Feature Article
In NBA 2K15, What Game Mode is Getting The Most Time? (Roundtable)

We're a couple of weeks into the NBA 2K15 experience, and while we still have some major issues going on within the game, many of you are no doubt playing several possible modes within the game.

We asked our staff which mode is their favorite and getting their most playtime up to this point, be sure to add your own response in the comments!

Matthew Coe: Well, my preferred mode right now is MyCareer. However, that mode has suffered from failed servers so many times that I've gone to playing more Quick Game and NBA Today games, waiting for the servers to stabilize. I can't wait to jump into MyAssociation when the real NBA season tips off, thank goodness that mode doesn't need a server connection and can be played completely offline. I know you can technically play MyCareer without a connection, but you don't earn VC, which is important as it can be spent across most of the other modes. I've dabbled in MyTeam, but the servers have killed that experience for me so far as well.

So all in all, the mode getting the most gaming time from me right now is Quick Game. I hope that changes sooner rather than later. I'd love to play more MyCareer.

James Kerti: I'm probably enjoying MyTEAM the most — when the servers actually work. It's hard to say which mode I like more than others because the serves limit me to sporadic play with each one. I can't get in a good rhythm. I will say I've enjoyed my team with every single mode.

Robert Kollars: Right now I am enjoying MyGM mode the most, but if I am being honest I have hardly touched the other modes because of the server issues. I am really enjoying the depth of the GM mode, and while some the goals and remarks from the owner make very little sense, there is a lot of fun in running an NBA franchise.

I'll admit that I am not really an online guy (with the exception being OS leagues), but I do feel terrible for the guys who dropped $60 on this game to play online. I wish the development/marketing crew were as diligent about sending out hype videos and tweets about fixing these modes, as they were getting people excited to spend full price on less than half a game.

For those that try to make excuses for this type of behavior and how it's standard practice in the industry, I would ask anyone of you to name a product that you purchase at a retail store, with the expectations of it maybe working 2-3 months from the day of purchase?

Furthermore, this has been an ongoing issue with this title for the last 5 years, and somehow the powers that be at 2K and Visual Concept have yet to find a way to have, at the very least, somewhat stable servers ready for launch. This was a huge issue with their MLB title, and I will be amazed if WWE 15 is any different. I am baffled that at this point fans of the series have yet to organize and dedicate a full day of doing nothing but blasting social media with this nonsense, and sending tweet, after tweet, after tweet to anyone involved in this debacle.

When fans should be celebrating the amazing game play that is offered up in NBA 2K15, a large contingency are left holding a useless $60 disc or download - congrats 2K and Visual Concepts on making a mockery and taking advantage of your fan-base.

Dustin Toms: I'm on the lucky end: I haven't had server issues that kill my experience -- yet.

I was born to be an NBA GM, so that's where I let my life drain away. I've messed around with Andrew Wiggins and Minnesota, and have even sent Milwaukee packing to Seattle (if only the had the 07-08 jerseys). Both save files so far are exciting, and keep me coming back for me. Simcast might be the best small feature in NBA 2K15, as you can play around 10 games an hour.

Interactions have stepped it up a notch, with one triggering almost every two days. It keeps you on your toes, and holds you accountable if you become a button skipper/masher person. Plus, the conversations don't seem as stale as 2K14, keeping you wanting to see what Larry Sanders has to complain about.

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Member Comments
# 1 ironjumpman_23 @ 10/18/14 07:40 PM
Im still on quick games, imo this game is so different from last year. The real BIG adjustment is getting used to Pau Gasol on the Bulls for me.
# 2 BBallcoach @ 10/18/14 07:44 PM
I've mostly been playing quick games and MyCareer. I am waiting for final rosters and a decent draft class for PC to start MyGM with the bucks.
# 3 thedream2k13 @ 10/18/14 07:57 PM
Been playing ALOT of online quick matches since servers received attention. Great VC source for my myplayer and its great taking the spurs and rockets and dominating everyone
# 4 Soundtrack2C @ 10/18/14 08:08 PM
Ive made a strong attempt to play my league, but none of the features work as advertised.

