Feature Article
NBA 2K10 Launch Party Diary
As you already know, Operation Sports was in full force at the NBA2K10 Launch Party last week. We sent out 3 of our staff members in Richard Chavez, Steve Bartlett and TD St. Matthew-Daniel to cover the event. As the night carried on, they jotted down their interesting thoughts so you guys can get a behind the scenes look at the event. These are their stories…

Steve 8:00 PM Just arriving at the scene and NBA2K10 is my objective. My girlfriend Cecilie, armed with a digital camera and a tripod stand, is my “photographer.” Chase, the Director of Media Relations for Access Communications, grabbed us two VIP red bands and gave me the run down for the night’s events. He told me to “lay low,” and that I could go try out the new game inside the party. Next thing I know I am in headed to VIP with my girlfriend to play some NBA2k10 on satin sofas being served fresh snacks and drinks while the live DJ plays some of the hottest music out there; Blueprint 3, Fabolous, Wale, Kanye West, and other music from the 2K soundtrack. It’s crazy how you can go from being Joe Blow to this in one night.

TD 8:15 PM Standing in front of Capitale New York. Yes I know I’m a bit late but if you’ve ever tried catching a cab on Broadway during the weekends then you’d understand (took me flipping 30 minutes to get one). Nevertheless, I have arrived, YES. My goals for the night: interview the 2K developers and players, get my hands on the game and most importantly have a good time. Let’s do it…

Richard 8:16 PM Beautiful building and it’s even better on the inside. I just walked past Brook Lopez. It’s tough to get over how tall these guys are. Andre Iguodola is here too and he’s doing his best Kanye West impression as far as attire goes.

Steve 8:20 PM The rest of the OS crew just arrived and we’re getting ready for some interviews. We've penciled down some questions for the ball players so we’re ready to go. Richard has a voice recorder, I have the camera equipment and our interviewer, TD, has on his game-face.

Richard 8:28 PM
I just got a look at NBA2K10 in person for the first time since August. I’m jaded for the most part when it comes to games. I’ve seen all of them since the beginning and it takes a lot to wow me. Still, there were moments where I thought NBA2K10 was real. I also thought that the 76ers were the Clippers for a minute so take that for what it’s worth.

TD 8:35 PM Hold up. Can I have a moment to reflect please? Back in ‘99 I was a 12 year old kid in Nigeria playing NBA 2K for the Sega Dreamcast, and now 10 years later I’m here at the NBA2K10 Launch party – allow me to soak it in will ya? … Thank you. Back to our regularly scheduled programming, headed to interview Andre “Mr. I keep that 9 on me a la” Iguodala.

Richard 8:42 PM Nate Robinson has entered the building. Now he can blend in with no problem. He’s either wearing a Colorado Rockies cap just in time for their big Wild Card run, or he just likes the logo.

Steve 8:45 PM
The grand ballroom in the Capitale building has become the center of basketball gaming for this one night in New York City. We are interviewing the ball players Andre Igoudala, Brook Lopez, and Nate Robinson. All three seem great to work with, and the 2K public relations people working the event are helping us setup to get our footage.

TD 8:50 PM Just finished the interview with A.I. Come to think of it, Iguodala has worked with 2K Sports for three straight years now. The last player to spend this much time with the franchise was the other A.I. But unlike Allen Iverson though, this A.I has yet to be on a cover. During the interview, he mentioned that getting a cover would be great. Think he would ever get one? Me neither...He should though, he's a great guy.

Steve 9:00 PM I just walked back to the VIP where Cecilie is chilling. Turns out, a few artists at the party just approached her and offered to teach her how to play the game. She kindly denied them stating that she was attending the party with me. She is more into Wii Sports anyways. So now I know I have a girl that even rappers can’t talk to. That’s something to brag to the friends back home about.

TD 9:30 PM – Lol apparently Steve's girl was just hit on by some artists. I tried to warn him not to bring the Mrs. Anyway, I just had quite an in-depth conversation with Mr. 2K himself...Mr. Rob Jones ladies and gentlemen. He surprisingly gave me a good bit of his time for a casual conversation about all things 2K. He touched briefly about NBA2K10, but made it clear how happy he is to finally have a decent limit on the turbo button in this year's game. But the thing that stood out to me mostly from our conversation was he saying how he despises losing online games to cheesers. “It ticks me off" he said, "because that is not how we want the game to be played”...As someone who has dedicated quite a bit of time to maintaining a sim league for two plus years now, it’s pretty good to hear that coming from the head gameplay producer.

