Feature Article
66 Years Old and Still Gaming Strong

Most gamers hope they will still be alive to enjoy life at 66-years-old much less feel chipper enough to still play video games in their spare time. For MaddenMania user poundtherock, this is the story of his life.

A father of three children as well as a grandpa to one, poundtherock is one of the most unique gamers that can be found throughout the Operation Sports Network. So far, poundtherock holds impressive wins over many players at MaddenMania, some less than one-third his age.

How did poundtherock come to play video games? As with most things in life, poundtherock discovered computers and games through his job as a disk jockey.

“Wow!” poundtherock said. “In '85, I got interested in computers when a radio station I worked at started doing their billing on one. I then bought a little unit that played a cassette [only one I remember was a Buck Rogers game]. I’m not sure on the name because I have owned a TI99, a Commodore Vic-20 and 64 and two 128s; an Adam; a Zeos. You get the picture.”

During the past few decades, poundtherock has watched video games grow up from simple concepts to the highly realistic simulations of today. With those highly realistic simulations come the obvious mentally sharpening benefits. Poundtherock uses his hobby of playing video games as a tool to help keep sharp mentally.

“Most importantly, when I bought the PS2, I knew that it would help keep the mind alert and hands and fingers nimble, although reaction time diminishes regardless,” poundtherock said.

Draw to Online Communities

Poundtherock’s life is a unique story separate from most people from his generation where participating in online communities is rare, much less playing games online. So what motivates poundtherock to avoid settling down and enjoying the quiet life filled with coffee drinking sessions at the local diner?

“Spending a lot of time at home, video games and game forums was an avenue to travel without leaving the house,” said poundtherock. “You may never actually meet that person you encounter, but many become "cyber" friends for life that would take your back in a second.”

Poundtherock said he also believes that more people in his age generation don’t do what he does due to the wrong mindset.

“Having said that, most people, for whatever reason, get into 'I'm growing old and this is how I'm suppose to do it' routine, which does not include what the 'young' are enjoying,” poundtherock said. “And maybe there is a little bit of the age discrimination factor, which I have encountered very little of, especially after I have kicked their ass in a game of Madden.”

Competitive Disadvantage? Not So Fast….

Poundtherock’s task each time he comes online, which is something he does exclusively for league games, is to attempt to compete against people half his age. This is something which poundtherock has had mixed success with.

“My stick skills will never be like a kid's, but I can hold my own most of the time and get lucky and win some,” poundtherock said.

It is best to not take poundtherock lightly if you play him as poundtherock plays in the 2-2-0 league at MaddenMania, which features some of the top players from around the sim-style communities such as MaddenMania.

Take poundtherock’s successful conquest of young 16-year-old forum member umfer -- a mere 50 years younger than poundtherock -- who he defeated in an online game of Madden 35-14.

Full of Memories

Between the wins and the losses, poundtherock has had many moments he will never forget while spending his time at MaddenMania. His favorite memories span from the accidental lateral which led to a touchdown against fellow MMer krulmichael to participating in the 2-2-0 league last season.

However, his most memorable moment was when his actual age was disclosed on MM.

“The most fun was when my age was revealed in the forum,” poundtherock said. “Everybody was freaking, and some still don't believe it. Had to upload my driver’s license showing my birth date.”

Plans for Madden NFL 09

Poundtherock is one of the many gamers looking forward to Madden NFL 09, although with his elder statesman status, poundtherock has approached the whole next-gen hoopla with a unique point of view.

“From what I've been reading and hearing, I am really looking forward to the '09 game,” poundtherock said. “'07 and '08 were growing years. And I never really expected EA/Tiburon to move from CG to NG without growing pains. That step was enormous, especially with the PS3. I guess it's the age thing, personally, where one doesn't get too excited if things don't happen overnight, lol. I think '07 and '08 will be forgotten for the most part when the game drops.”

Like most coaches in the NFL, poundtherock has a very specific goal which he wants to achieve this year, 10 wins online.

“With Madden, I have a goal of 10 wins in any combination, league and/or nonleague games, which would be a first,” poundtherock said. “It really depends on the team I get in the 2-2-0 league, providing I have the honor of getting selected again.”

Golden Advice

Poundtherock has one lesson he would like to share with all sports gamers, which is to never stop gaming.

“Whatever you do, don't put the controller down and walk away,” poundtherock said. “You will regret it.”

“I have heard many on MM say, 'I will play Madden until they pry my cold dead fingers from the controller.' And I say to them, go for it!“

“But that won't be the case with me. My wife has orders that she is to have me buried with the controller in my hand and the PS3 by my side.”

-Chris Sanner is the Executive Features Editor at Operation Sports and is also the former Editor of the OS Network site MaddenMania.  He can be reached at [email protected].

