Feature Article
NHL 17 - Control The Ice

The EA SPORTS NHL team is proud to present the first look at gameplay in NHL 17. Own Every Zone with more end-to-end control with authentic goalies featuring positional awareness and reactionary save intelligence, all-new Net Battles for offensive and defensive zone play, and dozens of thrilling new goal celebrations.

Check out the Gameplay Series: Control the Ice Trailer below to see what else is new: 



  • Updates to Vision Control on offense and defense for improved facing and positioning.
  • Better control over stopping and holding your ground vs pivoting and accelerating in a new direction.
  • Improved ability to step out and accelerate in a new direction if you are traveling at a lower speed.
  • Updates to how a skater gains or loses momentum during carving and cross-over turns.
  • Alignment between skating without the puck, skating while protecting the puck, and stick handling so that turning works the same and feels more consistent. 
  • Loose pucks in the offensive zone are now considered an offensive situation for the purposes of vision control. 
  • Improvements to back skating when holding vision control and accelerating from a stop. This allows you to stay square when you have the puck on the blueline and allows you to face the puck when accelerating from a standstill on defense.
  • Improved trigger sensitivity for vision control.
  • Various improvements to responsiveness by updating animation blend windows.

  • Faster pass animations for more control and responsiveness.
  • Ability to pass to players and have them stay still and not move into every puck. This will help offensive zone passing when you set up in the zone or if you want to pass D to D during a regroup.
  • Various improvements to pass accuracy and targeting. 
  • Improved pickups for close range passing.


  • New shooting context for in-close deke shots. This will help you get the shot you expect when deking to forehand or backhand.
  • Improved five-hole targeting while shooting.

Puck Pickups
  • Addressed situations where seamless pickups were triggering when not desired. Players now can press hustle to get accelerating pickups, press and hold vision control to get pivoting and strafing pickups.
  • Added new backward acceleration pickups so you can get moving backward with the puck as you receive it instead of having to wait until you have possession. This gives you more control at the point when passing D to D.
  • Added more coverage in turning pickups, giving you more control of the angle you want to take so you can pick up the puck without losing momentum.
  • Revised tuning for receiving passes and picking up loose pucks.

  • Added in Blocking vs Reactionary saves.
  • Improved ability to handle weak and long shots or passes on the net.
  • Improved wrap around save/post positioning. 
  • Improved responsiveness and better branching between transitions.
  • Updates to goalie AI for how multiple bodies affect a goaltender vs open sight lines.
  • Improve short side save logic and positioning.


  • Improved hit targeting and tracking.
  • Improved low-speed hits and push checks.
  • Players will now respond to missed hits more realistically. You can now attempt a push check if an opposing player has avoided a shoulder check and is skating past you. 
  • Pucks will now come free earlier when you hit the player away from the puck for better separation.

Interceptions, Deflections, and Stick Contact
  • Even if your skater can’t control a pass (due to passing power, angle, etc.) players will try to bobble the puck in the direction they are skating so that they don’t just leave it behind them if they don’t receive it clean. 
  • Defensive deflections won’t stop you from skating where you want and will only trigger if you are trying to glide or hold your ground.
  • Improved control for interception pickups so players will receive pucks cleanly when they are capable.
  • Moderate defensive deflection ability based on skating speed vs control.
  • Various improvements to puck collisions and incidental collisions when jarring a puck loose.


  • Weak-side defenders will do a better job covering the front of the net and when to commit to a puck carrier.
  • Improved AI fatigue so it is consistent with human players. 
  • More control over AI penalty logic with gameplay sliders.
  • Tuned AI’s recognition of pass lanes to prevent them from making risky passes when there isn’t a great scoring opportunity. 
  • Factor in power up time for AI passing - incorporates awareness, power up time, offensive awareness, passing attributes, and skill level. This makes them feel more human when passing.
  • Updated logic for how the AI uses vision control on both offense and defense for better positioning and gap control.
  • Revised logic for where the AI will send the puck when being pinned to the boards so they are making less risky plays on defense and looking for the advantage on offense.
  • Better AI puck support if a human player gets pinned in board play.
  • Revised logic for AI puck retrieval on dump ins and pucks deep in their zone.
  • Better back-checking assignment.
  • Additional AI logic for line changes based on time left on the clock.
  • Updates to AI pass decisions so they pass less into traffic when there isn’t a scoring opportunity. 
  • Updates to AI decision-making with the puck both on the rush and in the zone.
  • Various changes to AI decision-making on breakouts both with and without the puck.
  • Revised AI faceoff logic by difficulty level.


