Last week's announcement that Madden NFL 09 will not be coming to the PC is the first of a final set of steps to the death of PC sports gaming.
Sure, you don't want to admit it now, but who would have guessed that Madden would not be released for it's original platform after 20 years? This is just the beginning too.
Before you know it, EA Sports will be cutting costs even more and just eliminating their PC division altogether. Due to dwindling demand, this has become a necessary change in the business too, if you ask the guys at the top.
The fact is, this has been a trend for a long time. PCs simply cost more than consoles when it comes to getting a top notch gaming experience that appeals to the casual consumer, which is where the money lies.
Some will shoot back that after purchasing a big HDTV, surround sound and peripherals and then adding in the higher cost of games, you end up with a wash in terms of cost.
The reality is, that doesn't make a bit of a difference when you tell the consumer he can get a top-notch gaming experience for $400 once over 5 years or $1,000 once every couple of years. This trend will continue as well, and we will continue to see the market for sports games shrink.
This isn't the best argument to make for some PC gamers as to why the platform they have enjoyed is withering up, but it is a huge difference maker. Because even if a gamer does buy surround sound and a big TV, they will be using it for things other than gaming.
If you buy a $1,000 PC, you still need a very good TV and surround sound to enjoy movies with as well (assuming you have the money to pull of such a scheme). Therefore, the argument really doesn't follow in the end anyways.
The business for PC Sports Games, especially for the titles released by EA Sports, is drying up fast. In my opinion, before we get firmly into the next decade there won't be a PC division at EA Sports.
However, I do believe some games will keep the PC market alive. The first of which are text-sims. I firmly believe that text-sims and the PC are a match made in heaven. You have guys who are more hardcore with their gaming mixed with games that are intended for that type of audience.
Therefore, I believe that it is a safe bet that we will continue to see the text-sim market continue on. As far as titles such as Tiger Woods, FIFA and NHL, well I really just don't believe we are going to see them continue on much longer. The average gaming consumer has switched to the consoles, and thus the market will continue to shift that way.
Mod Community Will Live On
If you are in the unfortunate position to be a sports gamer and if you only own a PC then yearly updates to titles such as Madden will still be possible thanks to dedicated Mod communities.
One user pointed out after the announcement of the Madden PC cancellation that almost every aspect minus the 3d engine is editable now in Madden PC. So with some dedicated work from players, Madden PC will get yearly updates from mod authors.
Therefore, all hope is not lost for those who are in a pickle with their choices. Some would argue this year's Madden PC was the best yet (you can’t say the same about the next gen version), so if it is the last one then that could be a blessing in disguise for some, as the core gameplay will continue to be very good for years to come.
Be sure to chime in with your thoughts on the future of PC Sports Gaming and where you see it going!