Yes, these quick blurb impressions are all over the place, as I just typed some things down over the days I played the game.
I'm not working w/ retail here, just beta. I'm not sure how "complete" it is. But there are times where the game doesn't run 60FPS. During pitching/hitting, no problems, but there are occasional hiccups when throwing across the diamond. A few herky jerky animations here and there as well. Again, these may just be issues w/ my Beta.
Yankees stadium has roll call.
Runners are somewhat aggressive on pitches in the dirt.
Got A-Rod on an inside changeup on a 3-2 count. He jumped back as the pitch got closer and headed towards first, ump pumped his fist and A-Rob looked a bit pissed.
Fans do not go after homeruns or foul balls. The fans in general are not fun to look at. They sound pretty good, reacting to situations, etc. But they just look horrible.
Bat sounds are MUCH better than last year.
Ump throws the ball to the pitcher, after a foul ball, most of the time.
Matsui homerun swing/trot looks amazing. Same w/ Manny, Griffey, Beltre to name a few.
On pop ups behind the catcher, you can see the frustration from the batter, as he looks up at it, throws his bat down and jogs to first base, waiting for the catcher to make the grab. Happens w/ pop ups in the infield on occasion as well.
Funny moment. Pop up to the pitcher Wang, A-Rod comes over as Wong settles under it. He runs right into Wang and he falls on his face. Ball drops in play.
I'm actually impressed w/ the pitching interface. It has taken me a few games to get used to it, but wow. It is FUN to pitch!
Seeing a ton of variety in hits, liners, bloopers, hits sprayed all over. I do have an issue w/ the players in the outfield, kinda lazily getting under a fly ball, instead of getting in position, they sort of are in range of catching it...then as it gets closer, they race to actually catch it. Mind you, it doesn't happen all the time, but noticable enough to mention.
Baserunning is extremely easy and to me, feels like second nature.
Benches react on at bats, getting up off the benches to see how far the ball travels on homeruns.
If the AI has someone warming up in the bullpen, you'll see it flash at the bottom of the screen, then a few pitches later, show him warming up.
Jeter made a sick play from short, backhanding a ball to his right, taking 2 steps, then jumping, turning his body and firing to first....bang bang. SICK!
Saw a boneheaded AI play, where the 2nd basemen, instead of throwing to the SS at second for the force, tried to run the runner down going to second. He was safe and no play at first. Only saw this happen once, so far.
Very slick 1st baseman flip to the pitcher, who was on the run. Pitcher makes the catch and heads to the bench, as it was the 3rd out of the inning.
Announcer issues....I'm hearing quite a bit of repeating and a few things that don't make sense. For example, Joe Morgan says it's 3-2, the runners will be running on the pitch, then right after the pitch, screams out, the runner is stealing!
After the 7th inning, they show one of the big plays from the game. Jeanne Zelasko talks about what it's going to take for a team to win, lose, etc.
AI robbed me of a homerun. Nothing spectalar, but a pretty animation nonetheless.
Collision detection....players will run through players...haven't seen any during gameplay, but after a play is made, you will see some players running right through each other.
Runners will advance to home, more often than not, on singles hit to the outfield. Not seeing the third base coach waving the runner home.
Very cool to see a runner go by first and sometimes turn around, real quick after a bang bang play to see what the ump called. Looks very nice...
At the end of the game, Jeanie zolasko mentions the Chevy player of the game. Showing highlights from the player of the game, then highlights from the game itself.