share their thoughts on what they think. Jayson Young, Carl from AskMadden, Christian McLeod, and Caley Roark all chime in to share their impressions of the patch and what still needs to be done. Check out their thoughts and add your own at the end of the article!

What are your general impressions of the patch?

Jayson Young- When I think of the things that really bother me about Madden 10, most of them have to do with the gameplay, and I'm just not seeing a whole lot of areas where Madden has improved its gameplay in this patch. Sure, flat coverage and run blocking may be marginally better than they were before the patch, but that's kind of like saying the Cleveland Browns are better at 2-11 than they were at 1-11.

Carl (AskMadden)- You can see my full impressions in my patch review. In short, I think this patch was very close to what EA wanted it to be. With only minor things holding back the gameplay, many other aspects were fixed appropriately.

Christian McLeod- I Love it! Gameplay feels incredibly polished, the flats seem to have been somewhat addressed, and it's nice to finally be able to watch replays from start to finish. People are still going to find things to complain about -- they always will -- but Madden's core gameplay, pre and post patch, is just too much fun to get bogged down with the little negatives.

Caley Roark- To be honest, I had "shelved" Madden a while back, so it took this patch to get me interested again. I can't say that I'm seeing the major improvements that some are, but I will admit that some minor annoyances have been covered. The replay fix alleviates one of my gripes. Christian calls the core gameplay fun, which it is, but it also still feels old to me. Each patch (and each year) feels like a new coat of paint and new upholstery on an aging car.

In your opinion, was this patch worth the wait?

Jayson Young- Given that the patch has done nothing to change my opinion of Madden 10 as a fun but very flawed football game, I'd have to say no, this patch wasn't worth the three-month wait. If you sold your copy a long time ago, there's no reason to go out and repurchase Madden 10 after this patch, because the game -- flaws and all -- still plays very much like the Madden 10 that shipped in August.

Carl (AskMadden)- The patch was worth the wait for the hardcore gamers. As the year moves on and many gamers develop habits according to gameplay, it's vital to the game's replay value that it evolves and adapts throughout the year. This patch definitely makes every player from franchise to MLG Madden gamers adjust their strategies.

Christian McLeod- Yes. I've been enjoying this game thoroughly since day 1, and any patch that improves an already enjoyable game is well worth the wait for me. I'm more than happy to wait a couple months if a patch is released that adds the level of polish as this patch seems to have added to Madden -- I'm looking at you NBA 2K10.

Caley Roark- It's tough to answer this question, as I had kind of given up on Madden. I fall in line with Jayson in thinking that this patch alone wasn't enough to get me back in. Actually, I'm much more excited about the impending Ultimate Team mode. This game is fun, but not nearly perfect, pre or post patch.

What major issues still need to be addressed for Madden 11?

Jayson Young-
While I could write an entire dissertation on this topic, I'd be happy if a few major gameplay issues like line play and pass trajectory were improved in Madden 11. Line play has never been done correctly in any Madden game, and without a decent system governing who wins/loses in the trenches, the game can never provide an accurate simulation of professional football. As for pass trajectory, let me just say that I'm tired of seeing linebackers spying five yards off the line of scrimmage come up with interceptions on passes that were intended to go twenty yards down the field. In real life, footballs are thrown in an arc, not a low line-drive or the infamous Madden "moonball," and until EA Tiburon gets the ball trajectory correct, Madden's downfield passing game will remain a major point of frustration for armchair quarterbacks.

Carl (AskMadden)-
The issues needing to be addressed between this years Madden and Madden 11 is a much smaller gap than the one a year ago. Some minor wrinkles need to be ironed out, such as the way the WR treadmills his first step off of the line of scrimmage and the lack of WR catch animations are still there -- but this year we don't have to worry about major holes such as offensive strafe catching, or jet-packing animations. The run game needs more help next year, as we simply can't depend on making the RB do a stutter step as soon as he takes the hand-off or catches the screen pass.

Christian McLeod- My main want would be that I'd like to see a completely revamped offline dynasty mode with the depth of the NFL head coach series. On the gameplay side there are still some awkward animations in 10 that could be fine tuned. Otherwise I am happy to say that the Madden team is poised to make gamers completely forget about NFL 2K5 when Madden 11 is released next August.

