Feature Article
Why MLB 14 The Show is a Great Gift for the Holidays

Looking to buy a last minute Christmas gift, either for yourself or someone else? Here are a few reasons to revisit one of the year’s best sports games, MLB 14: The Show.

1.Cloud saves/ save transfers: This is an innovation that I predict will become a standard for sports games, but for now, it’s pretty much exclusive to The Show. Being able to transfer your files to the next iteration of the game makes any time you spend more valuable. You don’t need to feel rushed to finish a season, because you can just pick it up again this spring. This ability to savor the games leads to Reason #2…

2.The beauty is in the details: The Show, like baseball itself, gets better the longer you play. Both are games that require thought and patience to really catch all of the subtle nuances. Yes, the commentary may get old, but there’s not nearly as much visual repetition. Check out one of the “Little Things” threads to see multiple example of why The Show looks great.

3.Multiple Modes: If you had The Show and then traded it in, I’m guessing you haven’t fully invested in all of the available modes, especially the main three: Franchise, Road to the Show, and Diamond Dynasty. Each are as deep as the main career mode in most other sports games, plus there are multiple ways to enjoy each one. Being a catcher in RttS is extremely different from being a pitcher, infielder, etc. Try to play a franchise as a manager, or even a GM, letting the computer handle the day to day operations while you tweak the roster. Diamond Dynasty is my least favorite, but is still an interesting mode if you are willing to put in the time.

4.Keep your roster up to date: This has been one of the busiest off seasons in recent memory. With the ability to transfer your season (see #1), you can mirror the real life moves and have a relatively accurate roster on Opening Day 2015. It might not be as detailed as the one Knight and crew put together, but it should hold you over until then.

5.Price: As of this writing, MLB 14: The Show is only $25 on Amazon, a steal for one of 2014’s best games. (http://www.amazon.com/MLB-14-The-Sho.../dp/B00GG4BBUM). I’d wager that even at $40, you’d get your money’s worth by the time MLB 15 releases.

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Member Comments
# 1 Ghost Of The Year @ 12/23/14 02:45 PM
I wish I could gift myself MLB 15 The Show for this Christmas.
# 2 Turbojugend @ 12/23/14 02:55 PM
$25 really is a no-brainer for one of the best sports games of the year. Even if you're not a dyed-in-the-wool baseball fan, odds are you'll find something to appreciate, even if it's just checking out the amazing renditions of all 30 MLB stadiums.

RttS may not have the shine or sizzle of NBA 2K15's myCareer, but I'm enjoying playing out my own story way more than the scripted tantrums they spoon-feed your character in the NBA game. I'm currently toiling away in the minors, trying to work my way out of a miserable batting slump with the Lehigh Valley Ironpigs. And I couldn't be happier.
# 3 GeauxTigers @ 12/23/14 05:17 PM
I'm still playing this game more than any other game ... Madden, FIFA, NHL all spend more time in their cases while I'm playing this game. Must admit I'm torn with regards to how to handle the save transfers come the next version ... I'm a Mariners fan and have a franchise going with them ... love the trades I've made and where I have the team; but isn't part of the thrill of getting the latest version is working with the newest rosters? The game play in 14 is still good enough for me so if one was simply going to keep playing their dynasty what's the reasons for moving up to 15 (maybe that's something that won't be known until that version is out?). I'm sure I'll get 15 and just start over though lol cause I'm a sucker for buying the latest versions.
# 4 Ghost Of The Year @ 12/23/14 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by GeauxTigers
I'm still playing this game more than any other game ... Madden, FIFA, NHL all spend more time in their cases while I'm playing this game. Must admit I'm torn with regards to how to handle the save transfers come the next version ... I'm a Mariners fan and have a franchise going with them ... love the trades I've made and where I have the team; but isn't part of the thrill of getting the latest version is working with the newest rosters? The game play in 14 is still good enough for me so if one was simply going to keep playing their dynasty what's the reasons for moving up to 15 (maybe that's something that won't be known until that version is out?). I'm sure I'll get 15 and just start over though lol cause I'm a sucker for buying the latest versions.
Best of both worlds: Get Show 15, keep the old M's file, and... AND... start a new one.
& if you haven't tried QC, you have an opportunity to to try it out on your new franchise, or convert your old M's franchise to QC, that is, if it isn't already a QC franchise.
# 5 THESHAMISASHAME @ 12/24/14 05:18 PM
Tried to buy it at target today and most sports games were gone and not even on sale ??? \
Well while driving there I said if its not there its not meant to be so I will buy it for $17 on feebay as Im dying to see all the new roster changes .
# 6 Blzer @ 12/24/14 06:44 PM
This is a day too late. Went the arcade route for the next few months for $19.99 with the Super Mega Baseball game (I think that's what it's called).

Come March though, MLB 15: The Show will be mine for PS4 and Vita for $79.98, guaranteed.
# 7 THESHAMISASHAME @ 12/27/14 10:05 AM
I knew it wasnt meant to be I would have bought it and couldnt even have accessed the great online rosters do to the hackers so maybe things really do happen for a reason

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