The new release of this year’s NCAA Football game bears with it many meanings.
The most important of all is that there is finally something to do while patiently waiting for the new college and NFL seasons to get underway.
The new online dynasty mode is what really speaks volumes. The ability to play amongst 11 other people across the world and have to recruit and compete against them is incredible. The near seamless online game play makes it a win on all accounts.
Time spent with this game will be well rewarded, especially on offense. It just feels right running the ball, waiting for holes to develop, spinning around tackles and trying to break open.
The pocket feels much better than in recent years too, although still in need of work, and QB accuracy when passing is well portrayed. If you do not plant your feet and step into a throw the result may not be as you imagined. Turnovers don’t feel cheap either.
Defensive players don’t jump on the ball as if they have psychic powers and the new animations make fumbles appear less random. If you watch the replays the ball will be stripped or knocked out in some manner, instead of just randomly falling out of the player’s hands.
The more repetitions you get, the more you’ll come to find that defensive stands do occur, but many more big plays happen than in comparison to Madden and that’s how it should be. The college game is about electricity and excitement and individual performances. There’s nothing better than making a pass out to the flat or giving the ball to the running back from the 20 and having the player break a couple tackles and be gone for six.
They aren’t incorrect in their observations, especially with regards to computer AI, but I feel their passion may have them missing out on a game where the fun factor far outweighs the issues.
The greatest part of a new sports video game is that it refreshes the rivalries amongst close friends. Pop open a few brews, put your feet up, and get ready to commence yelling out insult after insult as you strive for victory. This is truly the ultimate multiplayer game to compete against each other with, and it will surely take time away from NBA 2k8 and NHL ’08 if not make them obsolete (at least until the fall).
Nothing gets your adrenaline rushing more than having your adversary big hit the hell out of your running back to see him do an aerial sideways flip and land on the ground, still clutching the ball. The incredible rush you and your friend get from yelling and cheering and seeing chaos ensue on the television is what makes for great memories.
This occasion also marks the return of loyalists to the 2k football legacy, who will showcase all the glaring issues the newest EA football game has, in their strive for the perfect football game.
They aren’t incorrect in their observations, especially with regards to computer AI, but I feel their passion may have them missing out on a game where the fun factor far outweighs the issues.
One thing for sure though, you would be doing yourself an injustice to not go out and get this game and get the football season started off on the right foot.
This release does show, however, that EA is finally starting to hear the community’s concerns about their product and attempt to address them. I could do without the end zone celebration with the mascots, but the atmosphere has definitely been improved, the fluidity of the game play in general has been sharpened, and the running game may have its best representation in a video game yet.
A developer for NCAA also has claimed that his team is looking into a multitude of issues, including the computer quarterbacks not throwing down field and being overly accurate throwing over the middle as well as poor d-line penetration. Whether we see results from their efforts is left to be determined, but it's nice to see an official response like that.
NCAA Football ’09 may not be a perfect release, and its hype probably hurt its reception by gamers more than it has helped. One thing for sure though, you would be doing yourself an injustice to not go out and get this game and get the football season started off on the right foot.
Between NCAA’s wide open offense, Madden’s focus on presentation and dynamic weather, and the intricate franchise of NFL Head Coach ’09, it’s going to be a great year for football fans of all sorts.