Feature Article
Where Are They Now? Features That Are MIA
Time and time again I read our forums here at Operation Sports and MaddenMania and I hear complaints or questions regarding the whereabouts of features or functions from past games in a series.

These are things that for seemingly no reason, disappear into thin air. Then sometimes, they magically return a few years later in our favorite sports games.

Today we will take a quick look at just a few of these features/functions missing from the hockey and football titles released over the last 20 years and then we will ponder: "Where are they now and why aren’t they in the game?"

For the sake of this article we are going to pick on EA Sports for a bit, but this is largely because they possess the longest running franchises in most major sports. Also, they seem to be the most talked about when it comes to this phenomenon, fittingly so as you will see.

Madden: The First Guilty Party

Let’s start off with the bread and butter, Madden NFL Football. The question now, where to start?

Chain gangs, ambulances, helmets popping off? All are great starting points, and are often talked about. We could even bring up the lack of hand towels that apparently were promised a few years ago and never made an appearance at any time. Nah, I prefer to start festivities with features that made their debut on the start of last generation’s systems (PS2 and Xbox) and haven’t found a way into our latest consoles still. It just seems the most relevant after all.

Anyone remember when there were footprints in the snow when you walked? Then those same footprints would get covered with falling snow over time? Dynamic weather donned our virtual fields even, with rain changing to snow and the reverse even happening.

Remember how in the stats menu it showed the team each player played for each year? Remember even having old stadiums in the game (for free), and secret unlockable ones that were just a break from the everyday run-of-the-mill cookie cutter stadiums?

Even going back to PlayStation 1 we had thunder during rain storms in Madden. Also, over the course of the season the tree leaves changed colors and eventually fell off. This could be especially noted on Baltimore’s Memorial Stadium.

In the past we even had referees on the field, and a chain gang that would run over to measure for the first down. Then there were coaches on the sideline that were destined to be blown up as well.

But that's not all!

Let's not forget a simpler time when there was a Fox pre-game show and a Pro Bowl game in which players wore their respective team’s helmets.

As graphics progressed through the years a lot of sports games gained the ability to show half empty stadiums or vacant seats. When seats were empty it usually meant your team was struggling that season or possibly it meant ticket prices were too high. It was a nice touch. In fact it was such a nice little touch that today, somehow, these super machines today cannot handle it, go figure.

Also, has anyone else realized that NCAA and Madden don't even have face-mask penalties this year? Isn’t that pretty easy to include? Wasn't that penalty in the Genesis version!?

NHL: Guilty as Well

It's not just Madden and NCAA that are guilty of these mistakes. Another sports series infamous for removing beloved features has always been the EA NHL series. Some might even claim that the NHL franchise is where things first started going MIA feature wise.

Remember a little thing called the decibel meter? Well it wasn’t much, but it measured the noise level in the arena going way back to the beginning of the NHL series. It was mysteriously scrapped several seasons later. That was a precursor of things to come it would seem.

Dynamic entrances have gone the way of the dodo as well. No longer in the "next-gen" world do we see the Oilers skating out of the tunnel through the oil derrick; the Sharks through the jaws of a giant shark; or the octopus in Detroit.

And dynamic entrances are just one aspect of the atmospheric action that is generally lacking in most sports games these days. In fact, we can’t even get that lone guy from NHL 93 to come out of his third row seat and bang on the glass anymore.

On the videogame ice itself we've seen nets which come off their moorings. Then we lost them...Then we got them back years later. Bench clearing brawls, goalie fights, multiple camera angles and franchise features -- not to mention the ability to play with a teammate offline and online -- have come and gone as well.

Another lost-and-found feature in the NHL series was the ability to name your captains. It was a neat feature added around NHL 2000, and later proved too hard to keep in the game. It has since made a triumphant return to the glee of NHL fans everywhere.

In past versions of sports games we’ve seen the extinction of entire modes, and anyone would tell you that history tends to repeat itself. So in the present the question must be asked: Where is the often used NHL Playoff mode? The answer? It got replaced right around the same time there was a World Cup with Tournament mode.