NHL 17 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 snc237 @ 07/12/16 02:41 PM
Some things corrected that annoyed me last year so hopefully that A.I. Is improve in many situations, however the A.I. Needs a revamp completely apposed to revisions and tweaks.
# 2 asu666 @ 07/12/16 02:50 PM
I'm planning on sinking a lot of time into NHL 17.
# 3 brandon27 @ 07/12/16 03:34 PM
In writing, a good list of improvements. Hopefully execution is good. The way things started with the news cycle on this one, I was pretty disappointed. The last few updates from Ea on this have been good though. Finally some real details, and some positive news.
# 4 bad_philanthropy @ 07/12/16 04:12 PM
Very thorough list of improvements. Happy to see the devs are very much aware of the glaring issues with gameplay (not regarding arcade/sim tunings).

Seeing things like the cpu now being subject to pass charging and all sorts of other user mechanics shows how far behind development of the game has been since the move to this gen. I'll give credit to the small and under-resourced dev team doing their best here.
# 5 Al_Tito13 @ 07/12/16 05:36 PM
To me, gameplay is by far the most important thing and I have to say that NHL 17 looks really promising. From the day it was said that a better gameplay customization was in the game with 0-100 sliders, I was already pumped. After that, we got news about better stick collisions detection and a lot of new sliders available, including ones to make the puck completely loose if we wanted to. And now, this list of improvements which were needed for the most part.

Like I said, so far, it looks like NHL 17 will be great, and I can't wait to get my hands on the game, just hope I won't be disappointed.
# 6 Diehardfan @ 07/12/16 05:48 PM
Sounds real promising but I don't trust them anymore. Everything looks and sounds great in the pre-release months but always seems to change when the game is in our hands.

I'll believe this stuff...when I see it first hand.
# 7 ericromain @ 07/12/16 07:12 PM
There's some good nuanced improvements in there.
I hope they show some gameplay videos showing them off.
# 8 MizzouRah @ 07/12/16 09:50 PM
Agreed... I see the writing.. let's see some game play!!!
# 9 jake19ny @ 07/13/16 09:45 AM
Sounds awesome but will it translate into the gameplay? Hope so. I also saw a nice entire team celebration in the trailer perhaps a playoff win? Playoff clinch win? Or a big OT win? Looked good
# 10 actionhank @ 07/13/16 10:46 AM
I'm trying so hard not to be cynical in looking at the game, but I can remember reading about every game release and going "Finally X gets looked at...still wish it was Y, but this should be nice" only to be let down when the game released.

Morale was a huge one last year, and it ended up being next to worthless in game.
# 11 phillyfan23 @ 07/13/16 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by jake19ny
Sounds awesome but will it translate into the gameplay? Hope so. I also saw a nice entire team celebration in the trailer perhaps a playoff win? Playoff clinch win? Or a big OT win? Looked good

The gameplay Feature list is promising but i agree here....how will it translate in gameplay.

For example the sliders, nhl 17 will jave aliders 0-100. Nhl 16 had 0-6. On max penalty sliders for human/cpu, both teams averaged probably 2 penalties a game.

If in nhl 17 100/100 penalties yield the same thing, what good does 0-100 do? It ll just make slideritis more "acute". 100/100 penalty sliders should create penalties where a player gets called on for BREATHING on his opponent.

Same with the rest of the features will it impact the gameplay in a significantly positive manner.

I am cautiously optimistic....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 12 sccavs64 @ 07/13/16 02:56 PM
Idk, list of improvements is really thorough....To me though, the increase of slider adjustment possibilities from 0-6 to 0-100 makes me think they're saying, "Okay this game isn't going to be great, so here's a way for you to manually make it less bad".

Cautiously optimistic as well. I think NHL would really benefit from the switch to Frostbite, so I might just wait until that happens to purchase. We'll see what the Beta brings.
# 13 actionhank @ 07/13/16 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by sccavs64
Idk, list of improvements is really thorough....To me though, the increase of slider adjustment possibilities from 0-6 to 0-100 makes me think they're saying, "Okay this game isn't going to be great, so here's a way for you to manually make it less bad".

Cautiously optimistic as well. I think NHL would really benefit from the switch to Frostbite, so I might just wait until that happens to purchase. We'll see what the Beta brings.
I think in sports games, sliders are almost a requirement at this point. It's hard to have an in-game product that's going to appeal to everyone, while still being fun and accessible. The guy who just started watching hockey just wants to go out and score some goals. He doesn't really care about neutral zone pressure or defensive coverage on the PK.

