Feature Article
NBA 2K9, a PC Dilemma

The PC version of NBA 2K9 was released yesterday for the low price of $19.99, and is essentially a port of the Xbox 360 version (which is great), but it is being released without any online functionality (which is not as great).

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about fighting in NHL 09. The first line read, "NHL 09 is right now my favorite to win Game of the Year ... Unless one of the NBA games comes and knocks it off next month (I’m looking at you 2K9), the race is already over." It turns out that I was right on with that statement, and in my opinion it is a two game battle for my "highly touted" Game of the Year award (with FIFA 09 being a dark-horse candidate.)

Making a PC game that is a direct port of a game that many consider to be an amazing basketball title sounds very appealing, and I'm excited about the possibilities.

Imagine for just $20* -- despite being a 360 game you play on your PC -- it's conceivable that some people will end up buying both versions and in fact favoring the PC port more than its console twin. Some people will not care about not being able to play online multiplayer games, and will instead use a new laptop for a portable Association 2.0. And honestly, what person reading this article does not want that?

Originally, I was going to use the first part of this article to discuss online functionality between systems -- the example being Shadowrun, which could be played on either the PC or Xbox 360. So when I set out to do that, my first step was to go to the NBA 2K9 PC official website. However, this quote was in the fine print under the game features.

"Does not support any online functionality, including but not limited to online games, 2K Share, ReelMaker or Living Roster."

It was at that point that the focus of my article shifted, no longer highlighting a great example of cross-platform gaming, and instead looking at the decision to have no integration whatsoever between the two products.

I can understand why 2K Sports would avoid putting online multiplayer in the PC version, especially considering the amount of complaints the online multiplayer is garnering on OS and other forums. Even without the online multiplayer component, myself and many people would still have been happy with a portable franchise as stated above. However, not having any aspects of online functionality makes it, in all likelihood, impossible for users to play their games with integration between the various systems, and that is unacceptable.

Since the PC version is a port we should at least be given the ability to use the 2K Share feature over our own network, allowing gamers to transfer files from one system to the other. This would also make Living Roster files transferable. Unfortunately, without 2K Share and the ability to transfer your Association from one system to another, you are stuck having to play through two separate seasons and a combined total of 164 games.

Not having Living Roster updates just does not make any sense either. 2K has the ability to make daily roster updates across multiple platforms, it should not have been too hard to add one more. I guess gamers could take a look at the changes that were made on the 360/PS3 version and change their rosters on the PC, but that seems needlessly complicated.

I do not know if it is possible to move a saved game using a transfer kit, but it would not be an issue for me and many of my fellow roster nerds, since we all are looking for an excuse to use our XChange 360 transfer kits anyway; I previously used the transfer kit to download Fairdale Kings’ NCAA Football rosters. However, I know I am not the only one who has not used the XChange 360 even once in the past year due to the file-sharing systems now popping up in most sports games. I would hope that everyone (not just the people foolish enough to purchase a transfer kit), would have the ability to transfer multiple saves, but it does not appear to be an option either way.

I can live without the Reel Maker, but to not include ANY online functionality is going to hurt 2K in the long run. I am a perfect case study. If nothing else was included with NBA 2K9 (PC) other than a disc with Association, Living Rosters, and 2K Share -- with the ability to transfer files from one system to another -- I am telling you right now I would have been in line to buy it on launch day. It is an entirely justifiable purchase if you can use it together with the 360 game. However, without full integration, the purchase has to be in question.

The bottom line is that NBA 2K9 is a great game that I already own on the 360; and therefore, now there is no incentive for me to buy the same game twice due to a lack of an online component. The game could end up being a modding paradise (think MVPmods.com) and in that case it would become more appealing, but with FIFA 09, Fallout 3, and Gears 2 slated for release in the coming weeks and months, it makes the choice easy to make.

*If you are going to purchase NBA 2K9 (PC), know that unless you already have a wired 360 controller, you need to purchase a wireless gaming receiver for your 360 controller. This allows you to use the controller on your PC and you can configure the controls to your liking. I don’t think this game was developed with a keyboard in mind.

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Member Comments
# 1 PaulZweber @ 10/22/08 10:58 AM
Too bad too, I would love to take my Association with me. I find it odd that a computer game was released without keyboard controls in mind. Is it even an option? $20 is a great price, but like you, I already own it on XBox 360, and can't see the point of another purchase.
# 2 RaychelSnr @ 10/22/08 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by PaulZweber
Too bad too, I would love to take my Association with me. I find it odd that a computer game was released without keyboard controls in mind. Is it even an option? $20 is a great price, but like you, I already own it on XBox 360, and can't see the point of another purchase.
I think we all know the reasoning behind it and that is to put as little work possible into porting the game from the 360 to the PC. The way 2K did it was to take all of the big "work" aspects and either cut them out of the game (online) or force you into something (controller). Not a bad business strategy to get a few thousand extra units sold....but it's not the greatest strategy for the gamers that is for sure.
# 3 youvalss @ 10/22/08 11:02 AM
If I had a next-gen console, I'd get it for the console, not even a question (as long as I have the money, of course).
# 4 Tha_Kid @ 10/22/08 11:20 AM
lol you've already made your PC game bias loud and clear, youvalss.
# 5 Goffs @ 10/22/08 12:03 PM
its all about the mods for me...
# 6 PaulZweber @ 10/22/08 12:20 PM
What sorts of mods? You are right MM, cheap and easy.
# 7 jaosming @ 10/22/08 12:40 PM
To help confirm or whatever I took a 360 roster file and the PC game will not load it. It says that it is corrupted.
# 8 PaulZweber @ 10/22/08 01:03 PM
Really is too bad...
# 9 jfindon @ 10/22/08 01:57 PM
I don't really see the big deal. We all knew there was no online play, the other features can probably be done through modding, and who would want to even attempt to play with a keyboard? Maybe I missed the main point of the article by skimming it.
# 10 jfindon @ 10/22/08 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mason81Ballin!!!
cant you use a 360 controller on PC?

