Madden NFL 15 has had a pretty solid year, with many regarding this year as one of its finer efforts in quite some time. More than three months into my time with Madden, I tend to agree.
However, as with all sports games, there are still some areas the game really needs to key in on next year to have a successful season next year. Here are three keys for the Madden NFL series for 2015:
1. Improve the Commentary and Audio: This is a huge sore spot for the series. The camera angles, movements, etc., are actually pretty good this year — but the commentary is just so terribly bad.
2. Make DBs and WRs actually interact. This is one of the last bastions of the ‘old Madden’ that still persists today. Completely reworking these to be more dynamic, more interesting, and ultimately more realistic will be huge for the franchise. It’d be great if pass interference was actually called.
3. Connected Franchise Needs A Soul. Connected franchise is a collection of a lot of great little ideas, but the whole just doesn’t feel coherent or dynamic enough to be truly alive. Connected franchise needs an approach that helps draw you in next year.
What do you think the Madden NFL series needs to improve upon for next season?