Feature Article
Rory McIlroy PGA Tour: First Impressions

EA Sports first iteration of next-gen golf is here in Rory McIlroy PGA Tour. I’ve only had time to play a couple of rounds at this point, but want to offer up some first impressions just in case you are on the fence on buying the game or not today.

  • There are times the game looks amazing, other times where moire with the tall grass and such make it look horrible. Yes, the detail is stunning in terms of how the blades of grass were put together, etc. — but the drawback is that it sometimes is ‘too much’ detail for the resolution. The image, at least to me, looks too sharp which is causing the issues. However, the game doesn’t look bad, but it does have moments where it doesn’t look great for sure.
  • Gameplay wise Rory is at the very least an adequate game on the course. It’s definitely not bad, and I’m tempted to say it’s not overly brilliant either. What Rory does on the course, it does well. If you want a hardcore sim, I suspect you can find it by fiddling with some settings. The default difficulty is very forgiving, as you can see in the video above. It really takes the thinking out of the golf and just allows you to play incredibly aggressive.
  • I’ve only played on the default settings so far as I didn’t want to embarrass myself too badly in the videos I’ve captured, but the drives and approach shots are definitely too easy on the default settings. I’ve had zero problems getting GIR on holes with the default settings. I’m certain that once I bump up the difficulty, the game will start to be more of a challenge in that regard.
  • Putting is something I’m still getting used to. After playing The Golf Club for the last six months, my first few holes were fraught with fighting the ‘ideal line’ in Rory. Once I blocked that out and started using some common sense my putting instantly got a lot better. You do have to read greens and bad shots can punish you.
  • After bumping up the difficulty a bit I was able to play a bit more of a variety of shots. While the game still feels easy, the necessity to think through what you are doing is still there. You can't just aim and shoot blindly. You do have to consider elevation, the wind, the lie, and everything else you'd suspect. Golf gaming veterans won't have an issue picking up Rory and finding success though.
  • Quick rounds are as advertised. You can play a full tournament in less than an hour no problem thanks to how its set up. It really forces you to play well though, you can't have an off hole, or you will be punished for that. In that way, it may make for more of a challenge long-term and definitely leads to more variety since you miss a bunch of holes some tournaments so inevitably when the tour comes back around to the same course, it'll feel different if you play different holes.


So far so good. The fears that Rory wasn’t going to be a sim at all were unfounded, the game plays like golf should be played. I’ll need to bump my own difficulty up and see how it plays there. I also need to dive into the modes and play more different courses for sure. I’m not getting the all-time classic type of greatness vibe, but I also don’t think this game is anything near average or bad. So if you are a golf fan and want to invest in a title that is sure to grow (and if you don’t want to wait on my review), picking up Rory isn’t the worst decision you’ll make in 2015.

Look for more thoughts in the coming days leading up to my review!

Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR Videos
Member Comments
# 1 BCDX97 @ 07/14/15 09:53 PM
You're supposed to blindly hate this game and despise everything EA does. C'mon, you're getting this all wrong!

Honestly, I appreciate your reasonable words, and look forward to the review. I haven't had a chance to play quite yet, just one hole, but I look forward to getting into it soon.
# 2 CM1014 @ 07/14/15 10:57 PM
I'm enjoying this so far gameplay wise and just had a good couple of rounds online with a friend. The career mode is pretty bare which is unfortunate and there could be more golfers and courses. I wish there was some commentary or music or something in the online play. You and your friend play simultaneously and its just dead quiet with no crowd or anything.
# 3 sarlndr @ 07/14/15 11:36 PM
At first I was so angry I spent money on this game. Then I took a deep breath, payed attention to what's going on and took my time playing. It's an enjoyable game so far. Having not played a golf game since TW08 has left me feeling like a true noob. The putting is maddening. I know it's just me but It's so damn hard and the ball loves to stop on the lip more times then it should. I just need more practice.

Visually the game looks great. No doubt about that. The audio from the crowd is great but the sound of the club hitting the ball is way off. Also, you'll hear someone say "get in the hole" on your first shot on a par 5, lol.

I wish they had done more with the create a player. NBA Live has the cell phone app to put your face in the game. It should have been used for this game as well. It would have been a great touch. Maybe they can implement it in the future.
# 4 goillini03 @ 07/15/15 12:12 AM
Just got done playing with some friends...great time was had by all. They must fix/add a few things like more courses, player customization, a few more golfers, and tone down created player animations. Really cannot wait to see what they do with the game.
# 5 GeauxTigers @ 07/15/15 11:44 AM
All in all I'm happy with the game so don't take what I say here to mean it's not worth buying and with less than a day of playing here's some thoughts ...

The create a pro is really scaled back which can be a pro or a con ... if you're looking for just the right head or hair color or whatever you might find the options fairly limited ... at the same time it will keep you from spending 20 minutes looking for just the perfect head.

In the pro season you can't see the upcoming schedule (unless I just haven't figured out how yet) ... so I played my qualifier and two tournaments ... but I have no idea where I'm at in the season ... there's only so many courses so is the season going to be short or will I be playing the same courses over and over? Because of this you don't know how close you are to playing one of the majors.

I wish I had more control over assigning attributes to my golfer; but on the flip side it does make some sense that they're assigned based on performance ... although on Quick Rounds I wonder with some of the attributes how you get enough opportunities to execute certain attributes so will they stagnate at lower numbers? For example if in the Quick Rounds I don't need to do many (or no) rescue shots or sand shots will that rating continue to stay low and then when I really need it at a crucial moment my rating will suck and adversely affect my performance? The best golfers in the world may not end up in those situations often but doesn't mean they don't get to practice them so they're ready to execute them in a tournament if needed - how do I improve these ratings in the game if I don't get the opportunity.

I thought with Quick Rounds they're would be an option to do them for the first three rounds and then the final round is a full round ... guess I can go in and make that change ... but it would be nice to have that option (or even the first two rounds, pre cut, can be Quick Rounds and the weekend is full rounds).

Again though I'm happy with the game and will be spending plenty of time with it over the weekend (at the expense of my MLB the Show playoffs).
# 6 N51_rob @ 07/15/15 05:21 PM
Looking forward to a full impression. So far this game appears to be what I feared it would be. I'll leave it at that and await a full review.
# 7 Blake the Seeker @ 09/10/15 12:15 PM
Does anyone else have a hard time with a "slow" swing?

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