Member Comments
# 21 mdgoalie37 @ 06/11/08 12:30 PM
My dad is 64 (in July) and retired - he plays all the time. He will play The Show, NCAA and Madden and sometimes NHL. He finishes every season, playing all 162 in baseball. I get a report everytime we talk, which is often. He is still on the PS2, though I am thinking he is headed to a PS3 soon.
# 22 mobbdeep1122 @ 06/11/08 04:00 PM
great story.

I remember that thread when PTR revealed his age. He PM'd me and asked if he should do it, and I told him to go for it, there was nothing to be ashamed of.

PTR, I got you for 2-2-0, you were one of my most loyal members. Hopefully you can have a good season when the league starts this September.

# 23 snaz16 @ 06/11/08 10:00 PM
Keep going pound. I turn 53 in August,and have my gaming room set up with 360,Ps3,Psp for trips,and of course the 42" Sony Hdtv. Also with a quick switch can game on the 24" Dell widescreen monitor. Life can get in the way sometimes,but I get in 6 or 7 games a week. 12 yrs from retirement,and then the fun really starts. Imagine what the systems and graphics will be like then.
# 24 Poundtherock @ 06/15/08 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Laettner32
Ha! Great story! I'm 36 and although my gaming time has decreased significantly since my HS and college days...If I had to categorize my personality...it would be gamer! Every once in awhile my wife or mom says to me.."when are you gonna grow up?" and I respond " to what?.."strip clubs?..pickup bars?..golf"? If I blew all my money golfing would that be acceptable? Anyway fun story, and I always wondered when I would outgrow videogames..maybe never is now the correct answer!
Hey, Laettner 32,
This is Mrs. PTR. Let your wife or mom read the article about Pound. And tell them I said the gaming keeps him where I can find him, like you said, out of the strip clubs and away from the wild, wild women out there! I know he is safe and secure in his man cave playing his Madden.
# 25 Poundtherock @ 06/15/08 11:57 PM
# 14 Helicopter @ 06/10/08 10:34 PM
Great story, Chris! And I'm sure PTR and I will be able to get a few games in online again this year. Looking forward to it. Whatever keeps you young, do it!

You bet, Copter. Next game is mine, lol.

# 15 dave374 @ 06/10/08 11:00 PM
PTR is the first guy at MM that's ever made me feel young.

Dave, you and I lust after the same women, McFeever, of course, [MM joke] but naturally, after Mrs. PTR!

# 16 stizz @ 06/10/08 11:27 PM
My dad plays videogames and he's in his mid 50's. He use to spend hours playing the resident evils, silent hills and ace combats.

Ace Combat, I love. But they have a ways to go to get it right. Meld the technology of MS Flight sim and expand the theatre and they have a point of reference!

# 17 hoosier4974 @ 06/10/08 11:56 PM
I'll be 45 in December and still going strong with the gaming. I remember having Pong, Activison and Atari when I was growing up. Then there was a long dry period where I didn't do any gaming.

Got back into it a few years after the PS2 came out. Went on to buy a PS2, Dreamcast, XBox, XBox 360 and then finally a PS3. Throw in quite a bit of PC gaming as well throughout the past 10 years and you have a hard core gamer.

I have seen my gaming time dwindle lately, but I am by no means done with it. GTA4 and the release of NCAA09 will undoubtedly give me a revival!!

Hossier, I think we all in this age group got start on "Pong," lol. Or Buck Rogers, or whatever. Don't ever forget your beginning, but more importantly, we must not forget our ending, for our ending makes the beginning seem unimportant if we do. "In the beginning........"

For whatever reason, we all have times of priorities. You adjust. But don't leave a "love" for too long, lest that love leave you. I can tell gaming is a love to you. Just set the priorities.

# 18 Spanky @ 06/11/08 12:03 AM
Poundtherock, you are my hero. Right alongside 60-something adult film star Dave Cummings. Like you two, I hope to being both things when I hit 60 and beyond.

[No comment, lol.]

# 19 hoosier4974 @ 06/11/08 12:31 AM

Quote: Originally Posted by Spanky
Poundtherock, you are my hero. Right alongside 60-something adult film star Dave Cummings. Like you two, I hope to being both things when I hit 60 and beyond.

Me too.....

Poundtherock is definitely and inspiration. To be honest, at times over the past few weeks I have thought maybe I'd lost my passion for gaming but I don't believe that's the case. Other things have crept in that is occupying my time. I'm sure once my daughter's softball season is over, things will return to normal for me....gaming bliss!!!

Reading PTR's story has given me a fresh fire for gaming!!

Okay, Spanky and Hoosier, I hope I get this right, that at 66 you wish to have the prowess of a pornstar and the gaming of PTR. Mrs. PTR concurs that she hopes you do too!

# 20 burnwood @ 06/11/08 01:30 AM
Great story. I imagine that's

See, Burnwood is my age......he took a nap. J/K.