Caley Roark- I agree with Christian, off-line franchise, where I spend most of my time, needs continued improvement. The presentation aspects, while nice, still pale in comparison to (sorry to bring it up...) NFL 2K5. Certain gameplay items, like screen passes, still feel clunky. And I'm not totally comfortable with any of the predefined cameras; give us the ability to modify them! It seems like we're starting to see the "next-gen" football that was promised many years ago. Too bad it's taken so long; still, this game is by far the biggest Madden improvement in a long time.

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Member Comments
# 21 Herky @ 12/21/09 02:49 AM
Franchise needs a ton of work still.
# 22 roadman @ 12/21/09 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by SOCOM59
50 bucks at launch...if that. Anyways, I will not debate on pricing as I considered the total cost (system plus games) to be lower then compared to now..that was what I was getting at. *Unless a person was a Neo Geo fan, that price never went down.
Plus you have to consider that licensing monopolies (well close to a monopoly I guess) and web enhancement were not apart of the game back then..like you said but , as I read it, in a different context. Like it was a positive nowadays? Well, sure it is but for added content but thats merely it. I would consider web supplementation (updates and such), better platforms (PS2, Ps3, Xbox360), and newer engines to reasons for games to progress compared to regress.
Which brings me back to my first post...

To each his or her own I guess. I hear ya on baseball though, cannot wait.
Yeah, your right to each their own.

My point on the matter was that game plus the $99.00 price tag for Nintendo and now you have a total price of $150.00 for the late 80's. 20 yrs later and you need to factor in technology plus inflation and wages.(galleon of gas cost 79 cents in LA) Compared to $350.00 today for a game plus system. I don't think it's far off when you factor in those issues.

Just my take, though.
# 23 MrDhWhat @ 12/21/09 02:35 PM
Did anybody else notice the rotaion of the football when it is thrown its BACKWARDS. if your right handed the ball will spin clock wise and if your left handed the ball will counter clockwise. not vise versa.
# 24 HolyCrap @ 12/21/09 08:13 PM
Josh is right game play is biggest issue and needs alot of work..line play and ball trajectory are abysmal.

Cant have the glitches where balls are going through peoples hands and stuff like that that must be out by madden 2011.

Has anyone seen the come back routes in Madden wtf is that its like their on a turn table or some thing. the gliding and warping and suction stuff must be done away with it ruins the whole game
# 25 countryboy @ 12/21/09 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
In fact, I'd wager at this point, the only people who are still playing Madden seriously are those in online franchises, because that's really the only area where the fun factor manages to overcome this game's flaws IMO.
How much are you willing to wager?
# 26 Bgamer90 @ 12/21/09 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33

In fact, I'd wager at this point, the only people who are still playing Madden seriously are those in online franchises...

You're kidding right? Not everyone that plays Madden has the same mentality that many people here on OS have.
# 27 spankdatazz22 @ 12/21/09 11:42 PM
Otherwise I am happy to say that the Madden team is poised to make gamers completely forget about NFL 2K5 when Madden 11 is released next August.
This is one hilariously sad quote
# 28 Hova57 @ 12/22/09 10:12 AM
its not that bad of game it just needs to adjust ball trajectory,line play , 3-4 defense and come up with some happy medium for jump ball animation. also give the defensive ends power to swallow the pocket.
# 29 Articula @ 12/22/09 12:56 PM
I'll tell you what, if this patch had been the game out of the box from day one, we would be heralding Madden 10 as the biggest jump in year to year editions of this game ever. It's sad it took this long to get this patch out, but all in all it makes Madden a very solid and re-playable game.

I fired up my franchise with my buddy last night and saw stuff I've never seen before. For instance, balls coming out of the QB's hand can now be tipped by the lineman, I even saw a dead duck that was tipped at the line get intercepted. QB's tend to throw bad in cold/wet weather, same goes for more fumbling takes place in the bad weather.

Draft history and the draft were cleaned up a bit. The draft now lists all players who have been drafted as drafed, which did not occur prior to the patch.

OL/DL interaction still needs to be worked on, if they can get that right along with an big time upgrade to franchise mode (think Head Coach) we will have a game that does topple NFL2k5.

