Feature Article
EA Sports UFC's Third Patch Impressions and Thoughts

EA Sports UFC has its third patch out, and EA is once again showing that they’re at least committed to making meaningful changes to the gameplay months after the initial release. There are quite a few changes in this update, and there are two new fighters as well. Here are the details.

The new combatants are Tim Kennedy at middleweight and Gunnar Nelson at welterweight. EA has also allowed Nick Diaz to fight at middleweight. Tim Kennedy has a 91 rating, and that comes from his 91 in striking, 89 in ground and 88 in submissions. I’ve had success with him against moderate competition (on the hardest difficulty) such as Costa Philippou, who is rated 87 overall. Kennedy’s perks are geared around clinch work and pushing the pace (both in the clinch and on the ground). Gunnar Nelson is s 90 overall, and his ratings are 90 for striking, 87 for ground and 91 for submissions. He has strong ground perks, including “Infinite Core,” “Chess Master” and “Crushing Presence.”

As for other gameplay tweaks…

• Finish the Fight 2.0: Finish off a rocked opponent, running them down across the Octagon with a flurry of punches once they’ve been wobbled.
EA previously added finish the fight moments on the ground, so it’s cool to be able to chase guys down and create some Vitor Belfort moments. The animations look okay, as the weaker fighter will sort of stagger backwards as you're blasting them with jabs and hooks. It’s a fun addition.

• Guillotine Takedown Reversals: Users can now attempt a Guillotine submission while being taken down. This move is only available to fighters who can perform a Guillotine choke from Full Guard. To initiate the submission, deny the takedown by pressing R1/RB and down on the Right Stick.
For those who have a guillotine, it’s a nice trick to have in the bag. That said, it would be best reserved for matches where you (1) have a massive submission rating edge and (2) have a massive lead in stamina during the match. Still, the more tactical options the better.

• Takedown Variety: More variety added to takedowns based on denial and input times. Perfect takedowns will now end in Half Guard, while late denials or inputs will end in Full Guard.
In some limited play, I’ve definitely noticed a lot more variety in how the takedowns play out, with some kick catches resulting in pushes of the foot or trips. Standard takedowns are also more varied, and the impact and animation is much more dependent on the vulnerability of the defender.

• Slips: Back slips will now hold longer to avoid strikes and side slips now have improved evasive properties.
The window for slipping strikes does seem a bit longer, but I don’t think this is something that is going to radically change up evasion all that much. The game is still in need of a refinement to its parry system, which is too powerful, and the slip and feint system of Undisputed 3 would be welcome, but that’s probably in the next game.

• Fatigued Kicks: New animations now added for fatigued kicks during health events or low stamina.
It did seem like kicks came out a little slower and were easier to catch when low on health, and I don’t usually try throwing any kicks during health events. This animation change is pretty subtle, but I’ll need to test it online to really know what this has done to spamming at low stamina levels. Regarding kicks, EA still needs to tweak kick catching for AI offline, as they are god-like in their ability to scout kicks and take you down. It’s a great feature, but it shouldn’t be that common of an occurrence.

The update also contains lots of tuning and tweaking, with the most important change coming from the combo branching system. You’ll probably notice that strikes are bit faster now, as you can set up new strikes a few frames earlier. It’s more subtle than I thought it would be, but there is some extra fluidity and speed on the combos. My worry is that the stamina system, while improved, isn’t where it needs to be to handle this sort of addition to the game.

We’ll see how things look online — and against AI offline — in the coming weeks.


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Member Comments
# 1 Poke @ 10/05/14 05:43 PM
So guys is this game worth buying now?
# 2 ericem @ 10/05/14 07:32 PM
totally different game from the demo if you ask me.
# 3 Sausage @ 10/05/14 11:26 PM
This game has barely left my console since the previous update and now with the recent update it is truly a gem. Too bad so many people sold there copies early; I put a little faith in the gentlemen that posted here and I am so impressed with how improved this game is.
# 4 GameplayDevUFC @ 10/05/14 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Sausage
This game has barely left my console since the previous update and now with the recent update it is truly a gem. Too bad so many people sold there copies early; I put a little faith in the gentlemen that posted here and I am so impressed with how improved this game is.
You made my night. I'm getting roasted over on the official forums.
# 5 sirjam @ 10/06/14 12:20 AM
I think it's a great game however IMO stamina is off. U shouldn't get that much taken from you if you fight smart and use soft strikes like jabs etc.
# 6 DBMcGee3 @ 10/06/14 09:35 AM
I haven't played in about a month, but even the 2nd gameplay patch made the fights far more realistic. The CPU fighters threw punches more strategically, which limited opportunities to parry and made KOs far more rewarding in my opinion. For being such a tyrannical, lazy company at times, EA has really impressed me with the effort they've put into patching and updating games the past few years. Ideally, it would be nice to have the games be optimal upon release, but I have no problems with a company continuing to work towards a better product, especially when the updates are of no cost to the consumer.

