Today we are going to take a look at a users viewpoints on how Madden could be best served in what it can improve. Today's user look is from forum user "rboochard." He lists 16 key ares of improvement for Madden next year. Read on to see if you agree with his assessment or not!
They could add the personalities like NBA 2k8 did. The problem I have with this is that It will more than likely end up being some that is implemented poorly so it won't work for many years if ever. This could work but it's not that important to me just an idea for the previous poster. Ea has a bad habit of adding features and then they don't work as intended much like progression this year.
1. The progression system was supposed to make a huge bell curve out of players ratings so for every point of progression there is a point of regression which will help keep the ratings from inflating or deflating to much over the years. They should focus on making more progression happen along with more regression.
2. One thing they could do now is make the tackle and sack stats work correctly. If two or more guys get in on a sack give them all .5 sacks. If a player makes a tackle on his own give him a solo tackle. Solo tackles could be the main focus for Tackle progression for a player. If a player makes a tackle with someone else give him a tackle assist. Assists could help with progression of pursuit and then record the total of tackles also.
3. Then change pass deflected into pass defended. This category would now include pass deflections like before but would also include when a hit jars the ball loose soon after caught.
4. Also bring back the stats added in 2007 ps2 madden. One was the Big Hit stat. Not the attribute the stat. Every time the Hit stick is used to get a Big Hit record this stat for that individual player. This will help decide which players need to progress in Tackle Power.
5. Bring back the other stat made in madden 07 on last gen. I don't remember exactly what it was called but something along the lines of the times thrown to stat. This stat would record the amount of times thrown to the receiver that a defender is either manned up on or in a zone with. This would help make the other stats much more comparable. To add another even deeper stat they could also add big plays given up so every time a defender is on a guy and he lets that guy score he would had a bad stat showing that.
6. Off course fix the Int X 2 problem but don't forget to move up the amount of picks QBs throw in simmed games so these numbers end up more like the NFL. Progression will never work as intended if QB stats are all out of wack.
7. Delete many of the FB runs. A lot teams don't run their fullback many times at all. Most teams in next gen madden run their FB 80-90 times in a year. That is for teams with Fullbacks who know how to run but some FBs are basically all blocker. If they thing they can do it make the CPU smart enough to sub in a big RB at FB when they do FB runs most of the time as another option to deleting some of the plays which seems simple and very reasonable.
8. Fix the draft. I hate the fact that there are NEVER first round linebackers in this yeas game. There is always atleast one LB that is a first rounder and usually closer to 5 who are first round talent in real life.
9. Add more players to the draft so if I want a QB in the 7th I can take one. I hate how once you get to the late rounds there is no one left.
10. Make those undrafted or unsigned players go to the Free Agent pool. The game needs more free agent options.
11. Make the roster bigger in preseason so you can sign a bunch of players to try out. Then you can have cuts just like in the real NFL where you eventually go from 70 down to your 52 man roster. This would give a chance for those players to try and prove themselves and make for some shake ups when young guys out play older guys.
12. In preseason games make teams take out their starters after the first quarter and flip them to LAST on the depth chart. Then at half time flip to the third string or leave in the second string if there is no third. This will allow the young players more playing time and help proven starters not get injured by playing in meaningless games.
13. Add position battles like ps2 had. They were a good way of cracking the starting lineup and did a pretty good job of only having battles when a starter is rated low. This helps make the game feel real by adding in some change.
14. Leave player battles through the year so if a player is playing poorly at some point they can still go back to another player. Cut this down to players rated very closely or find some other way to bench a player on a cpu team that is performing horribly.
15. Bring back the Restricted Free Agency Period. Clean it up a little bit so teams that run the 3-4 won't go after a small pass rush end unless they are smart enough to move the guy to OLB. Once again it's a good way to let players move around the league and change the teams a little more.
16. Let us change players' positions. We should be able to change any player to any position. With the new ratings it's not as easy to move people around and get better players. I know people used to move LBers to DE all the time and get a crazy pass rusher but not if he doesn't have some finesse or power moves he will just get crushed and it won't matter. Besides the fact that this does not affect online play because you can't change the roster file and use it online it's only for us franchise guys and if we want to move Randle El back to Qb and give it a try we should be able to. The whole point of madden to me is to pretend like I'm a football genius and build that great team how I always wanted to.
There is a start to what I would like to see EA do. I hope they really sit down and try to make franchise mode play a little better this year.