Kudos to the M'10 staff for giving us a bone with this patch. If we see the same incremental improvement as we saw from this patch edition of M'10 over M'09, I don't think any of us will be disappointed.
# 30 xrams @ 12/22/09 02:05 PM
This is an off topic question: Are there Power rankings in Madden after 10weeks like 2k5..??? I can't seem to find them in my chise...
# 31 countryboy @ 12/22/09 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by xrams
This is an off topic question: Are there Power rankings in Madden after 10weeks like 2k5..??? I can't seem to find them in my chise...
# 32 oneamongthefence @ 12/22/09 02:47 PM
Madden 10 post patch is golden. If you can find a sim player and not a cheeser your good to go. It really is the best football experience ever. It has its faults but so does everything else. It will get better every year. This year on next gen I can finally see myself playing it for a full year.
# 33 Yo-Yo @ 12/22/09 07:00 PM
I like everything except the fact that when u get to the QB and about to sack him, he just throws the ball away in the middle of the sack. It happens every time. I adjust sliders and blitz constantly and still only get about a sack per game. Why cant anyone make sacks? Cause EA is tring to show off the new animation for throwing the ball away that they were talking and hyping about. It's just annoying now and really frustrates me
# 34 xrams @ 12/22/09 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Well CRAP.....!!!!!

they got every other stat... except the one that makes the Chise race great....
# 35 huskerwr38 @ 12/23/09 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Tick32
Plz man go play 2k5 or APF 2k8 or even Madden 04-06 last gen and see how real football is represented. Im trying to keep it professional and not get another infraction by saying something wrong and get banned, but people saying this game is the best football experience ever are making it very hard. I may even get banned for this reply, but i apologize. It had to be said.
Really, what I think it comes down to is that people just get caught up in the graphics. If this game didn't have the graphics like it does, I think people would realize how bad the gameplay is. It's like Madden 10 is a supermodel with the brains of a 5 year old. I mean we are all guys, so we are going to be enamored with looks and not really realize what is underneath.
# 36 KBLover @ 12/23/09 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by huskerwr38
It's like Madden 10 is a supermodel with the brains of a 5 year old. I mean we are all guys, so we are going to be enamored with looks and not really realize what is underneath.
Until she opens her mouth at least.

Even then, she might be someone to have some fun with, but never take too seriously.
# 37 countryboy @ 12/23/09 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by huskerwr38
Really, what I think it comes down to is that people just get caught up in the graphics. If this game didn't have the graphics like it does, I think people would realize how bad the gameplay is. It's like Madden 10 is a supermodel with the brains of a 5 year old. I mean we are all guys, so we are going to be enamored with looks and not really realize what is underneath.
I actually like the game, and am continously playing it, because of the gameplay. Graphics only go so far for me. A game can look good, but if it plays poorly, then I have no use for it.
# 38 MAzing87 @ 12/23/09 03:26 PM
For Madden 11? Use a new engine! Can players move more fluid and not in jerky movements? Improved line play, better receiver/defender interactions, MORE OPTIONS on CHALLENGE PLAYS, an animated sideline with actual reserves and not dummy bench warmers.

I'm hoping the backbreaker game is successful because we need some form of competitive fire lit under EA, even if the game isn't licensed by the NFL. Football videogames just isn't what it used to be anymore.
# 39 roadman @ 12/23/09 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by huskerwr38
Really, what I think it comes down to is that people just get caught up in the graphics. If this game didn't have the graphics like it does, I think people would realize how bad the gameplay is. It's like Madden 10 is a supermodel with the brains of a 5 year old. I mean we are all guys, so we are going to be enamored with looks and not really realize what is underneath.
The more I play, the more I like it. Patch #2 was good.

I could care less about the graphics. I loved HH baseball because of the game play, not the graphics.
# 40 CreatineKasey @ 12/23/09 08:24 PM
I think this game is more far along than the last gen Maddens. What this version does so well is keep the exploits to a minimum. When I play a random online, I don't see one predominant style of play... people actually have to use their team's strengths. On the LG maddens people would follow a much more standard style of play in my opinion. That's what kills video games for me: once I realize that there's a predictable style of play or a way to exploit, I don't play it anymore. This game is more along the lines of APF in the sense that every game feels ripe with possibility. You don't exactly know how it'll end up. This is something I personally pushed kind of hard to EA, and they delivered IMO.

What's great is after the patch many of the short money plays can get punished BIG time by play calls that counter it. I just won a game online where I got 2 interceptions in the flat: 1 in a cover 2 zone and one in a cover 1.

The game isn't nearly as bad as many of you are making it out to be in my opinion. Of course I have things I'd like in the game, but in the grand scheme of things, I like what M10 offers.

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