Richard 9:35 PM It’s time for the annual NBA 2K tournament. The first round has Andre Iguodola vs. Brook Lopez and Nate Robinson up against rapper Wale’. Bobbito Garcia AKA DJ Cucumberslice who hosted ESPN's Its The Shoes is on commentary. He also did the play-by-play in NBA Street Vol. 2. “He played him like a funky piano!”

Richard 9:45 PM If the Nets play this year like Brook Lopez is using them, then they’ll have a 25% chance at the #1 pick next year. Iguodola wins easy with his Sixers, 32-15.

Richard 9:55 PM Now it’s time for Nate Robinson vs. Wale. Wale is from Washington D.C. but chooses the Magic anyway. I wouldn’t want to use the Wizards either. In the meantime, the real Nate inserts the virtual Nate into the starting lineup while Bobbito Garcia just said “Nate Robinson just passed the ball, what’s going on?” Despite Wilson Chandler showing up at the party to show some support for his teammate, Wale defeated KryptoNate 29-25.

Richard 10:10 PM
In the finals of the same tournament Rajon Rondo won last year, it’s Wale versus Iguodala. They both choose different teams with Wale taking Miami and Andre at home in Portland.

Richard 10:25 PM AND THE NEWWWWWWWW NBA 2K10 CELEBRITY TOURNAMENT WINNER IS………ANDRE IGUODOLA. Portland takes it on their home court 29-20.

TD 10:27 PM
To all my Philly people out there, rapper Cassidy is in the building. Speaking of cameos, I heard a little rumor earlier in the week that cover athlete Kobe Bryant might make a surprise appearance. Like NBA Live, I ain’t buying it. I’m just kidding relax, NBA Live looks well decent this year; if you don’t believe me check out my thoughts in the NBA Live 10 demo roundtable discussion. It just might give NBA2K10 some solid competition this year.

Steve 11:00 PM We’re now at one of the many NBA2K10 stations trying to playing the game. Bryan Lam, PR from 2K Sports just jumped in. He actually has some game and is giving TD a run for his money. But my man TD isn't backing down from nobody, I just got a clip of him dunking all over Bryan with D-Wade.

Richard 11:15 PM
As I play spectator to TD vs. Bryan, I wonder if they’ve included a few bonehead referee calls due to the replacement refs. In the meantime, Bryan beats TD with a last second three from Ray Allen. In my preview I mentioned that his wind-up would be much quicker, looks like that was correct.

Steve 12:00 AM
Wale just got off the stage and got the crowd going. Nike Boots, Chillen, and others. It was a fun way to cap off the night. On my way out, Chase handed me an Adidas 2K Sports gym bag with a copy of the 10th Anniversary NBA2k10 Retail Copy. Live performances, fresh beats, and 2K Sports games all in one place – what more can I say?

Richard 12:05 AM Time to go. There was a mad rush for the gift bag but I got my copy. It was a wonderful night all around in a great venue. Special thanks to Brian Roundy and Bryan Lam of 2K Sports for shooting us the invite. And oh…Donnie Klang from Diddy’s Making the Band is in the house. He did not bring Danity Kane to my disappointment.

TD 12:10 AM Well fellas, the night is almost coming to an end for me. Both Steve and Richard just left. It's been so great and I just decided to share it with you guys in more than just words. From the interviews to the performances and gameplay footage, I’m going to put together a little video recap so you guys get to see how great this night has been. I'll make sure to include the Nate Robinson shout-out as well. But before I do that, I have a rematch with Bryan – I want to avenge my heartbreaking loss earlier. Hit you guys back after the game.

TD 12:35 AM That didn’t last too long. Who won you ask? Well, nobody. The highly anticipated rematch froze in the 3rd quarter on a foul call. One of the very few hiccups in a more or less spectacular night. It’s been real fellas, we hope to bring you guys more behind the scenes stuff like this in the future. We out.
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Member Comments
# 1 syk_skillz @ 10/02/09 11:56 AM
Sounds like the crew had a lot of fun. Tuesday cant come fast enough.
# 2 BroMontana82 @ 10/02/09 12:00 PM
sounds pretty nice. brian roundy's a friend of mine from school. i tried to have him grab a bag for me but he couldn't come through in the clutch!
# 3 Pared @ 10/02/09 12:16 PM
Man, you guys need better mics.

Steve, reach in those pockets baby!
# 4 jeebs9 @ 10/02/09 12:45 PM
I was suppose to go....But got the invite too late....

Must of been a good time.

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