Feature Article
Adjusting Your Strategy for NCAA Football 09

So you’ve ran out and purchased NCAA Football 09 on release day after hearing the good, the bad, and the strange. Regardless of all that, it still plays a good game of football and I am here to help you adjust to the new year.


On the offensive side of the ball there are several enhancements made to the game that need to be taken advantage of.

The breakaway engine is a fun way to start making defenders miss with the new arsenal of moves and this needs to be in the game plan whether you are starting up a dynasty or some online quick matches.

The best way to take advantage of the new engine is to do anything that gets your running back or receiver into the open field so he can be at the ready to break some ankles.

WR Screen
If you thought the corner route was a money play back in the day, this will surely cash in some checks.

While the corner route was a definite money play it simply wasn’t very fun to do, as you would just wait for your TE or WR to get open because of the poor coverage. Now with the breakaway engine, running a WR screen has never been so fun or so useful!

The best time to call a screen is from a run-first formation (Ace or I-Form) on 1st or 2nd down when the defense is expecting a run.

If you thought the corner route was a money play back in the day, this will surely cash in some checks.

Typically, they will come out in their base 3-4 or 4-3, which doesn’t have as much speed on the field as their other formations.

Now, one mistake people do is they throw it to their WR right as they hike the ball. However, the ideal move is to wait 2 or 3 seconds and see how the DB is playing your WR to prevent any picks or batted balls.

As soon as you see space form, or the DB get engaged by a blocker, zip the ball to the WR and run to daylight. Don’t forget to use the new bag of tricks as you race up the sideline for six!

Crossing Routes
Another fantastic tactic to use is any involving a form of crossing routes. Whether it’s the TE’s or slot receivers, these routes always seem to get open no matter what defense is called. However, it proves to be more successful against man coverage, with obvious reason.

The true way to be successful with these routes is to send a guy in motion in order to see if your opponent is running man defense or not. If he isn’t, audible out or make a hot route adjustment to take advantage of the zone you might be seeing.

Crossing routes need to be in your playbook at all times in order to be a worthy player this year.

If you read man coverage, let the ball fly baby. A good three seconds after the ball is snapped you should see some separation from your intended target and his defender and this is when you should strike.

Crossing routes need to be in your playbook at all times in order to be a worthy player this year.


On the defensive side of the ball things are a little different, mainly because the game is so offense-oriented. Some things work on defense, and a lot don’t. I don’t really have a specific play to show on defense but rather an overall strategy.

Zone Defenses
Since the general idea on offense is to have a wide-open field, you want to try to prevent that. If you have man coverage, there is going to be a one-on-one almost every time and that could be very dangerous to do.

Also, as mentioned, crossing routes are extremely deadly in this year’s game and there is no way man coverage can stop those from being successful. The best way to prevent one-on-one matchups and crossing routes from happening is to use zone defense.

If you are in control of a linebacker and can see the crosses coming, you have a much better chance at preventing them than the AI would.

I suggest using the linebackers whenever you have a chance in order to stay in the open field and wait for any potential crosses that may come across. If you are in control of a linebacker and can see the crosses coming, you have a much better chance at preventing them than the AI would.

Another reason to have zone coverage is because of the ability of the ball carriers. If you are running a softer zone (Cover 4, Cover 2 Sink) the defenders will be sitting waiting for the ball carrier to whom they can swarm and have a better chance at tackling.

After playing the game for a week these are just a few new things to look at when playing NCAA Football 09. This is just the tip of the iceberg I am sure, but if you have any good offensive or defensive strategy be sure to leave a comment!

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Member Comments
# 1 sportyguyfl31 @ 07/17/08 08:38 AM
Here's the problem that I have with a write up like this.

This game is supposed to be a representation of Football.

Why the, am I essentially locked into playing defensea1 specific way, in order to compensate for the games flaws: Lack of competant man defense, lack of pass rush, the middle of the field being open for the taking against most coverages.

I pride myself on the defensive side of the ball, but what I have found, is that I need to junk the majority of my defensive plays because they have no chance of making an impact on the game.

It's patrol the middle at all times because I do not trust any other option.

That is unacceptable to me.
# 2 hail2thevictors @ 07/17/08 10:35 AM
You don't neccessarily have to run zone as a counter move to in routes. If you adjust your d-line and LBs and can possibly jump the snap, you should be able to get some penetration on the QB and force and early throw. If you're in man coverage and bump the receiver at the line, you should be in good position to make a play on the ball. It may not always work, cuz the o-line has a job to do as wel but at least you' re not sitting back getting picked apart every time. Stunts, blitzes and d-line along with LB shifts 'cause confusion for the o-line which gives your secondfary a chance to see what the WRs are trying to do.
# 3 canesfan2k8 @ 07/17/08 12:12 PM
when the other team is in a 3 or 4 wide receiver scheme, a good formation to run is the 3-3-5 or 3-2-6 and player cover 2 or cover 3 or the occasional zone blitz because it closes down the passing lanes better in the middle of the field opposed to when youre in normal nickel or dime which leaves the middle of the field wide open
# 4 BIGROC @ 07/17/08 12:19 PM
What I noticed is the CPU comes out in 4 wide sets way too often. I thought maybe it was just that I was playing teams with a wide style, but even teams I knew played with more I formations, and didn't spread it out often were running out 4 wide at least half the time.

The crossing routes are dead on. Call one on a 3rd and long, you have yourself a first. It's slightly annoying.

The no pass rush thing seems like it can be feast or famine. I went 4 games with only 1 sack (total) and then I had 5 in one game. Doesn't seem like that makes much sense.

The replays and challenges are off again. I've had 3 replays over 6 games. Each replay got the call wrong. In one, a WR ran out of bounds, with two feet standing on the sideline calk, a good foot off the field. He ran back onto the field and was hit for a first down...the initial call of incomplete was reversed AFTER I watched him run out of bounds stand there for a second, then run back onto the field. I can't see how this is still a messed up feature.

It seems like the games physics can't grasp the concept of not having a RB drag you and surge forward for an extra 3 yards before being called down. For the most part if a RB picks up 1 yard it is an automatic 4 yard gain...UNLESS you use the hit stick every time. A regular tackle won't bring the runner down.
# 5 BIGROC @ 07/17/08 12:22 PM
Oh, I forgot, it doesn't look like they have enough running plays in stacked formations. I've only played 6 games and used a different team and playbook each time...But in I Form it seems like I only get 4 or 5 running plays...It juswt seems like a low number to me. Even in Ace or Strong/Weak I there are a few running plays and I hate running the same HB Blast 6 times in a game. Maybe I just need to create a playbook....(If I can)
# 6 texbuk84 @ 07/18/08 03:45 AM
i wish someone would do a running guide because my running game suck this year but my defense and passing game is second to none.
# 7 Bizzy Da Kid @ 07/18/08 06:47 AM
Nice write up...Zone blitzes bring tremendous pressure. 09 seems to take note of the same plays being ran (offense or defense) so you must switch up to be effective.

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