WWE 2K15 offers a plethora of different match types, but which ones are the most entertaining to play? Let's take a look at several of them.
1. Royal Rumble - I know some may not like the execution of the mode, but I enjoy it. I would like to see different ways to get rid of your opponent, but from a fun stand point I think Rumble is right up there with the best of them.
2. Money in the Bank Ladder Match - This six-man ladder match is a blast to play when you’re trying to capture a chance at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in Universe mode. Like any other match, the mechanics could be better, but the fun factor is certainly there.
3. King of the Ring - The beloved tournament that so many want to see return to real WWE programming is just as fun in WWE 2K15. You can select any superstars and battle it out to see who is crowned the next big thing.
4. Tag Team Match - While nothing groundbreaking, a simple tag team match should never be overlooked. There are even quick time events that set up hot tags, which are are always good for keeping you on the edge of your seat.
5. TLC - What more can you say about tables, ladders and chairs? A match where you can just mercilessly beat your opponent with any combination of the aforementioned weapons is a plus in my book.
6. Hell In a Cell - No match is more demonic than the dreaded Hell in a Cell. Whether throwing your opponent into, through, or off the cage, it's one match that can change a superstar's career for the worse. Just remember the bumps Mankind took.
7 .Elimination Chamber - Maybe I spoke too soon. Could this be the most brutal and demonic match in WWE? Steel, steel and more steel surround the ring with lexan pods holding superstars as they wait to enter the arena. Being able to throw your opponent through the lexan pods in a pretty nice touch, too.