Feature Article
MLB 15 The Show: Four Things You'll Want to Try

With only a few hours to go, planning out your first moves with MLB: The Show 15 should be a priority. Everyone will have a personal preference, whether it's playing with your favorite team or immediately kicking off "Road to the Show," but there are four things that will be an absolute must to play around with come Tuesday.

1. Get Used to the Directional Hitting: Hitting in The Show is already difficult enough, but with the all new real-time directional hitting mechanic, the learning curve should be a lot steeper. Whether in practice mode or an exhibition game, messing around with the directional hitting before moving into a franchise or Road to the Show might be a wise idea.

2. Play an Evening Game: MLB: The Show has always been beautiful, but 14 ran into some issues with lighting, particularly at night. So the addition of real-time shadows and lighting is a welcome addition. Watching the shadows come and go should be a glorious thing to see.

3. Check out the Trade Logic: Every year, promises of better trade logic come and go, often failing to produce results. Will this year be any different? Almost certainly. With "refreshed" franchise mode logic, it seems like both trades and contract offers have been a major focus for SCEA. Hopefully the days of the CPU trading guys like Strasburg for Kershaw are long gone.

4. Listen to a Radio Show: One of the most underrated additions moving into MLB: The Show 15 is a radio show that plays during both Road to the Show and franchise mode. One of The Show's legacy issues has been that it fails to totally immerse players in the gamemodes. This is a huge step in the right direction, and if it is as cool as promised, it should allow players to really sink their teeth into whatever gamemode they choose to spend their time with.

What are you planning on doing first when you get MLB 15 The Show?

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Member Comments
# 21 Freak123 @ 03/30/15 05:12 PM
Definitely going to play an exhibition game or two to start it off so I can get used to the new directional hitting. I'll play with my favorite team, the Angels, at home versus a random team.

After that, I'll probably start up a fantasy draft Franchise mode with me getting the first pick, again as the Angels, and I'll pick Mike Trout.

Once I play a game or two of Franchise mode, I'll probably start RTTS and get going on my career.

Unfortunately, I'm not getting the game until Wednesday because I pre-ordered late, so I'm very excited for Wednesday!
# 22 bread truck @ 03/30/15 11:46 PM
I'll probably just play a couple of exhibition games and maybe look at diamond dynasty. franchise and rtts can hold to roster
# 23 SupremeYankee @ 03/31/15 05:37 AM
Exibition and start tweaking sliders, probably spend a few games adjusting settings and looking for new stuff. Eventually ill import my season from 14 and that will be my whole year

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# 24 Shadymamba @ 04/01/15 04:23 PM
Going to try the evening game tonight...played a daytime game yesterday it was cool - also going to give directional hitting a try, but man I better know the count and what "he may" throw because I may look foolish - I'm sure once i start the franchise I'll hear more than enough radio - hopefully i can get more than one game in tonight.
# 25 Shinino_Kage @ 04/04/15 09:24 PM
The problem is, if you turn off Matt Vasgersian in Audio settings, you don't get the radio show at all -- I have the broadcasters turned off while I'm in the minor leagues so that I'm not bored of them by the time I make it to the bigs in RTTS. It's annoying that the radio show doesn't have it's own sound slider on PS4.

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