I can honestly say that the UFC game, along with a FIFA 15 game that I find amazing, have truly got me considering an NBA Live 15 purchase this month. Keep up the good work EA!
# 7 tha_show256 @ 10/06/14 11:03 AM
GameplayDev, please don't let those guys discourage all your hard work!! This is a GREAT GAME!! Those of us that kept the game really appreciate all your hard work and transparency on all issues! Keep up the good work!!
# 8 RdubYa @ 10/06/14 12:54 PM
I tried the demo prior to release and just wasn't impressed. From what I have been reading it seems like it may be worth giving a shot now.

Glad to hear the game is still getting developer support.
# 9 maltliquor23 @ 10/06/14 01:03 PM
I picked it up when it was on sale on PSN and am thrilled that i did. I Loved it after the second patch and more so now.
# 10 livindominicano @ 10/06/14 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I haven't played in about a month, but even the 2nd gameplay patch made the fights far more realistic. The CPU fighters threw punches more strategically, which limited opportunities to parry and made KOs far more rewarding in my opinion. For being such a tyrannical, lazy company at times, EA has really impressed me with the effort they've put into patching and updating games the past few years. Ideally, it would be nice to have the games be optimal upon release, but I have no problems with a company continuing to work towards a better product, especially when the updates are of no cost to the consumer.

I can honestly say that the UFC game, along with a FIFA 15 game that I find amazing, have truly got me considering an NBA Live 15 purchase this month. Keep up the good work EA!
lol at buying nba live
# 11 fishingtime @ 10/06/14 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by tha_show256
GameplayDev, please don't let those guys discourage all your hard work!! This is a GREAT GAME!! Those of us that kept the game really appreciate all your hard work and transparency on all issues! Keep up the good work!!
It isn't that we don't appreciate all the hard work, it is how this patch has changed online behavior. This game is awesome offline now, but a totally different beast online. The CPU doesn't come at you like online players do. The latency also plays a huge role in blocking etc. With the combo speed, any bad latency can ruin your night. I had this happen last night. Turns out I needed to power cycle my modem, but there are still guys I play that my connection doesn't allow me to pump block, etc.

Overall the patch is great. There are just things that people do that ruin it. That isn't the patches fault, just the way people play and the inability to defend correctly at times.
# 12 talucchesi @ 10/07/14 02:40 AM
I really think I'm going to buy this game now given all the patches and positive comments ive been reading
# 13 RumbleCard @ 10/07/14 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by fishingtime
It isn't that we don't appreciate all the hard work, it is how this patch has changed online behavior. This game is awesome offline now, but a totally different beast online. The CPU doesn't come at you like online players do. The latency also plays a huge role in blocking etc. With the combo speed, any bad latency can ruin your night. I had this happen last night. Turns out I needed to power cycle my modem, but there are still guys I play that my connection doesn't allow me to pump block, etc.

Overall the patch is great. There are just things that people do that ruin it. That isn't the patches fault, just the way people play and the inability to defend correctly at times.
Can't stress that enough. Twice last night I got caught in a moment where upon getting up from the ground I couldn't defend and it was the same ole R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R until I was done.

Seeing stat lines of my opponent look like this and still earn the win...

S. Strikes 6/44
Total Strikes 39/178
TD 1/8

and I'm trying to be prudent and judicious...

S. Strikes 19/27
Total Strikes 58/82
TD 6/9

But all it takes is for your opponent to catch you in a RLRLRLR flurry and its over. I'm not gassed either...I should be able to get my hands up.

With that said I do think things are improved. I still enjoy the game but there's little I can do against a spammer. I figure a low level spammer has at least a 60/40 chance of beating someone who's well rounded and skilled on the ground.
# 14 GameplayDevUFC @ 10/07/14 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by RumbleCard
Can't stress that enough. Twice last night I got caught in a moment where upon getting up from the ground I couldn't defend and it was the same ole R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R until I was done.

Seeing stat lines of my opponent look like this and still earn the win...

