Feature Article
NBA 2K9: Tips to Improve Your Offensive Game

Last time, I gave you guys some defensive tips. However, in the game of basketball, it doesn’t matter how good your D is if you can’t put the ball in the hole. Here are a few tips to make sure your offensive game is top notch too.

Know Your Players

It is imperative to learn the rosters if you plan on having any type of success in this game. Those who watch the NBA on the regular should not need much time to adjust. If you are a casual NBA fan, well then, luckily the game has ratings and tendencies. And you need this knowledge, because if a casual NBA fan sees a "3" icon next to a player like Jason Kapono, he or she may shoot every type of 3-pointer with Kapono, which would not be good; the shoot off the dribble slider ensures that Kapono will not score like he is Kobe (unless your defense is EXTREMELY awful).

The point is, play to your player's strengths. If he cannot shoot, make sure you get to the basket. If he has no handles, don’t abuse the crossover dribbles because the ball will get ripped.


Knowing you have Kobe on your team *should* change how you approach a game.

Control the Tempo

You also have to play to your team’s strengths. Athletic teams like to get out in the open floor and run. This type of offense works because the defense has to run back on defense, and it gets tired in the process. Also, when the defense does not have time to set up, it is easy to catch a squad off guard and exploit match-ups.

Methodical teams usually slow the pace down because they are older (less stamina) or bigger (more rebounding). Also, when a team sets up a good shot, it is much easier to set up the defense.

The Mid-Range Shot Is Your Friend

Far too often, you will play against people who drive to the cup or shoot 3-pointers all game. As much as I hate this type of basketball, I do understand the logic behind it. Driving in for the layup or dunk is more or less a sure two points, while shooting 3-pointers will drive up the score in a hurry. However, when you solely shoot 3-pointers or drive to the basket, your offense becomes predictable.

The in-between game works because it puts the defense in a predicament. If it sags off too much, you have an open shot. If the opposing defense is not playing tight D, then drive to the basket. Also, on a fast break, more often than not, the defender will look to guard the basket. By pulling up for the mid-range bucket, you are giving yourself an open shot.

Play Calling

This year, it is no longer necessary to call a play every time down the court; there is even a "run the play" tendency in the coaching sliders that is dependent on what each specific coach likes to do. A team like the Phoenix Suns does not run a lot of plays due to the number of veteran players who understand the nuances of basketball. Most young teams (and the Utah Jazz) tend to run plays a lot during half-court sets to make sure they aren’t wasting possessions.

Now there are some gamers who like to call plays every trip down the court because it makes the game more "realistic" -- no it does not. In the real NBA, the players are so talented that a lot of times, they just play off of each other. It is similar to playing in a pick-up game, except the players are much more talented than you.

The reason coaches run plays is to get other players involved (thus making the defense work) and to set up easy baskets for players who are off to a cold start. If it is not necessary to run a play, do not run one.


Follow my advice, reach the end of the playoff tree....

Learn Isomotion

There is a tutorial mode in the game that helps you learn the Isomotion moves, but the tutorial moe does not tell you when it is an appropriate time to use Isomotion moves. Isomotion is simply a tool to throw off the defense and should not be abused. For example, if you have a defender shading you to your right, you should not do a spin move in the same direction. Conversely, spinning to the left could leave you in the clear.

There are a couple of moves that are not included in the tutorial:

Fake to the basket layup – While running towards the basket, pump fake and immediately after doing this, press the shot stick towards or away from the basket.

Fake to the basket jump shot – While running towards the basket, pump fake and immediately after this, press the shot stick left or right of the basket.

Step over jumper - Pump fake inside of the 3-point line and immediately after this, press the shot stick towards the basket.

Do Not Abuse the 3-Pointer

You may have a team of shooters, but not every 3-point shot is going down. The 3-point shot is a gift and a curse. It is a gift because obviously three points is more than two or one. However, it is a curse because it is easy to fall in love with the 3-point shot. Also, missed 3-pointers ignite fast breaks for the other team due to the long rebounds.

Establish an Inside Game

Jump shooting teams do not win, period. If you are unable to score on the inside, you have become a one-dimensional offense, thus making it easier for the defense. If you have guys on your team who can drive to the hole at will, use them. If the defense collapses, just kick it out to an open teammate.

