Feature Article
Best of Launch Weekend: Guide to Shot Selection

With plenty of game time under our belt DSM wants to throw out some general pointers for proper shot selection. After the jump read our small guide to finding the right spot to shoot from.

1. Use the Hot Spots. It seems simple enough but many people will forget about holding down the LB/L1 (depending on your console) and seeing where each player is most deadly from. Many know that Bruce Bowen kills from the corners, but less people know where

2. Gather Yourself First. When you do find an open man open on the wing or corner and pass it to him, make sure the shooter holds the ball for a half a second before firing. You do this because in Live this year shot success seems to be heavily dependent on how your feet are set. It's a small animation but once you see the shooter get his left or right foot set then fire away. It will feel weird having to pause for a moment before shooting, but it definitely helps

3. Know your personnel. It's another obvious one, but it goes deeper, know your stars. With a lot of the new signature moves this year, they are an easy way to get an open shot. Know that Steve Nash on the break has his little running fade away while going full speed, or that he has his signature fadeaway while down low. Know that Arenas has his step back jump shot, or that Kobe has his leg kick fadeaway. Finding where to best use those signature shots will ensure that no defender will be blocking your shot and will also lead to plenty of high percentage opportunities. 

4. A proper release point is nonexistent. This is why the feet gathering is so important and also why you have to not worry about release point. When you start missing it's something deeper than just where the shot is let go, because outside of the Three Point Competition release point is done for you.

5. Transition Shots. This ties back into 2. If you are on the break and pull up, pause for a moment, set yourself, and then fire away. Open shots in this game as long as you are not leaning or fading will go in a large percentage of the time.

Hope that helps. Stay tuned for more Live coverage through the weekend all the way up to the release of our review this upcoming week.