Feature Article
Latest NHL 15 Roster Continues Season-Long Trend Of Lackluster Updates

Two big-name, high-potential players, Tyler Myers and Evander Kane, began a month-long, league-wide trading frenzy back on February 11. It took Electronic Arts until March 7 to finally get that big-time Winnipeg/Buffalo trade (along with the 44 other transactions made since then) into NHL 15.

A few minutes, however, is all that it took for the company's Twitter account to tweet out a picture of Kane and Myers in their new uniforms, right after that trade became official.

Gamers who only play NHL 15's offline modes also could have easily gotten their copies up-to-date in mere minutes.

But for Online Versus fans, there was no choice but to wait an entire month, until EA finally put Kane, Myers, and many other NHL players onto their correct clubs.

EA is certainly capable of updating NHL 15 more often. More than 120 new cards (each with adjusted attribute ratings) were added to Ultimate Team between the February 11 Kane-Myers trade and the March 7 roster file release. But it seems that since NHL 15's October title update, which added a hurried, half-baked version of Online Team Play, EA hasn't been interested in addressing any problems that aren't related to their revenue-generating Ultimate Team mode. And roster updates -- or more specifically, the lack thereof -- have been a huge problem for NHL 15, all year long. You just wouldn't know that if you only followed EA's Twitter feed.

Saturday's March 7 roster file -- uploaded five days after the trade deadline -- still shows no noticeable ratings changes. That means Minnesota's Devan Dubnyk, who was recently named the NHL's "First Star of the Month" for February, remains an 81 overall -- making him the worst starting goalie in NHL 15. It also means that Buffalo's Chad Johnson, who has 0 shutouts, an .889 save percentage, and a 3.08 goals-against average in 19 appearances this season, is somehow rated higher than Dubnyk, since Johnson possesses an 82 overall rating. This is just one example of the many oddities in NHL 15's current attributes, which if we're being kind, we'll merely call subpar.

If Electronic Arts is going to insist on making their attributes uneditable (as is the case on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One), then the company has a responsibility to keep those ratings relevant to what's happening inside real NHL arenas. Having released just two significant ratings updates in the six months since NHL 15's September 9 release, this is clearly a responsibility that EA has failed to fulfill.

In a marketplace where Madden NFL, MLB: The Show, NBA 2K, et al. are updating injuries, transactions, and ratings once a week, if not more, the NHL series cannot afford to lag so far behind its competition. Because unlike what happens in the real NHL, EA's hockey franchise won't be able to reverse its declining position in sports gaming's power rankings by simply dropping straight to the bottom.

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Member Comments
# 21 G_e_e_z_e_r @ 03/14/15 09:52 PM
Anyone who thinks they are working hard on 16 is a lot more optimistic then me. Isn't that what they said when they skipped next gen for 14? Then they release a game with two game play modes...lol

When 6 of the 10 touted features for 16 are...Zamboni racing, big head hockey, Hut web app, Hut play a friend, Hut Manager tasks and Hut online tournaments i have no faith in 16 being any good.

The only thing that will save video game hockey is if a new game enters the picture. EA is only interested in Hut.
# 22 jpollack34 @ 03/14/15 10:57 PM
I don't get it. You have this whole passionate hockey community (which seems to be getting smaller because people are increasingly pissed off) ready to contribute and customize the game for you and yet you remove editing and modding features. The whole industry is moving in that direction and they just refuse to change their model. Makes no sense whatsoever. From a business perspective especially. Hello... Your losing fans!
# 23 hydroshubong @ 03/15/15 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by jpollack34
I don't get it. You have this whole passionate hockey community (which seems to be getting smaller because people are increasingly pissed off) ready to contribute and customize the game for you and yet you remove editing and modding features. The whole industry is moving in that direction and they just refuse to change their model. Makes no sense whatsoever. From a business perspective especially. Hello... Your losing fans!