If you have a solid inside scorer, make sure you feed him the ball for the inside baskets. If he is scoring at will and forcing the defense to double, then you have set your offense up perfectly because now all of your shooters have open shots.

Stars Win Games

When your offense is not working, make sure you get the ball to one of your stars to create something. If he is an inside player, try to establish some low-post scoring. At the very least, force a double team.

If he is a perimeter player, try creating for yourself and teammates off the dribble. If you are in the zone and the defense is forced to double, it makes the game easier for your teammates. Lastly, if it’s a close game, make sure the ball is in your best player’s hand.

If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

Force the defense to adjust to you. If you have a particular strategy that cannot be stopped, keep doing it. Only one of three things will happen:

1. Your player will no longer be on fire.
2. The defense will adjust.
3. You will have a big game.

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Member Comments
# 1 BlackRome @ 12/01/08 02:28 PM
How about bringing back the 2k Camera to make the game playable online.
# 2 nolan273 @ 12/01/08 04:17 PM
I think he was referring to Sloan's style of coaching. As long as I've been watching NBA ball, when I've seen the Jazz, they've always run set plays. (I don't think he was trying to be snarky.)
# 3 chrome381 @ 12/01/08 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by BlackRome
How about bringing back the 2k Camera to make the game playable online.
lol the patch is coming in two days and they are puting back 2k cam online and fixing the lag for it too DON'T START TROLLING UNTIL YOU KNOW THE FACTS CHECK THE HOME PAGE TROLL
# 4 toolified @ 12/02/08 03:41 AM
# 5 BlackRome @ 12/02/08 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by chrome381
lol the patch is coming in two days and they are puting back 2k cam online and fixing the lag for it too DON'T START TROLLING UNTIL YOU KNOW THE FACTS CHECK THE HOME PAGE TROLL
So I'm a troll for wanting the camera in there on day one. Ok Fan boy. I have a game to sell you for 59.00 that will be released with out the camera that makes the game virtually unplayable online for two months. Hey idiot. I only play online. So this game has sat in it's case for two months. I'm still playing 2k8 online just to get my basketball fix. There are other things i would rather do with my money than lend it to 2k for two months. I'm glad your laughing because 2k has been laughing at all of us suckers who ran out and brought a broke game. With people like you the gaming industry will continue to rip us off. After this I will never buy a game on the day it's released. When more of us do that they will learn to release a game that actually works and is worth the money they charge. Either you are a 12 or just a complete idiot. Only you know the answer.

I see you became a friend of Steve. Dickeater.
# 6 BlackRome @ 12/02/08 06:38 AM
He started it. I just finished it..

Not a Warning. I'm so scared. What the hell is this elementary school.
# 7 BlackRome @ 12/02/08 06:42 AM
The info on the patch just came out yesterday so he should have kept his mouth shut.
# 8 DC @ 12/02/08 08:22 AM
because if a casual NBA fan sees a "3" icon next to a player like Jason Kapono, he or she may shoot every type of 3-pointer with Kapono, which would not be good; the shoot off the dribble slider ensures that Kapono will not score like he is Kobe (unless your defense is EXTREMELY awful).
Depends on which roster set you are using. Defaultly 2K doesn't know much about players skills outside of the superstars (and those are inflated)
# 9 asu666 @ 12/02/08 10:15 AM
I feel like it's too easy to drive to the basket in NBA 2K9. It seems like they toned the lock-on defense from 2K8 down too much. In 2K8 I could drive to the hoop if I executed the right ISOMOTION move at the right time. Now I just need to wait for the defened to slight shade me one way or the other and I'm gone.
# 10 Radja @ 12/02/08 01:06 PM
great FAQ. i agree completely. in fact, it helped me to realize i call too many plays. i called them about 75% of the time. i hope people listen to what you wrote. too many people don't try to play the game the way it is meant to be played and then scream i can't make 3 pt shots.

i play with the kings so your section on knowing your players cannot be emphasized enough. for instance, with spencer hawes i can have a decent post game. but when i use shelden williams, he will miss the most wide open shot, i cannot trust him. but at least for me, he gets rebounds. kenny thomas is almost useless to me because he doesn't do anything i can use consistently offensively and he is marginal at D.

