Feature Article
NBA 2K15 Initial Impressions (Roundtable)

NBA 2K15 is here! The OS Staff has gotten their hands on today's release and have some initial reactions on what they have played. This is just the launching point of our 2K15 release coverage, be sure to check out our NBA 2K15 forums for the latest on this year's big release. Here is our staff's initial impressions in an OS Roundtable.

James Kerti: Czar's work shows. Much less iso play and wasted time on offense. AI teams move the ball around and force your squad to play smart defense. It's refreshing and welcome. I can't say enough about how impressed I am with the improved offensive and defensive AI. It's wonderful watching teams run pinch-post to perfection and seeing the passing out of the pick-and-roll, for example. The weak-side corner 3 is a thing this year.

The pace of the commentary feels weird. Maybe they lowered the frequency of Kerr's commentary. It feels like there's more dead air and not as much flow as previous years. Furthermore, the jump from player introductions straight to the tip-off feels abrupt. I like the player introductions, but I miss the pre-game commentary from the broadcasters. (The true pre-game show with Ernie and Shaq is OK so far.)

The playcalling on the D-pad is uncomfortable. It feels awkward using my left hand to carefully move the analog stick to walk the ball up the floor while trying to manipulate the D-pad (and R1) to call the play I want.

Overall, I'm impressed. The game FEELS good due to a multitude of factors — the AI, the controls, the physics. I like what I'm seeing.

Robert Kollars: Due to what I believed a disappointing showing with NBA 2K14, I did not buy into the hype of NBA 2K15 one bit. I stayed away from videos for the most part, and really considered not even picking up this year’s version. After doing so though, I have to say I am thoroughly impressed with what I have witnessed on and off the court.

The optimum word here for me is authentic. The game feels organic and fresh, and mimics what one would see on an NBA broadcast in almost every way. The floor spacing is so much better, the animations make sense and flow with the game, and superstars act and play like their real life counterparts. Just as in real basketball typically, there is a nice ebb and flow with the game, and the atmosphere in late-game situations is over the top awesome!

The game isn’t perfect of course, as out of the box the shot percentages are probably too high still, the rebounding is a bit biased towards the CPU, and the CPU makes an occasional odd call or play, but the flaws mentioned above are smothered with what is done right in this game.

The good folks over at 2K have done a wonderful job with their representation of NBA on-court action with 2K15, and need to be applauded for it.

Ben Vollmer: Everything about defense feels tighter. The floor is spaced, the CPU offense is more efficient, and you're punished if you stop paying attention even for a second. Movement seems a little more fluid and polished, as I didn't notice a whole lot of sliding. As Robert mentioned, the animations are both great looking (as they have been in years past) and fit in the context of the game. Moreover, you don't seem to lose control of your player because of an animation, at least not in a way that's immediately noticeable.

Something I noticed was that there seems to be better parity in terms of what kind of shots are made. Open looks aren't always falling, guarded looks don't always clank off of the back rim. It's refreshing to see Wade or Parker get an open look from mid-range and still miss a handful of those shots.

Players feel unique to their real life counterparts, and that's really the next level of sports-gaming for me. One of the more frustrating things about sports gaming is that most players end up feeling the same but just looking different. NBA 2K15 is a significant step forward in that department, and there's something to be said for how big of a factor that is in terms of overall immersion.

Ultimately, I was a big fan of 2K14 and I'm already a fan of 2K15. The game already had a tremendous base, and now the series (and how I'd imagine 2K wants it to look) is really beginning to take shape.

Jayson Young: Improved player spacing and smarter AI are the biggest changes that I've noticed in my first couple of games. Even on "Pro" difficulty, the CPU-controlled teams are running flowing offenses without any awkward pauses or broken possessions. I've even seen ball-hungry players, like Dwyane Wade, taking isolation shots off the dribble, which is something that rarely happened in NBA 2K14.

On offense, it looks like the pick-and-roll is no longer an automatic bucket like it was last year, as the AI now defends screens properly, and will rotate over to stop the ball if you do manage to make it into the lane.

My main complaint right now is the passing, which still feels like you're tossing around a beach ball instead of a basketball. The passing animations need way more zip and a lot less hangtime. I still don't like how NBA 2K15 handles steals, either, as the ball can be bouncing inches away from your defender's hand, just begging to be stripped, but when you try to knock it loose, you'll get the same old silly lunging animation that's been in the game for years. Your limbs will just clip through the ball like an invisible ghost.

Sound off. What are your thoughts on NBA 2K15 so far?

