Feature Article
Will NHL Recover From a Down Year? (Roundtable)
NHL 15 hasn't had the smoothest year up to this point.
Many reviews, including our own, gave the game very pedestrian scores. Of course, critic scoring of game titles is only one aspects of the post-release launch. Many fans have been quite unhappy with the game and its direction on our forums as well.
But yet in all of the pessimism there is a glimmer of hope. The gameplay within the new-gen version is actually rather good, and the presentation took giant leaps forward this year. So while this year's game was missing a lot of modes, there is still reason for hope with the future of the franchise.
So with all of that said, can NHL recover from this year's debacle and regain its status as one of the premiere titles in our genre?
Jayson Young: Regardless of how low this year's review scores are, or how loud the consumer outrage is, Electronic Arts' NHL series doesn't seem to be in any danger of disappearing from the marketplace, unless a rival miraculously emerges next season and decides to release a competing NHL product on consoles.

Last generation, the series' sales peaked with NHL 11, as in North America, each subsequent edition of NHL sold less than the previous year. But considering the company's rising Ultimate Team revenue (up 50% year-over-year in Q1 2015), I assume that mode alone is making up for many of the lost sales. This year's "Ultimate Edition," which costs $10 more than a normal copy of NHL 15, is also helping offset the fact that the NHL series has become increasingly unpopular among sports gamers.
Chris Sanner: Given the well known (but oft-unspoken) rumors that there were mismanaged studio resources this year, and given the fact NHL has still managed to get gameplay and presentation largely down -- the game really is a few game modes away from being quite good again. So yes, the product will recover and recover nicely next year so long as EA doesn't pull the plug on the series for whatever bad reason they can come up with.

Where fans can gripe at the higher-ups at EA about is where the series could be if not for what is now two wasted years on next-gen. Regardless, the series will be fine long term so long as EA gives it a chance to flourish into the future with the proper resources in development.
Glenn Wigmore: Frankly, as Jayson and Chris said, NHL can survive a bad year. It's sad that EA probably doesn't have to own many of the problems that came up around this year's game, but when you have a huge revenue stream in HUT, it's likely pretty easy to feel that you can ride out a low year for sales (and that might not even be the case considering it's selling on four platforms). That said, nothing is really going to steer this year's game into much of a positive direction. There is too much of a pall over the entire NHL 15 launch.

Even with all of this factored in, NHL 16 will likely remedy much of what ails this year's game. I'm sure all of the online modes will be fully restored (OTP, EASHL and possibly GM Connected), and some kind of revised career mode will also likely return. A few of the other peripheral modes may reappear, and many of the small and moderate issues of this year (simulation problems, missing creation features, menus, etc.) will be addressed. Whether gameplay and presentation continue to evolve is an interesting question. On top of that, will EA really add anything new? They might just end up doing so much catch-up work that's impossible to really put a new spotlight on next year's game. I guess the good news is that the only possible direction, it would seem, is up. Let's hope in that upward trajectory, they do a much better job of communicating the ups and downs of the journey to the people that buy their game.

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Member Comments
# 1 Nickflyers @ 09/20/14 10:20 AM
If they can get the BAGM/BAP up to say the NBA2k15 standard, properly implement EASHL and improve the AI, defense capabilities and revamp the goalies. Yes they can.

Problem is that they alienated a lot of their hardcore fans by basically keeping their mouths shut after the Early Access sh+storm that occurred. If thy had come out and said there is going to be a lack of depth or he'll even delay it a bit the backlash would have been less severe. Sean and the crew need to communicate with the fans more and actually listen to our inputs.

To recover they will need to make the necessary improvements and blow those fans that did not buy 15 out of the water.
# 2 Mrmagoo @ 09/20/14 10:49 AM
Not here, ea nhl was the only ea sports game that I still would leave the door open to purchase new (depending on reviews of course, and admittedly has been awhile since I had purchased new) but not anymore.
After this disgusting debacle, I won't be buying ANY ea sports games new ever. Strictly used and at this rate apparently that won't be happening much either.
Now that certainly doesn't mean they can't recover. Imo I think they probably will, I mean look how many ppl bought the game at full price in the shape it's in now. While I do think that recovery certainly is possible, it's not for me.
One of the worst companies around in my opinion!!
# 3 BMDinTDOT @ 09/20/14 11:36 AM
Well for this gamer...

This is the first EA NHL game I've bought since NHL 1997 on Sega Genesis. I've hated the game play,
controls, graphics etc every year since then. For the last 17 years I give it a try and always hated it.

Kudos to EA for finally making an enjoyable NHL game for once absolutely love it on next gen. I don't
care about the modes that are missing and I'm sure they'll be back soon anyways.
# 4 bowld @ 09/20/14 12:32 PM
Say what you will about the missing modes. I am loving this game and cant stop playing. The gameplay is awesome and just pure fun
# 5 GROGtheNailer @ 09/20/14 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by BMDinTDOT
Well for this gamer...

This is the first EA NHL game I've bought since NHL 1997 on Sega Genesis. I've hated the game play,
controls, graphics etc every year since then. For the last 17 years I give it a try and always hated it.

