Feature Article
The Biggest Feature Needed in All Franchise Modes Is...? (Roundtable)

Chase Becotte: In my mind, it's a simple but hard to pull off concept: feel like you're part of something bigger than yourself. Most every franchise mode has gotten in on adding a fake Twitter feed of sorts, and tries to get you more involved in league-wide news in general, but people who flock to online franchise modes do so in large part to feel like they're part of an actual league.

Playing by yourself can't ever compare to playing with a bunch of friends, but people chirp and hope for things like a league-wide halftime show or weekly show, or replays from other games and so on because they want to feel invested in the happenings within their universe. Right now, no sports game tries to create a world that exists beyond the words in the front end and the games users are playing. It's not an easy problem to solve, but it's one of the biggest ones facing franchise modes moving forward.

Dustin Toms: Honestly, despite every developer's best efforts, offseason modes still need to be adjusted to fit its real life importance.

Free agency is something that has helped turn each sport into a 12-month circus. When LeBron was choosing between Cleveland and Miami, the entire world held its breath. When Ndamukong Suh hit the jackpot on the market, hope was swirling around every fan's fingertips. The offseason grants hope to each organization, but when reflected in a video game it's nothing but a button masher to the start of the season.

NBA 2K16 has put in work to implement Summer League and the Summit, both nice additions. Madden has been constantly trying to figure out the best way to execute free agency, and has done a decent job to keep gamers interested and attentive. But why not take the next step? My idea floats around the interactions off 2K16's Off-Day Simulator (ODS), so bear with me for a moment.

In the ODS, you choose up to 10 connections that will randomly ask for you to hang out. Select the 10 free agents you're most interested in, then balance your work days in the offseason around who you absolutely need to sign. To use the same example, say LeBron is on the market with 12 teams that have plenty of cap room. Obviously each team will choose to spend time with LeBron, but in the end it's still the King's choice. The time you spend with each FA, the answers you give them, the attention thrown their way, etc., can all add up to a leaderboard on where he wants to sign a contract. Think NCAA Football recruitment/scouting, but with massive gains. You need to work for changing the landscape of your team, not sit and pray that your offer might come through when you advance to the next day.

It's a gold mine, and it would add a lot fun to an already great mode.

Kevin Groves: I'd have to agree with Chase in the sense that "Immersion" is still lacking when it comes to Franchise Modes. Not since College Hoops 2K8 have I felt a real connection to my team while being in tune to what's going on around me. Too often these days offline career modes feel like you're the only planet in the universe. How your surroundings impact you is frequently left wanting by either sub-par AI or meaningless clutter (see Chase's point above about fake tweets, headlines, etc...). Perhaps areas like in-game commentary could be enhanced to include news from around the league(s) as well as the situation going on with the team you're in charge of.

Chris Sanner: The biggest challenge any sports game has still when it comes to a mode like Franchise Mode is indeed immersion. The feeling of being in a world that is both dynamic, unpredictable, but lifelike is something that sports games really haven't quite found a way to capture.

I would assume this involves not only realistic AI GMs making moves, but realistic player personalities, a more robust (but not too intrusive) news feature, and more situational commentary in games. For instance, if you have a WR that's simply been a problem and you suddenly see that playing out in the game with him yelling at his teammates -- how cool would it be to then have to decide how to react to his antics?

Some sports gamers may not like that -- but its something that's very realistic for a coach to handle (or a GM after the game). Another thing that has to be considered is team chemistry as well as fan popularity of players. If you have a franchise QB in their prime and you trade him away, you should have to deal with a massive fan backlash. If you truly want a sim experience, player personalities existing within a more connected and robust world are essential for all of this. Motivation and confidence have to be fleshed out more as well -- but there's always a danger to those types of features being overdone or completely breaking a game's balance.

Regardless, off the field and on the field have to begin connecting more -- and the world you exist in needs to be more alive. No sports game does it truly well, so we have a long way to go yet for these features!

Member Comments
# 1 Kanobi @ 10/26/15 10:05 PM
As far as football is concerned, Player Personalities is the biggest thing missing. The players currently still seem like bots that don't react off the field to the changing world around them, from immediate roster/coaching staff changes...to players at the same position but on other teams getting bigger contracts.

Developers are on the right track with player traits for in-game performance. But they need to develop player mental make-up....is this guy a loner or a mentor? is he a quiet, lead-by-example guy or a rah-rah, vocal leader?....is this guy passionate about the game or is he just a headcase? Then...give those personalities an arc that changes/develops over the course of the players career based what occurs around them.

And then take it another step in how those different personalities co-exist on a team...and then how they collectively respond to the coach.

To me, this is what will ultimately immerse gamers in a franchise mode. I could imagine being at work thinking about how to deal with benching my aging veteran qb who's deteriorating skills are holding the team back. I drafted him when he was just an immature, out-of-control punk with a golden arm. Now he's got some maturity, gray in his hair, and four Super Bowl rings with this team.

Even if the qb understands the move...will management understand? How about the fans?....Or the media? ...How will this sit with the locker room? I mean...I've had a few players approach me privately and suggest a change at qb but do they represent the majority or the minority?

