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NBA 2K9 Community Questions

Recently I checked out NBA 2K9 and then came back on the forums and answered a ton of questions about the game. Now, with so many previews being released during this week -- mostly rehashing the same info -- I thought it would be better to just post some of the best questions and answers from the community thread since some of this stuff wouldn't necessarily be "preview worthy" otherwise.

STLRams: How has the floor spacing improved. It would be cluttered a lot of times in the paint, and when someone was trying to go one on one or post up in 2K8 it was equally as bad at times.

Operation Sports: I get the marketing words mixed up, but basically player tendencies and Adaptive AI play into this. So now, depending on where you are on the floor, certain sets will just occur. So like when I was the Jazz, Boozer would just normally come up and start a pick and roll with Deron (depending on where I was on the court) without me even calling for it. Other times maybe AK would come off a screen looking for the ball, then look for a cutting Brewer -- just naturally (the Jazz only run about six plays in real life anyway, there's just like 10,000 different variations during each of those six sets). Other times I just naturally noticed that there was a clear out for Boozer, so I'd get him the ball in the post and the other three players not named Deron would be on the opposite side of the court. Then other times Okur would be the man who would set the on-ball pick; he would pick and pop more, while Booz rolled for the most part. Essentially I didn't call one set play the whole time just because I wanted to see the new system, and how it was working. I came away mostly impressed, I just want to see how other teams do their sets, and if they really vary from team to team. I think with teams naturally moving within these sets the player spacing will improve a good amount.

edubbs: Have some of the signature shots that were off in NBA 2K8 been fixed for this year?

OS: They've definitely changed Boozer's at the very least. His shot looked more spot on as he took the ball back behind his shoulder/head in a more normal fashion, and also had a quicker shot. Also while I didn't see it, the developers did say Boozer had his goofy FT animation in the game now. They've added more signature shots, signature free throw animations, and obviously did at least the one recapture, so more will follow I would think.

J_Posse512: How will the current situation with OKC be handled?

OS: Basically (and this goes for Live too) the team is going to be the Oklahoma City OKCs, or something like that. The NBA has informed both parties that in general you should probably have so and so colors in for jerseys etc. but in both games there's just going to be a generic stadium in place for example -- nothing either sidecan really do about it, even if everyone knows OKC is going to be called the Thunder.

retrohelix: Will the AI defend the pick and roll more Intelligently this year? i.e. hedging or trapping the screen roll? Will there be more defensive options? Fronting in the post?

OS: I did human vs. human games. There will be hedging this year, also backing off the PG and picking off that dreaded down the gut lead pass during the pick and roll was witnessed during my session, so there is hope. As for the post, I didn't see any fronting during my session, but what's cool is now those guys in the post battle for position. So before, basically the offensive big would just go down and get whatever position in the post he wanted. Now basically the defender won't just give him the paint, and let him set up where he pleases always. The other defensive options dead with the changes to the lockon defensive controls. This year there are three tiers of lock on defense (loose, normal, tight) and also you can shade a player to the right or left by flicking right or left on the right analog stick. This will help to force players to their left or right hand.

: From your point of view, how much better were the graphics, in motion? Because judging from the recent screenshots, they seemed to improve greatly this year.

OS: I think they were greatly improved for sure. It seems like everything is locked in at 60 frames per second now and the team really went back and worked on the textures and player faces. Also the locomotion of the players and how they're jostling with each other and banging into each other looked nice. In general everything in motion was just smooth -- even the crowds looked great.

johnny-oh: I recently read about tugging on the opposing players jersey online, was this feature present in single player? If so, did it seem realistic?

OS: So I think I should make it clear that off-ball fouls will only happen when the user is in control. I don't think they will be happening to the user controlled team. I spoke with the Live guys and the 2K guys about off-ball fouls and they both basically said the same thing: we'd love to do it, but people tend to get mad when something happens that is outside their control. Now whether or not the AI opponent will get off-ball fouls while defending you is perhaps a good question, I can't answer that at this point.

The tugging and all that stuff I was just told about. I didn't get to do any 5-on-5 this time around so couldn't see how tugging on jerseys works first hand, but that's the mode where you would do those types of things.

TUSS11: Are iso-motion moves set? (In 2K7 random crossovers happened, while in 2K8 when you did a crossover you knew which one would play out). In 2k8, only a few stars had a step-back move. Does Deron Williams have one now?

OS: I didn't notice Deron having a step back move, but then again I never attempted a step back with him I don't think. I was too in love with driving with him and doing the pick and roll. I can say though that tendencies kind of play into this. Two examples I remember being given: Pau Gasol may come up and look like he's setting a pick then, he'll suddenly (in his patented smelly stinky fashion) dive quickly back towards the hoop like in real life. Also Paul Pierce loves to pro hop/spin off either foot, so he will be going for that move quite a bit when he's on the move towards the hoop.

: How is the fast break system? Do players continue to run with you on 2-on-1s and is their breakaway speed for players like Paul, Rondo, Parker, A.I.

OS: So basically if you're out in front of the pack with a guard, you won't be caught this year -- at least that's what's being promised. I did some fast breaking with the Jazz, and during the one occasion I got an AK hammer on Rondo, due to AK running on the wing with me; I dished it off, he slammed it home on the 2-on-1. Not fair for me to say how well the system overall works though at this point. The one thing that could help is now there's touch passing in the game. What that means is you can now pre-load passes, thereby making it easier to quickly pass the ball. So, you could conceivably pull off some nice give-and-go plays while on the break.

Bornindamecca: Did you see any charges drawn?

OS: Yes charges are back. Also I spoke with NBA 2K developer Rob Jones about fouls and he told me some pretty interesting things. For one you can now take off-ball charges. So he basically used Derek Fisher as an example (he's known for doing it). If you beat someone down the court and get position on someone, you can take that charge in DFish fashion. Also guys will step up now and take charges, so I don't think there will be a lack of charges this year -- hopefully charges aren't at a 2K7 level though either since there were too many in that version. Also when it comes to over the back fouls for rebounds, basically Rob said they added in new animations this year, so when you get an over the back foul, you should know now; it won't feel random. That means you'll see the rebounder push the boxing out guy in the back for example, which clearly would mean a foul.

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Member Comments
# 21 asu666 @ 08/25/08 07:41 PM
No Sonics, no Colleges Hoops, no sale. The generic OKC thing just re-enforces how little the NBA cares about its fans. I never even really liked the Sonics and I thought that whole thing was pretty shady. The absense of a great college game to switch up the pace with and import draft classes that I know something about is a major blow too imo. College Hoops 2K8 and NBA 2K8 will keep me happy for years to come.
# 22 noshun @ 08/25/08 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by rodizell
Forget what the commissioner or the league wants if it's a part of the game it should be in the game, and I want flagrants in the game and ejections, that would be a beast.
Noone wants a product that could possibly represent the "bad" or give ill misrepresentation of a said product in a bad light, regardless if it happens in the game(NBA) or not.
It could potentially turn costumers away, and cause a loss of revenue.
# 23 CFav @ 08/26/08 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by johnathan burroughs
nba live 09 is the better game
Must be nice to have played both retail versions already....
# 24 theming @ 08/28/08 12:47 PM
5 on 5 practice mode also. Can run plays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things are leaking out. Wait for the announcement. Remember where you heard it firstttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!11
# 25 theming @ 08/28/08 12:47 PM
5 people can practice online sorry thats what I meant>>>

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