# 21 Hellisan @ 06/11/08 01:57 AM
I love it. I missed the thread where his age was revealed. This totally took me by surprise. You go PTR!!!

Hellisan, Hellisan...you have got the most hellish looking avatar in MM. However, you make some very good observations. I consider it noteworthy of your comment here.

# 22 tyronebiggums35 @ 06/11/08 02:01 AM

Mrs. PTR just said, "who is Tim Duncan," lol.

# 23 Boltman @ 06/11/08 08:37 AM
I went to MM and used the search engine, I put in "Poundtherock is 66" or something like that.

At the time of the thread and post he was 65 (BD in Nov like me hehe!)

I saw a thread made with his name directed at him, he responded with something like zzzzZZZzzzzzZZzzz.... Hahaha!

I then saw the introduce yourself thread where a few people did a "huh What!?" when he put towards the bottom that he was (then) 65. He provided a link in that thread to another thread that must be the one where he showed his ID to show his age. But the link is no good any longer, it is broken.

I'd love to read the original thread where he posted the age any people could not believe it, then he posted the proof.

Not because I do not believe you PTR, I do in fact.

I just would love to read the reactions of people being floored with the info and proof! hehe.

Thanks, Boltman. Laughing at oneself is good for the soul. That age admission came out during the "MM Old Timers Tournament.." I put my DL up through my internet site at the time but took it down after a couple of days dur to privacy reasons. Of course the name was blotted out. I'll check and see if anything can be revived, so-to-speak, and if so send you a PM.

# 24 Skyboxer @ 06/11/08 10:12 AM
44 here and awesome seeing these stories of the older (better ) generations.
Very cool read.

Thanks, SkyBoxer.

# 25 mdgoalie37 @ 06/11/08 10:30 AM
My dad is 64 (in July) and retired - he plays all the time. He will play The Show, NCAA and Madden and sometimes NHL. He finishes every season, playing all 162 in baseball. I get a report everytime we talk, which is often. He is still on the PS2, though I am thinking he is headed to a PS3 soon.

Mdgoalie37, great for your dad and great for you that he's doing it!
If he gets the PS3, don't forget to tell him to send me an FR, Poundtherock, so we can get some games going. And make sure that he mentions your name so I know that it's him.

# 26 mobbdeep1122 @ 06/11/08 02:00 PM
great story.

I remember that thread when PTR revealed his age. He PM'd me and asked if he should do it, and I told him to go for it, there was nothing to be ashamed of.

PTR, I got you for 2-2-0, you were one of my most loyal members. Hopefully you can have a good season when the league starts this September.


Awww, Mobb, my young mentor, someone that is young enough to be my grandson but very wise in years.

The early times of the PS3 we weathered together!

Thanks for your help and inspiration. 2-2-0 in '09 is gonna ROCK!!!

# 27 snaz16 @ 06/11/08 08:00 PM
Keep going pound. I turn 53 in August,and have my gaming room set up with 360,Ps3,Psp for trips,and of course the 42" Sony Hdtv. Also with a quick switch can game on the 24" Dell widescreen monitor. Life can get in the way sometimes,but I get in 6 or 7 games a week. 12 yrs from retirement,and then the fun really starts. Imagine what the systems and graphics will be like then.

Dang, Snaz, you the man! Keep on keeping on! I like your hardware and your attitude! That's what it's all about!

But.........................Mrs. PTR said you must quit referring to your space as a "gaming room," and replace that with "Man Cave."

# 28 Scottdau @ 06/11/08 08:21 PM
I think Jim the roster guru is over 90.

I need an FR so I can get a game. Not sure, but I hope I can be competitive.

Fellas, your comments have been overwhemling. If only one person gains inspiration to continue keeping the mind and body capable of what it can achieve in a healthy scenario, the story is a success!

# 26 Poundtherock @ 06/16/08 12:18 AM
PTR CORRECTION EDIT: Some of the following post got cut off. The post should read:

# 20 burnwood @ 06/11/08 01:30 AM
Great story. I imagine that's how I'll be...someday. One thing was bugging
me though. While reading that story I kept envisioning Grandpa Simpson's voice. wth is wrong with me.

Of which I will say. burnwood, that is a question you might should only ask yourself, not the general public, lol.
# 27 Boltman @ 06/16/08 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Poundtherock
Hey, Laettner 32,
This is Mrs. PTR. Let your wife or mom read the article about Pound. And tell them I said the gaming keeps him where I can find him, like you said, out of the strip clubs and away from the wild, wild women out there! I know he is safe and secure in his man cave playing his Madden.
God bless you Mrs. PTR!

# 28 auburntigersfan @ 06/19/08 12:16 PM
I hope I'm not buried next to a ps3...I will be buried next to my 360.

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