Feature Article
Where Art Thou College Hoops 2K9?

In Memoriam

I am going to miss College Hoops 2K9 this year. I'm lamenting the fact that there is going to be another quality 2K college basketball sim for 2009. When I heard that 2K was not able to reach a licensing agreement with the Collegiate Licensing Company, I had to accept the fact that this was the end of an era -- at least for now.

I personally look at the yearly NBA 2K game that is released about a month before 2K’s College Hoops game the same way some people look at the NCAA Football series that's released a month before Madden: as an appetizer to keep my mind interested in a sport I enjoy until the real game (College Hoops) comes out. (Just to clarify, I look at NCAA Football as the main course and Madden as the dessert, but I am a college sports fanatic.)

I was lucky enough to sit in on a conference call interview with Erick Boenisch, the lead feature designer, and Rob Jones, the gameplay director for NBA 2K9. I was told by Erick that because the company was unable to reach a NCAA licensing agreement with the CLC for College Hoops, the company was able to combine forces to make NBA 2K9 the company's best basketball game yet. While I am glad to see that the extra staff brought over from College Hoops has paid off for the NBA game, I can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness for a series that I have had such a long history with.

I have been playing the College Hoops series since it was called NCAA College Basketball 2K3. This was back when the cover boy was Jay Maybe-I-Should-Not-Like Motorcycles-That-Much Williams. I feel confident in saying that for six years, College Hoops was by far the most underrated of all sports series -- that started on the last-gen systems. (I had to put in that qualifier because I fear the wrath of fanboys). I found it to be one of the games that I played more frequently than any other. This is due to the mix of rewarding replayability and the kind of unique experience that can only be had playing a great college basketball game. Probably because like many sports fans, I find myself partial to college sports.

All of that being said, I am not going to only say good things about the College Hoops series. In all honesty, it did not make the transition to next-gen as well as its professional counterpart. I am even going to go as far as to say that the franchise has taken a few steps back over the last two years (OK now I'm going to hear it from the fanboys), and was a few good years away from being considered a must-have title for any sports gamer. However, despite any of the changes that could have been made to improve the title, one aspect could have remained unchanged and I still would have been thrilled to purchase it every year. I'm referring to the core of the College Hoops series: the Career Legacy mode.

In my opinion, there was no better career or dynasty mode in sports games than the Career Legacy mode in the College Hoops series. Being forced to start at a non-factor program like the University of Tennessee-Martin and moving your way up the coaching ranks to eventually be able to pick whatever powerhouse team you want is a long and arduous task. It is also one of the most enjoyable assignments you will ever be given in sports games, far more rewarding than any professional sports game. This is also a comment on NCAA Football and why I get more fun out of that dynasty mode than Madden’s Franchise mode. Simply put, recruiting players beats the hell out of signing free agents.

Anyone can spend money on the best free agents, but to build a team and watch that group of incoming freshmen mature over the years and coalesce into a cohesive unit is exactly what I was talking about earlier when I mentioned rewarding gameplay experiences. It allows you the opportunity to root for your players in a much different way than playing the pro game. Have a blue-chip recruit that you wanted on your squad but instead he signed on with your bitter in-state rival? Circle that game on your calendar and crush him every time you see him on the court.

Coinciding with this is the fact that the one-loss elimination NCAA Tournament and conference tournaments offer a lot more drama than your average seven-game series. I can still remember having to win my conference tournament to guarantee a spot in the NCAA festivities with UT-Martin, only to make an improbable run to the elite eight Davidson-style. I was even able to win a championship with the San Diego St. Aztecs in my second coaching stop, before eventually doing something that Ben Howland has not done as of yet: put a banner in the UCLA rafters.

So let us all raise our controllers in memoriam to the College Hoops 2K franchise. We can all hope for a resurrection at some point. In the mean time, I wanted to write about what I wanted to see in the never-releasing College Hoops 2K9 -- unfortunately I am just way too busy playing NBA 2K9 right now to do that. It seems the extra staff really did pay off.

R.I.P. College Hoops Series

Member Comments
# 1 PaulZweber @ 10/09/08 12:50 PM
Love the article, I agree, college games are a way deeper and rewarding experience than the pro games. Recruiting is the best part, and I have spent hours scouting high schoolers.
# 2 Intelx @ 10/09/08 12:57 PM
This article has brought a tear to my eye! LOL I honestly can go on record in saying that this was the most complete Basketball title I have ever experienced. My copy will never leave my side and I will continue to play it for as long as I can.

It's too bad that it had to be stopped when it was just about to reach the level of tipping the scale and setting the standard for all Sim Basketball releases thereafter. long live CHOOPS 2K8 till Infinity!!