Presently there's no need to price your seats, and no longer does making money really mean anything in the NHL series. You are no longer hiring, firing, or improving your trainers/scouting department or your coaching staff. An interesting little tidbit: There are even remnants of these features in the menus if you navigate around a little.

The PC version of NHL has seen custom ditties, or music that is played in certain situations, vanish. Mostly due to the big bucks being shelled out for the talents of 10 or so bands that, during the course of the game, can't be ignored no matter how hard you try. Heaven forbid you hear a different song or real-life goal horn when you fire the game up for the 700th time!

Other little bits that made cameos along the way: hats for hat-tricks, glass shattering, helmets coming off and the beloved zamboni. For the love of Gordie Howe, how can a zamboni not make an appearance in a hockey game!?

And we'd be amiss if we didn't mention the most famous here-today-gone-tomorrow feature within this column. Of course we're talking about the blood spewing from a player's head after a fight or injury. Gone are the days where a twitching player’s arms and legs accompanied a puddle of red on the ice.

At the time the game was risking a rating too high for a general audience. That fact tied in with complaints from the NHL and NHLPA lead to the game ditching blood in the early 90s, with it never to return again.

While that makes some sense, I still have the ability to take my stick and try to gut someone like a fish in the present. Is there really that much of a difference? Oh wait...blood in videogames is equivalent to a Janet Jackson nipple at a Super Bowl halftime show.

Alright, so maybe you can say, "But what about all the features in the game now that have never been in a game before?" Sure, we finally got the chance to practice in our NHL franchises and make near custom equipment edits on all our players.

When will this get scrapped though? Is it only a matter of time? Chances are it will get scrapped, then with enough of an outcry it will return one day, just like Frosty.

Why Do We Suffer?

We only point these things out because it makes you think, "I wonder how great a game we would have presently if everything ever included was still somehow in these games today?"

But where's the money in that?

And in reality, some of these subtractions are excusable. Time and space constraints, as well as programming or hardware faults can and do occur, most understand that. However, when you look at just some of these gone but not forgotten features, and realize there's plenty that we didn't get to, it makes you wonder: "Where did all my missing features go?!"

Well, we guess there's always next year.

Member Comments
# 1 fistofrage @ 03/07/08 02:48 PM
I am one that thinks that the 360 version of NCAA is about 4 years away from having all the features that we had on the PS2 in 2004. At this rate when the Xbox 720 comes out or the PS4, we won't even have commentary or stadiums. It will be back to intellivision football, you'll just see the field and the players, but the players will probably look real nice until you realize how out of proportion they are. The linemen on the 360 look like fancy refrigerator boxes with bowling balls on top of their heads. Its sad.
# 2 bhurst99 @ 03/07/08 03:04 PM
Great article. This is part of the reason why I am doing a NHL 2004 dynasty. After a goal is scored you get a close-up of the goal scorer that indicates how many goals, assists and points he has on the year. You get broken glass and hats for hat-tricks. You get various franchise options like setting ticket prices for regular season and playoffs. You get GM points for trades that you can use to improve a gym or transportation that affects player attributes. Why they take all this stuff out is mindboggling.
# 3 Cardot @ 03/07/08 04:22 PM
Yep, great points. There certainly is a sinking feeling when you have a new game, you are excited checking out all the new stuff, and then all of a sudden you realize..."Uh-oh, they don't have xyz anymore?"

