Feature Article
PES 2015: Defensive Tactics Guide

"Play hard, play smart, play together, play to win."

Truer words are rarely spoken, especially when applied to the defensive side of the ball where defenders must be on the same page. It's with this in mind that we'll take a look at the defensive approach in PES 2015 after previously delving into the PES 2015 Offensive Tactics Guide.

Defensive Styles

There are generally two schools of thought (known as “Team Instructions” in PES 2015) when it comes to defense in PES 2015, "Pressure" versus "Contain". How, when, and where these are applied is up to you. Let's start with "Pressure."


When defending, pressure is roughly defined as the closing down of a player in possession with the ball. The main benefit of pressure is to make the player on the ball have a difficult time holding possession and/or finding an available recipient for a pass.

When to Pressure - There are some clubs who provide pressure throughout the entirety of the match. This is extremely demanding physically and replicating this approach in PES 2015 will see your team's stamina deplete quickly. Most teams apply pressure for brief periods of the match and/or situationally. If a club is attempting to chase a favorable result, applying pressure is a no-brainer as the opposing club will often try to waste time. Additionally, if a player or multiple players on the opposing team do not have great ability on the ball then applying pressure to those players can create giveaways leading to fortuitous chances by your attack. This is replicated most commonly in PES 2015 by the concept of "Frontline Pressure" which will be detailed shortly.

Where to Pressure - Frontline Pressure happens when your player(s) apply pressure from the front, meaning that your most forward attackers will look to chase down the ball when it's in your opponents half while it’s most likely being handled by players who are stronger on defense than they are comfortable in possession. Of course, there is risk to this kind of strategy apart from the previously alluded to stamina issue. If your attackers are chasing the ball in the oppositions half, your defensive shape (formation when not in possession of the ball) can become stretched leaving space for the opposition to exploit. Space allows for time on the ball and depending on the caliber of player you’re facing, could be deadly. It goes without saying that the closer to your own goal you get the more pressure you need to apply. Allowing an attacker time on the ball inside your box will almost always lead to a situation where your keeper gets tested.

How to Pressure - There are two ways to pressure in PES 2015:

1) Under your command, controlling the player and attempting to make a tackle on the player with the ball or;
2) Using the secondary pressure command which forces the closest teammate to attempt to close down on the ball and try to dispossess the opposing player.

Each option can produce desirable results if used correctly or put your defense on the back-foot if used unwisely.

Additionally, there are two styles of Pressure, "Conservative" and "Aggressive."

Conservative Pressure will make your teammates attempt to hold up the opposition attack and keep them within a safe distance without lunging in with a tackle. Aggressive Pressure triggers the first defender to shut down the opposition ball carriers.

The key to success with Pressure comes from knowing your opponent and coming in with a suitable plan. If you see the plan not working or you’ve manufactured a comfortable lead adjusting your plan could prove beneficial.


Containing is less aggressive in nature and focuses more on reacting to the opposition’s move, often pushing them towards a targeted area on the field. Containing is a good way to defend players with a lot of pace and/or who are good on the ball with an array of tricks/skills. It can also be effective when combined with pressure to push a player into an area on the field where a teammate can help try to dispossess them.

When to Contain: As mentioned before, containing is effective when a player is rushing at your defender with pace or is isolated in a 1-on-1 situation. It's also effective in situations where the opposition is counter attacking and catches you in a numbers disadvantage. Containing in this scenario can slow the attack down while your teammates catch up.

Where to Contain: Containing as a strategy is best deployed around the midway line as your team can push the attack towards areas of the field where you feel you have the most protection. The closer you get to your box the less you want to contain. Back-peddling in your penalty area and you'll find yourself picking the ball out of the back of your net while your keeper gives you an earful. PES 2015 gives you two options for Containment Areas:

Wide - With the wide strategy enabled, your defenders will attempt to shepherd the attackers out wide pushing the danger away from the center of the pitch.

Middle - The opposite of a wide strategy, a middle based containment approach will force the play inside where you can usually defend in greater numbers.

How to Contain: Selecting a Containment Area strategy will dictate your overall approach but if you’re caught in a situation where you're the one defending R2 (PlayStation) or Right Trigger (Xbox) will make your player jockey (a command commonly used when containing). This maneuver allows you to slow the attacker down and effectively time your challenge or hold the attacker up long enough for help to arrive.

Defensive Line

Your defensive line is how high or deep your last line of defenders will align themselves. A high defensive line means that they will be positioned closer to the midfield line. A high line (sometimes, but not always referred to as Offside Trap) is aimed at catching your opposition making runs to early causing them to be offside. You'll often seem defenders take a step towards the other goal in an attempt to catch the attacker offside. It can be effective when timed right but get it wrong and it usually means a 1-on-1 with your keeper and the player making the run. A deep line is more conservative and usually employed if you're at a speed disadvantage against their strikers. It's also used if you're out of substitutions and you need to limit your center backs running.


Similar to compactness in attack, when defending, compactness refers to how narrow or wide your teams defensive shape is. It's important to take into consideration the opposition’s formation/shape and dangerous players when setting how compact you want your team to be. If you're facing a team with wingers adept at sending in crosses then you probably won't want to be too narrow or else they will have the space to send in crosses. However, if you're too wide then any crosses that make it into the box will be defended by less numbers because you'll be too spaced out. The key is in balance and knowing your opposition’s strengths/weaknesses.

Numbers on Defense

There are three options for number on defense; "Many," "Middle," and "Few." They are pretty self-explanatory in nature as "Many" will see more defenders drop back inside your own half. “Middle” will have an equal balance and “Few” will see players pushed higher up the pitch. It's important to note that you can use the "Fluid Formation" feature in conjunction with this to see a greater effect.

The Lost Art of Tackling

Tackling is an art often lost in the modern game. It takes timing, skill, and a bit of ruthlessness. It is essential in breaking up opposition attacks; nullifying a creative midfielder, preventing a tricky winger creating a cross, or my personal favorite blocking a shot on goal with the desperate, last ditch slide. When done right it’s a thing of beauty. When done wrong it can see you walking down the tunnel early after a sending off. There are two ways to tackle in PES 2015:

Standing Tackle - The less risky of the two options, the Standing Tackle (double-tap of your tackle button) is the most commonly used method of tackling in the game and for good reason. It gives you the best chance to dispossess the ball carrier without committing a foul. Should you mistime your standing tackle, the recovery time is not as severe allowing you to get back into the player faster.

Sliding Tackle - High risk, high reward. The sliding tackle requires excellent timing, technique, and anticipation. Get it wrong and you could see the attacker skipping by you or even worse, face a booking:

Going to ground can also be very useful in blocking shots on your goal.

As you can see, the defensive tactical options are deep and robust in PES 2015. With enhanced defensive AI the challenge of stopping opposition attacks can be quite rewarding and with different AI attacking styles it’s important that you’re able to adjust your tactics on the fly. A high defensive line might work against a lower-tier side attempting to play balls over the top but against a club like Real Madrid its suicide.

What defensive tactics are you deploying in PES 2015?

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Member Comments
# 1 RoyceDa59 @ 01/25/15 10:25 PM
Nice article.
# 2 drjohnnyboy @ 01/27/15 05:19 PM
^ Agreed!

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