They don't care, they just want to keep those who play HUT!
# 24 actionhank @ 03/16/15 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by hydroshubong
They don't care, they just want to keep those who play HUT!
Sadly, this seems to be the way things are heading. I know the development team gets a lot of flak, but there's only so much they can do when the EA execs are telling them to focus on HUT because it makes them money. It's hard for a game mode like Be a GM or any of the others to compete for attention when they can make so much off of advertisements and HUT card packs.

I would love if they would just make HUT a separate game entirely, and focus a group only on the online and offline gameplay modes left over. The Show has proved what dedicated fanbases can do, and more importantly what a good development team can do. It's such a letdown to see multiple livestreams that end up being multiple hours in length, where the developers sit down and play the game showing off their new improvement and taking questions from the community, then thinking back to the NHL15 release that was possibly the least involved release they've ever had. No real gameplay footage (which seemed to be understandable when the leaked gameplay did come out, many suddenly stopped looking forward to the release) and an almost complete lack of communication from the development team in the weeks leading up and following the release.

I'm hoping that the EA team has just shifted full gear into NHL16, and that's why pretty much all that comes out of the NHL social media is promotional material for HUT and pointless questions about who everyone thinks will do what. I'm really hoping that NHL16 is a great bounce-back title, and we get the customization and gameplay that we had, and have been asking for. I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic. I was so excited for NHL15, and spent the months before release looking for PS4 sales so i could grab a copy on release day, but as information started to come out from channels other than EA, it started to look like it wasn't going to be much more than NHL14 with a shiny coat of paint (in my opinion).

I'm going to follow development as best i can, and keep posting here because of the great community, but if NHL16 ends up being a flop, I will probably just write off the NHL series all together. Here's hoping they prove me wrong.
# 25 Beukeboom_23 @ 03/17/15 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by G_e_e_z_e_r
Anyone who thinks they are working hard on 16 is a lot more optimistic then me. Isn't that what they said when they skipped next gen for 14? Then they release a game with two game play modes...lol

When 6 of the 10 touted features for 16 are...Zamboni racing, big head hockey, Hut web app, Hut play a friend, Hut Manager tasks and Hut online tournaments i have no faith in 16 being any good.

The only thing that will save video game hockey is if a new game enters the picture. EA is only interested in Hut.
This right here.
# 26 bayareasports89 @ 03/17/15 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by G_e_e_z_e_r
Anyone who thinks they are working hard on 16 is a lot more optimistic then me. Isn't that what they said when they skipped next gen for 14? Then they release a game with two game play modes...lol

When 6 of the 10 touted features for 16 are...Zamboni racing, big head hockey, Hut web app, Hut play a friend, Hut Manager tasks and Hut online tournaments i have no faith in 16 being any good.

The only thing that will save video game hockey is if a new game enters the picture. EA is only interested in Hut.
That's the problem with the EA NHL series. They have become way more Arcadish in their thinking. Once I saw the 3 on 3 hockey feature on the cover of NHL 12 I knew this series was going to get really bad when it comes to simulation hockey. I have always been able to get good sliders to make the game good playing 20 minutes periods but the last two games NHL 14 and 15 have been unbelievably bad when it comes to true simulation hockey. I still bought the last two games because I love hockey and I only play be a gm but I don't see myself buying NHL 16 unless they tune the game to play like a simulation out of the box. This development team is running this series into the ground. It shouldn't take 4 or 5 months to tune the game for 20 minute periods. Hockey isn't a sport that is played in 10 minute periods it is in fact 20 minute periods so tune the game for the real life period length! It's sad that EA doesn't try to put effort into their game because it could bring so many young fans to the game of hockey if they just put effort into the game. Back in the day I used to play hockey games like face off, 2k, and others and it made me fall in love with the game of hockey because they were so awesome. Especially face off. That is still my favorite hockey franchise even after all these years I still miss features that were in that game. If I was the NHL I would sue EA for the misrepresentation of their game because I'm sure that there is numerous others that would get into hockey if a hockey video game was so much like the real NHL because not everyone can afford to go to a NHL game which I'm sure got many of us hooked on Hockey. I live in San Diego as well so being the only one that loved hockey., hockey video games got me hooked on Hockey just as much as going to the games growing up.

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