S. Strikes 6/44
Total Strikes 39/178
TD 1/8

and I'm trying to be prudent and judicious...

S. Strikes 19/27
Total Strikes 58/82
TD 6/9

But all it takes is for your opponent to catch you in a RLRLRLR flurry and its over. I'm not gassed either...I should be able to get my hands up.

With that said I do think things are improved. I still enjoy the game but there's little I can do against a spammer. I figure a low level spammer has at least a 60/40 chance of beating someone who's well rounded and skilled on the ground.
Same question I ask everyone who reports this problem.

Was your opponent alternating body/head while doing this, or just focusing on one level.

If he wasn't alternating, did you try strong block?

Was this online or offline?

I'm trying to formulate a recommended fix but need to be very persuasive and need all the info I can get.

# 15 DaveDQ @ 10/07/14 12:37 PM
I think if they could tune block stamina to where it doesn't drain so much, things would be much better.
# 16 RumbleCard @ 10/07/14 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC
Same question I ask everyone who reports this problem.

Was your opponent alternating body/head while doing this, or just focusing on one level.

If he wasn't alternating, did you try strong block?

Was this online or offline?

I'm trying to formulate a recommended fix but need to be very persuasive and need all the info I can get.

Thanks for the response and question.

My opponent was targeting just the head. I wouldn't have felt so cheated if they were targeting multiple areas.

The spammers usually target one zone. Its either going to be just the head or just the body but the majority of the time its the head.

I seem to get caught in these situation coming up from the ground.

I have tried to strong block but I can't seem to get any kind of block up. Strong or otherwise.

These types of opponents used to just spam the jab, same hand. But now it seems like the R/L/R/L/R/L is faster.

A good combo is a good combo but a dozen strikes RLRLRLRLRLRLRLR just seems a bit unrealistic. My natural instinct is to immediately attempt a takedown since I can't get my guard up. This does help sometimes but a lot of times it'll result in me taking a shot as I lunge and it just makes it worse if not results in being rocked.

I do understand that this is not boxing and being prudent doesn't always pay off but I do feel as though if I could at least get my guard up and weather the barrage of LRLRLRLRLRLR I could capitalize on the stamina drop of my opponent.
# 17 hodge2g @ 10/07/14 02:59 PM
Online has become a spam fest with alternating hooks. I love this game, but I might have to take a break till this is fixed. You shouldn't be able to throw 20 hooks back to back and not be gassed out. It ain't even worth trying to learn combos, when the only effective one is 20 alternating hooks, 3 second break, 20 alternating hooks, rinse and repeat. There should be some type of stamina penalty for this. Both during the round and the breaks in between. By the 3rd round you should be dead tired after throwing so many BLOCKED hooks.
# 18 fishingtime @ 10/07/14 03:10 PM
The problem is you can mix it up with head and body using anything. Going to the body just opens your head up which further negates your ability to defend. I would say the best defense is to sway, but the leg kicks are so common now that you open your self up to free shots from this as well. Throw in latency, and you are doomed. I think if you could actually take the combo speed away from strikes where you are pushing towards the guy it would make it a lot better. Hook spam is from pushing towards your opponent.

The combo speed should be about setting up one good shot. Not trying to get off 10 good shots from the start. Taking out the lunging forward with the jab would also help.
# 19 ManiacMatt1782 @ 10/07/14 04:21 PM
The ground game is broken. You gain stamina back while spamming get up. an emergency patch is needed to fix this.
# 20 RumbleCard @ 10/07/14 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by hodge2g
Online has become a spam fest with alternating hooks. I love this game, but I might have to take a break till this is fixed. You shouldn't be able to throw 20 hooks back to back and not be gassed out. It ain't even worth trying to learn combos, when the only effective one is 20 alternating hooks, 3 second break, 20 alternating hooks, rinse and repeat. There should be some type of stamina penalty for this. Both during the round and the breaks in between. By the 3rd round you should be dead tired after throwing so many BLOCKED hooks.
This probably better describes what I'm running into. Only I'm also seeing the inability to block this upon getting up from the ground.

I definitely think a good series of combos should exist within the game. Perhaps even as deep as 5-6 strikes if mixed up correctly.

But this alternating LRLRLRLRLRL needs to be severely penalized both in stamina and the ability to maintain a high level of speed after so many punches.

If by the 5th-6th consecutive punch you begin to lose speed and power this would stop the spamming cold. With a drop in both speed and effectiveness you'll be forced to act with more care and caution.

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