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F1 2015: Five Tips to Win on the Track

F1 2015 may lack certain modes that many were looking forward to, but that doesn’t mean it can be classified as shallow, because it’s not. The newest iteration from Codemasters allows the user to approach the game from multiple angles and configure it to your liking. Obviously certain approaches are going to be easier than others -- and the strategy you decide upon can go a long way towards adding replay value to the title -- to help keep it in your game rotation for months to come. These are five tips that have really opened the game up for me, and I am hoping it might do the same for you.

Difficulty Level

As easy as this may sound, difficulty level can make a drastic difference in one’s overall enjoyment of the F1 2015. Don’t be scared to try the higher difficulty levels as the competition increases and the racing becomes a challenge. The higher difficulty levels require constant focus and patience, but it really adds to the overall enjoyment of the game. I would also suggest attempting to go with a full manual gearbox. Yes, it can seem like a daunting task at first, but you gain speed at every track, and a greater sense of track knowledge.

Side note: The AI drivers are great in F1, but sometimes don’t obey blue flags, so make sure to pause and save often or use flashbacks to correct the issue.

Different Race Lengths

The developers at Codemasters are great at giving the user options, and one of the best they offer in F1 2015 is the ability to pick multiple race/weekend lengths. Of course most of us have busy lives, but if you can find the time to race 50-100 percent races, it really adds to the strategy of the whole weekend. By doing so, it forces you to factor in tyre wear, pit strategy, fuel mixture and race aggressiveness. It’s always great to have options in our video games, and you definitely have them in regards to race lengths in F1 2015, so make sure you take advantage of the option.

Understand DRS, Fuel Mixture And Tyre Compound

DRS: The more you educate yourself on the components of F1 racing, the more you can apply it to your approach of F1 2015. DRS, or drag reduction system, is a powerful tool in F1, and likewise in its video game counterpart. DRS allows the driver (or user) to adjust the aerodynamics of the vehicle on the fly to gain top speed and help with passing opponents. Passing an opponent in F1 is not the easiest of tasks to accomplish, and the proper use the DRS system can really help in certain situations.

Fuel Mixture: Switching fuel mixture is another in-game option that F1 2015 offers, and a welcomed one. By changing your fuel mixture from standard to rich or lean (or the combination of the three), you can really change how your car is performing, and the late-race strategy you employ. Running a rich fuel mixture will give you a speed enhancement, but your fuel consumption will increase, and tyre wear will also increase by vehicle performance increase. Standard is usually going to be your best option, but don’t be afraid to run a lean mixture if you have the lead and are trying to conserve fuel. Your strategy decision can really have strong effect on the outcome of the race so learning when to properly implement each fuel type will pay off in the long run.

Side note: Right now using fuel mix three is an issue in-game, as it improperly causes one’s car to overheat and lose top-end speed. Codemasters is aware of this, and hopefully it will be corrected with the first patch.

Tyre Compound: The game does a really good job of explaining the different tyre compounds, and which one is best for each in-race scenario. With that said, it is important to understand the different types of tyres as they each have their own set of strengths and weaknesses, especially over long runs. So take the time to educate yourself because the right type of tyre can make all the difference.

We Talking About Practice

Unlike Allen Iverson’s view towards practice, it can actually pay off quite dramatically in F1 2015. Although every F1 venue could be described in somewhat similar ways, the details of each track are dramatically different. Real track awareness is probably your greatest asset in F1 2015 as every single practice lap you turn provides experience, feedback and track knowledge. Take the time to familiarize yourself with where passes can be successfully accomplished, how to approach each turn and where each pit entrance is on every track. These are all hugely important factors for each individual race, and they can really help you succeed at each locale in F1 2015.

Throttle And Brake Feathering

This tip may seem like a given, but I can’t overstate how important this is in F1 2015. A lot of folks have the mindset in racing that it’s zero or a hundred, with nothing in between. Every single turn at every single track is different, and to be successful at each turn, you have to understand the nuances that each turn possesses. Some turns will force one to "roll" through it without touching the accelerator, while others require one to constantly feather both the gas and brake in order to optimally navigate said turn. If you are approaching each and every turn with the same mindset, I can guarantee that you are leaving precious seconds on the track.

There a so many ways to successfully approach F1 2015, and these are just five tips that have helped me in my approach. These tips may work for some, while not so much for others. The point of all of this is to take the time to understand and appreciate how deep the in-game strategy is in F1 2015, and how profound an impact user input really has in this year’s title.

What are some tips that have worked for you?


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Member Comments
# 1 jpollack34 @ 08/11/15 02:05 PM
Thanks for this.

It is pretty shallow in modes, but the gameplay is great I have to say. Tire wear really plays a factor. Very realistic gameplay all around. I'm using a G27 on PC.
# 2 RunN1st @ 08/11/15 03:35 PM
Wish I could use my Logitech wheels on the PS4. Good list, Bob!
# 3 Lieutenant Dan @ 08/12/15 12:02 AM
Thanks Bob! The final tip about treating turns individually instead of using the same technique was a great reminder for me. I gotta not roll through every turn....sometimes need to brake more (Monaco) or feather more on gas and brakes (Spa).
# 4 TheArsenologist @ 08/12/15 07:48 AM
The quicker you get used to racing without assists and turn them off, the better. While traction control might seem helpful, you'll never be as quick exiting corners as you could be if you keep it on. Between learning manual gears and getting rid of TC, you should be able to shave a good chunk of times off your laps.
# 5 RobertWitkowski @ 09/03/15 08:10 AM
I amazing to know these tips it would really be helpful while playing F1 2015 , as I am planning to acheter f1 2015 in my gaming list ,tips you have suggest would make my gaming more strategic . Thank you really.
# 6 RunN1st @ 09/03/15 01:55 PM
Anyone else stop playing this since the last patch? I win too easy now using the DRS without the worry of overheating the engine.
# 7 Slider79 @ 09/27/15 07:33 AM
Anyone know if they make a patch with the safety car?

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