The glorious season of summer is here and that means two things: Baseball is the only thing to watch, and the two big football games will be arriving in stores shortly. But what do we do while we wait for the first football game (NCAA 09) to arrive in our laps? Well guys and gals, the answer to that question is why I am here.
Below I will be detailing what to play in order quench that sport's thirst that dwells inside our bodies. These games are ranked, based on a combination of how great the particular games are to me, and the relevance they have being played during the summer downtime.
#5 – NCAA Football 08
While this game had some major shortcomings (depth chart bug anyone?) it was still a blast to play and a major step forward from the '07 iteration. At a smooth 60 frames per second on the Xbox 360 version, the gameplay was nothing to sniff at. Popping this game back in might bring some old dynasty stories back to fruition, and if you look hard enough there should be some excellent rosters out now to help quench your NCAA thirst.
#4 – Hot Shots Golf: Out Of Bounds
If you think golf is flat-out boring to watch but you love to replicate the game, then why not play this exciting arcade-style game. This popular franchise has finally made its way onto the Playstation 3 and it could not have made a better debut. From the slick graphics to the new swing style this game is a great golfing alternative to those who are bored with the Tiger Woods franchise. To anyone who has played the past iterations of Hot Shots Golf, this game is a must play.
#3 – FIFA 08
Soccer is always in full swing and if you are not into soccer then shame on you. In the past couple years I have belly flopped into the soccer world and it has been amazing. The soccer games are no different. Last year's version of FIFA was such a drastic improvement compared to the previous versions, which only made it better. The Be A Pro mode is fantastic and the fact that you can play it online with other people from other countries makes it a mode you need to try out. With the '09 version coming out around October, this will help you brush up on those skills that you may have lost while watching REAL football.
#2 – MLB 08: The Show
I don't like baseball. I think it is very boring and has way too long of a season. With that said, this is a fantastic sports game that should not be overlooked. If you have not heard of this game yet, do yourself a favor and play it -- whether it is at a friend's house because you do not have a PS3, or you buy a PS3 just for his game. The amount of depth and little details in this game make it a sports gamer's dream. The commentary, the graphics, the nuances of players, the signature styles, etc. I could go on about what this game has to offer, but that means you would be reading about it rather than playing it.
#1 – UEFA Euro 2008
WHAT?! Another soccer game? Isn't this the same game that you listed at number 3? No my friends, it is not. The spectacle that is the Euro tournament just ended this past weekend and if that does not make you want to play soccer than I do not know what will. Now, this game is not just another quick cash-in product from EA. They improved one area that was a problem in past soccer games: player control. Through balls work almost perfectly now, as you can really control your player -- the on-rails feel of previous versions is gone. Expanding on the Be A Pro mode is the new Captain Your Country mode, which gives you the task of actually trying to become the captain of your country (shocker I know). Simply put, you build your player up and do tasks in order to become the captain. If you are a soccer fan, this is truly fun to do.
There you have it, the five games you should play until your summer disappears into the hands of NCAA Football 09. I know many of you will not agree mainly because of the soccer games, but if you like sports games at all you will give them a chance.