the fact that there are those types of nuances make the game one the best sports video games i have ever played. as soon as my xbox is fixed i am going to take an evening to just play several games.
# 11 kenzil @ 12/02/08 02:05 PM
good post.
# 12 X*Cell @ 12/02/08 04:31 PM
great post, especially the one about using your mid-range game. It certainly puts the defense in a predicament. I can only speak on behalf of user games because I don't bother playing the computer, but usually your opponent will fear the all-out drive and sag off. Trying to drive 100% to the basket will force you to play a guessing game... either you get blocked, or your player pulls off a sick in-air layup that goes in or you get fouled... but when it's clutch time... better believe you will get blocked.

So... what do you do when you aren't confident in hitting threes or none of your players are hot enough to do so at a good percentage? You take those open mid-rangers. 2k9's engine has fallen in love with open two's. ANYONE and their brother can hit one, especially the players with quick releases (this happens to be centers too go figure). This will help you catch fire and open up your 3-point game, and really... you will be racking up so many 2-point possessions that you will be surprised at how much you are owning the other team.

Don't trust Chris Paul with these shots. His freaking shot release is sloooowww.

For my conclusion I leave you with this... Everytime I take lots of mid-range jumpers, I get really hard to stop. If someone has a block, I can just pass mid-air to someone cutting the lane... It's a win-win. When I abandon this style of play... that's when I start losing. Using your mid-range, and winning has a direct correlation.
# 13 elprez98 @ 12/02/08 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by X*Cell

Don't trust Chris Paul with these shots. His freaking shot release is sloooowww.
I disagree. CP does wonders with a nasty mid range pullup. Everyone is so afraid of his driving and dishing skills I get the easy midrange pullup at will.

But as far as the post is concerned. Good post.
# 14 Po Pimp @ 12/03/08 11:54 AM
I'm the guy who wrote the article, and I just wanted to address a couple of the comments. Everyone else, thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted by Teebee
Most teams wish they could both run plays and run and gun like the Jazz, not sure what the comment meant but it sounded a bit snarky
I wasn't taking a shot at Utah. What I meant was Utah is simply a team that likes to run plays. They don't do a lot of freelancing...Sloan has them playing disciplined offense.

I actually like watching Utah play. Look at the school I represent. I'm probably the one dude who makes the argument that Deron Williams is just as good as Chris Paul.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican
Depends on which roster set you are using. Defaultly 2K doesn't know much about players skills outside of the superstars (and those are inflated)
Trust me, I know the game has flaws, but really, the point of this article was to give players some basketball fundamentals. Like u said, if they were to download someone else's rosters or sliders, their old tactics wouldn't work at all. Its like Larry Brown always talking about "playing the right way." Of course u may lose a game here and there, but playing the right way gives yourself a chance.
# 15 Maal @ 12/04/08 02:20 PM
All of this is irrelevant if your playing online, everyone can score, even Kwame Brown.
# 16 KwameTheGreat @ 03/07/09 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by BlackRome
So I'm a troll for wanting the camera in there on day one. Ok Fan boy. I have a game to sell you for 59.00 that will be released with out the camera that makes the game virtually unplayable online for two months. Hey idiot. I only play online. So this game has sat in it's case for two months. I'm still playing 2k8 online just to get my basketball fix. There are other things i would rather do with my money than lend it to 2k for two months. I'm glad your laughing because 2k has been laughing at all of us suckers who ran out and brought a broke game. With people like you the gaming industry will continue to rip us off. After this I will never buy a game on the day it's released. When more of us do that they will learn to release a game that actually works and is worth the money they charge. Either you are a 12 or just a complete idiot. Only you know the answer.

I see you became a friend of Steve. Dickeater.
12 size t-shirt? At least we know who the complete idiot is.
# 17 bowdown2shadi @ 03/07/09 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by KwameTheGreat
12 size t-shirt? At least we know who the complete idiot is.
Wow, what a way to bump a 4 month old thread... calling somebody an idiot.
# 18 Rng43 @ 04/29/09 07:55 AM
I guess Nathan Marshall has made his point, that the offense should be fundamentally run like this. you shouldn't criticize him over the fundamentals of offense. And i love that bit about mid-range shots, its a lost art.

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