-If you take off the salary cap and make the hard cap 90, essentially giving teams 90 million to spend however they want, teams don't change their philosophy and spend more on better players.

The 76ers actually signed no one in the offseason, and their most expensive contract is that of Joel Embiid, a second year player, at 4.6 million.

-In the off season, Trade approval doesn't work, as in the offseason i was bombarded with multiple trade offers involving the same player.

The Grizz offered randolph to the Cavs, I approved it, then i get a message saying the Grizz wanted to trade Randolph to the Clippers, yet they weren't supposed to have him anymore because they traded him to the cavs. so i declined that, then they offered him to the magic. so i declined that.

when the game finally gave me a rest, i checked to see how the cars roster looked with their new addition. Guess what? Randolph was still a Grizz, even though i approved a trade of him to the cavs

wanna know what else? I approved Kevin martin to the thunder. guess what? you know it, he's still on the wolves.

-Player non financial ambitions factor, doesn't seem to work. Rondo and Kevin love, who have listed "play for winner" as their top ambition with "very important", signed with the knicks who were 3rd in their division.


this was with that setting increased from 50 to 65. the knicks had 34 wins

-Coach Gameplan doesn't work. If you set a matchup, for example, you're the bulls and want rose to guard kobe instead of butler, and set that as your gameplay, and go to play the game, guess who's guarding kobe? Jeremy butler

you asked for rose, and got butler.

oh yea, and your POE isn't want you selected in coach game plan either

This "association on steroids" thing was all a lie

And in the offseason, you can only train 2 players, you can't even train each guy on your team once, because you are given the option to train two players for "free", yet there is no "buy" option because the mode doesn't use VC.

even the association in 2k11 let you train more than 2 players. this is bad, very bad. id rather play my gm than my league at this point
# 5 Coolade @ 10/18/14 08:55 PM
Considering I haven't been able to connect to the 2k servers for 7 days and counting I'd say none of the game modes are getting any of my playing time. Trash.
# 6 almostbobsaget @ 10/18/14 09:02 PM
If I'm being honest, the face scan mode from the amount of times I've had to rescan.
# 7 canucksss @ 10/18/14 09:05 PM
For now I am playing myCareer. But as soon as the season starts and the draft class comes out from Joshua (ps4 draft class) then I'll re-start myGM. I'll be spending most of my NBA game time in that mode.
# 8 Flightwhite24 @ 10/18/14 09:06 PM
Face scan and Quick games for me

Sent from my iPhone
# 9 The Yurpman @ 10/18/14 09:10 PM
The most time spent on anything would be the face scan, roughly four hours.

Game mode wise would be Quick Game because every other mode is broken in some way (online just flat out doesn't work for me) except MyGM, which I intend to try once some nice draft classes are uploaded.
# 10 icepikk @ 10/18/14 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Soundtrack2C
Ive made a strong attempt to play my league, but none of the features work as advertised.

-If you take off the salary cap and make the hard cap 90, essentially giving teams 90 million to spend however they want, teams don't change their philosophy and spend more on better players.

The 76ers actually signed no one in the offseason, and their most expensive contract is that of Joel Embiid, a second year player, at 4.6 million.

-In the off season, Trade approval doesn't work, as in the offseason i was bombarded with multiple trade offers involving the same player.

The Grizz offered randolph to the Cavs, I approved it, then i get a message saying the Grizz wanted to trade Randolph to the Clippers, yet they weren't supposed to have him anymore because they traded him to the cavs. so i declined that, then they offered him to the magic. so i declined that.

when the game finally gave me a rest, i checked to see how the cars roster looked with their new addition. Guess what? Randolph was still a Grizz, even though i approved a trade of him to the cavs

wanna know what else? I approved Kevin martin to the thunder. guess what? you know it, he's still on the wolves.

