Unless you live under a rock, and/or chose to boycott the NFL Playoffs this weekend -- you've probably heard about a certain incomplete pass thrown from Tony Romo to Dez Bryant. Bryant caught the pass, took three steps in lunging for the goal line and lost the handle of the football as he hit the ground -- by rule that is an incomplete pass in the NFL.
But yet, that is a rule you won't see enforced in Madden 15. Amongst various penalties which are hardly, if ever called, obscure rules like the Calvin Johnson rule are also not seen within the game. It's understandable given their highly complex nature, and no matter how EA did it they'd have an outcry from gamers in some fashion -- but one wonders if obscure rules should find their way into Madden.
Yes, people would rage quit if the exact same thing that happened to Dez happend in Madden. Yes, others would say it's not sim if you could somehow jump over the line to almost block a field goal like Kam Chancellor.
But at the end of the day, these are the things which make football so unique and so unpredictable -- and really, some realistic randomness is one of the biggest thing Madden's approach to football desperately needs to liven the experience up a bit.
Should there been more crazy things happening in Madden like what you saw this weekend? Let us know in the comments.