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Member Comments
# 21 juslovemusic @ 10/08/14 08:31 AM
I'm still worried I'll eventually end up laying 40+ minutes a game in my career. I don't think anyone wants to do that. Keeping my fingers crossed that the minutes just don't keep going up and up and up when I finally get in the starting rotation. Servers are still awful so far. My career saves become inaccessible when you can't connect. I spent 3 minutes trying to load it over and over again until it finally did. Same w/ spending VC. So far, Accessing the my career store is completely impossible so far, so no buying sleeves/shoes/etc or equipping the pre order bonus gear either.
# 22 Jakeness23 @ 10/08/14 04:44 PM
Just had a play where I apparently passed the ball down to Noah too early and my teammates forgot what they were doing so Rose just stood in the middle of the lane, clogging it up. Luckily I didn't get a 3 second call which is shocking because he stood there for about 7.
# 23 DBMcGee3 @ 10/08/14 04:45 PM
I hate to hear the comments about shot %s being too high, as wel as the rebounding favoring the CPU. Just once i'd like to enjoy this game without spending the entire season tweaking sliders.

Hopefully he wasn't playing on simulation settings, which really do make a huge difference.
# 24 DBMcGee3 @ 10/10/14 09:56 AM
I finally got in some time with the game (PS4), so i thought I'd chip in my two cents on a few things that stood out thus far.


-The game is beautiful. 60 FPS, (mostly) incredible graphics, smooth, seamless animations, fantastic presentation as always (although I miss my halftime show). I love the pregame intros, although I'd really love it if they'd get authentic PA guys for each stadium. Kills me hearing "From Memphis, Derrick Rose". The replays are incredible as always, and the general gameplay is just glorious to watch, especially on my beloved Drive Cam.

-CPU AI is amazing. I played two 48 minute games, and not once did the CPU come down and hold the ball until the shot clock got low. They swing it around, drive when it's there, post up quality bigs, take 3s when you leave them open, and they actually shoot from midrange. Defensively, they guard the PnR very well, they play the passing lanes (but not psychic defense, at least not yet that I've experienced), and they'll rip you if you get too dribble happy.

-The ball handling is still pretty much bliss for me. It's fast and responsive, and it just feels right when you beat a guy off the dribble, like you earned it.

-Player tendencies seem pretty spot on to me so far, although I probably need a lot more time with the game to assess that in full.

-Fouls are perfect in my opinion. I've never felt cheated, and the contact animations are insanely good. I'm getting a very realistic # of FTs per game so far.

-Lots of features. While many of these will probably never see the light of day at my house, it's cool that they have the Park mode, and supposedly the My Career mode is a great way to play (just isn't for me).


-Obviously, the servers and face scans are HUGE black eyes for the game. Completely unacceptable, especially considering all the claims they made before release.

-Passing can be a little wonky at times. For one, the freestyle passing seems to be a tad latent. I had 2 different fast breaks where I tried to throw a snazzy pass, and both times it took a moment for it to happen, much slower than a normal pass. Maybe it was a fluke, or had to do with the context my player was in, but it seemed less fluid and cool than last year. Also, I've had several times where the guys will use the wrong hand when trying to feed the post. For example, I'll be on the left wing and try to throw a left handed bounce pass in to my big, and instead my guy tries to pass right handed, which basically throws it right into the defender's knees or feet.

-Speaking of kicked balls, did they remove that violation from the game? I've seen no less than 5 times in 2 games where a ball blatantly hits a guys feet and nothing gets called. That sucks.

-Player models are hit and miss. While some look astonishingly good, others are downright horrible. It seems like pretty much any white guy is subject to this problem, as I noticed in a game w my Bulls that Gasol, Dougie McBuckets, Mirotic and Hinrich all look pretty much nothing like themselves. Joakim Noah inexplicably has a sagging left eye, he looks like Sloth from the Goonies, with a stylish pony bun of course. I shudder to think how bad Nowitzki will look, and the Rubio model is embarrassing from what I've seen.

All in all, I'm much happier with the game than I expected to be. It really is crazy how much different it looks on a nice TV, as opposed to a video feed on my CPU. I knew from last year's game that gameplay would be tight, and it still exceeds my expectations. I'll still be renting Live for a couple of weeks when the time comes, but a week ago I was almost totally sold on Live, and now I'd say 2k is back in the driver's seat. Really, really great game with just a few major flaws holding it back from being an all-timer.
# 25 bswpriorityhonda @ 10/10/14 11:50 AM
Am I just completely missing something, or is there not 2K Share, or any roster share on 2k15 for XBOX ONE? I spent 15 minutes looking through every single menu option and could not find it ANYWHERE
# 26 VDusen04 @ 10/10/14 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
-Speaking of kicked balls, did they remove that violation from the game? I've seen no less than 5 times in 2 games where a ball blatantly hits a guys feet and nothing gets called. That sucks.
It was cool to see kicked balls called in 2K, but I am not sure if their approach was accurate, for in real life those violations are usually reserved for intentional attempts to deflect the ball with one's foot. I'm not sure if there's a way to do that in 2K, so it'd almost make more sense to have that violation removed.

Section V-Strike the Ball
a. A player shall not kick the ball or strike it with the fist.
b. Kicking the ball or striking it with any part of the leg is a violation when it is an intentional act. The ball accidentally striking the foot, the leg or fist is not a violation.
# 27 Bobhead @ 10/10/14 02:24 PM
Yeah I hated getting called for kickball violations because someone else deflected the ball into my feet. So silly. It's only a good thing if they removed those shenanigans.

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