Yes you can, and it works fine. That's why I don't understand why epople are mad it wasn't designed with a keyboard in mind. Who plays sports games with a keyboard?
# 11 asu666 @ 10/22/08 03:29 PM
I think it is nice to have the PC as a platform option. I prefer the PS3 version because I like playing games on my television and the PS3 is a quick starting and shutting down PC with an extremely easy why to backup save to a memory stick.

I'm not sure about NHL 09 as sports game of the year. All's I saw EA do was remove the finance feature from last season, then added stick lift and shoulder screens. Otherwise it feels pretty much like playing NHL 08. I preorder NHL 09 and played the crap out of it the first few days, but I felt like something was missing from the experience. I score a goal and my guy just drops his arms and stops. Only five guys for each team come out on the ice for the pregame skate-around. There's still no board play. When a major aspect of the game is completely missing like board play is in NHL 09, I just have a really difficult time calling it sports game of the year. I think the leap between NHL 07 and NHL 08 might have been big enough, but not from 08 to 09. Too many missing animations and gameplay aspects.
# 12 nccomicfan @ 10/22/08 03:42 PM
I have a logitech dual action and it works fine...not sure what the whole beef was about the 360 controllers...kinda felt like the writer was just trying to undermine the PC version needlessly
# 13 PaulZweber @ 10/22/08 03:52 PM
Not everyone owns a XBox 360, and especially corded controllers. I personally don't own one. I think that the writer was saying this game was made for XBox, but isn't compatible with XBox files. Believe it or not, but most games that come out for PC have keyboard support. The fact that you would have to buy a controller to play this game is a big problem, it defeats the $20 price tag for some.
# 14 mrdan @ 10/22/08 04:03 PM
Huh!?!? This game absolutely has keyboard support. In fact, you can map any action to any key. It's just difficult to do isomotion moves and the like without analog sticks. Did you want 2K to take out isomotion completely and just make it 'press 1 for crossover'?
# 15 jfindon @ 10/22/08 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by PaulZweber
Not everyone owns a XBox 360, and especially corded controllers. I personally don't own one. I think that the writer was saying this game was made for XBox, but isn't compatible with XBox files. Believe it or not, but most games that come out for PC have keyboard support. The fact that you would have to buy a controller to play this game is a big problem, it defeats the $20 price tag for some.

My point is who plays a sports game without a controller? You can get one with dual thumbstick for $15, no one said you needed a 360 controller.

It's not possible to do anything on the keyboard with precision compared to a controller for a game like this. I tried it for 5 minutes and it was terrible moving around with the WSAD keys. I just don't know what everyone was expecting.

And that's the other thing, you CAN use the keyboard. I'm totally confused.
# 16 Vast @ 10/22/08 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by jfindon
My point is who plays a sports game without a controller? You can get one with dual thumbstick for $15, no one said you needed a 360 controller.

It's not possible to do anything on the keyboard with precision compared to a controller for a game like this. I tried it for 5 minutes and it was terrible moving around with the WSAD keys. I just don't know what everyone was expecting.

And that's the other thing, you CAN use the keyboard. I'm totally confused.
People love to complain dude...... they love to complain.
# 17 ChaseB @ 10/22/08 05:22 PM
The author simply was pointing out if you wanted to use a 360 controller...
# 18 PaulZweber @ 10/22/08 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Vast
People love to complain dude...... they love to complain.
No complaining here, my point was that without a "controller" the game no longer is $20. In fact, I don't think Alex was complaining, or anyone else for that matter, he was writing an article to point out that the PC version doesn't bring anything extra to the table, and if you already have it on console then it isn't a justifiable purchase. Fair enough arguement? Care to share an opinion Vast, or just repeated comments?
# 19 Moegames @ 10/23/08 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by J.R. Locke
Long live the PC. Most video cards you can output to TV with HDMI (or S Video) so playing on your TV is easy.

Long live the PC!
lol .. Long Live the Pc? .. have you taken a look at the pc game lineup compared to x360/ps3?

Its more like..long live the consoles!! lol

Look man..im not bashing the pc platform.. i love my crysis and all but there is no denying the pc platform as a game machine is drawfed in overall amount of quality titles by console games.. all you pc heads that like to crap on consoles should be kissing the feet of consoles lol..if it werent for consoles.. most of these console ports the pc gets wouldnt even be..bottom line

Long live the consoles!! Although i do have a [email protected] and a EVGA 9800GX2 1gb vidcard and 4gb ddr3 ram hooked up to my HDTV in the living room..its a HTPC. ;p

By the way, this is a piss poor pc port...seriously and anyone trying to play this game with a keyboard is a freaking nutcase, get a f'n 360 wiredgame pad ..if your gonna by a damns pc sports game.. get a freaking gamepad for crying out loud...use a keyboard with this game is just ridiculous
# 20 jdub28 @ 10/23/08 08:43 AM
Its a PC game, you dont need 2k share. As long as some one puts the file up for download some where, all you have to do is put it in your save directory. As for the controller cost. I assume all of us have a ps2 or a wired 360 controller. A ps2 to usb converter is like $5.

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