But, the person who's been watching hockey, maybe played some, and wants a realistic experience is going to be focused on everything from lateral movement of the goalie to what forwards do in the zone on an odd-man rush.

Sliders let you tweak the game to your liking, so both of the above, and everyone in between can find their happy medium. The issue has been a combination of the AI being downright useless in some situations, and the fact that the sliders themselves were hard to understand, and didn't seem to really change that much when they were used.

If the changes make the sliders actually do more, they will be a great addition. If they take the already weak/ineffective sliders and just increase the range you have to move things for nothing to happen, it will be incredibly frustrating.
# 14 jake19ny @ 07/14/16 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by phillyfan23
The gameplay Feature list is promising but i agree here....how will it translate in gameplay.

For example the sliders, nhl 17 will jave aliders 0-100. Nhl 16 had 0-6. On max penalty sliders for human/cpu, both teams averaged probably 2 penalties a game.

If in nhl 17 100/100 penalties yield the same thing, what good does 0-100 do? It ll just make slideritis more "acute". 100/100 penalty sliders should create penalties where a player gets called on for BREATHING on his opponent.

Same with the rest of the features will it impact the gameplay in a significantly positive manner.

I am cautiously optimistic....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Agreed. I tested the sliders in NHL 16 and played a game with all sliders maxed and all sliders minimized and found only a select few impacted the game and most of those the difference was small. If sliders 0-100 do the same thing then they will amount to little more than a placebo
# 15 Qb @ 07/14/16 10:54 AM
Lots of good stuff in there, and one more time, let's hope it plays out as well as it sounds. I really hope the "Better back-checking assignment" finally adds some challenge to navigating the neutral zone and zone entry. The tenacity of and commitment to back-checking is one of the biggest changes in the NHL over the last two decades, along with shot blocking (also underrepresented in the game) and the evolution of goaltending (maybe they're finally getting around to this?).

We always harp on the D-men surrendering the blueline, but with an almost total lack of defensive support from the forwards coming back, often it's the right play. Defensemen can't be overly aggressive if they have no help and the puck carrier is coming full speed with no back pressure. With that being said, they still sag too much and don't maintain proper gap, so hopefully that was addressed as well.
# 16 miner7g @ 07/14/16 11:04 PM
In regards to the sliders, I remember seeing somewhere that the new 0-100 sliders are apparently 'the same sliders that the developers use', so I'd imagine that would mean one extreme to the other, and in-between.
# 17 actionhank @ 07/15/16 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by miner7g
In regards to the sliders, I remember seeing somewhere that the new 0-100 sliders are apparently 'the same sliders that the developers use', so I'd imagine that would mean one extreme to the other, and in-between.
Which if true will be huge for us offline players. Can't say it will fix everything, but if we really can get to make better slider changes, it will be awesome...

All of that rests on the assumption though, that they do something. If they're ineffective, it will all be a moot point, and arguably more annoying, especially if I can't type in the number, instead of clicking left or right a million times.
# 18 Al_Tito13 @ 07/15/16 01:34 PM
I trust DJ Neo and he said that there are a lot of sliders available this year, we can customize almost everything and we can make the puck completely loose if we want to. And like miner7g mentioned, there is also Ben Ross, the gameplay Producer, who said that we will have access to the same sliders that the developers use and we will be able to play full 20 minutes periods while getting realistic stats and gameplay, if we want to.

I know that everything mentioned above seem almost too good to be true and we'll have to play it ourselves to be sure, but it definitely sounds great. And if we have access to all sliders the developers use, maybe now tuners will only effect slider values, which would be another great thing, since we would be able to get back easily to our previous settings if we don't like it.

I would have hoped for at least an offline mode to be in the beta, so we could start looking at sliders and trying them. However, since it's not the case, we'll have to wait until September to do so I guess.
# 19 MizzouRah @ 07/15/16 07:44 PM
Can't wait.. I think it comes out on EA Access on 9/8.
# 20 AdamJones113 @ 07/20/16 11:10 PM
Looking pretty good, as every game does before release. Hopefully new additions are implemented correctly; game should once again be a blast if they are.

Reverse-VH? Still like to claim credit for originally broaching that idea.
Most of the stuff listed here though has been stuff we've complaining about for a while (vids, threads, comments, etc)... so either we're not as neglected as we seem to be, or we're actually pretty solid at picking out flaws in the game. Either way, EA really looks to be doing something right.

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