Feature Article
How to Make Madden Play More Realistic Defense

Defense is improved in Madden NFL 15, that's not a lie. The improvements are minimal, and don't impact the game with a realistic impression. But if you find the right set of sliders (and beware, one size does not fit all) you'll notice realistic scores, balanced attacks on both sides of the ball, and a reasonable but not overwhelming number of turnovers.

Unfortunately, Madden still doesn't feel quite right. Sacks are abound, pretty much no matter what house rules or sliders you are playing with, and they come from weird positions. My defensive tackles often lead the NFL in total sacks. Conversely, more sacks come from the right side than the left -- something that simply does not mirror real life. Defensive coverage looks terrible, with players either mirroring the offense or just looking like a dear in headlights. Here are five small improvements EA could make to help move things along:

1. Implement a Gameplan: Madden's previous attempts at a gameplan have been a total disaster. What the game needs is a simple screen wipe with various options that can change game to game. For instance, if I'm the Patriots I want to ensure that Revis is following Calvin Johnson everywhere he goes. If I'm playing the Bears, I want to make sure Matt Forte never gets loose out of the backfield.

2. Make the Field Bigger: This has been a crying point of mine for years. Space out the field so there is more one-on-one action. It would increase the rate of interceptions and passes deflected.

3. Focus on the Big Picture: Defenses work as a cohesive unit. If Madden can emulate this, we'll see the correct pressure. The pass rush should almost always be working towards the QB's weak side, defensive tackles should always be looking to shift with the blocks rather than be sucked in and out of them, and cornerbacks should be playing where their safeties aren't.

4. Create Interaction: I say create because there currently is none. Madden would do well to create a percentage based battle system in the secondary that follows players' current ratings.

5. Remove Psychic Defenses and Add Strategic AI: When I line up for a fake punt, the CPU lines up in a 4-3 defense every time. Yet, when I run the ball 10+ times in a row, they still line up with five guys in the box. It's time to totally scrap psychic defenses and time to build smart ones. Adaptable AI needs to be a thing of the future, if EA ever wants Madden to feel like the chess match that it should.


What do you think Madden should do for next year to improve the defense?

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Member Comments
# 21 cardinalbird5 @ 12/21/14 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by KingV2k3
Nice list, but BEFORE most of that (or any of these other fine suggestions) can be used, the folks at EA need to give us some time to actually implement the in-game stuff BEFORE the CPU snaps the ball...

Seriously, other than a quick DL or LB adjustment, there's not enough time to even TRY to use what they already have...

First things first, anyone?

Yeah there should be ways to preset your d-line stunts, shade inside/out, spotlight a certain receiver, whether to play qb/rb for options, press individual receivers, keep certain matchups the entire time, have an option for us to either base align or show man, etc.

I have became good at doing all of this pre-snap, but it should definitely have a points of emphasis option or something to help you. For instance I like to shade inside on zones or man and use my safety to guard over the top or the corners and use base align. I also like to manually press with usually one of my corners...and that is it plus I love playing the sticks on 3rd down.

Not to mention for man coverage I usually put my linebackers into a zone and my dime/nickel backs as into purples. You just don't have time to do all of this.

Pre-snap adjustments should be used to read the offense and make last second changes based on what you see and predict. This shouldn't be where you implement your scheme or gameplan....every single time.

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