-Player non financial ambitions factor, doesn't seem to work. Rondo and Kevin love, who have listed "play for winner" as their top ambition with "very important", signed with the knicks who were 3rd in their division.


this was with that setting increased from 50 to 65. the knicks had 34 wins

-Coach Gameplan doesn't work. If you set a matchup, for example, you're the bulls and want rose to guard kobe instead of butler, and set that as your gameplay, and go to play the game, guess who's guarding kobe? Jeremy butler

you asked for rose, and got butler.

oh yea, and your POE isn't want you selected in coach game plan either

This "association on steroids" thing was all a lie

And in the offseason, you can only train 2 players, you can't even train each guy on your team once, because you are given the option to train two players for "free", yet there is no "buy" option because the mode doesn't use VC.

even the association in 2k11 let you train more than 2 players. this is bad, very bad. id rather play my gm than my league at this point
To address your concern with training only 2 people in the offseason, I don't know what exactly causes it like maybe it's based on awards won and things like that sorta like Association did but I was playing with my cousin and he had KD and won mvp and made the finals and all that. Well in the offseason I also had 2 people to train like you but he has 7.
# 11 2k10Fonzarelli @ 10/19/14 05:03 AM

The badge grind is starting to wear me down though
# 12 sooperb @ 10/19/14 10:07 AM
Robert Kollars, you are the dude! This is nothing new and online gamers never had the support of anyone major to call 2k out for their ********.

Fix the online servers!
2k: Hey look we have the all new mode where real nba stars draft YOU the gamer for there team. #Spuds

Fix the servers please!
2k: LOOK, this time jordan has friends on the cover. While we're at it I'll just take online season mode and put it away with the online lobbies. #ComebackEngine

Fix the servers, It's hard to crew up!
2k: The right stick will now used for dribble moves and Jay Z will be a huge part of the soundtrack and how the menus look. #CrewInaBox4Now

Fix the servers please!
2k: 150,000 man hours! Online Seasons are in but we just took a FEW options away. I just looks AMAZING! #park

Fix the servers please, nothing worth playing WORKS offline and in the park sometimes I wait 40+ minutes to get on the court before getting kicked or stuck in limbo.
2k: Even more man hours have brought you MyPark. Also with great pleasure I present two words, Face Scan. Your friends will be shocked when they see YOU in the game when the come to your house to play offline multiplayer.

Ok I know that last line was uncalled for but I get very frustrated with this series except for 2k through 248 and 2k11. NBA2k13 was ok.

This is the first year I can remember where critical outlets held 2k accountable for the online servers.

For every online gamer who sees their online gaming experience dying along with features and modes constantly being stripped away, there is a noob who only sees the shiny glitz and glamour presented to them for 3 months and there is an offline only gamer who only wants different socks and headbands.

The Hidden Hand Technique is when I say look over here at my left hand. It holds diamonds and gold. While my right hand is hidden from you committing atrocities while you are amazed by the shiny objects in front of you.

This has gone on with this series for 7 years now.

# 13 Bowinkle08 @ 10/19/14 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by BBallcoach
I've mostly been playing quick games and MyCareer. I am waiting for final rosters and a decent draft class for PC to start MyGM with the bucks.
me too. im really only playing nba today games/ quick games. im waiting for the season to start and stacking my vc
# 14 Bowinkle08 @ 10/19/14 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
Face scan and Quick games for me

Sent from my iPhone
lol, face scan is a mode in itself with all the attempts we do trying to get it perfect.
# 15 airborn0071373 @ 10/19/14 11:47 PM
Quick game, simple as that.
# 16 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/20/14 11:12 AM
I Started a poll like this about a week ago lol

Mycareer plan to start myleague soon
# 17 krakdol @ 10/20/14 12:02 PM
Mycareer / Mypark (which has been mostly working for a few days). I like Myteam too.

I'll play MyGM when the final roster and the first patch are released, it's a bit better waiting for now.
# 18 sbuxer @ 10/20/14 02:49 PM
"...and have even sent Milwaukee packing to Seattle"

Wait, you can relocate franchises in MyGM?
# 19 ManiacMatt1782 @ 10/20/14 03:23 PM
MyLeague and play with friends, due to no real online league option. yes I know the games includes leagues, I said a real option, as what is included is not a viable option for league play.
# 20 badmantash @ 10/21/14 12:59 PM
My is my gm as I can't play my team

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