No game is ever perfect out of the box. Slider gurus know this first hand, and it's the reason why they're always trying to squeeze every last piece of realism out of yearly franchises. Unfortunately, slider sets are an imperfect science because there's no set of sliders that will make everyone happy. Therefore, a person must make his or her own sliders to ensure enjoyment with the game. So what I'm going to do is post my base slider set for NBA 2K8. In addition, along with some explanations for some of the more ambiguous sliders so gamers know exactly what the specific slider will change. Hopefully by doing this you'll all be able to tweak my base set of sliders, which I feel suit my game and style well, and make them into your own.
One note before posting my NBA 2K8 sliders, and that is, any slider I did not change from the default 50, I did not include. These are also for offline games.
Make sure to discuss these sliders, or post your own, in the NBA 2K8 slider thread in our forums.
Gameplay Settings
Difficulty: All-Star
All-Star is the best level to play on since it still allows for some fastbreak points. It appears the guys at Visual Concepts once again made it a bit too hard to fastbreak on the higher levels due to some sort of hard coding into the game. It's similar to the problem last year where every player just gets back too fast -- but not quite as bad as last year since big men don't catch up to guards when the guards do get the occasional break.
Quarter Length: 10 mins
Run The Play: Auto
Game Speed: 49
Move Game Speed up if you play fewer minutes, since the CPU will take quicker shots and thus will produce higher shot totals in shorter games.
NBA Rules
Charging Foul: 100
Blocking Foul: 80
Reaching Foul: 70
Shooting Foul: 80
Loose Ball Foul: 100
There aren't enough charges or loose ball fouls even at 100.
Game Sliders
Close Shot Success: 51 / 50
Mid Range: 49 / 50
3PT Success: 49 / 49
Dunk Success: 48 / 48
Layup Success: 52 / 51
This is a touchy one since some believe there are too many missed layups, and others believe there is no problem. The layup slider is delicate so just playing with it by one click per game until discovering a happy medium is the way to go.
Dunks in Traffic: 0 / 0
Dunks in Traffic still happen at double zero.
Steal Success: 65 / 65
Pick Success: 70 / 70
Pick Strength: 65 / 65
Stealing: 55 / 55
Another reason there is a lack of fastbreak points is due to the lack of turnovers. So choosing to raise this slider even higher to promote more turnovers is understandable.
Blocking: 55 / 50
Ball Handling: 45 / 45
Dunk Ability: 44 / 44
Offensive Awareness: 45 / 35
Defensive Awareness: 60 / 50
Offensive Rebounding: 45 / 45
Chance of Injury: 60 / 60
Injury Effects: 60 / 60
Clutch Factor: 15 / 15
Fatigue Rate: 52 / 52
Push the slider higher if you want your guys to lose less energy.
Shoots Inside: 50 / 44
Shots Mid-Range: 50 / 58
Shoots 3PT: 50 / 54
Attacks Basket: 50 / 47
Attempts Dunk: 50 / 40
Back to Basket: 50 / 53
Triple Threat: 50 / 54
Hookshots: 50 / 46
Throws Flashy Passes: 0 / 0
Commits Fouls: 90 / 80
Plays Passing Lanes: 0 / 0
Atts On Ball Steals: 50 / 85
Contests Shots: 65 / 50
I don't use the new lock-on defense feature, but if you do, you'll want to tweak this slider.
Sizeup Moves: 50 / 52
Obviously you only need to change the CPU tendencies since you're the user, duh.