# 3 allstar3970 @ 10/09/08 12:59 PM
2K8 was the first edition i played and i LOVED IT, really wish they continued it..
# 4 Tri-State Killa @ 10/09/08 01:29 PM
Screw this article,everyone knows 2Ks not making a college b ball game. Where the hell is the NBA 2K9 review? God damn it!!
# 5 Radja @ 10/09/08 01:37 PM
one of the best parts was finding a 2 or 3 star recruit who performed better than the 4 or 5 star you really wanted. it was even cool when your 5 star never got any better. you just kept hoping he would meet his potential but he wouldn't.

in 2k6 my first 4 star i signed at a portland state was completely outplayed by the 2 star backup, last recruiting week, desperation signing by their junior year.
# 6 S1ARk5 @ 10/09/08 01:48 PM
I agree 100% to me College hoops 2k7 is one of the top sports game this gen and overall period!
# 7 PaulZweber @ 10/09/08 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Tri-State Killa
Screw this article,everyone knows 2Ks not making a college b ball game. Where the hell is the NBA 2K9 review? God damn it!!
# 8 Behindshadows @ 10/09/08 02:21 PM
I just cried a little, but I will keep this game alive with my rosters this season and then I'm retiring.....My boy FlyingFinn couldn't ,make a editor for it, so I don't see it lasting past this season.

Especially with the efforts EA is making towards the NCAA BB series.
# 9 Duke11 @ 10/09/08 02:41 PM
Great article! I agree with everything you stated. College Hoops is the only game I would buy every year. It felt like a punch in the stomach the day they announced that there wouldn't be a 2K9. Hopefully one day this series will return.
# 10 KG @ 10/09/08 03:00 PM
I will really miss this game once the college hoops season starts. While their NBA counterpart will always have the appeal of signature shots, and NBA look-a-likes, College Hoops was simply the best SIM dynasty/legacy/career out there. The much shorter college season put a lot pressure on you to perform come March and I can still remember the heartbreak of losing a double-OT game in the elite 8 to the Zags.
# 11 statum71 @ 10/09/08 03:37 PM
College Hoops gave us something I wish all the other games would FINALLY catch up to: A weekly sports show! College Hoops Tonight was the bomb! Even better than NFL 2K5's SportsCenter.

Man we need to see more of this. Very entertaining!!! And nice to see your players in franchise make the news.
# 12 ehh @ 10/09/08 04:04 PM
I remember playing the first NBA2K games on Dreamcast back in college and thinking to myself, "Man, if they ever made a college version of this it would be OVER!" To my enjoyment, only a couple years later College Basketball 2K3 was spinning in my Xbox and I had a new favorite sports series.

The trademark of this series over its six year life span was the tremendous improvements it made each year. 2K3 was a jump-steal nightmare against cheesers, 2K4 was a big improvement across the board in gameplay, 2K5 was monumental leap from the previous year and 2K6 continued to fine tune the game. Next-gen came and like every other sports series it was a rough beginning but 2K fixed problems that we complained about and finally gave us the post-patch version of 2K8, which as a whole will still challenge NBA2K9 as the greatest basketball game ever made - although not in the game play department, but as a whole product. The single thing I'll remember most fondly about this series is the interaction with 2K's team. They were always on the boards looking for every suggestion they could find and listened to us more than we could have ever dreamed.

2K8 was a terrific game on so many levels, but as kgx2thez said the real jewel of this game was the legacy mode. With so many next-gen games focusing on online play it seems that dynasty/career modes have been brushed to the side or put on the back burner. That wasn't the case with CHoops, the game had almost everything you could imagine in it's legacy mode.

It's sad that another tremendous series has ended, one can argue that the best football (2K5), baseball (MVP) and basketball (CH) series have been terminated in the last four years. A sad time for sports gamers, I'll certainly miss this baby come the third Tuesday of November.
# 13 spit_bubble @ 10/09/08 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Where Art Thou College Hoops 2K9?
Thou art being worked on in the rosters section:

# 14 skinfan31 @ 10/09/08 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Intelx
This article has brought a tear to my eye! LOL I honestly can go on record in saying that this was the most complete Basketball title I have ever experienced. My copy will never leave my side and I will continue to play it for as long as I can.

It's too bad that it had to be stopped when it was just about to reach the level of tipping the scale and setting the standard for all Sim Basketball releases thereafter. long live CHOOPS 2K8 till Infinity!!

Well Said!
# 15 asu666 @ 10/09/08 05:17 PM
I'm still playing College Hoops 2K8 and loving it. I kept playing my SUNS Franchise in NBA 2K8 because I'm a big fan of seeing the guys that played in the college game move on into the draft. NBA 2K9 is a lot of fun so far, but I still like 2K8 a little more because the gameplay is so familiar. I hope 2K bring All Pro and College Hoops back. NFL 2K5 and All Pro 2K8 are still light years ahead of the games EA is putting out. Even NHL 2K9 made a huge jump this year and is better than NHL 09 once its tuned right.
# 16 ChosenOne58 @ 10/09/08 05:48 PM
Great article! 2K7 was my first experience with 2K Sports (after a major disappointing show by march Madness) that game got me playin NBA 2K7 as well. I love the college game and I'm really disappointed that there will be no college basketball this season.
# 17 modelboy @ 10/09/08 06:19 PM
They certainly saved the best for last though.. 2k8 is the best sports game ever for my money..
# 18 SpartanBaller @ 10/09/08 08:13 PM
I am not going to miss it at all. I bought it the last two seasons and barely ever played it because it was just like a generic NBA 2K.
# 19 BOSsTOwN @ 10/09/08 09:02 PM
with the exception of 2k3 and 2k8 college hoops always been the better game
# 20 dave731 @ 10/09/08 09:24 PM
I agree with modelboy...CH 2K8 is one of the greatest all time.

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