The above is EXACTLY the type of decisions and thought process that future franchise modes should be forcing on the user. That would make every little victory in the game that much more meaningful and emotionally rewarding. Above all it's ultimate immersion in the game because suddenly...the user will genuinely CARE about every player on the team.
# 2 eye guy @ 10/27/15 03:09 AM
I'd have to agree with Dustin Thomas' idea but with the addition of team success and player "legacy goals" playing a decent role in regards to where the free agent will sign.
# 3 shanev @ 10/27/15 08:11 AM
One thing that would help is to integrate an online presence, one of the old NCAA football games let you make a website that was built by the game. I believe one of the NBA games let you manage some things on the phone too. Giving you wider access and the ability to share with friends your franchise accomplishments would go a long way.
# 4 jada855 @ 10/27/15 12:47 PM
Year to Year saves with injected roster updates! The main reason I am still playing MLB the show! Having a created player in franchise mode and keeping track of those stats year to year is awesome and fun! Extra plus that the games graphics don't look dated!
# 5 AgustusM @ 10/27/15 01:19 PM
I believe simple immersion of stats would make a huge difference. If you are in week 10 of a real NFL game and the opposing RB leads the league in rushing - that would be a major talking point. Tough to get the announcers to do it - but graphic overlays of top 5 is each categories and highlighting players in current game should be easy.

also career stats. total pro bowl appearances, anything really that creates the alternate reality around your franchise and what is and has happened.
# 6 onin9190 @ 10/27/15 01:46 PM
You guys are dead on about feeling like you're part of the game not just playing the game. Let's talk Madden right now because it's one of the most flawed games. Have a GM mode where you have to make decisions. Is your coach not motivating your players, should you fire your coach and promote someone else (mid-season or at the end of the season). Are certain players cancers to the locker room, what should the focus be in the draft. Its all about real decision making. They should also include a market based salary because then you have to make tough decision on drafting players letting players go. I had to let a player go just so I can draft one not because I couldn't afford him just wanted to let him go. I had over 70 million in cap space.

They need to talk to former GM, coaches, players and maybe even some owners on how things work. Every position is different and when you have the game play be the same repetition whether you're a coach, owner or player it's all the same. They need to make it different it's own entity.
# 7 malky @ 10/27/15 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by AgustusM
I believe simple immersion of stats would make a huge difference. If you are in week 10 of a real NFL game and the opposing RB leads the league in rushing - that would be a major talking point. Tough to get the announcers to do it - but graphic overlays of top 5 is each categories and highlighting players in current game should be easy.

also career stats. total pro bowl appearances, anything really that creates the alternate reality around your franchise and what is and has happened.
Yep yep yep, couldn't agree more...... It would be nice if we had more stats and the graphic overlays as you progress, especially in the Pro games.

NCAA Football does it sometimes with the announcers but it should also be mentioning before the game, for instance, " Player is going for his 350th homerun today and the stadium is packed to see if he does it"

As they say with franchise mode IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS
# 8 Tsuki @ 10/27/15 02:23 PM
Every single player needs personality tendencies(ratings) just as they do for the on court/field/ice decisions they make
# 9 bukktown @ 10/27/15 06:06 PM
They all need to be like MyLeague
# 10 Retropyro @ 10/28/15 12:30 PM
For Madden, I'd like to see a coaching career similar to NCAA. Start off as a offensive or defensive coordinator and build from there. Add in the coaching carousal. Have a skill tree for your coach to unlock and build upon, with the skills having an impact on the game. From how certain players progress, how team chemistry is affected, how the potential free agents view your team etc.

Make free agency more meaningful and deep, have actual meetings with players you are going after. If anything, the off-season part should take longer than the actual season, between FA and the draft.

Make the pre-season mean something with real position battles based on training, practice and games.
# 11 brettas2 @ 10/29/15 03:34 PM
Meaningful offseasons is a must have. Free agency is a money grab in offeason modes right now. If I have 10 million dollars in cap space but have an awesome team, and the free agent I want wants 10 million a year, I can only sign him if nobody else offers 11 million. I understand that is fairly realistic, but some free agents will go to a better opportunity, not someplace just for the money. When I start a franchise, I want to feel invested in the character, building him/her up from the beginning and making them a force in whatever league it is. As far as coaching goes, the college games, NCAA football and College hoops 2k series had it right. There was such a great carousel in the game. If I start out as an offensive coordinator for the Redskins and build up their offense and get offered a Head Coaching job for the (hypothetically speaking) aging Steelers, or upstart Titans, do I take either? Do I hold out and hope for a potential superbowl winning season with my current team the next year when maybe my "dream job" opens up? These are questions that any coach would be asking themselves in this situation. Do I jump at the money or do I wait and hope for a better opportunity. Maybe your team fails miserably the next year and you do not have any head coaching opportunities, but a chance to move on as an offensive coordinator to a better team...

Also, gameplanning really needs to become more of a focal point in these modes. Basketball and Football especially. The overall scouting of my teams strengths and weaknesses as well as the opponents and being able to easily formulate a gameplan based on this. Why would I want to come out and throw 50 times with a bad qb, when I have one of the best running attacks in football? Why wouldn't I want to focus my players on the floor to give space to the ball handler at the 3 point line because their team struggles shooting the 3 in basketball? You can control your player, but you cannot control your team overall... There needs to be a better way to do that.
# 12 DocHolliday @ 10/31/15 05:31 PM
I think companies wrongly think we need a lot of around the league info delivered to us in "tv" format. It's just wrong. How many of us sit through NBA 2K game intros? While cool, I skip them as soon as possible. Same for halftime. I just want to finish the game.

A good way to show what's happened around the league is a week ending "around the league"'report. And guess what....its just text!

NBA 2K for example would have:

Injured this week: Would show all the injuries that happened around the league and their effect

Top players
Would break down the weeks top player AVGs, sort by stats.

Top single game
The top single game records for the week

Top slumps
Worst (high rated/starters) lines/game for the week.

Etc, etc, etc

That's all you need, you get a good idea on who got hurt, and who has been playing well/poor with out clicking through a bunch of box scores.

Then introduce these stats into games as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 13 TGsoGood @ 11/01/15 12:10 AM
Doc holiday, the TV presentation adds to the immersion. You may skip through it but if you are in year 5 of a franchise you may want to see some of game intros for generated characters.

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