On related note, when NFL 2K4 came out with weekly and end of game hightlights, I figured "This will now be a staple of all sports games"....guess I was wrong about that.
# 4 Scoop 24 @ 03/07/08 06:25 PM
great article. sums it all up imo.
# 5 ty5oke @ 03/07/08 11:06 PM
Great read! This is why I haven't touched Madden in a long time.
# 6 Scott @ 03/07/08 11:47 PM
Great article.
# 7 CeltBhoy33 @ 03/08/08 06:12 PM
Great read with some very good points.
# 8 Briman123 @ 03/08/08 06:23 PM
NBA 2k series has alot of 'where did they go features'.
# 9 theaub @ 03/08/08 09:54 PM
The one thing I really miss about NHL '94, is that during the intermission of the playoff games they'd have an out of town scoreboard and take you to another game, where they'd either show a highlight, or the final two minutes of a close game, or something like that. It boggles my mind how the Sega Genesis could support in-game highlights from games around the league, but we can't get them in any games today.
# 10 Foddzy @ 03/08/08 10:52 PM
The author missed some of the most basic things missing from Madden like the timeouts remaining indicator and multiple/adjustable camera angles...
# 11 A.M. Son @ 03/09/08 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Foddzy
The author missed some of the most basic things missing from Madden like the timeouts remaining indicator and multiple/adjustable camera angles...
Yeah there's a lot of features that could be mentioned, especially about Madden- but about all sports games. I think we get the point of the article however, but it's nice to see all the other ideas being thrown out here. There's so much more missing than we realized... not good at all.

Anyone think some of the reasoning for this is the 1year dev cycle? Is there just not enough time to get it all in? Or has the licensing gone overboard and the respective leagues dictate too much of what can and cannot be in the games?
# 12 K_GUN @ 03/09/08 08:22 PM
great read

PLEASE find a way to get this article to Peter Moore's desk
# 13 superjames1992 @ 03/10/08 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Briman123
NBA 2k series has alot of 'where did they go features'.
Remember in ESPN Basketball 2K4 when they used to have the ESPN Nightly Wrapup with Kevin Fraiser? That was a great feature that suddenly disappeared...
# 14 JayDizzle04 @ 03/10/08 07:12 AM
Decent article with good points.

The idea that gamers want the bells and whistles back from previous years' titles isn't too far-fetched.

Problem is, whoever puts out these games are looking for the money in the end... if "Playmaker," "Hit Stick," or "Truck Stick" equal an extra coffer or two, so be it. Chaingangs be damned if you don't plunk down some coin from your paycheck.

In the end, I see this phenomenon continuing as long as new players come in and praise the new-school draft picks with the multi-million contracts instead of the old-school hardnosers like Jim Brown.
# 15 aenggeorge @ 03/10/08 10:56 AM
retro logos another one not in the for the 360 in 08 for the opwner mode player!!!
no storylines too!
# 16 youvalss @ 03/10/08 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Briman123
NBA 2k series has alot of 'where did they go features'.
I think that NBA 2K4 is the game that invented the "where did these features go".
# 17 bigwill33 @ 03/10/08 10:54 PM
I really had planned on mentioning a few more things. One was definately the in game highlights that both Madden and NHL had at one time in the early 90's. When I would take a break to go back and play the older games I would then come back and have 5 new things to write about and that one slipped my mind at the very end.

I just hoped to shed some light on the fact that these games take so much out and bring it back and call it new. That by this point in time we should be able to have it all! There is no reason to keep doing this anymore, and it is something that as a gamer makes me rather upset.
# 18 Brandwin @ 03/10/08 11:09 PM
Great article.

The thing that pisses me off is no in game saves. I would love to have that feature and I think every sports game should have it.

First sports game I remember having this was Tony La Rusa Baseball. Don't know which one though. I know there is more to save now, but there is also a lot more memory on the systems.
# 19 TheChunkster @ 03/11/08 02:23 AM
I would like to see a sports game come out with the old Baseball Stars setup. Doesn't have to be real players, real teams, etc. Just give me the chance to create a team where I want, edit the rosters(names, etc), trade with various other teams, and build up cash(or points) to upgrade my players abilities.

Old School Baseball Stars is where it's at....
# 20 revgoalie @ 03/11/08 11:20 AM
It would be nice if they could even bring back little things like a pre-game weather report or a drive summary after a score. How in the world do you take those things out? It's only a text graphic!

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