Kudos to EA for finally making an enjoyable NHL game for once absolutely love it on next gen. I don't
care about the modes that are missing and I'm sure they'll be back soon anyways.
What about the missing defensive AI mode? I get that you do not care that EA screws other people over but some people do care.

I hope they do not recover actually. I hope they lose the series, be it by not making enough money or people deciding they have had enough and not buying....whatever, I hope they do not continue doing NHL games and I hope some one takes their place. They cannot do any worse.
# 6 Stobzilla @ 09/20/14 12:43 PM
1 of two things will happen.

1) They realise the error of their ways, look at ways of fine tuning the gameplay for next year whilst reincorporating the modes that are loved ever so. They launch next year with little to no problems or at least nothing that can't be fixed straight away with a patch in the first couple months, everyone comes back. Happy days.

2) Competition, 2K or even possibly SCE sense an opportunity to gain a franchise. The SCE route is a particularly interesting route for future Hockey games. The work they did with MLB: The Show has revitalised baseball gaming and I know was even purchased by people in the UK on next gen who don't have the first clue about what is going on in the game.

If Sony are smart then they should be watching this situation very intently, the chance for them to make a game for a dedicated fan base while possibly shifting some more of their consoles has to be one that appeals to them.
# 7 Mrmagoo @ 09/20/14 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Stobzilla
1 of two things will happen.

1) They realise the error of their ways, look at ways of fine tuning the gameplay for next year whilst reincorporating the modes that are loved ever so. They launch next year with little to no problems or at least nothing that can't be fixed straight away with a patch in the first couple months, everyone comes back. Happy days.

2) Competition, 2K or even possibly SCE sense an opportunity to gain a franchise. The SCE route is a particularly interesting route for future Hockey games. The work they did with MLB: The Show has revitalised baseball gaming and I know was even purchased by people in the UK on next gen who don't have the first clue about what is going on in the game.

If Sony are smart then they should be watching this situation very intently, the chance for them to make a game for a dedicated fan base while possibly shifting some more of their consoles has to be one that appeals to them.
Well the chances of number 1 happen are slim to none.
Number 2, that would be sweet!! Be it SCEA or even 2k, with a new team.
# 8 Dazraz @ 09/20/14 01:05 PM
Of course it will recover, unless the series gets some competition. I'd love to see 2K have another crack. They obviously couldn't invest to the same extent as their NBA game but they could borrow so many ideas in terms of depth & presentation that providing they do a reasonable job in regards to gameplay they will win over many fans. A lot of people are simply tired of EA's largely rehashed product.
# 9 riichiieriich @ 09/20/14 01:15 PM

The NHL is not popular enough to get Sony to do something like that. It would be cool if they did something about it though.
# 10 Majingir @ 09/20/14 01:21 PM
It will recover because EA is the only company making NHL games. EA is so lucky they don't have competition or else they'd get beaten out. Look what happened with NBA Live. THE basketball game for over a decade, and then the second they got some serious competition, EA couldn't step it up and now EA is barely even capable of releasing a NBA live game anymore.

Really hope someone can step in for the NHL series and do something major. There's a big opportunity to do so, but because of hockey being the #4 pro sport in USA, game companies don't want to really bother with it at all.

Originally Posted by Dazraz
Of course it will recover, unless the series gets some competition. I'd love to see 2K have another crack. They obviously couldn't invest to the same extent as their NBA game but they could borrow so many ideas in terms of depth & presentation that providing they do a reasonable job in regards to gameplay they will win over many fans. A lot of people are simply tired of EA's largely rehashed product.
You never know what 2K might be able to do with NHL. They've completely turned around the WWE game franchise(which just like NHL series,used to be REAL GREAT and then started declining to a point where fans didn't even want to really get the game every year). If they could do that to WWE, I'm sure if the right people were involved, they could do this for NHL as well.
# 11 Stobzilla @ 09/20/14 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by riichiieriich

The NHL is not popular enough to get Sony to do something like that. It would be cool if they did something about it though.
It would all be relative to budget though and given how well they know a lot of people would respond to a "HUT" like mode, they may see it as a possiblity.

You think of hockey's popularity outside of North America (in Europe) and Sony's sizeable bigger presence in Europe. You would even assume that it's pull is such that a lot of people over with the X-Box1 would make the switch if the game were good enough, much in the same way they did when it became apparent that "The Show" was a few miles ahead of MLB2K.

It is all very unlikely of course, but if I were at SCE and SCEA then it would be something I gave a lot of thought to.
# 12 BMDinTDOT @ 09/20/14 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by GROGtheNailer
What about the missing defensive AI mode? I get that you do not care that EA screws other people over but some people do care.

I hope they do not recover actually. I hope they lose the series, be it by not making enough money or people deciding they have had enough and not buying....whatever, I hope they do not continue doing NHL games and I hope some one takes their place. They cannot do any worse.
Even though this is first EA NHL game I've bought since 1997....

I had all the NHL 2K games in the 2000's which were superior games than EA Hockey and you
know what happened? All the EA fan boys continued to buy EAs NHL.

