If MLB 08: The Show was the obvious choice for baseball game of the year, then NHL 09 happens to be the unmistakable winner for hockey game of the year. This was the only category our staff completely agreed upon. NHL 09 received every vote from the staff, making it the unanimous best hockey game.
There is something to be said about EA's NHL series and its rise to prominence in its genre in just three short years. It was not but three years ago when the EA NHL series was playing second fiddle to the NHL 2K series, and now it is unquestionably the king of the mountain -- at least according to our staff -- when it comes to hockey games.

OperationSports Hockey Game of the Year: NHL 09
Staff Thoughts
Jayson Young: Even though NHL 09 won this award unanimously and was the best overall product by far, I want to give 2K some credit for its excellent goalie animations and puck physics.
Because of those two strengths, I feel like every shot I take in NHL 2K9 has a chance to be a goal. However, in EA's game, I only get that feeling when I am playing against a human goalie in the online six-on-six modes. Otherwise, the A.I. goalies seem superhuman to the point that the only way to score on them is to take advantage of the game's archaic "scripted animations" system.
If EA really wants to take its game to the next level in 2010, the company needs to buy multiple copies of NHL 2K9 and take a look at how goalies are supposed to move and react to the puck (hint: it is not doing the same ridiculous lunging save every time the puck handler skates by the side of the goal).
Chase Becotte: From a gameplay standpoint, NHL 2K9 and NHL 09 are closer than most will admit. However, while 2K9 offers solid online leagues, NHL 09 offers so much in the online department that it is hard to go against it. I prefer the A.I. in NHL 2K9 to the A.I. in NHL 09, but I play NHL 09 online so much that it is sort of a moot point. The most enjoyable experiences I have had this year with a video game have come while playing NHL 09 online, and that is why it gets my vote for hockey game of the year.
Matthew DiStaulo: I am the opposite of a hockey fan -- In fact I try to avoid watching it at all costs -- but something about NHL 09 has me hooked. From the moment that puck firsts drops until the final seconds come to a close, my heart is pumping non-stop. The stick control is superb, as are the game physics, and the online play is just about unmatched. You could not ask for more in a sports game.
Matt Blumenthal: NHL 09 took hockey gaming to a whole new level this year, and it has deservedly captured our Hockey Game of the Year Award. The phenomenal gameplay, led by the new defensive controls that finally reward solid positional defense, provides a fresh experience. The online features allow players to capture the feel of playing on a hockey team with other people and emphasize the importance of team play. The gameplay and online features combine to create the best hockey game we have seen in years.
Patrick Williams: NHL 09 might be sports game of the year to some again, and while that is debatable, I cannot see 2K's game being in the same arena as this game.
This game is not without flaws, but it is highly addictive and fun to play. For the best overall hockey experience, this game is by far the way to go. I have said it before and I must again, EA has a solid foundation for this game in place and only improvements should follow with the next few installments. The EA Canada team seems to know its puck and that is something everyone has benefited from during the past few years.
Hockey is back and I strongly feel that my favorite sport is represented decently enough with NHL 09.
Christian McLeod: There is really not much to say on this category in my opinion.
NHL 08 returned the NHL franchise to the fun factor and incredibly addictive gameplay of NHL 94. NHL 09 polished that gameplay formula and added amazingly innovative online multiplayer modes to craft what is one of the finest sports games ever made.
I do agree that the superhuman goalies can get frustrating at times, and online team play is full of puck hogs, but these are very small issues in an otherwise flawless title.
Readers' Choice
NHL 09 received the highest percentage of votes in any category for Hockey Game of the Year, totaling nearly 90 percent of the readers' votes.

Winner: NHL 09
Voting Results: NHL 09 (89.11%), NHL 2K9 (10.89%)
Readers' Comments: Blowout of epic proportions. NHL 09 is a masterpiece. Quite simply one of the most fun sports games ever made. -- adembroski
Yes, this will be very lopsided. NHL 09 is the best hockey game ever. My prior favorite was NHL 98 on PS1. -- Leutinant Dan
Au contraire, this is just group think at its worst. NHL 09 is predictable and boring. Have you experienced how immersive NHL 2K9 is, with the abundance of smooth goalie and player animations? Furthermore the lack of board play in 09 is a game killer for me. -- amedawg00