Just like how all the EA fan boys bought Madden over NFL 2K when NFL 2K was clearly the better
game. The majority of the general public is stupid and that's why we don't have competition anymore.

I don't like EA sports games in general this is the first one I've bought since MVP Baseball in 2004.
I've done my share but this NHL 15 game is great and earned my money. As for the missing modes
they aren't the only ones who made their debut on Next Gen missing a bunch of stuff from their
previous version on 360/PS3.

You can have all the modes in the world but if the graphics, gameplay and controls are awful
as they've been in the past it doesn't matter. I like that they've built a good game first and worrying
about plugging the modes in after.
# 13 onac22 @ 09/20/14 05:12 PM
One more grip so i saved up the 17,500 coins it takes to get the top tier gold pack. In it wee four players rAted 75-79. Three LD and one RD and Eric Brewer RW grinder rated 84. A few contracts one 28 and 3 x 13. Some training cards and a devils jersey. Wow happy I saved up for that joke pack. All I learned is auction from here in out.
# 14 bwiggy33 @ 09/20/14 05:25 PM
I think they can, it's just a matter of whether they want to. For many people on this site it's going to take some changes to the core gameplay to do it. For me, I couldn't care a less about the modes that didn't make it in the game because I didn't play any of those. The problem is the gameplay itself. This is the second year in a row I haven't purchased the game and honestly I haven't even been close to tempted to. The on ice gameplay just doesn't do it for me. The way the AI thinks has been almost the exact same since NHL 07 and to me that's just flat out unacceptable. This is next gen. It's time to start making AI changes that we see Madden, FIFA, NBA 2k, and The Show doing. The power of the console does not seem to be used much at all. The highly touted "AI" is non existent and virtually identical to 360 and PS3. I don't even need to buy the game to see that. It's almost as if they hit copy and paste in that area of the game. I could tell just by playing two minute periods in the demo.
# 15 Smirkin Dirk @ 09/20/14 07:56 PM
This is all similar to 2K14.

That's games design choices and lack of user customisation was abysmal. But the gameplay was more than solid.

Now 2K15 is shaping up as potentially the greatest sports game of all time.

I'd expect a similar bounceback from NHL.
# 16 bxphenom7 @ 09/20/14 08:03 PM
I'd say of course it will since all they have to do is put back the modes (right?). If anything, they should have MUCH IMPROVED modes for next year. I think that was the long term development plan.
# 17 THESHAMISASHAME @ 09/20/14 08:19 PM
Almost posted when you started this thread last night as I dont understand the entitlement issue some have but I always talk with my wallet ? but what the heck I guess Ill say it again EA NHL did what it had to do because of lack of resources and Gameplay with a little work is amazing right out of the box and thats really all that matters to me .

I mean could you imaging if EA NHL didnt released the game like this ? It could have been 3 years to fix a have baked mess with all the modes bugs and glitches so Im glad they bit the bullet for NHL 15 but thank heavens they are releasing a playoff mode as its all I play anyways and 3 stars is a plus so Im set once that drops .

But now we at least have a wonderful deep base that hopefully will be built upon in future releases and many years to come .
# 18 actionhank @ 09/20/14 08:21 PM
If EA actually shows some interest in more evenly catering towards it's player base, and gets the game back to a quality, innovative title. Then definitely. I sat out this year because the gameplay looks the same, they removed a ton of features and modes, and despite it all, seemed pretty content to not address the obvious issues.
That said, i've been growing more frustrated with EA year after year. This was just the final straw. A lot of people want and ask for a more realistic type gameplay, and despite this EA has continuously made their development team cater towards the HUT crowd and making the game have awesome hits and cool fights. I get that they need to secure a money pipeline when possible, but to constantly have frustrating AI year after year, and goalies that let in the most absurd and weak shots, while sliding across the ice and making insane dives on open nets while HUT gets promoted, and videos of fan selfies get focuses on just makes EA's marketing frustrating, and the game itself more frustrating.
EA's NHL has a ton of potential, and isn't a terrible game. But, it's still frustrating to play if realism is something that's important to you. EA has a lot of work to do to earn back a handful of people who usually defend the title, myself included.
# 19 MDgolf @ 09/20/14 08:35 PM
This is the best representation of hockey I have ever played. Gameplay wise this is on par with FIFA. I don't play the modes that are missing so I'm good. Kudos to EA for making good madden, fifa and NHL games this year (gameplay wise). In my opinion the show was average just because of hiccups and framerate issues. Well done EA really great gameplay!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 20 drog1602 @ 09/20/14 09:15 PM
For me its more about the damage that was done with how everything was handled. That is going to leave a tarnish on this series, can we even trust this development team anymore. I know for me, I feel like they just don't care about their longtime customers.

Its this damage that could ultimately hurt this series. It will either take an honest apology from Rammer or a change in development team to win many people back, myself included.

As far as the game, it can't just be a rehash of the old modes brought back in. I expect a true next gen experience and some serious improvements to the core of this game.

Just my .02 cents, that will fall on deaf ears over at EA.

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